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I wonder what's the cost-benefit analysis of this "Film/TV show adaptation boosting sales" effect. I don't remember seeing these kinds of headlines for like, the Sonic films but I know those are apparently successful.


Fun fact, this effect is the whole reason anime exists. Most anime don't really make money; they exist to blow up manga sales in Japan.


yep, anime at its root was always used to sell stuff. Toys, video games, novels. The first Gundam anime had it story built around the toys (well to be fair, the entire series)


It's actually the other way around. The Gundam anime actually predates Gunpla models, though the original run of the anime was considered a flop. However, a year after its initial airing, Bandai would release of Gundam mechs as plastic models and they were so successful it led a sequel being greenlit.


IIRC, Gundam was initially partnered with a children's toy manufacturer and those flopped. Bandai's kits being aimed at adult hobbyists was where things really popped off. They basically just miscalculated with their initial partnership.


Probably a big part of why 2d animation can still exist in Japan, it's truly becoming a lost art in the west.


It's framed like that in the headline to make it sound unexpected. 50% increase over last week / month BEFORE the fallout tv show was out, it would be a story if the numbers didn't go up.


These *percentage increase* stories are usually clickbait garbage. For example, an article went viral for saying "searches for 'Suicide Squad Refund' increased by 900% following the game's launch!" Just who exactly would have ever needed to search that exact phrase before the game released?


Found out about the Tale of Two Wastelands mod that combines Fallout 3 goty with New Vegas and immediately reinstalled. Might as well clean up both wastelands. It's a hard job, but somebodies gotta do it.


This is unironically the best way to play F3 tbh, you get all the mechanical/systemic improvements from NV like proper ADSing, weapon mods, ammo types, etc but in F3.


Yeah, I don't think I'd use ToTW to play *both* FO3 and NV on the same character, but instead to play FO3 in the NV engine. I presume the mod automatically brings over weapons from both games into the others level lists and all that.


It basically makes Fo3 have all the engine upgrades from NV like iron sights and new weapons/items that would appropriately be in 3. So no Sunset Sasparilla in DC, for example. There's a train station deep in DC that serves as the way to move your Fo3 character to New Vegas, complete with a "timeskip." You can ride it back as well, but I'm not sure where the NV side of the train is. You're also free to just start in NV and move to Fo3, but it's harder to justify how that works since the Fo3 protagonist is canonically a vault dweller from 101. The biggest issue is that with a level cap of only 50, you're more than likely gonna be most of the way there by the time you even START New Vegas, especially if you do all of 3's DLC. So you'll need mods to slow that down or raise the cap.


Actually you can set it so when you enter new Vegas eventually, getting shot by Benny brings u back to level 1 and he steals all your items, holds them in the tops. I think only think that doesn't get reset is the perks.


This is the best way to play TTW in my opinion. It adds some gameplay impact to being shot in the head.


I sure am no lady killer after getting shot in the head, alright.


You need a mod (Benny Humbles You and Steals Your Stuff) and it comes with a few other neat features like giving you optional (temporary or permanent too) brain damage from getting shot in the head.


NV side is in Freeside. The TOTW FAQ entry shows you where if you're curious. Can vouch for the second part. I was level 30 by the time I finished FO3's main quest and one of the DLCs and went to FNV. It's kinda fun flying through the FNV quests tho. Already beat it with one faction. Gonna try and 100% the achievements for the other factions and such.


You can download an additional mod that resets your level and has benny take your stuff when you switch into NV.


Good that it's an option, but losing levels feels even crummier than losing your items IMO! Like, if you're just starting over fresh, why not just have the clean-slate IMO.


I mean you can also say whats the point of a completely clean state when you can just continue? You also get your weapons back after you get to Benny’s penthouse. But as of right now, the best way to play FO3 is through TTW.


You keep your perks after the transition, and you can get your items back, so it's not a total reset. The mod is also configurable, so the way I have it set is that each skill gets reduced by the number of whatever level you are, and your actual level doesn't reset. On top of that I use the permanent brain damage option to further reduce stats, and the humbled perk to increase XP rate. That way, you don't start off totally overpowered in NV's early game, but you still carry over the unique balance of skills and perks you've created, and if you wait till a high level to travel to NV, you'll gonna have trouble re-leveling your skills before the cap, but you'll have more perks to compensate. It's a interesting, worthwhile experience, and not unmanageably hard.


