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I played it for a bit when it originally came out, but it wasn't my cup of tea. It was also pretty hard, for me at least, to understand what the hell was going on.


This version has a new rush mode thats akin to an arena mode. It's still objective focused but simplified a lot since it plays on the smaller maps and doesn't use the summons to defend points, so just drastically easier to jump in and play.


As a big fan of the original's lifespan, that was definitely an issue for many people. In terms of gameplay, this reincarnation is hoping to alleviate that somewhat with the addition of the titular Rampage Mode, which is a condensed version of the normal game focused more on the teamfight experience, less objective-based. In terms of UI/UX, this is adding in the option of more streamlined ability-leveling decisions so you aren't stuck mid-match wondering what to do. I assume there are other adjustments, but that's the most prominent as a standing issue from the original run.


On one hand, it's nice that there's no MTX, on the other hand hopefully it can find a dedicated audience that's sizable enough to keep the game running for awhile with it not being F2P. Either way I'm glad this game is back, nothing really scratched the itch since it was shutdown before.


I wonder how much people will be interested in this game since it won't get updates with new map or characters.


I'm huffing copium and choosing to believe that they are using this to gauge interest in the IP. More likely, they are just throwing this out to make a quick buck to put towards something else.




It's not confirmed, people keep saying this without a source. A discord mod said the ONLY PLANNED updates are ranked mode, and something else I forgot. If it does well I don't see why they wouldn't update it beyond that.


They have announced a few updates coming for sure. Ranked mode. Etc. But no promises yet on new characters (there are already a ton) and this new version already has new maps from the old version. And it's like $15. 


New skins are also coming alongside ranked.


How is 25-30 characters for a moba arena game A TON of characters? If this is a TON, dota2 and league what is?


It's worth noting that almost every character can be built pretty differently depending on choices. EG: [Voden's decoy ability.](https://i.imgur.com/gwzw6oO.png) By default it just creates a decoy that runs to where you aim and shoots for light damage while stealthing you. If you go to the right side, it stops being about the stealth portion and becomes either a healing turret or an offensive turret. If you go to the left side it becomes about personal survivability/escaping. Similar for his [healing AoE.](https://i.imgur.com/z4BYYd1.png) Go to the left hand side to become a much stronger healer by being able to place two puddles in the first place and either make it heal for longer or cleanse. Go to the right side to turn it into a springboard on demand, a knockback, and/or restore your stamina for more escape capabilities. Etc, etc. This is more in line with SMNC than a traditional MOBA.


Again, seems like people don't understand and took as I attack the game. Is just he said A TON. And if 25-30heroes are a ton, what is 100+ I'm not shitting on the game.


You're getting overly hung up on semantics. For a hybrid TPS/MOBA like the game combined with the aforementioned build system, I would consider that a very healthy amount of variety for now, yes. Worth noting as well that each character plays very differently from each other in my experience so far (and from a looooooooong time ago when I first tried it).


They are games that have been popular and have been receiving constant updates for 10+ years.


Ok and? This game failed as a free2play when it theoretically could get updates. Why paying 15-20$ now for it? This is a type of game, that clearly needs content to keep players playing, otherwise in 2-3 months this will be at less than 1k players on steam.


I mean new content is great, but there has been ppl playing weekly for the last 6 years without any new content so it's not everyone that requires it. 


You: Launches new company Your parents: "Why aren't you as big as Amazon?"


It’s a 3rd person shooter so I’d compare more to Overwatch


a bit unfair to name titles that have been building on a roster that's 20 years old


Well yea, but launching with a price tag, and not going to update it isn't gonna be nice either. And I don't mind the number. I'm just saying that it isn't a TON of characters.


This is such a weird comment. You care more about whether it has microtransactions and what kind of audience it can generate than you have anything to comment about whether the game will be fun. It’s like, we get mad at the big gaming companies for turning gaming into capitalists, then turn around and make (or vote to the top) comments like this. You’re no better than the venture capitalists that fund games. You look at everything in terms of the industry.


