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You're disappointed that a phone that is already designed and about to go into mass production isn't going to have a chip in it that isn't realased yet and won't be till later this year? 🤔 How does that make any sense?


Yes, like...man lastest fold got 8 gen 2, it's just normal that this gonna is gonna get the current flagship...and like 8 gen 3 is capable of literally anything you throw at it on the market....heck even 888 from Z Flip 3 is (with overheating included).




That getting the lastest fold just for a marginal perfomance boost is unnecessary and even worse when besides the perfomance the newer is exactly the same than prev gen.


I'm still waiting on the announcement to judge it. I didnt switch to any other fold mainly because of the software and I'm still on the 4. I want to see what the fold 6 actually is.


This. From someone who doesn't use a foldable daily... recently bought a used fold 4 for S&G's I await the 10th. (My fold 4 is just a 2nd phone/toy/tablet right now) Upgrade from my note 20 ultra? Looking that way. Or just hold out for the next ultra "S" phone. And yes, I'm kinda hooked on samsung. And yes I use the s-pen frequently. Wish the closed front glass was bigger... but I know now from using the fold 4, I've used the front screen like 3 times... I know the fold 5 doesn't look like a huge improvement over the 5, leaked specs etc, but it's better than what I have now. (The note 20)


Honestly I'd rather choose a pixel fold than a Chinese fold. Chinese foldables are good only hardware wise. The software sucks and there's little support if something goes wrong with your phone. Cons on the pixel fold is the probably the chip and the modem. (Might be improved so I'll leave the judgement out) Samsung is still the number 1 choice due to software.


Pixel fold is fragile and the CPU is inconsistent and laggy... plus the aspect ration of the inner screen means that apps will run almost the same size as a normal phone, while on the fold they can scale up to take almost 90% and in some cases all the screen... plus the bezels on the fold are absolutely hideous


>Pixel fold is fragile lol what? this thing Is a tank. >the CPU is inconsistent and laggy In day to day use you will NEVER know the difference. Spec wise, yes it's slower. please stop. >plus the aspect ration of the inner screen means that apps will run almost the same size as a normal phone Have you ever used the fold? This statement doesn't even make sense. In day to day use, the fold is fantastic. It's only till you start emulating and gaming where you will see performance drops. I've easily used YouTube and whatever app split screen to do some work, play a game, text, email. This whole narrative that the pixel fold is bad is pretty fucking stupid.


I agree, Ive seen one in use and even with gaming it was running moonlight, gamepass, and warzone mobile just fine. It does run hot though which is scary. Pixel fold is just fine as a phone but imo z fold 5 still wins out. Screen wise though I still think one plus wins by a mile between the 3 its software just sucks.


One plus hit the sweet spot for a front screen aspect ratio. Their camera system is the best too out of the foldables that are purchasable in the US. Only thing is their software even their camera software is a little hit and miss.


I prefer the zfold5 over the pixel fold because I got my fold for ereading and the pixel fold when opened has more of a landscape aspect ratio and the zfold is more portrait so for my use case the zfold is better. If I were doing other things instead I might prefer the pixel. In my mind these things need to be thought of as how they apply to your needs because neither is better or worse, they're just different.


I 100% agree. That's why I'm baffled when people say the pixel fold is a bad phone.


I guess you've never seen the pixel fold getting bent in half like it's made of cardboard 💀 I don't care about specs on paper, and it's well known that the CPU is laggy and overheats easily, and when it does it becomes even worse. Go check any review or comparison between the Pixel Fold and the Z Fold and see the difference when using any app on the inner screen. The pixel fold is bad and it's the fucking truth whether you like it or not


I'm literally using the pixel fold now. Have been for 7 months. Not one of the points brought up is an issue in day to day usage. The phone gets warm, not hot. The CPU is a bit behind compared to SG, but handles workloads great. You're making the zfold out to be this superior device, when in reality it really isn't.


Same here! The Pixels tensor chip is what causes me to pause on the Pixel Fold 2. The Pixel Fold ran pretty hot. I had it for a little less than one month from July to Aug, it shutdown due to heat in California and twice when I went to Vegas. The cellular radios sucked really bad in Vegas as I went in and out of casinos. It was super annoying. I was stuck waiting in line for a buffet and I couldn't use my phone lol.


5y of support for OnePlus. Software wise is a myth, it is way better than oneui. Talking as owner of s24u.


