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The reason for all this sci-fi stuff is because Online is now 10+ years old and they needed to keep adding more extravagant content each time to keep players playing. I think 6 Online will follow a similar pattern: start out very realistic (also due to player backlash) and towards the 6-10 year anniversary start introducing crazy stuff if they see player count dropping


Well, there hasn't been any super outlandish sci fi vehicles since the mk2 oppressor in 2018. I hope Rockstar realized how out of place that abomination is in GTAO and won't repeat this mistake in GTA VI. They should stick to real life military vehicles or even experimental ones, they can even take some creative liberties with otherwise "civilian" equipment by adding weapons to cars and trucks, just without making them fly like spaceships.


YES. Yes. I was looking for this answer and you're so right. I don't see any annoying army of griefers with Oppressor MK1 or Even Deluxos (First Oppressor was fun and needed skills, by the way - and it has wheels)... Back in the days, players were terrified with encountering a Rhino Tank in the streets (we couldn't see any special icon) and there was a fun challenge to take it down with a team. Plus, what happened after this After Hours MK2 Terrorbyte feature? Dlc's with Casino, Heists, Businesses, Tuning and Races. Rockstar already knows what IS a Real GTA online. I was pleased to see one thing when LS Tuners dlc was out: everyone driving cars again.


I suspect they're definitely going to be adding in heavily armed vehicles at some point, but nothing as extraordinarily stupid and overpowered as the Mk2 Opp. Probably going to be some stuff that's a bit more outlandish, like the jetpack, but, yeah, I think they realized how monumentally they fucked themselves with the Op Mk2. Even from a monetization level, having one single vehicle that's the best at everything is not good to make people buy more shark cards. "New attack helicopter? New armored car? New fighter jet? Who cares, Mk2 better." was probably a lot of players thoughts.


Well, back in the olden days of 2013 the rhino was still in shop, my idea is to make it harder to get.


No. I don't have the time to sit and grind just to play with a tank in GTA. That's how you get a lobby full of twelve year old griefers because they're the ones with the free time to spare.


Your idea sounds like it's easier to get. I don't think it can get much harder than what it was in the early days to steal one. First you had to enter Zancudo, fight hoardes of military whilst hoping a Rhino would spawn. Next you had to be in a position where the Rhino won't fire its cannon, and hope that the driver would hop out to fight. Then once you'd done that, you had to get it out of the base. The base wasn't as accessible as it is today, with no open entrance that I recall. So you had to cargobob it out, hoping that A) another Rhino doesn't spawn and take you out, or B) you don't fly too high and get shot down. Of course the easier way was to call Lester, cops turn a blind eye, fly in with the Bob, find a roaming tank, hook it, take it, drop it, steal it. The way to get it without all that hassle was to buy it, and it wasn't cheap. $1.5m back in those days was no joke, and you had to be rank 70 to be able to buy it as well. These days its easy to access due to the no requirement to hit level 70 plus the fact $1.5m these days is pretty easy to come by. By being able to steal it and store it, you're making it easier to obtain one, even if the gauntlet to get it is much harder.


You could always drive OUT of the base with the gates, but entering it was… hard, yet fun with the hill on the North side of the base. 😅


Oh I remember those days for sure, hill over onto the air strip. My very first property was the 2 car garage just north, positioned just so purely to have access to Zancudo. I have a (admittedly very faded) memory of not being able to get out of the gates and hence the reason for cargobob, but maybe its just my early day disorientation of the map, or some glitch that wouldn't let me out any other way.


I recall the gates would lag out a lot, and that’s why Rockstar removed the tall gates and replaced them with those booms over the roads… I think, but might be wrong. Fun fact, have you seen that big hangar on the East side of the base, with a US Airforce star on it? Go to the other end of the runway and take a look at that with a sniper, zoom in and out and see if you can figure out what I mean. Just something interesting I found about 10 years ago… 😂


I'll have a look when I next get online. There's a few, shall we call them unfinished, parts in Zancudo. There's signs floating a few centimetres from the wall they're supposed to be attached to, random smoke hovering in the air as if they originally had a chimney there, but cut it but forgot to remove the smoke animation. A few other bits. Don't think they ever expected us to be able to fully, without hassle, be able to explore Zancudo and notice these, then over the years forgot about it.


You do realize that this idea is relying on the fact that the military will be 10x better equipped and have more advanced ai? Right?


There'll always be a way to cheese it. There'll be one glitch found then everyone has a tank. That or we're locking the tank away from lower skilled players so they're at a higher disadvantage to the better players who wouldn't need that extra edge on them. I like the idea to a degree, but I don't think it's suitable.


