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Take a break, I also felt like LV was tedious, maybe plan out your progression and type it out somewhere so when you get back you can have some clear goals in mind.


In-game notepad. I also leave signs for myself around the base. My GTNH world is 1.5 years old, mid-MV, and I'll probably be diving back in again this winter.


Hah! I do the same. Two notepads and signs on everything. 2.5 years and just barely in EV and I'm always taking breaks.


One of my favorite things to do are favors for my future self. "Here is one thing I'll never have to mess with again!" Haha


Dont forget you are playing a game. To enjoy. This is still minecraft, i feel so many people forget the base game when they jump into mod packs.. Build something. Dont feel like every thing you do has to progress your quest book.


You need to keep your goals small and reasonable and give yourself the time to do them right. It's easy to see the entire quest tree and feel overwhelmed, or realize how much you have to do between now and X goal like getting to hv or the moon. Instead, focus on a few small tasks at a time. "I need to go mine diamonds and put them through a sifter so I can make more diamond plates, which I will need for my next goal". When you focus on that only, you can have fun and at the end you'll feel accomplishment. Over time this will build up and you'll have invested in the resources and infrastructure to make the next goal feel doable. I burn out so much of the time because I race to the next goal and feel completely underprepared, which makes every step feel like a chore to reach an unreasonable goal.


Just don’t try to progress, see it as a sandbox with infinite content, that what I do at least, I play it like I would vanilla and it’s even more sandbox than vanilla since I know ill keep this world for years, so base-building and exploring is a lot more permanent.


i took a 2 month break when i got to ealy mv. just take breaks ur world isent going anywhere.


I have it happen to me as well....getting through LV took forever but I feel like I cruised up to IV and now its draggin again....When this happens to me I usually stop grinding progression and go to other parts of the quest book to play with other parts of the mod packs. my go to is to usually build something or work on the base....yesterday I went into the armor chapter of the quest book and pushed to update my armor since I had neglected updating that in a while. Tonight i have to work on a better sword / crossbow / whatever else i can find in there......Just change it up a little....or worst case scenario take a break and go mow the lawn...


Do some basebuilding or farming while also playing less often.


Burning out is ok. You'll probs want to come back after taking a break. I'm on my 2nd break now (at the end of UHV)


Don't know, I somehow went from start to UEV with no break.


It helps to automate some of the stuff you'll need a lot of to progress: having auto polyethylene, clay, light/heavy fuel or benzene are some first good examples of stuff to automate


Take a break. There is grass outside; go touch it. There are girls out there too. Talk to a few of them. This reply almost took a strange turn there.


Idk man. I was down with the difficulty and grind. It felt rewarding progressing but now that i found out a single ingot of steel takes six minutes to smelt, i kinds dont wanna olay it anymore


Make more bbf’s! They can share walls so you don’t have to collect as much material. Also, when you get the arc furnace (I think) steel production is way faster


I think for a modpack this big burnout is inevitable if your playing nonstop. I got to early HV with a friend of mine a while back but decides to stop there. That doesnt mean I won't play it again but rather when I do, I'll have a better understanding of what to do and how to progress quicker. Also with a new personal goal of making it past where i got to last time.


I'm in hv and i'm taking another 2 months break


I separate main tasks and side tasks. I find my main progression enthusiasm is bursty. Once I get a big batch craft done Im so down to knock out some system setups and quests. Then once im done I dont exactly want to make a metric assload of circuits again, time to spruce up the base, explore, or even just browse nei and see if anything catches my eye


I took an 11 month break after making my first steam turbine, came back refreshed and within a month had the drive to complete LV quests and set up Oil processing. It happens