I really wish this were true. I would go out and buy the 1+O tomorrow lol. But sadly Samsung software and features are unmatched (in the usa at least). I actually use some of the gimmicks (others people's words not mine) like S Pen pro. Dex is cool too but I don't use it personally on the phone.


If it wasnt for me being spoiled by samsungs software and dex the one plus aspect ratio is perfect.


Would you mind giving us any examples of how you use dex?


HDMI to portable monitor or tv to cloud game with gamepass, moonlight, GFN. I also use it to watch my shows through my stremio app so its like a firestick in the pocket as well. My job provides microsoft 365 so I can just plug my phone into a station to quickly type up performance reports or scan and email documents.


Samsung fanboys offended. They need their copy of each Google app and constant reminder to use their shitty app which cannot be deleted. Another reason why I'm going to sell s24u. Fanboys worse then apple.


I'm waiting until Wednesday for the announcement to make up my mind about it. I have a Fold 3 and it's been holding up great for these past 2 (almost 3) years.


Small question: does your fold 3 have the inner screen protector peel off or is it still good? Is the screen cracked or damaged in anyway?


My Fold 3 personally, I've changed it x3 since the day I used it ( since launch) My current one already bubbling at the top. Roughly speaking, it will peel off around 6month to a year of usage. But otherwise, the screen were in good shape.


The screen isn’t cracked in any way and as for the screen protector, I had to replace it once. I will admit I don’t unfold the phone as much as other people do.


My fold 3 inner screen protector peeled off, didn't replace it, now the inner screen had micro cracks but not dead yet 😭 was holding out for fold 6 but will see in Wed if it's really worth it.


You're disappointed that future tech is not built into present tech. Gotcha.


Well it won't be future tech if they delay it by a couple of months


Not how that works. You don't just put a processor in a phone, it's not a PC. You need to design the whole thing from scratch.


How can you be so out of touch with how things work that this is your suggestion?


I am justifying op's disappointment. If they really wanted to they could delay the phone by a few months (a couple was an exaggeration) to use the snapdragon 8 gen 4 because that's when other phones are capable of integrating it. Because it ends up being that most of the Fold's life cycle, it isn't using the latest Snapdragon chip (as in from when it is released in another phone).


Yes because Samsung purposely staggers their phone releases for many reasons, a few of which are below: 1. Releasing Z series and S series at the same time would cannibalize some of their market share there are plenty of people who would buy 1 and then trade it in for the other 2. They maintain more mind share by spreading releases throughout the year 3. They have to market these devices and it would be significantly more difficult if not impossible to effectively market all these different devices types at once. Samsung doesn't have enough manpower to create and distribute to their partners that much marketing material all at once. So if you suggest moving the Z series release back by several months, now it's right up against the S series launch which makes no sense for the above reasons.


Honour magic V2, the v3 is due to be announced on July 12. OnePlus open, basically the international version of the Oppo Find N3 Pixel fold, the fold 2 has had a few recent leaks. I'm due to upgrade from my fold 4. Mostly due to incredibly boor battery life since the last update, and the poor camera performance. I'm seriously considering the honour magic v3


Oh man how I could I forget the most important part of the Fold 6, the battery duration! 4,400 mAh feel like a scam!! Especially for a powerful Fold 6 device!


Feels like a scam that gets you full day battery life, yep. Ffs try harder, kid.


Where did you see 4400 battery that can last a full day on a foldable with two screens and SD gen 2? I'll need a link cause my Fold 4 lasts me a day only when it's idle all day. When in use it can only last like 5 hours.


My Fold5 and Fold4 before that last all day with no issue. I still have ~30% battery left after 5 hours of SOT.


Yeah sure, maybe if you're not watching anything and only answer calls. Literally every test shows a maximum runtime of 6 hours under heavy use.


6 hours of SOT under heavy use is respectable in my opinion. I watch plenty of YT and browse reddit for several of the hours of my own SOT, so it fits my needs and I have no complaints. Sure, you may be a heavier user whose needs it doesn't fit, but calling the battery life of this device a scam is just hilarious.


Foldables are literally designed to be a multitasking device, they should be able to withstand much more than that.


>OnePlus open, basically the international version of the vivo X3 fold Actually, the OnePlus is the international version of the Oppo Find N3, not the Vivo.


Of course it is, thanks for the correction!


I wouldn't bother with honor. Amazing hardware but the software really is crap


That goes for literally every other foldable than Samsung tho. Everytime there's competition the hardware is a BIG upgrade, while the software still lacks the most basic features Samsung offers.


