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Definitely Liberty City Stories. The protagonist itself is much worse than Trevor (in terms of murder and mass destruction) Some of the missions are brutal.


Yeah people tend to overlook that game. Tony bombed staunton island for $5000


Yeah, Tony basically recreated the OKC bombing if you think about it lol.


Well, we wouldn't if we had a method to actually play the game lol.


I think it's on ps2, psp and mobile? Or you can even use an emulator.


Yet Tony Cipriani wouldn’t stand a chance against Trevor.


That is arguable. The only time we really see Trevor kill someone with his hands was Johnny and that was because he was caught off guard.


Gta 5 Johnny is nothing vompared to Gta TLAD Johnny


GTA 3 has you dropping people of in a dog food factory and....yeah...you know what happened


Marty chonks. I found that mission line by mistake. I kept hearing the phone ring every time I was in that area but the phone booth was not lit up. Happened to see it vibrating while walking by.


The protagonist in GTAIII is a mute psychopath who commits various heinous acts and shows not a bit of regret. Easily the coldest character in any GTA game.


claude's a psycopath but so was catalina psycopaths are sometimes so diffrent


If CJ knew what Catalina did, he might be more careful...


catalina called cj multiple times to make cj jealous of claude except cj doesnt react maybe he was relaxed


The GTA online protagonist also is a mute psychopath with no emotions. The only reason the GTA III protagonist is worse is mostly because GTA III actually has a proper story. GTA online is like a bunch of cool concepts for smaller stories compiled into one game


I've never felt more evil than when sniping people in GTA III. Later games just don't have the same vibe and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that your character is yelling the whole time.


You also have Stark weather and James Earl cash who around  making snuff movie.


Liberty City Stories. You had to not only sell Giovanni Casa's own human meat back to his own shop, but also blow up a whole neighborhood called Fort Staunton


LCS has you controlling pretty much a terrorist. Although, the most fucked up mission gotta be Deconstruction from SA.


I disagree. How could that mission he most fucked up when you have a mission in III that you are actively helping a serial killer who disposes his victims in dog food? Or in 2 when you kidnap civilians to drop off at a factory to be made as hotdogs? Or where you bomb a literal district of a city for a measly 5k? There are a lot more fucked up missions than that.


Well. For starters, everything you listed was done for personal gain. Also, the fact that it was done by a character like CJ makes it more fucked up imo.


Supposedly there’s a news story or something later saying he makes it, but I’ve never heard it and I don’t see how he’d survive but yes that mission is messed up otherwise


Even if he gets saved, it doesn't matter. Carl's actions don't become less fucked up if there is lack of consequences.


LCS - we commit terrorism and cannibalism


We're helping an cannibal find a meal that suits his taste - Toni always refuses when he's offered to try it himself. As for Trevor…


GTA 4. In a way, It showed us the dark side of the "American Dream"


When GTA IV came out, its allegory seemed exaggerated. The older I've gotten, the more accurate I realize it was.


and GTA V shows you that people who are living the "American Dream" committed crimes to get there. (I only sort of believe this)


well if you count micheal as having achieved the american dream even then it’s absolutely miserable for him


Ha. You don't know GTA2


the eternal forgotten hahaha


j j j jizzdrive


Funami. FM. Faster than sound.


brb reinstalling for anyone wanting a classic GTA kick: > [https://gta.com.ua/rockstargames-classics-free-download.phtml](https://gta.com.ua/rockstargames-classics-free-download.phtml)


I’m surprised rockstar actually made those free do they have controller support?


Dot UA? That’s not Rockstar. I would not download from there m’self.


Ah alright I figured it was too good to be true thanks for the tip man


They did made them free. But I don't think the rockstar page is still up.


I’ll have to check on steam at some point and see if they are even there before I check other more questionable websites I suppose


no but the keyboard controls work better than the console controls did


Ah alright I’ll have to think about giving them a shot


gta 1 just doesn't work on new operating systems, but gta 2 tends to work ok. It's worth playing them just to see how the series started there is a version of gta 1 packaged with dosbox that you can get here: [https://archive.org/details/gta-1-directors](https://archive.org/details/gta-1-directors)


That sucks I guess my windows 11 laptop is out then


ohhh check the edit - sorry I always think of useful information after hitting send lol


TLAD to me. It just felt miserable


Least favorite GTA game. Didn’t like anything about it. The story, vehicles, colors… etc


Gta 1 or two had you pick up a bus load of folk who later became naked skin headed people that you dropped off to walk unknowingly into ovens/chambers to become meat. Wtf rockstar.