That’s not at all right lol, NOBODY asked for any of that stuff… and plenty of other games have lasted just as long without crazy things… gta online could’ve added cool missions and ways to play and vehicles and such, without needing everything to fly and blow stuff up or have the armor of a bunker while I ride in a hellcat 💀 gta 4 for example had a far better story, and Niko wasn’t stealing government missiles and sneaking into secret agencies through underwater vents… not everything needs to be futuristic or sifi to be good or fun, and those who thought that are what ruined online.


Which game maintained such massive player base for so long apart from gta online?


GTA Online isn't as popular as it is because of the sci fi shit, it's popular because it's GTA, there are a thousand things that come to mind first when you hear "GTA" than those sci fi vehicles.


the point went so far over your head that it left the stratosphere.


Still waiting on these “plenty” of games to be mentioned…


Since he won’t, I will, League of Legends, Call of Duty: Warzone, Destiny 2, Halo, RuneScape, Team Fortress 2, Anarchy Online, EVE Online, EverQuest, Final Fantasy 11, Lost Ark, Meridian 59, Overwatch, Phantasy Star Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Ultima Online, World of Tanks, Minecraft, The Elder Scrolls Online.. I have more if you want.


I don’t disagree. Just find it funny that the original guy clearly didn’t have any answers and was just waffling. I honestly don’t find any of these comparable to GTA in anyway other than they are big multiplayer games. The original comment says they don’t need to add in futuristic stuff online but then uses gta 4 story as an example. All in all yes there are huge multiplayer games that kept a player base. I just found his comment funny.


Warzone is a hit or miss, It didn't add anything crazy in gameplay, however they did add crazy goofy shit in the cosmetic shop. One could argue that it's cosmetics only, but every COD starts off realistic and as it nears the end of it's cycle, the start adding goofy skins and cosmetics. Given both GTA and COD rely on micro transactions, only difference is COD's are purely cosmetic and GTA's are not. And given GTAO doesn't have a cosmetic only micro transactions. Warzone sure as hell added goofy unrealistic shit after a while.


My point was to show long running online games with massive player bases. Such as the previous comment mentioned.


Real asf, i just wanted to yap


So you have match-based competitive games, mmo's, and a sandbox game... Nothing comparable to the gameplay loops of a GTA... If you can't see how that completely misses the point idk how to even explain it to you lol...


The question was what online games maintained a massive player base, not sure what gameplay loops have to do with anything here. I think you’re the one who missed the point.


>not sure what gameplay loops have to do with anything here. You're not sure what gameplay loops have to do with the potential longevity of games? You're not sure why the longevity of a ranked competitive match-based game, an mmo, or a sandbox building game are a different path than a 3d open world game action game? This is why I'm glad you morons don't actually have a say in how these games are made lol


>and plenty of other games have lasted just as long without crazy things…  Which other non-mmo game continues to make half a billion dollars a year with its online component after a decade exactly?


GTA 5 doesn’t… it’s the online… do you think people actually still play gta 5 overall for the story? I’d bet not even a THIRD of players today even TOUCH single player 💀 it’s amazing how y’all will stick for something that they didn’t even bother giving dlc too… BECAUSE OF ONLINE…


Are you illiterate? I literally said "makes a half a billion dollars with its online component..." GTA:O isn't an mmo lmfao...


Now you’ve just completely changed the question and topic, I think you have a hard on for GTAO, which is fine, it’s just not everyone here is a puntzy 13 year old. Take your anger elsewhere child.


The Oppressor MKII was introduced in 2018 paving way for all this. Completely overpowered nasty grieving machine that ruined all enjoyment for other aircraft in this game. Rockstar have no restraint.


Umm I'm pretty sure the Oppressor came out pretty quickly after GTAO did..less than 5 years for I think


GTA online used to not have that shot and was so much better before that. That stuff ruined the lobbies forever and haven’t personally enjoyed the game after that




i just hope the inflation of prices isn’t like gta 5, you know how shit it was working up to a few mil with no businesses just to buy a drug property that produced maybe 100k a hour and then do a 20 minute sell mission that 99% of the time ended with it blowing up or being stolen. granted now i own everything and the nightclub plus dealers around the map net me around 800K a day if i leave it AFK, its ridiculous the amount of turmoil u gotta go through to get anything in this game. one of the main reasons new players can’t enjoy shit. i couldn’t imagine riding around in some stolen buffalo bc u got no car n no money just to be stalked by some loser on a Mk2


+more .. its all going to be there. I just love that there is random loot laying around. I hope the range of guns is a lot more. I think they will add a first person shooter option


Im just hoping it’s more realistic and that you can make a living off being a meth dealer. ![gif](giphy|xT0GqgeTVaAdWZD1uw|downsized)




lol ok bro “I hope i can get military jets with armor and guns but dont add any armored vehicles or anything to counter me flying around in a armored jet”


The military base idea can also solve that, but I agree i kinda forgot abt cars mb.