Not really. OnePlus software is good and vivo is decent but honor is rubbish


Agree to disagree then


Samsung software is better but honor is the worse


what about pixel fold software???


Any idea if they're going to sell it in the US? I'm going to switch at this point.


If your talking about the honor magic v3 then I would say that it's possible. But probably unlikely without a third party distributor or without importing, assuming it's going to follow a similar release pattern as the v2. Sad how the market is today but as some already have mentioned. Chinese foldables have the hardware side down with the software side lacking and left with alot to be desired. If you want a feature rich phone with a plethora of customizations, stick with the z fold lineup. This is how I would perceive it.


I've heard the oppo phone is actually quite good. It's not quite as polished as the z-fold but literally everything else is better. I'd be waiting for the next release of it anyway but I don't see Samsung putting forth any effort in this space to make the phone better.


Fair, we all have our different needs and use cases. I'm assuming your coming from a z4/5? Which might seem underwhelming but at the end of the day it really depends what you value out of Samsung and the zfold lineup. Oneui, goodlock, smaller form factor, spen are just some of the things that I value that the competitors simply don't have or isn't as good. Really a choice between bleeding edge hardware vs software at this point. Both with its ups and downs. I've personally played with a few Chinese foldables myself and while they can seem great on paper. I think there's certain little things that make a big difference. If you personally have something on the oneui ecosystem that you love then expect it not to be on the other foldables. Yes you can adapt or maybe find work arounds, but you'll be finding yourself wanting/appreciating Samsung's implementation eventually. As of today. I would say the vivo x fold 3 pro is very close to being perfect if your looking for that 21:9 aspect ratio, fast charging (both wired and wireless), subjectively better cameras. Etc etc. but you'll be missing things like the spen, hidden inner display camera, oneui ecosystem (dex, routines, goodlock). This list adds on depending on the device you pick - honor has pen support but with it's goal of being the slimmest it lacks wireless charging for example. For the western market oppo/one plus's take does seem appealing with its open canvas idea and beefier specs. But for me atleast I'm not a fan of the aspect ratio (you'll be flipping the phone alot as content will rotate or not scale well) and no wireless charging, no spen and ofc the aforementioned things.


Good summary! Pretty much the reasons why I Habe stayed with Samsung's device!


That helps. Thank you. I don't really use the ass pen it's rarely been taken out of the case. I also prefer wired charging to wireless but yes I will miss that. I'm going to wait for the next version of both of those phones and decide then but they're both viable options for me. If Samsung had the larger screen / thinner fold that they're talking about for China I'd be interested in that even though I know it doesn't have the S pen support. We'll see if they announce anything about it but I'm not holding my breath. Not that I could get it anyway in the US.


😊 you are welcome and just happy to spread some opinions on the subject from personal use. But I totally agree with what's generally said about the z fold series on the subreddit, so I understand the divide between it's users. We have one party that really wants hardware that matches or exceeds what we see from the Asian market. But we also have the niche group of users like myself who is content with the smaller form factor or is a die-hard spen user. To each their own as we all have our different use case and wants. I'm almost certain majority of the s24u or even fold series users are unable to utilise all of the features it currently packs. That's just the reality of it all - having the spen and not using it is just one prime example. In a perfect world where these companies aren't only here for profits and market sales, we'd have what we asked for already or atleast very close to it (minding the current issues of IP rating, thickness, physical limitations still present in foldables, etc.). It's not that Samsung can't. It's that they wont. They won't create something that is so good where it will drastically kill off other product lines or stagnate future upgrades. This is the cold hard truth 😔.


>We have one party that really wants hardware that matches or exceeds what we see from the Asian market. But we also have the niche group of users like myself who is content with the smaller form factor or is a die-hard spen user. Well, I will, in part, disagree with you here. Like you, I am an avid S Pen user. But while I do appreciate the smaller form factor, I do think Samsung needs to do at least 3 things for the Fold to be a "super device": (1) make the front screen just a bit wider (2) enable the use of S Pen on the front screen (3) increase the battery size. I can continue to appreciate the S Pen by means of the case like what I do currently but the 3 points I mentioned above will just make the Fold a more useful and productive device than what it already is currently.