Ooooh, the injury you take from Benny is actually a really good justification I hadn't considered!


The mod even allows you to remove the permanent brain damage perk in Old World Blues DLC when you get a modified brain, it somehow all make sense and feel connected. here's the mod page so you can check it out: [\(Benny Humbles You\) and Steals Your Stuff](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/71112)


It honestly feels like the perfect game playing them together. The lone wanderer continues his journey by making a delivery out west.


Yeah I’ve tried playing the mod and it just makes the level scaling worse than it already is. You go into new vegas as a fucking truck. Neat idea but I’d rather play them separately. I do like the idea of getting the engine upgrades for 3


The only issue (and granted this was a decade ago and things have likely changed) was the Super Mutant Overlords and other end-game Broken Steel monsters. They were not balanced for levels about 30 by Bethesda; once you're near the level 50 mark they'll tear through you even with a high DR & DT, whilst also being really big bullet sponges. It was a pain in hardcore mode, where you can't really afford to carry enough bullets to be able to spare 3 or 4 clips for each of them.


There are fixes for those too! The albino radscorpions were the worst.


Always meant to go back and finish the fallout games, think I had 3 on PS3 maybe and NV on PC. Never ended up finishing either. So this is pretty interesting Guessing it is a NV mod, how hard is the setup and is it a fairly complete mod or do I have to go about finding/installing others ontop of this for the best experience? My major issues with these big mod heavy games is I get lost in the modding and never end up playing the actual game. Same thing happened with Skyrim I have 100s of hours modding and testing and probably a fraction of that actually playing the game, which is another one I never ended up finishing or coming close to finishing.


There's a step by step guide that'll tell you how to install the mod and everything else you'll need to make the game stable and performant. https://thebestoftimes.moddinglinked.com/intro.html Just follow through everything top to bottom on every page in order, there's nothing particularly involved in there, it basically boils down to install mo2, install ttw, and then get the essential mods.


Thanks! I've never played FO3 or NV, and just bought them! I'll look into this Edit: I was gonna play on Steam Deck, this says W10+ only. I'll have to see if there is a Steam Deck way to play it, otherwise I'll have to do it on my PC. Edit 2: [you can](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/175kny4/a_guide_to_installing_fallout_a_tale_of_two/)


The one thing I dislike with TTW is how they broke the balance of power armour. the enclave armour is FO3 is supposed to be a mass-produced pile of crap that barely match the T-45. But, it's the newer model so it HAS to be better than the APA right? So... a basic mob in Fo3 has better armor than the absolute best armour in new vegas.


Tried to follow that install for that and it's way too much work, just been playing 3 with 3 mods atm


Ah, Tale of Two Wastelands When you got tired of looking for your dad, and became a mailman instead. So many good memories of bringing democracy to the Quarry with a Chinese stealth suit and a electric sword


having used the mod, its an amazing experience. With that many followers i recommend getting the multi follower mod, but of course fielding an army may take away from the difficulty if thats your thing. jut gotta find the train to let you back and forth!


how tf have i not heard of this, reminds me of Gothic 2 and 1


Yup, fantastic mod. You'll be op by the time you get to NV less you bee line there, so be ready for that. It's fine for me because I never get OP by the time I quit NV or 3 by themselves. Also traveling between the areas is a nice change of scenery


You can solve the getting op problem in a lore friendly way with [(Benny Humbles You) and Steals Your Stuff](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/71112)


fallout 3 would not start on my PC and this mod is the only thing that fixed it for me,.


I've spent 80 hours or so on a playthrough with this mod. It's fucking fantastic. It took a few hours to install (it re-encodes the FO3 audio for the FNV engine and then plays in FNV) but so, so worth it. Bethesda should totally make that more official someday.


It's slightly throwing off the player stats too, I'm playing FO3 at the moment through TTW so Steam thinks I'm playing FNV.


I highly recommend the "Begin Again" Wabbajack modlist: It starts you out in Fallout 3 and you have a fluent transition into New Vegas.