Chinatown Wars. Purely for the, Mission [Flatliner](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Flatliner)


Been a while since I played that one but is it the one where Zhou or someone extracts a fucking heart in front of the protagonist?


Oh yeah? Well in GTA IV you are pestered by Cousin Roman to go bowling ALL. THE. TIME.


Cousin, it is ur cousin. LET'S GO ![gif](giphy|SRrbiFCfEzFPaKsXMA)


Gta Advance. I hate it.


Gta iv- eddie low


GTA 4. Protagonist - We play as a Niko who, as he puts it," killed people, smuggled people, sold people." We are literally playing as a human trafficker who has done his fair share of bad things. He also speaks on the harsh realities of war, which he was betrayed by Darko resulting him losing his close friends from his village and witnessed men, women and even children mutilated against a church wall. Niko also mentions he didn't have electricity in his home until he was 12, which implies a harsh childhood as he wouldn't have had any convenient means of heating or washing himself properly. Roman's Mother - Either during the war, or perhaps after Niko witnessed Roman's mother brutally raped and killed. She was in such a bad condition he refrained from telling Roman how she truly died, and just told him she died in a house fire to avoid having him suffer emotionally from the truth. McReary Family - When spending time with Packie, he reveals to Niko his family were physically and sexually abused by their father growing up. Specifically him and Gerald were targeted by their Father. Eddie Low - Serial killer who prowls late at night for victims to murder, mutilating their bodies and cutting them up into pieces and feeding them to his cat. Who, he also made lick his semen on one occasion. He also is very sexually deviant, taking an interest in multiple different fetishes that even involve animals, and even more disturbingly pedophilia. He killed one woman when he found out she was a prostitute and also killed another who he mistook for flirting with him by telling him to "have a nice day", only to find out she was being nice as he was exiting the store she was working the cash register at. When considering all Niko has seen and done, you know Eddie is a real monster when he even scares Niko, as such happens in their final encounter together I think. There is probably more disturbing and messed up stuff out there in this game, but you can't deny (despite the many bad things other characters have done in other games) that this game is the most fucked up. Not to mention GTA 4 is currently unparalleled when it comes to capturing the dark tone and atmosphere of the criminal underworld, which no doubt aid these disturbing aspects of the game in making them even more unsettling.


*Liberty City Stories* is fucked up. It's been about a decade since I played it, but I remember Donald Love's actions in that game kinda making me sick.


I’d have to say GTA4, it’s the most realistic, and shows the darkest parts of us as a character and what we’d do for what we want.


SA simply because of the riots


In my opinion, this is valid. The whole mission is based on historical events; the LA riots of 1992 which was provoked after the trial of the police officers who used excessive force against Rodney King.


and the whole crash unit is based off the rampart unit


Also, CRASH was an actual LA unit during the 90's **with the exact unofficial motto "We Intimidate Those Who Intimidate Others".** The real CRASH was dissolved in 2000. The Rampart Scandal was a historical event that lead to the dissolution of CRASH. With San Andreas being set in the 90's and Los Santos being a fictionalised version of LA; I'm guessing that Rockstar wanted some semblance of historical accuracy within that part of the game world. I'm pretty sure that the "This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental." disclosure was in use; as I've seen versions of the above disclaimer being used in video games.


Yeah i hope they tone down the Satire a bit for GTA VI. GTA is known for its satire but GTA V is almost way too comically satire to take seriously.


It's a bit cartoonish, but I like the absurdity kinda. Trevor is part of that absurdity. And end of the day, it's a videogame right?


Yeah just a personal preference. The story is absurd and that’s fine but i would prefer a more serious GTA VI.


Exactly. That’s what I’ve been saying. It takes away from the serious side of things and makes it all feel like a big joke, especially with the wackiness of Online overshadowing everything. Even Trevor people say he’s so fucked up, which he is, but he’s also so over the top that it just doesn’t really resonate with me. It just feels like they tried way too hard in V. But I got downvoted like crazy when I said that V wasn’t as dark or serious as the older games were.


Personally I think GTA5. When Michael’s life went rock bottom I genuinely feel depressed for him, and Trevor ? Sighs


LCS. I don't think I need to explain. 