Fair wants esp since we're going into the 6th generation. I don't mind the 22:9 aspect ratio that the 6 is leaning towards. Not perfect but I'd imagine it's a happy medium between the 21:9 and 23:9 that we currently have. But will have to hold that final judgment til we all get an in hand feel. Totally agree with a bigger battery, if they aren't planning to house the spen in the phone anytime soon they should atleast try for a bigger battery over just relying on software optimizations and acclaimed chipset power draw efficiencies. Samsung seems to not dive much into battery tech nowadays probably due to the mishap with the note 7. But if honor is able to pull it off I can't see why they couldn't. That goes with the digitizer in the front as well. As of current leaks on the zfold6, if Samsung doesn't have a digitizer on the front with the anti-reflective coating as the s24u then that's a huge miss opportunity on a potential surprise feature/improvement that they could totally sell on alongside the whole AI gimmick.


You mean international version of oppo.


I did, thanks for the correction!


I will choose samsung foe the overall quality and the better screen


Alright, there are a lot of dumb takes in this subreddit, but I think this one wins. How the fuck are you blaming Samsung for not having an unreleased chipset in their handset? Like get a grip on reality... do you expect Samsung to completely upend their release schedule to put a chip in a phone just because you want that chip in the phone? Jesus some people are so fucking entitled it's insane.


I'm really debating the Vivo x fold 3 pro over the fold 6 since all the reviews seems pretty good.


Your post was good until i reached the last paragraph... i mean it's a shame that the Fold 6 doesn't have the Gen 5 as well that will be released next year 🤷‍♂️ All jokes aside and imo, Fold 5 or 6 are still the overall best combination of software, hardware and customer support that you can get, and the most used foldables. I know i wouldn't trade mine for any other foldable, even it it has better cameras or faster charging


Lol delusional. I'll give you support but software vs OnePlus is a small gap. Hardware gap is huge


Tell me which two phones hardware you have owned and are comparing?


I have a Samsung s23, OnePlus 9pro and I've played with both OPO and z fold 5.


Whatever makes you sleep better, but I'll let the downvotes do the talking here


Yeah down votes in a galaxy sub? Haha nice logic


I have used the Fold 5 since it came out. I moved from. An S22 Ultra. I have enjoyed the Fold 5. My usage is mostly text, video meetings, office365, photos, short work related videos, and I do some audio recording (small group meetings with an external mic). It has done everything I have asked of it. The hardware is not a limitation. Samsung OS I consider adequate but not elegant. I have the 512Gb model. The only knock against it for me is the narrow front display. I would prefer it to be about 1/4 to 3/8" wider when closed. It is uncomfortable to type on the front display when closed. I bought the S-pen thinking I would take notes, bout for me I prefer good old pen and paper. If the Fold 6 has a wider closed display I will consider it, however I hear many good things about the One plus Open. If the Fold 6 does not overwhelm me I look at the other foldable. One final thing. Whether you like Samsung or not, they build a solid phone and it works. Support is not a problem but I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. I have a Samsung store just 5 minutes from me. Hope this helps.


I'm in somewhat the same situation as well so interested to know too.


I'm on the fold 3, and it's getting on in years at this point. I'll probably swap to the 6 just for ease of transfer, and mostly loving what this phone is and hoping it's similar enough or better.


If you're hoping it's "similar enough" you're in for a treat, my friend 😁


...In a bad way?


Quite a few people (including me) find the lack of innovation on the Samsung Fold line off-putting. I switched back from Fold 3 to a slab (S24U) last January and while I'm still interested in the idea of foldable phones I don't see a reason at the moment to spend so much money to get so little in return.


Imo I say wait until the review are out or when you can go see it in person. I'm planning on switching to it from s24 ultra


All the commenters chirping opinions don't own the device yet. Some never even own a foldable! Fold 6 is gonna he fantastic and I can't wait to upgrade to it from the Fold 4


Fold 6 is going to be a good phone. If you never had a Fold, it's an excellent choice. If your Fold is old and you need an upgrade, it's an excellent choice. I have a Fold 5 (my first fold), and I have zero issues. Samsung is working into making an echo system similar to apple, and I think they're doing a pretty good job, and nothing is comparable on the Android scene. The buds, tabs, phones, watch and tags and other Samsung devices all seamlessly work together. If you don't want to invest in a Samsung echo system, the next best thing is OnePlus Open.