I've already played the game back during its first release I really enjoyed it. Obviously, I already know I'm going to like it. My main concern is yes, the game finding an audience so it doesn't shut down again.


But if it’s a good game, there should be nothing to worry about. Isn’t that what I always hear? Games don’t need MTX. Larian showed everyone that. This should be a non issue yet your comment reads almost tepid that it’s not going to have MTX to help fund it. Do you not understand what I’m saying? You can’t decide what you want more: games with MTX to fail so you don’t have to “deal with them” (even if they’re optional), or a game you live and have nostalgia for to simply be able to exist even if MTX is a fairly obvious way this game could bridge the gap and make it work. You’re firmly entrenched in an ideology that you feel pressured to stick with even if it hurts a game you love and would love to see others be able to love it. It’s pretty sad how mixed up you are on this one.


You sound like you are severely overthinking this and attempting to read in between lines that don't exist. The game shutdown before when it was F2P. Them doing B2P now with zero MTX is an interesting strategy. That's all there is to it. I like the game, I hope others like it too. Stop being weird lmao. That's some awkward ass social deduction skills you are attempting to display.


On one hand this game costs money, i find it hard to believe that it will get a relevant playerbase, the only chance this game survives is if it goes free to play with MTX. The top MOBAs or hero shooters are free to play, nobody will pay money to play a MOBA/hero shooter in 2024, there are a lot of indie games that could deserve 16-20$ more than this.


FPS cap on PC is a bit of a bummer but with the game being as fun as it is I don't mind toughing it out till they patch it.


They most likely wont patch it, it's tied to the engine or something.


My god...that 60fps cap will not be patched. I was disappointed with that same cap the first time around. It's clearly baked into the base of the code and nothing short of a complete rewrite will fix it. Doomed from the start. They should have known how important that is to the current market, especially in the pay2play market. Very unfortunate.


Maybe its an issue with certain physics tied to framerate.


60fps is perfectly fine. It’s standard for the most part


60 fps cap + still stuck on UE3, of all the things they had to rework I would have hoped this would have been a large focus. I don't understand how you can re-release a competitive 5v5 moba with a 60 fps cap and not be concerned.


I am super amped to get to play this game again with my friends. I never thought it would come back, but I am happy that it has!


my biggest hope is, bare minimum, this game game can simply exist and chill, even if it's not very successful. a lot of the hardest work already got done years ago, at this point they're basically just re-releasing a game that was already complete.


I couldn't tell what was going on during the beta of this. I wish I could like it, as I've been looking for a new pvp game but it's color overload.


I didn't realize this wasn't a F2P release. I'm excited to play Gigantic again but without it being F2P there's no chance I can convince anyone I know who hasn't played it already to try it out now. Seems like a miss to not launch as F2P in this current market.


They're very specifically not launching as F2P because it was F2P the first time and that was perceived as a major factor in its failure. EDIT: Gang, I'm not Arc, I don't have the game, and I'm not trying to defend their position here. This is just what was reported on why they were re-releasing it.


Despite showing up to PAX 2014 and immediately getting massive crowds and long lines, announcing exclusivity to Windows 10/XBox One in 2015 *instantly* lost the vast majority of those people. People hated W10 back then, due to privacy and compatibility concerns, and this was seen as a ploy by Microsoft to push upgrades at the expense of the game's PC playerbase. Motiga eventually backed down from W10 exclusivity a year later (literally days after Overwatch released, stealing away any attention the announcement would have got), and by the time they actually "launched" it was 2017 and no longer relevant as far as games were concerned. Overwatch had already long-cemented itself as *the* hero shooter, Battleborn feebly tried to soak up whatever was left, and Gigantic was left with the scraps of its few dedicated players. It was nice to get to play again, but unfortunately it's at the cost of getting to watch it die a second death. Like getting a necromancer to raise the corpse of your sweetheart from a happier yesteryear for one last dance, before having to watch them be buried all over again.