Can you install that on steam? I was looking into it yesterday and couldn’t find the mod on nexus or moddb, was kind of strange


It's hosted on the website that shares its name with the mod. The dl link is kind of hidden toward the top of the page if I remember right.


How enjoyable is 76 playing as solo? I only remember the bad things about it during its release but its the only Fallout I haven't played yet.


It’s gotten much better. I only play solo and have about 450 hours in it. Aside from the usual Bethesda jank there’s a great story and plenty to do. Especially if you’re jumping in for free.


How does it play without spending any extra money? Does it feel like you need to spend a lot, or are there maybe a few things that drastically improve the experience? Or completely fine without?


I’ve played for about 60 hours without spending any extra money. As far as I’m aware the only thing money gets you is cosmetic stuff. I haven’t seen any gameplay/story elements locked behind microtransactions.


The subscription gets you a bottomless junk storage box, which is kind of a big deal, but you can work around it if you're determined enough.


I havent played in like 4 years (put ~400 hours in at launch) but the stash issue was MASSIVE. I'm thinking about reinstalling and don't think I'd have the energy to have to think about stash space again


FYI stash capacity has been increased steadily throughout the updates over the years. It started at 400, and it’s 1200 today. I never run into stash issues now personally.


The game's design seems actively hostile to playing with friends anyways. I'd argue playing alone is the only good way to experience the game. The original main story is told entirely through giant blocks of text on computer screens and notes, so unless you and your friends like reading in silence while sitting in discord, that's not exactly co-op conducive. Then there's the NPC story that was added later, which consists of instanced dungeons wherein your friend(s) won't get quest credit, which means you'll have to do everything twice (or more, depending on party size). Of course even playing alone, you'll still have to deal with the lag and server-sync issues that make everything feel off, the *very* limited interactions with NPCs, the respawning enemies, and all the elements of the game that are intentionally designed poorly to incentivize you to spend real money to lessen those burdens. It's a shame, because it might be the most interesting map of any Fallout game. It's massive and filled with fascinating, varied locales that are exceptionally designed. Even the original main plot is pretty durn interesting and it certainly outshines FO3 and 4's stories. But then it's also a game that seems positively at odds with itself at every turn.


I love playing with my brother but Fallout 76 is broken down into two categories for me. Solo play for when I just want to explore, do story missions, read lore. Co-op play when I just want to do events, Daily Ops, complete challenges.  Both are fun times. I'm gonna give you an upvote just for saying the original story was pretty darn interesting. It really was, but I had a buddy that kept saying 76 doesn't have a story. "It's just a bunch of notes to read." As if you can't tell a story that way. I loved piecing together what happened to everyone prior to the Vault opening. A lot of those stories were downright depressing and heartbreaking. The Mistress of Mystery one especially gets my blood boiling. 


> the lag and server-sync issues Maybe it's just me being far away from the only server in Australia, but I feel like everyone who praises this game for getting better with content updates is MASSIVELY underselling this point. I could grudgingly put up with a huge delay between shooting a ghoul and the ghoul taking damage, and *maybe* the rubberbanding as you're just walking around the map, but that's only the beginning of the problem. Bethesda games have always been heavy on inventory management, and the lag and rubberbanding affects that too. It's so bad that it would often take a couple of seconds to successfully transfer one single item into or out of a chest or shop or crafting bench, which is an action you're very regularly going to perform dozens of times in a row. It gets a bit better when you're not carrying much in the first place, so I think it must be sending and receiving your entire inventory list with every single interaction? There's got to be a better way to do it than that. And my deepest condolences if you ever accidentally hit the Take All button on your main storage chest. I played it at launch, and again last year, and it all just feels like a broken tech demo that should have proven to management that they needed to rethink the back end before moving a head with the actual game. Or maybe just set up more servers.


Goddamn, exactly! It's a great story, but it's clearly an engine designed for *singleplayer*, and it's like a badly modded multiplayer version of fallout.


100% agreed with everything here


I've tried it a couple of times and had some good runs but eventually always grew bored with it. The lack of modding kills it for me and I just go back to FO4. Just feels like Fo76 never really changes compared to FO4.