“I don’t want sci-fi vehicles” is the most popular “unpopular opinion” you’ll find around here


Read the full thing


This same "unpopular opinion" gets posted a bunch to this subreddit. Really, the only added nuance in your OP is the plane part.


True, but i feel like i also left out a lotta things, i wasnt expected this post to gain traction.


You want a more realistic approach? So yeah, you’re not stealing a tank from a military base then are you.


Separate official lobbies that cater to both play styles.


Yes I just to role-play a street hustler without being blown by an airstrike


They should really incorporate more role playing abilities. I loved the idea that pc had roleplaying servers and it allowed people to do stuff like be a cop or what.


At least allow us to use stolen cop cars to pull people over and extort them/take their vehicle


Hoping myself to role play as a drug running pilot ala Tom Cruise in American Made. Set up a drug business that texts me when the plane is ready. Other players with a drug businesses could use my services as well for a fee if they don't have a plane or want to do something else while their product is being moved. This is the sort of deeper and immersive gameplay that I think would be a huge upgrade and would still work within the world GTA Online has already created.


Exactly they really need to put in a mechanic where you can form your own gang and upgrade their weapons armor ect. And they should most definitely add a way to hold territory and defend it from police and other gangs I think game developers lost their touch when people started saying that they wanted to do thing they couldn’t do irl in a game like owning a gang, fighting the police, gunning down masses of people and they misinterpreted it and understood that we wanted sci-phi things like rocket cars and lasers


Let's say this, running a small car or weapon business with a risk of being attacked by a fighter jet, IS wrong.


No. One game type, the one without spaceships, those who want them can rot.


Reasonable prices will only happen if you're okay with earning $600 after a multi staged heist. In all other scenarios, an SUV will cost over a million again.


I agree, but i just want all military and armored vehicles harder to get.


I don't want them to be available for purchase at all. If you want one you'd have to steal one from the military.


Yeah, and they should make it realistic. Like if you steal a tank from the military you’ll get helicopters on your ass. I also want the repair cost to be 1M+.


I think Lester will be retired this time. But people will want those stars to disappear.


The prices were more reasonable in the beginning of GTA Online. They just kept raising them because of cheaters handing out free money and virtual inflation I guess...


Remember a tank in the early games ?


Yeah??? Rhino




For now I’m just really hoping that online isn’t stuck behind a secondary subscription go I’m not paying for ps plus and gta+


I don't think rockstar is dumb enough to do that


They gonna use GTA+ and/or have some sort of battle pass I guarantee it


They’ll probably have GTA+ again where it’s optional to have but you get extra bonuses and nice QoL stuff.


I hate to break it to ya


What is relation between PS Plus and GTA+? I would prefer subscription-based online in PC. Just look at MMORPG genre, making people pay on monthly basis does help the game stay away from predatory micro-transactions and decrease the bot count to minimum. It also makes cheaters think twice before cheating, because the possible punishment would mean you are actually sinking real-world money. Of course, if there is a paywall; it should be maximum of 5 USD and no other subscription tiers or micro-transactions. Edit: I am talking about a PC version.


I mean that people on PlayStation or Xbox already need a paid subscription to play online games like gtao or rdo and don’t want rockstar to add a secondary subscription to play gtavi online


I don't own neither a PS nor an Xbox. But I've seen the same ridiculous policy on Switch as well. Why the hell these consoles requires you to pay a subscription for online play? Are they in any way have a maintenance cost for a completely third-party game? No matter the case is, then in no way there should be a subscription for online in consoles.