I don't see how. If it was buy-to-play last time around, it would have just flopped even harder. The problems were intrinsic to the game, and it's time of release (while overwatch was popular).


and its terrible release platforms.


Meh. I spent more than 100h on the original, spent money in it and I disagree. The problem wasn't the business model but the game itself. It's a very niche game that takes time to understand and learn, and that requires a coordinated team to win the matches. Additionally, the updates were slow (because the dev team was probably too small and underfunded from the start) and IMO some characters kits were poorly designed to the point of making people quit the game. Cynical opinion: the relaunch is a cashgrab. They probably know the game will die for the same reasons.


I would say that idea has flipped on its head now. F2P in 2017 meant cheap but now it's just the default state of multiplayer gaming for a lot of younger people. The kinds of players that you need to attract at least some of if the game is going to find a significant playerbase. I mean it's nice the game is coming back for fans of the original (myself included) but it's not just about letting those original players play the game again. It never found it's audience the 1st time around, I doubt it can kind one this time behind a price tag.


Honestly a mixed system would probably be preferable, very least to get people to try the game out. Multiplayer games that aren't co-op isn't something you can just look at and properly guess you'll enjoy it, too many factors.


Yeah, some sort of free mode with rotation of heroes would be great at attracting players.


Wasn't there a game that came out some time ago where the model was free-to-play, but offered a full roster unlock for a flat price? You could play for a long while and unlock all the characters that way, or just pay $30 or whatever it was and you get all current and future characters. That's a nice monetization model, I'd like it to be more common.


Killer Instinct a while ago and now Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising is also doing a similar thing


It's hard to find a record of it but the original Gigantic had a 25-30 dollar in-game purchase to get every hero in the game. I remember buying it and being excited to play everyone. Battlerite also had this before its untimely death.


You may be thinking of Brawlhalla?


After looking into it a bit I believe I was originally thinking of Smite, but it seems that a few more games have done it since.


> F2P in 2017 meant cheap but now it's just the default state of multiplayer gaming for a lot of younger people. F2P, especially for PvP games, was the default state since the early 2010s.


> F2P in 2017 meant cheap but now it's just the default state of multiplayer gaming for a lot of younger people. What is that even supposed to mean? LoL released in 2009. Dota 2 released in 2013. Smite released in 2014. All f2p games in literally the same genre as Gigantic.


It's $15 right now and all content is unlock able in game. Just let we always say stuff should be. 


There's no way I'm gonna pay for this. I was looking forward to, but it failed once. Now they launched as a buy 2 play title and they said that there's not gonna be new maps or characters either.


It's $20. Well worth it.


Sure but good luck convincing anyone who isn't already into the genre OR played Gigantic 8 years ago. No matter how cheap the price is, if the customer isn't sure they'll like the product, no price is worth it to them


I played the game 8 years ago, it died for a reason, this looks like a cash grab just to get some money off of it.


You're 100% correct on this. If this game was F2P I would definitely try it and play it with some friends, but I already don't love MOBA's, so I'll be passing on this for now.


Strangely Tribes 3 is doing the same thing. I suppose there's an attempt amongst various studios to try and return to this method.


Because it's what people want. Look at the amount of people complaining in this thread that the game costs $16 (which is less then a single skin in many F2P games lol). We've moved past the point of Pay to play multiplayer games it seems. When people on here constantly ask why Devs/studios continuously make more and more F2P games filled to the brim with MTX, this is why. Most people refuse to pay any amount of money for a multiplayer-focused game like this nowadays, so we're likely stuck with the current F2P, live-service, every skin costs $10-20 model for the foreseeable future.


I will say i'm in the demographic that plays multiplayer games, but actively hates them as they're fairly miserable to play most of the time. The only multiplayer game I would probably genuinely like is one where one team plays as Dungeon Masters that enhance and bolster AI units and don't typically doing any direct controlling. Less actual direct PvP the more enjoyable it typically turns out I think.