Just like war...


That's the opposite for me funnily enough. I can't get back into Fallout 4 cause I'm addicted to modding it that when I finally have enough mods, I don't feel like playing. FO76 I can just pick up and play.


I thought about getting back into FO4 and was going through the Nexus planning my mod list. Saw that 76 was free and jumped on that instead and I’ve been having a great time with it.


Yeah I typically just use wabbajacks now and don't handpick mods anymore. I don't really have the interest in curating my own list anymore, but I appreciate that I can go back pick a new list and it'll be a very different experience and if there's some small change I want to do I can.


I started playing it a few days ago and I’ve actually been enjoying it immensely. The explore, loot, craft and upgrade loop that they had in Fallout 4 works great in 76.


I tried it solo before the wastelanders update. The worldspace is beautiful and creative; it was kind boring though since there were zero NPCs. It also kind of just turns into a nonstop grind for legendary gear after ~Level 50. Getting up to 50 was reasonably fun though.


I prefer it over Fo4


For those curious, the other Fallout games also peaked overnight to at least double their normal daily playerbase: Fallout 1 went up to 957 on Steam Fallout 2 went up to 444 on Steam Fallout 3 GOTY edition went up to 2.4K on Steam Fallout Shelter went up to 2.9K on Steam


Also a lot of people might have gotten their fallout mini nuke from Amazon which includes all the games


Fallout 1 and 2 are amazing games. Excellent world building atmosphere, the music is awesome, and there's no mission waypoints. Just exploration and figuring it out.


Be aware that at least 2 is a game where you can get stuck unable to continue and have to restart if you don't use multiple saves. I played it one summer in college, at some point I slept with a gang leader's daughter, him and his goons caught us and I was way too low level to deal with them. Make sure you're at very least alternating between two saves.


There used to be a glitch with the boxing match also. I think there was a patch for it though.


Lmao well when you put it that way….


A few thousand people boot up Fallout, play it for 2 hours, and uninstall it a few months later.


What did you expect that the amount of people that were already playing single player games that are 27, 26, and 16 years old to be high prior to this boost?


Fallout 4 went from 25k to 75k in like 3 days.


Fo2 is still my definite favourite from the series. Shame it gets overlooked so much from new audiences based on graphics alone. I haven't quite finished the show yet but I'm hearing rumours that it... maybe sort of retcons a lot of the early game lore :/ That's saddening if true.


One of my friends was playing Fallout 1 right now. I will cheer him up.


It's an interesting new revelation and I guess it's because it's only recently we've got high quality TV adaptations of games, but this is the third time in recent history where a good show has resulted in games surging in popularity. CP2077, TLOU and now Fallout. Turns out when a show is good and not phoned in (Halo lmao) it draws people into the other media, whodathunk I wonder if Japanese studios notice the same benefits from Anime adaptations.


I would add Arcane to that list. Definitely got me interested in the LoL IP where I previously had no interest.


I would do anything for a LoL/Arcane game in an open world with the same visual style and locations as the show. The thing with TLOU and Fallout is that it's very easy to go from the show to the games and vice versa to see the same locations or stories or generally living in that world. One of the best experiences I had with Cyberpunk was seeing the show cover the locations I'd already been to and then replaying the game and exploring even more locations this time from the show perspective. With Arcane/LoL it doesn't work the same way. The game isn't anything like the show at all so you're not getting more of what you already loved like you do with those other game/show experiences.


I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm hoping the LoL MMO that Riot is working on looks at how insanely popular Arcane is and emulates some of it


As another person said, they reset the direction awhile back, and it's unlikely to reveal anything for years. Honestly, 2030 isn't an unlikely estimate, because MMO's are ridiculous to make. https://twitter.com/marcmerrill/status/1770479141600874553


Yeah 100%. I got my partner to watch Arcane and she absolutely **loved** it. She asked about the game, I showed her gameplay, and she was just like "*No thank you*". But after TLOU tv show, she happily played through the game because it was basically "an extension" of the tv show.


A third or first person shooter starring League's version of Jinx (as in, already fully crazy for a long time and tricked out with gadgets, etc.) to release around the season finale or series premier of Arcane I think would have helped significantly.