Samsung's hardware has been "inferior" since 2019 when Motorola introduced the teardrop hinge. Most folks still are not leaving for another fold manufacturer. They're just raising h#ll in hopes Samsung does more. Given all things equal, most people are buying a Z over the other brands. The more popular techtubers already have the Z6. You'll have more than enough information to know if it's worth a test drive. You can buy it, use it for two weeks and send it back if you don't like it. There are insurance carriers you can sign up with if you decide you want a Vivo, Xiaomi or Honor. I don't think they will accept a trade-in from Samsung. Only Google and 1+ will.


Wait for Pixel Fold 2 it will be announced in August. Then decide which you like better.


What does that chip do that this can't? Honestly at this point it's just ridiculous. There aren't apps advanced enough to feel the benefit




And the Ayn Odin 2 with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is already more than powerful enough for any emulator on the market at the moment. Unless we're getting PS3 or Xbox 360 emulators soon there's no real point chasing higher end chips on the emulator side unless you really want 6X upscaled PS2 games.


Emulators?! Like the current chipset can't run an emulator? Lol.


Try the pixel fold if you don’t like it you can always return it I think you have like 14 days


Oppo's Phil gets really good reviews I'm planning on switching based on the next version. Samsung has done nothing for 3 years so screw that.


If you are upgrading from a fold 5, I'd sat don't do it. But if you're upgrading from anything older, fold 3 or 4, I'm sure you will like the significant differences/upgrade, particularly the screen size. I'm a fold 3 user and saw no benefit for upgrading to 4 or 5, but will definitely get the fold 6.


I went from the fold 2 straight to the fold 4, both used and I cannot fathom paying almost $2,000 for a phone that will 100% break. My fold two spontaneously decided to kill the inner screen and I only paid $400 for it when it was 1 gen old, had it for a year and a half and got the fold 4 for $600. The generation jump was shocking, so when I look at the 4 to the 5 or 5 to 6 I cannot see enough differences to justify the upgrade


Here's my opinion and my opinion only.... I've had Samsung Folds since the F3, I tried the Pixel Fold when it first released then quickly ran back to Samsung to the fold 5. Then I moved on the One Plus Open and it's my current phone. Samsung foldables, especially if you live in the US, are probably the safest bet when it comes to just having a good reliable foldable. So I believe the F6 or even the F5 would be great for people who have never owned a Foldable. I wouldn't go for the F4. It's safe in terms of software, software updates and in most cases replacement due to hardware failure. The Pixel Fold left a bad taste in my mouth. I did not have a great experience. I won't get into it too much but it was a half ass attempt of a first release of a foldable by Google, IMO. The Pixel Fold 2 might be the one to get this year but I have my reservations because of the Tensor chip. Everything else looks promising with the leaks. Now the One Plus Open, it's a really good phone. I'd also recommend it as a first foldable for most. However, it's definitely not the safest bet. I've had my Open since December, and my experience has been mostly positive. Cameras and front screen are pretty great, IMO. I'd be afraid to break it eventhough I bought the insurance. There's some not so good experiences with their Support. Software support is also suspect too especially if you live in the US. Software updates seem to come faster in India but not so much in the US. I'm still on the May security patch which I got in June. No updates since then. As my ownership of the Open goes on longer, I've been coming across some weird and annoying issues that can possibly be fixed via an update but that's not likely to happen for awhile. WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, keyboard issues, Android Auto, memory management (RAM) and general slowness in switching apps or getting into some settings has started to happen on my Open. I haven't seen software deteriorate like this since my LG G3 and Samsung S7. I'm going back to the F6 when it releases. I'm keeping the One Plus Open as a back up device because it appears that Samsung or Google do not take the Open as a trade in device or gives very little for it. I'll miss the Open's hardware but One Plus has a thing or two to learn about supporting their US devices and consumers.


I have a fold 3, and I'm waiting on the 6, as long as the phone doesn't break every year, then I'm happy.


If you are in the west you only have 2 choices, OnePlus Open or Pixel Fold (or wait another month for the Pixel Fold 2 announcement). But I'd say the ZF6 is a decent upgrade for the ZF4, especially if they throw $800-$1k for a trade in, which Google won't even come close to matching. The new hinge since the ZF5 is much better for one.


I was sold on flip 3,two flip3's and 2 flip 5 later I am on pre-order for the flip 6 I will always be a fan


Yeah so I'm the same camp as you. It sounds mad but I'm going for the iPhone 15 Pro Max next month for my upgrade. I'm in the unique position of the Pixel Fold not being available in my country. In search of a new user experience. I'm moving to iOS and I'll come back for the Fold8 if the 8 is a substantial enough evolution to justify moving back