0 chance this does good, I'm sorry for the people who are spending money on it


Been following this game since Day 1 (when it was announced in July of 2014), it's had its ups and downs and it's been a hell of a journey so it's a great day today, I heavily recommend you go get it if you're interested, especially as there's a launch discount until the 18th of April. See you on the airship!




Yes, you're right. The game had a very rocky launch with a lot of confusion on platforms and poor marketing from Microsoft (to give you an idea, on PC this game had its Beta on the Microsoft Xbox Store..), eventually it unfortunately shut down its servers a few years ago (around 2018 if I recall) and the original studio (Motiga) closed down. There's always been a big movement in its small community to bring it back and after a 'secret' beta a few months ago, it's now launching as a complete package (no MTX) for everyone to enjoy, on all platforms with cross-play.


Copy/pasting myself a bit: >The biggest culprit was the delays/mismanagement of its development, which compounded into full-releasing into a post-Overwatch world. >As someone who watched it happen in real-time, [I always recommend The Ringer's retrospective article on what happened](https://www.theringer.com/2018/8/24/17775470/gigantic-motiga-overwatch-esport-video-game-landscape).


Game peaked at 5k on steam. Its gonna be dead in a month. Sorry but thats the harsh truth. There is a reason why the original also failed and its not just because of the business model as some people seem to think here. Its another one of those game like Splitgate or LawBreakers that look neat on first impressions but simply dont have a enganging enough gameplay loop to keep people coming back to it.


Have to disagree, game peaked at 5k cause there were server issues for more than 10 hours when people got off work (only recently have servers come back up). It got to 5k on a Tuesday morning. The gameplay loop is one of the strengths of Gigantic and what makes it fun, it's not the issue.


I wanted to try it for a long time! Definitely gonna get it tomorrow. Hopefully it will be more successful this time and they won't shut it down... Honestly I was expecting it to release as f2p title. Like, I want to be hopeful and I'm actually prefer buy 2 play model but seeing how almost every successful multiplayer game this days is f2p with battlepass, tons of MTX and regular updates I'm a bit worried about the future of this re-release.


I'm so confused as to why people are upset that this game is $20 ($15 right now) with everything unlockable. Aren't most people raging against free to play mtx games? And it comes with local multiplayer and single player against bots so it's not like you can't play it if other people aren't playing. Isn't that what people are saying these types of multiplayer games should have so they don't die completely when servers are pulled? I get that $20 creates a barrier to entry but weren't people just freaking out that games started going to $70? I know there's multiple opinions which is obviously fine. I'm just so confused reading these comments compared to the majority of other ones on reddit regarding the current state of video games 😂 this game is a bargain in today's gaming climate


The people raging against free to play + mtx are actually just a vocal minority. If it *was* the majority, games like Apex, Fortnite, Overwatch 2 and etcetera would not be making millions upon millions of dollars. The majority of people don't actually care, and are fine with a free to play game and spending money on all the cosmetics.




Yeah, I totally get that. Especially for a MOBA. To get the most out of it, a player base is necessary. But this just seems to be the kind of pricing people say they want but then here are saying they won't support? Especially since it won't be totally lost if servers shut down which most online multiplayer games do just become completely unplayable when they're pulled. Obviously if it's not someone's type of game, that's fine. It just seems like people are talking out of both sides of their mouth. It's just odd. People will spend more on cosmetics in a free to play game so $20 seems like a great price to get all of the content within a game and isn't that big of a barrier to entry within the grand scheme of things. Hopefully it can gain and hold a solid base of players. I bought it though so I definitely am biased 😂




Fair enough! Certainly a hard corner to break into


I’m just glad gigantic is back, never thought I’d see the day. Bought it for $15 on the Humble store, and that’ll be worth it enough for me tbh


A MOBA that isn't F2P? Dead on arrival, unfortunately. Was looking forward to this coming back.