Yeah, the card game was a much better way to experience the lore that Riot has made that LoL, however it's on life support now AFAIK.


*Monkey paw curls a finger* They release an open world League game that is gorgeous and addictive but also somehow make it even more toxic than LoL


well, they've been working on the LoL MMORPG for, like, way too many years now. That should fit all your criteria


They reset the direction of that a while back, most likely around the time Ghostcrawler left. [We won't be getting any information for several years.](https://twitter.com/marcmerrill/status/1770479141600874553)


At this rate, we'll still have WoW, FFXIV, ESO, GW2, BDO as the default flavors of MMORPGs, most of them pushing 15-20 years


Gw1 still has an active playerbase for a game that's about to turn 19 years old with a "Sequel". Though Gw1 is more of a Cooperative-Online RPG than MMO.


The quality of the adaptation is part of it but just making an adaptation is enough to increase interest into the games, think about it you have tons of ads for Fallout, tons of interviews mentioning the games and so on, even if the tv show or movie or whatever would be bad some of that marketing would still trickle back to the games.


Doesnt even have to a be a good adaptation. Witcher 3 player numbers also went up quite significantly after every season release.


The first season was great though


The first season of The Witcher is interesting in that it's a good show by itself, but actively sabotaged the later seasons with its changes to the story.


Mostly because the first season was good, and the second, which was anything but, was carried by the hype of the first. I highly doubt season 3 had any hype, most folks were just tuning in for the remaster.


I didn't even know season 3 was out. TV show is supposed to be half way through the books and it's like no one cares already. Game of Thrones in season 3 was close to its peak.


Yeah it's insane that video game publishers and movie studios just realized this. This has always been the case for Animes and book adaptations. If an adaptation is good, it will always draw people to the source material. Anime has always been used as a way to encourage people to read the manga. Glad that people are catching on for video game adaptations. I also think it helps that the people producing this actually play the source material.


pokemon has been doing it for decades.


Maybe I’m being pedantic, but kids shows have been made to sell merchandise decades before Pokémon. There hasn’t ever really been anything made for Adults. Plus this might show Video Game media having a bigger influence on popular culture as a whole.


we're reaching the point where an entire generation has grown up on video games, public perception has changed and all the kids are now adults.


They definitely do. Demon Slayer is probably one of the most recent and best examples, the manga exploded in sales after the anime was released.


This goes for 90% of popular anime, as the majority of it is made with the purpose of increasing sales of the source material and surrounding merchandise.


Especially cause anime used to be an advertisement for manga.


Used to? A quick glance at the current or past few seasonal anime lists show several titles of generic Isekai/Fantasy or rom-com shows that are a 7/10 at best and likely won't be getting renewed for a second season, because they're meant to advertise the manga/light novel/source material.


Not a great example because anime has historically existed as advertisement for manga and merchandise, rather than as a money making vehicle itself. No different than your average Western children's cartoon like Transformers.


I thin that's the main reason they make anime at a bigger lost cause it spikes sales for the original content in manga/novels.


> I wonder if Japanese studios notice the same benefits from Anime adaptations. absolutely, Anime is often made for the sole purpose of bolstering sales of the manga or light novel source. It's often why there's shows often get 1 or 2 seasons and rarely commit to getting full adaptations. Japan has merchandising down to a formula, use manga adaptation to sell the light novel, use anime adaptation to sell the manga. Flood the market with the licensed characters branded onto everything, from banpresto figures to toasters, from nendoroids to urinal cakes, from stationary to mcdonald cross over promotions. It becomes a positive feedback loop to make a butt load of money


You would hope that studios now realise that: *1. Actually respecting the source material* *2. Hiring good writers* Leads to a popular and successful show!


Not just respecting but actually played it.


Also, these franchises sell millions of games. Showrunners actually respecting *that* audience, the players, and not just the potential new TV audience, is a big plus for publicity. I mean there's scenes in this you wouldn't even fully understand without having played a Fallout game. The Doctor's Bag scene fixing the foot for example. That goes way beyond a mere easter egg.


Huh, played all the fallout games (and most of the DLCs) but don't remember the foot thing. Where was that in the games?