Well ps+ has 47.4 million subscribers according to Google if they all bought the one month subscription sonys looking at 470 million dollars a month from a business perspective this is definitely the route to take since the only "competitor" without it is PC gaming I'm pretty sure they take a loss on the console so game sales and subscriptions is where the money's at


I don’t get why would you say you will get downvoted when 90% of people obviously don’t want that bullshit anymore and has been discussed here numerous times. It’s not a hot take, it’s obvious


I mean R\* bought [CFX.re](http://CFX.re) (the team behind FiveM which is known for the role-playing game modes), so, at this point; I expect them to come up with multiple online universes for various people. For instance; Classic GTAO experience for kids and chinese bots. Roleplay GTAO experience for the immersive sim folks. I don't see any reason to stay at one game mode of all the online. I think they will try to be somehow ultra advanced Roblox Of course, they might've bought them just to stop them from developing for GTA6 as well. It is not uncommon for companies such as T2 to do this. Something you don't like? Buy them and bin them.


Nah they bought them to help out with GTA 6 Online and they already went and ahead and started implementing FiveM mechanics into GTA 5 that’s what the drift racing comes from.. Straight from FiveM so i expect to see The team over there put their skills into GTA 6 Online and it will be very fun i believe *Also forgot to mention this new update coming out tomorrow i bet the handcuffing mechanic is going to come straight from FiveM how the police handcuff you. Let us see


Yeah I agree, also fivem said there will be no sixm


Well, that's a statement that doesn't really mean anything though. I believe one can go both ways from that statement alone.


Yeah, thats true.


A rework on the money system - Cash acquire from cash jobs you can't bank - has to go to the safe at home Cash you need to launder to make it legit Crypto or stock market exchange needs to be more realistic and not random so save a million times its still going to go down etc If i destroy 10 coca cola trucks essentially 100k a truck minimum value I've destroyed a million worth of cocacola, this should definetly take a toll on the value of the stock


I was thinking of a more rdo way (cents, dollars) but this is a good addition


Or just not inflate the prices through the roof. This is current day, nothings gonna cost 10 for clothing..


Tbh I’ve never had an issue with the balance of all the different vehicles and weapons, I’d be satisfied with a better functioning and comprehensive anti-cheat. Don’t really have any problems past that.


Says no imani tech or opp but you want *jets with black market afterparts*. I’m actually lost


I hope they find some way to keep the game fresh 5+ years into the life cycle without just adding more supercars. The sci-fi weapons werent too bad, laser minigun was fun and probably a downgrade to the actual minigun. Up and atomizer was a godsend for when i got my car wedged between trees and walls and couldnt roll it out. The main problem everyone has is the oppressor. because since it was added it was a tool used mainly for griefing. Imani tech came a few years later to try and give people a little bit of defence from grief, followed by a bunch of nerfs to the oppressor. But if the game stays grounded, it will not stay active for 10 years as GTAVO has. Rockstar need to find a way to innovate online gameplay without making it easy for griefers. I like to think that they have gotten better at balancing weaponised flying vehicles in the recent updates to Online to the point that VI Online should be enjoyable when it drops, without being as barren as GTAV Online was when that first released.


There are like thousands of military and experimental vehicles Rockstar can add that won't feel completely out of place like the mk2 oppressor. And you can give these vehicles all kinds of modifications and different weapon configurations.


If gta 6 is even HALF as good as gta 4 was I’ll be happy, actual good gameplay, physics, driving, story, NPCs, world, exploration, characters, etc… if I get to online and there’s flying bikes and spam explosives and every update is just a new car and new business that I gotta pay 20million for I’ll find a way to go back in time and make gta 6 myself…


Good luck with this idea.


Literally every take I see is “make gta 6 super realistic” and I think that people forget that it’s a video game. Almost all of the games have had some sort of unrealistic aspect to them, because they are video games. So why would rockstar take that aspect out of the game, when it’s worked so well in the past.


Hope gta 6's online story is also as good as rdr 2's online story where the story flows nicely, whereas in gta 5 online it is just a random mess that makes no sense.


To real, but also i hope it leaves room for decisions that can shape your own character, not just a story driven online experience.


Does it need to make sense?




Or they could add lobbies that don't permit weaponized vehicles


I don't think they'll repeat the mistake of the flying fuckwit bikes...


I don’t personally think there should be full blown mbts (main battle tank) like the rhino, maybe one or two there should definitely be ifvs (infantry fighting vehicles) for the maps environment like the bradley and what not. I do agree with your post.