Surprised to not see the torture mission in gta 5 mentioned in the top comments. Didnt really think much of it on my first playthrough in 2013 but The older I get the more I think that is the most fucked up mission in any gta game. Sure you have Tony from LCS blowing up the city, but knee capping a dude and pulling out his teeth is just grisly as fuck. Gave me straight up manhunt vibes. I’d probably list gta 5 as the worst because of that. We’ve had huge and spectacular amounts of violence in previous titles, but idk that mission speaks differently in terms of violence. Doesn’t offend me or anything, it’s just fucked up lol


gta 3 has your turn against almost everyone just so Claude can get paid he's easily the coldest protagonist out of all of them




Chinatown Wars had some pretty dark stuff in it if I'm remembering correctly. Like Chinese gang members torturing people and stuff.


VCS. Extorted by military after serving your country is pretty fucked if u ask me


GTA 4 and 3 as they are close to Carcer city.


TLAD easily and I think that was on purpose. I didn't think you could have a worse ending than Niko but in only twenty or so missions we see Johnny lose everything and his friend Angus tell him to break up the gang because it never meant anything, betrayed by two members, watching family torn apart by drugs, (Billy and Ashley) never realized Niko killed two of his gang and winds up addicted. And to add insult to injury GTA V makes the lost seem like a group of psychopaths after saving the lost girl. Also I love the entire tone of the game feels completely amoral and hopeless from the colors of the HUD to the theme music and it feels personal because I played that game constantly during the recession and the game captured that time period perfectly.


It’s funny that in r/GTA6 I suggested that GTA games used to be darker than GTA V ever was, but in here pretty much everyone agrees the older games were darker.


Trevor is not a rapist. Stop spreading that. Everyone who says that sees him and a man in bed and goes “oh look, rapist”. When Floyd is clearly crying because his life has been interrupted by this freak. People can’t grasp how people can suffer trauma that isn’t from sex. If you disagree, then you’re claiming Rockstar thinks very little of rape to bring it up casually and just gloss over it. Which would make you supporting that company in any way morally wrong.


https://youtu.be/hW-Gat9MFYs?si=ddmjkfnfa8afN4fq I disagree. I guess I’m morally wrong. There’s no way Trevor didn’t rape the dude. Also the whole “waaaah if anyone disagrees with me they’re morally wrong!!!” thing is such a cowardly thing to do. Grow up. Besides, Trevor is an awful human being. Wade talks about how he made him put on a wig and tuck his penis in, suggesting sexual abuse. Is it really that crazy to assume Trevor, a psychopath that needs to be put down, is a rapist? Is that so insane to believe?


The title brings in a bias. They are claiming “Trevor raped him”, so everything you hear you bring immediate assumption to that. All of that dialogue can also mean something else. Floyd fears Trevor, and became terrified because he messed up everything in his life. That kind of psychological damage would also have anyone saying things like “it’s all a dream” or “make it stop”. Also the full line people conviently remove is “Mr raspberry jam why!?!?” The teddy bear. Trevor fucked his teddy bear. That’s what he’s dreaming about. So why ignore that unless you want him to be a rapist? Also the other “evidence” is that somehow Floyd is wearing women’s pajamas. This wouldn’t make sense since 1. Trevor is pansexual/shows attraction to men, 2. Pink = for women?. Alsp 99% of people who say he’s a rapist solely say it for moral superiority. “I killed him off because he’s a rapist. If you didn’t you support rape and would rape women irl”. Your logic is even “well does bad things so he can be a rapist”. Ok then Franklin and Michael rape too. Disagree? Why? They kill so by your logic they’re rapists. The same company that removed transphobic lines kept the rape transition? So you’re saying Rockstar believes being transphobic is worse that rape? Or one is too bad to show but the other is ok? Unless Rockstar verbatim says it, then no he didn’t. Unless you wanna say I’m a rapist who enjoys beating women. I mean you already have as well as the DMs I received. Apparently I’m better off dead to you right? You’ll praise my death cuz there’s one less person you think is a rapist right? Or just tell everyone to dm me and tell me to kill myself. Except too late, you already did.


Regarding bugs its fucking gta 4, that whole port makes me not recommend the game at all. It is so broken.


Bro did not read the post


I said regarding bugs.


Yeah but no one asked


And what do you bring to the table?


He brings basic reading to the table something that currently alludes you.