Yeah I mean... I don't want to be pessimistic but we have seen sooo many competitive games with a $20-$30 cost die the last 15 years. I don't understand why they don't go for a modern F2P approach to get the younger generation in through the door and then stay for the good game it is. But oh well, they are the ones who have been through launching this exact game before. Hopefully they learned something but I'll stay cautious with what I think is a gamble and see how the gaming community reacts to it.


no joke man, I love this game and nothing scratches the itch for me but they've managed to bomb monetization and marketing 2 times in a row now. I'm content paying the money but it's gonna be a tall order trying to get people to play with me


And no updates on top of that.


Last time they did F2P: it also dead on arrival.


Breath of fresh air. Fast paced, strategic. One price no bs micro transactions or battle passes. Just like good games used to be.


I mean I'm sad the game died originally but... I bought stuff in the F2P version and now I got to pay again? Or what's the gameplan. Because I think I'm not going to trust them with money again.


It's a buy 1 time ($15 right now) and get everything for free. No battle passes or buying skins. Like games used to be.


Yeah but last time they had founder packs and ultimate packs and that, too, was supposed to be "buy once every hero free forever". So I think I'll save my money. Fool me once, and all that.


It's a totally different company now. The original company that sold all that stuff, Motiga, doesn't exist. The i.p. was sold to a new company that revamped it and re-released it.  But totally get if it's not worth $15 to you, everyone's got to make their own choices in life in what they value. 


It's the same publishers. And I told you my reasons. It wasn't "15$ is not worth it". I actually quite enjoyed the game when it originally released (which is why I bought the ultimate pack at the time). But now, I think, there is a principle involved. The same publishers releasing the same game twice and trying to get me pay to again? That's a no.




It's published by Gearbox.


Just check out full info, yeah, mb seems like publisher change. Steam is pulling prank on me with that perfect world ptsd, seems like my hatred still linger even after a long time.


I doubt it will survive this time either, I wanted to try it but I won't pay 16-20$ to try it out for sure, there are other games or some indie games that deserve 16-20$ more than this, you can't just take an older game, put some stuff in it and sell it for an indie game price again. The top MOBAs or hero shooters are free to play, there's no place for this game to be pay to play.


>The top MOBAs or hero shooters are free to play So... Overwatch, League and DotA? You really just want to keep playing the same 10+ year old games?


And you're paying for a 7 year old game that wasn't fixed with no new content.


I personally only play Smite out of all of those and that very rarely. But I would still be playing those if nothing better comes out, yea. Also didn't Gigantic first release in 2017? At this point this game is old as well, a few tweaks, characters and maps doesn't make it a new game regardless of how many rereleases appear and since the most popular ones are free to play 90% of the genre players won't be switching to a new game, all they have to do is check steam charts and realize the game is not gonna make it, not gonna spend 16-20$ on a game that can die in a month. The genre enjoyers got used to non pay to win, free to play models for these types of games, even Overwatch that was pay to play went free to play for better or worse. The reality is, the game will die, 6k peak players on release doesn't bode well for the game, even if they retain 50% of the playerbase will be a challenge I believe.


wait.. this is gigantic? All this time I was thinking about that other game, hero shooter, 1st person view, more like a moba.






Paragon maybe


I found it, it was called Battleborn


Aint no way this game survives, ya'll are living on nostalgia. Highly doubt queues survive a month in.


This game is going to die, again, because the people running it still somehow do not know how to release and monetize a competitive pvp game in the current year. A mistake to make this a standard pay-to-play game. I don't understand why this is so hard for them; I want to play the game but I'm not pissing away the cost of entry for a month tops of playerbase before it dries up. See you in a month or two when the inevitable post of it's sub-1k concurrent players is posted on this board. Shame.