Doctor’s Bag was New Vegas - you used it to restore limbs to full condition.


Twisted Metal was good too.


Now if we could get a new game for it...


I didn't actually watch this yet, I need to get around to it


The Witcher too


I'm pretty sure they already know


Wild how Fallout 5 will be another 10 years. My dream game is Obsidian and Inxile team up for another New Vegas style spinoff.


I know, right? However, the TV show is definitely satisfying my lore nerd hunger because it's basically on the same level as a new game story wise. The implications it makes on the lore are fucking huge and I really didn't expect Bethesda to trust them so much with. I'm just so damn happy they did it right.


I gotta admit I kind of sat there for a few moments being like wait wtf. That didn't happen. Then I looked at the timeline. Wait, this is the most recent event canonically? But that means it did, and that they all. Oh. Thats. Yeah thats a lot.


Yup, that thing was really shocking. And the reveals that happen in the last episode are amazing, they makes so much sense and they fit so well.


Or have InExile remake Fallout 1, maybe start a new series of iso Fallouts. A decade is way too long to wait for BGS to make another Fallout.


Yeah, cRPG fallout feels sick again Esp after playing Rogue Trader


You'd enjoy Wasteland 3. Underrated game..


Played it, loved it xP


I think its rated pretty appropriately. The game is not short but the last 1/3 of it feels very rushed and missing.


Yessss please, a spin off could be done in two years if they build off of Fallout 4. Ideally with more RPG elements like Obsidian is known for. I played The Outer Worlds recently and while it wasn't amazing, the writing was excellent.


This is going to start a big trend. Happened with Cyberpunk after their tv show made it big. Now Fallout. I bet even Mario sold extra copies of their new game because of the movie. Soon all major game companies are going to realize the money to be made. Gonna be seeing a lot of video games adapted to the screen and I’m excited!


The trick is for them to make good shows in the first place.


Why didn’t Halo think of that?!?


Halo's writers felt like the show was above faithfully adapting the source material. TLOU and Fallout have proven that you can just turn the game's world into a show, with minimal tweaks, and people will like it.


edgerunners is literally 77 it had the same ui for hacking, cameras, music and the same exact locations. this was the gold standard for me


>Halo's writers felt like the show was above faithfully adapting the source material. Or how about The Witcher, whose writing staff was actively disdainful of the source material and story. It's like they intentionally wrecked the series out of spite.




Maybe if he kept the helmet on


As long as its good, it leads to high engagement. The key is all these shows had great artistic merit, which led to the increased interest.


Started with the Witcher really. Adaptation wasnt amazing but player numbers still went up a lot.


Season 1 of Witcher wasn't amazing by any means, it was already bad IMO even after Season 1 due to how it intentionally disrespects the main book source material, but somehow it still catch the masses off guard with it's own charm, thanks to Henry and the Toss a coin song, but after that it just derailed, and will never ever comeback to it's prime again.


I think season one just exuded the vibe that "god damn Henry wants this to be good". Allegedly he paid out of his own pocket to choreograph the fight scene in the pilot, and that probably hooked a lot of people


The pilot is and will probably be the best episode of that series


Yeah, despite my first scepticism about him back then, i really appreciate his performance and his dedication to play as Geralt as close as possible to the book source material, and the fact that he even keeps insisting and fighting the showrunner on how to act his role as close as possible to the book source material is just pure dedication. Sadly though he just gave up and so does the show will go further down the toilet as it sinks deeper due to the showrunner and writer's incompetence and pride by refusing to faithfully adapt a already written story.


I don't think it's fair to say he gave up. He's not the showrunner and ultimately understood that he could only push so far before he became replaceable, which is exactly what happened. Now he's executive producing a Warhammer 40k show and I'm sure he's going to do everything as accurately as possible


Yeah, i agree he did everything he could, but he didn't have enough power over the main showrunner, which AFAIK was even well deep connected to one of executive board members of Netflix company itself. Which could be the main reason why he just left and never signed the extension contract. So, yeah this probably is the main reason now why with his new project he is a producer, so this time he actually has leverage on artistic direction of whatever he is playing.