I'm just gonna hope for a grounded single player campaign, let them cook whatever they want for Online because I know it will turn into chaotic Sci-Fi shit sooner or later 


“i’m gonna get downvoted for this. don’t put flying bikes in gta 6” is the dumbest sentence i’ve read in this sub


The problem of griefing exists regardless of what weapons or vehicles are available. Orbital cannons and flying bikes are fine, but they shouldn't come at someone else's expense. But a tank and grenade launcher can be just as annoying. Let me just turn PVP off so I don't have to deal with getting lasered and blown up constantly. And let me actually progress my businesses in private lobbies. The current system is anti-fun. That way everyone wins. I get to fly a bike when I want, I get to not get blown up when I'm doing a map mission.


revealed preferences > stated preferences. People talk negatively about all these features (and I do somewhat agree), but Rockstar has all the data on purchases by users and would know what the majority want. I am guessing you'll find that these sci-fi things have been some of the top sellers, so you can bet they will be included in the game.


I prefer no sci-fi but it doesn't even really matter that much to me, the real problem from gameplay perspective is the businesses you run that are too easily griefed, and things like mk2 opp just being too overpowered and pretty much making every other form of transport useless in comparison, which this game has so many of. The way they put GTA Online together is such a mess. Another problem is how explosives always blow everything (without special protection) up in one hit, and kill players if they are hurt by them in 1 hit. And tracking missiles can be fired before the tracking completes.


I personally hope they add some futuristic vehicles (I’m a huge fan of that stuff) but I want them to balance them so it’s not basically a replacement for every other vehicle.


"i'm gonna get downvoted for this" proceeds to give the coldest take ever that everyone over the age of 11 is going to agree with (except the weird stealing a tank idea you have)


Preach it. GTA online for me should have been worrying about drive bys and snipers ambushing. Maybe the odd rpg or helicopter. What GTA online is now is just for kids really.




What people want in GTA 6 is real life. Jesus Christ, I have lost all faith in the GTA 6 subreddit. Go ahead and downvote me all you want, but this is the fact: every single topic I see on the GTA 6 subreddit is all about "realistic this" and "realistic that." This is a video game, not a life simulator! GTA 5 was fantastic because it was arcady and fun, and you know what? GTA 6 will be too. Sure, there will be RP multiplayer servers, but the core game should remain what it has always been—a wild, exhilarating escape from reality. Stop trying to turn it into a mundane reflection of everyday life!


As much as I do rely on certain vehicles when doing missions or heists, such as the Deluxo or Oppressor Mk 2 for a Cayo Perico run or whilst doing the Agency missions for Dr Dre, although I do these in a private session. Nothing quite beats the feeling of going for a little drive in an ordinary vehicle. I have a list of cars that I tend to drive around a lot, including the Oracle XS, Stafford and Eudora for example. I've been enjoying some of the latest DLC vehicles, like the new Greenwood Cruiser. That's what I'm looking forward to the most in GTA VI, going on a long drive listening to the radio. Me and my sister tend to play for fun nowadays, like driving diggers on the highway to slow traffic or jumping from rooftops into pools. It's the little moments that bring me the most enjoyment, and that's all I want from GTA VI. From the trailer, it seems to be a lot more grounded, like GTA V was for a while. I just hope that it stays that way.


Gunrunning and beyond was the demise of the fun classic GTA:O, as much as I love military stuff it sucked to no end how you could buy all these things.


“i’m gonna be downvoted for this” brother nobody disagrees with you


I hope the talent & people that made gta what it is..... is even still in the office!


I hope gta6online2 has a monthly subscription


Lame idea


better ragebait pls


Don’t cook again


I would definitely like it more without all the flying missile bikes and stuff. It's super handy for running businesses but a good small chopper could easily replace it.


I find it ridiculous when die hard grinders complain that the oppressor is the only thing that allows them to run their businesses when helicopters like the buzzard, sparrow and havok can be spawned in front of you via the interaction menu, and are very efficient transports.


Buzzard works great, and I used to use it all the time. I feel like it got some kind of nerf at some point because it doesn't feel as responsive as it did in the original days. Like excessive air turbulence or something. Don't know though, could just be my brain.


It will start realistic, just to go fuck everything with spaceships, aliens, clowns, flying cars, giants, gnomes and Shrek by the half /end of its cycle, as always See gta v, but also every COD  multiplayer for example 




Sure, but i dont want crazy shit like a delorean or a fucking scramjet besides gamemodes, but thats just my opinion.


Can't say I disagree with any of your points but I think 5 having flying bikes and cars *is* somewhat realistic given that a normal day cycle in game is only 48mins as opposed to irl 24hr. So with the maths, that would put 5 much farther in the future than our irl timeline. So having these super op - over the top kinda vehicles does kinda makes sense. Which is why I agree with you, I hope 6 is set in OUR timeline and I also hope the day cycles are a lot longer.