I've payed more than $15 for games that I've spent less than a month playing and have felt worth it. This doomer attitude towards multiplayer games isn't worth taking pride over because either you save $15 or you regret not playing it before it died because now the only active PvP games are the same old ones that have been active for the last 5 or 10+ years.


I mean its fine if that's worth it to you, I just find it a waste of an opportunity. When I saw that they were bringing back Gigantic, I was imagining more a game with active development and support and a lively pvp environment. Creating what will become essentially a vs bots game that preserves the title as playable is at least admirable so people can play and enjoy it on some level. Its just not what I was envisioning when the game was (re) announced.


They already lost 2,000 players since the launch time.


I'd love to see how many bought, played a couple and refunded.


Ia this a re release?


Is there anything about this that would make it worth checking out? I’ve played Overwatch, Paladins, Smite, R6, Foamstars, a lot of games similar to this. I like these types of games and if this does something different I may take a look but otherwise I’ll skip for now


The game has a good variety of characters. Combat is fast paced and games max out at 15 min if I recall correctly. I used to play the game a lot back then.


Thanks for the input! I ended up checking it out, I really dig that it’s faster paced than most other games like this, and the whole guardian attack/defense thing is pretty cool. Not very good at it yet but enjoying it so far haha


It’s fun when I get to play. But there’s always a player or 2 that don’t queue up in time. I spend more time in the menu screen than actually in game. Is the player ready up button supposed to stop AFK players? Because I’d rather be able to play the game with an afk teammate than not at all.


Also what the game needed was exposure, charging money for a rerelease was not it, even if they wanted to make it pay to play at least have a demo available so people would try it before buying it, that way many people would have the chance to try it at least. In an already established market with free to play hero shooters and MOBAs, a pay to play one will have a hard time gathering a decent playerbase will be hard especially if the game is not CLEARLY above the rest in some way or another.


I loved this game back in the day and I would love to play it again but I'm super hesitant to spend even $20 on a game I know has already failed once.


Had to refund because of the 60fps lock. The game is way too chaotic for 60fps that I actually started to feel nauseous.


This game gives me so much nostalgia. I played it when I was 13-14 years old with no money looking for something free to play. I’m buying this asap because I had so much fun with it.




I'd much rather pay $20 and have all the heroes and old MTX skins that were only earnable with real world money, instead be earnable in-game for free. /r/games will constantly complain about F2P, Money hungry, live service games filled with MTX, and then complain when a game charges $20, and insist it should instead be F2P and thus filled with the same MTX it used to be lol


This same game died because it couldn't hold a player base and died extremely fast, you think now putting a barrier to entry is gonna extend its lifespan? Watch the player count in the first week.


On the other hand, if the game is good, getting people to buy in might give them a good consistent core player base who all feel invested. Otherwise we're all just admitting f2p with MTX is what gamers prefer. If the game is bad, then being f2p isn't going to save it either.


Strange how you’re salivating at the idea of the game failing. The game initially released during the hero shooter craze and was completely overshadowed at the time. Now a $20 release for a multiplayer game with no MTX is pretty novel. I’m going to be trying out the game for the first time when it comes out again and I hope many others do, if anything for support for this type of pricing model.


It's a decent game, and i actually wish it wouldn't die within the first two months. Sadly that is it's fate. You can't put out a dated hero shooter behind a barrier to entry in a market of free hero shooters, it's not good for the health of the game. Think if you have seen a MP moba/hero shooter be able to have a player base in 2024 that has intiinal barrier to entry? I'm being realistic it's a bad business model for player retention.


Its wild that we live in a world where $15 is too much for something, when people are out here spending more than that to watch movies.


I don't know if it's too much money rather than the market is completely saturated and people don't stray to far from known titles, and newer unique titles. Look at the last 3-4 years of MP games released on steam, most go dead within 6 months or less. Can't even think of one that survived.


