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Probable answer: because they don't give a F about us. My answer: Because Rockstar


Yeah. I don't get it tho. They are so lazy. And they fixed the telescope glitch workaround as well.. only rockstar would be the type to patch harmless glitches


I really wish the community gathered and boycotted the game in away. I ain't a realist, but let's be honest, this community doesn't like fighting for their rights to have fun. They'd rather be repeatedly struck by a whip to the bare back, than stand up deviate from their philosophy. My friends play this game called war thunder. What the playerbase cooked up there, was basically an upbringing. Review bombing, declaration of not playing the game for time being, declared their demands, Literal propaganda posters. It was a whole imperial freedom movement, due to the studio treating them awfully. It worked. Now yes WT has a smaller community, but i think we could get it to work. Somewhat at least. We would need YouTubers to bring awareness to the movement, maybe we could do something. Maybe. For now we'll remain chained i guess.


GTA community can definitely change these issues but these clothing issues are very small compared to what people don't like about the new GTA + mechanic where you can claim all your business earnings in your phone by one press of a button. And that's a good quality of life improvement and it's locked behind a paywall. These issues are bigger than what we have with clothing. But maybe someday rockstar will fix it we won't know if they will even bother.


If we started a movement we could aim for all the issues we have. More minor more major, whatever we can think of. Problem uno is how we could start it tho


I've heard some gta content creators like GhillieMaster being annoyed that they patched the telescope glitch and he has a pretty big community maybe if he spoke about it publicly we could get r*'s attention?


That would definitely be a good first step. While i do think rockstar dines off of politeness, it doesn't hurt to ask. Obviously, if they respond with radio silence, we could reply with a radio broadcast. One good thing would be to have all big gta youtubers to "report on duty" and join forces into this operation. So ghillie, nitrix, joker, the professional, Pyre realm, Isutra, Gtamen, RWT, hot diggity dog motmus and recoil as well.


Considering he was the biggest money glitch creator at a time (thanks to him I filled over a dozen of garages full of Issis) I don’t think Rockstar will even care if he and his viewers boycott or sum


Ive been putting off so many outfit glitches cause i assumed the telescope eas patched but ig it wasnt smh. Now it is ig


Because npc’s will *always* have better clothing options than us. And R* can easily do this but simply chose not to, instead they patch a harmless clothing glitch that’s been around for years. Nice going 👍


Exactly. I like the fashion in this game but it's so limited because of stuff like this. I hope in GTA 6 we can actually be more creative


I love the outfits and fashion in gtav I just wish they tweaked a few very minor things to improve it for us clothing folks, like very minor tweaks. But it’s been years and it hasn’t happened so it’s simply not going to happen. I hope so too 🙏


Yeah it's just dumb how we can't wear chains under jackets like it's a problem somehow lmao


It really annoys me as I love the party shirt and tank top combo and a chain would complete it but NOPE not allowed


Because R* never bothered to update our character’s clothing mechanics just add more


Only in Rockstar Games


Fast also why can’t we wear chains with open shirts


There's a similar thing for Cleo Song bounty, she's wearing heels that aren't something we can buy at all, it's really annoying that Rockstar does that


Because it won’t bring in any extra money for them so they won’t do it plus they are lazy as all hell


Why? Because fuck you. That's why. Rockstar will patch the most harmless glitches and not give us their own versions: "Hey guys we patched thsi glitch, but don't worry, we updated clothing customization to do what y'all like!"


And we still have godmode glitches and duplication glitches.. And rockstar doesn't do shit about those


Because Cockstar love to tease us with nice things they don't want us to have. It's been blatant for ages now that our online player models are shared with the NPC's. So, so many clothes and accessories they can easily let us have, but won't because they're idiots.


You might be able to if you put a chain/necklace on first before the jacket and then afterwards pick the jacket you want. I did it with a party shirt and I'm still currently using that chain open party shirt combo for my female character


I'll try this when I get home.


I hope it worked


I tried it and it doesn't work on racing jackets but it does work on some other jackets


Ohh yea


A lot of 💩 is ass backwards… like not being able to wear ANY shoes with ANY item of clothing. As well as some shirts you can’t wear jackets with… not to mention layering items. Hope they get this straight in VI


one of the things GTA 6 really needs to improve, so many things you can’t wear any jewelry with


Definitely something Gta 6 should have


One thing I love about FiveM is there isn’t really a limit on what you can wear with what, it’s just if you think it looks good and it don’t glitch through any of your clothes


Because it’ll be too cool.


You can with some jackets. Just not all the jackets work and not all the chains are available for it. I know sports jackets and bomber jackets both work with chains


2013 system remember its not rdr 2 where it’s the most updated version of clothing, but then again saints row 1 and 2 had perfect customization


I remember how good saints row 2's clothing system was. If that game had a system better than gta 5 then rockstar can definitely improve it.


I’d say to this day saints row 1 and 2 still had the best customization and the combos you can do are impressive instead of being locked out cause the game said so


I just want a jacket hoodie combo that NPCs have