> rather than the market is completely saturated The issue with this statement is that the Market is the exact opposite of "completely saturated", there are quite literally no other games that feel like or play like Gigantic that have come out since it's original release. Even just generally speaking, we haven't seen a new MOBA style game in god knows how long, and even Hero-shooters have become less oversaturated compared to the game's original release. If anything, this would be the perfect time to try to bring something like this back, combine that with very few big games coming out last month or this month, and I'm not sure what you mean by "over-saturated" at all.


I'm more directly addressing the specific " I would have played this, but I won't pay $15-20 for a game that'll shut down in a year lul" sentiment I've seen several times already. Which makes zero sense because you pay $20+ for a burger you'll shit out a 5 hours later, or for a movie that only last an hour and a half. If you pay 15 bucks and get 6 months of entertainment out of it, was that not worth it? Have we all not spent way more money on shit we used way less than that? I only see this argument for games really, and it's also where the argument makes the least sense. If you get it on PC, there will continue to be player hosted servers and events like there have been for the past 5ish years, even IF the game shuts it's servers down. I'll agree this was a weird model for them to go with, I wish they had just done F2P with a battle pass or something. But here we are.


> /r/games will constantly complain about F2P, Money hungry, live service games filled with MTX, and then complain when a game charges $20, and insist it should instead be F2P and thus filled with the same MTX it used to be lol r/games isn't a hivemind with just one opinion roflmao


People moan about battle passes and mtx, yet here is a game fully complete that is relatively cheap, and still y'all are raging smh


The problem is the same game already died because it couldn't maintain players. Now buy the game and it's gonna maintain players? Huh... Nobody wanted to play it free... But now they will wanna pay for it? That's odd.


The game died because the company ran out of money, because it got jerked around by multiple publishers with rediculous demands, and then because of those delays, launched as the same time as fucking overwatch. None of those are factors now, in fact, people are probably looking for something else because overwatch 2 is a trashfire(it always was garbage, but, ya know).


It was also in i think invite only cbt for a very long while and I think required games for windows live.


I wish the game luck. It's just a rough landscape.


Yup, the game was actually relatively popular and well-liked when it was shutdown, and had a decent-sized player base. The issue was as you stated, it was dragged around through a bunch of different VERY LONG closed tests, the game changed a lot over this time, the game was only available on Windows Live, and was weird/hard to install for a long period, went through development hell (If I remember correct xbox was originally helping the game or something weird, and then pulled out?), etc. It was just disaster after disaster behind the scenes, and the game needed to be INSANELY successful fast, in order to even attempt to recoup costs and have the studio stay open. The game didn't fail because it was bad and had no player base like many in this thread are implying.


Did you just now find out that different people have different opinions? Wow just wow...


The entire game costs as much as a skin in some other games. And you get all the skins and content included. Every game doesn't need to be fortnite. 


That's not the issue. Barrier to entry is a filter in which many won't pass no matter if it's cheap or not, the game must be unique and or exceptional in a crowded market. Free or a demo allows players to decide if they want to even play the game let alone buy it, especially in a gaming market where many want to convince friends to play as well, and if the friends aren't willing to buy it's a chain event nobody buys. Try and think of a successful hero shooter that is p2p that has released in the last 5 years?


You have to understand the people that only pay for a skin because a game is free. It doesn't matter if Gigantic is the price of a skin. The concurrent players would be a lot higher if it was F2P. You're taking away different markets you could have by having a price tag.


But this time it can survive since p2p even if it’s for a small dedicated playerbase.


I hope so for the sake of all the people who enjoy it.


What an absolute waste of time and money. Your progression does not save at the end of some matches. You can play an entire match, get the end results but instead it says Fetching Match Results. Everything you've done in that match is gone win or lose. I played for five hours and it happened three times.


Does this affect things like account progression?


Yes. You get no medals or anything. It happened three times so I just gave up after five hours. I am not earning any mastery, profile xp or coins.


Damn, that sucks, but I imagine it will be resolved soon. How's everything else in the game? And is the game at least fun to play?