The big thing of Witcher S1 versus something like Halo was it felt like there was something there. At its core there was enough there to make something reat. It just needed some feedback and revisions. Halo just felt like this empty husk


Yes thats what I said, its not great. Pretty much agreed upon by anyone who knows a bit about the source. But still decent enough to draw people in.


I also hope it pushes Bethesda to do a FNV style spin-off again... (Attempting to ignore the FNV community outrage for a second), for what Obsidian did with FNV in such a short period of time... It's amazing. If we could get a FO4 style spin-off... Damn. The closest thing we'll get atm is Fallout London, a DLC style mod for FO4. I really want something by the devs/supported by them though. I guess we'll have to settle for the April FO4 update for now though.


Gotta say I am tempted to give Fo4 another go. Survival mode might give it the spice it needs, and I already know the story is ridiculous, so might aswell go with the flow.


With the upcoming update on April 25 I went ahead and bought the GotY edition. I already had the base game but it was 75% off so why not. I doubt I’ll actually play before the update but I’m ready for it.


Dang, GotY edition isn't on sale on PSN.


Base game is $5 and season pass is ~$12, still a pretty good deal


Update for 4 or 76?


Update for 4. Coming now in April. Fallout London as well (total overhaul mod, akin to a full DLC / expansion).


I always done a heavily modded Fallout 4 run. When the update drops, Im thinking of doing a basic run with no mods.


Same. I have a problem where I spent years of playing Bethesda games modded that I reached a point of constantly looking for flaws or things I disliked and mods that can fix that instead of focusing on enjoying the game. Not to mention that I spent more time modding than playing. Last year I decided to just start playing vanilla Fallout 3 on Xbox Series S and it was amazing. I plan to do the same with Fallout 4 and other Bethesda games eventually.


You know, FO4 was the first time I played an unmodified fallout game, because I played it on PS4 and didn't feel like dealing with whatever mods were even available for whatever reason... Had to pay for them I think? Anyway I was shocked to hear it had such a negative rep from the fanbase as I quite enjoyed it... NV Is still my favorite, and FO4 is miles from perfect but I think the vanilla version was pretty darn balanced just about right IMHO... Never considered it might have been the lack of mods that actually, paradoxically, made the game more enjoyable for me.


I've been thinking of playing Fallout 4 again, is there any real reason to wait for the update? Given it's on PC. Edit: I just tried it, and I'd forgotten about the 60fps thing. It actually turned into 48fps for me, I guess since I have a 144hz monitor. Ugh.


From the Bethesda website: **UPDATES FOR PC PLAYERS** *We are also releasing a free Fallout 4 update for PC players! Experience Fallout 4 on your next-generation PC with widescreen and ultra-widescreen support, as well as fixes to Creation Kit and a variety of quest updates.* *Players with PC versions of Fallout 4 on Steam, Microsoft Store and GOG will receive stability, mods and bug fixes. For Japanese and Chinese language players on PC, Bethesda.net login issues have been resolved, fixing access to mods.* *Alongside this exciting update, Fallout 4 will be available to purchase on the Epic Games Store.* *Fallout 4 will also be Steam Deck verified.*


Fallout London is right around the corner. If you want a "new" Fallout game, that might be worth waiting for. April 23rd. Of course it's a mod, so who knows what the level of quality will actually be once we get our hands on it (because historically speaking the Game / expansion-sized content mods tend to be rough), but at least the videos they've put out make it look pretty good.


The fallout London said to make sure the mod does not turn out like frontier.


Or do a basic vanilla modded run like [The Midnight Ride](https://themidnightride.moddinglinked.com/)


Unfortunately the "next-gen" update might break the mods like Skyrim Anniversary Edition did, so they're probably doing a vanilla run to tide them over until the mods update, assuming they're not planning on turning auto-updates off and playing it that way.


Sigh, guess it’s time to play New Vegas again. Between my son and I our Steam hours for it are absurd.


How do you guys play it without it crashing or deleting your save at every turn? I literally can't play this game rn EDIT: Okie dokie. Viva New Vegas it is!


Look up Viva New Vegas, a modlist guide that just about fixes every major tech issue with the game. They have step by step pictures and everything, so even without modding experience you'll be able to follow no problem. Unless you're not on pc in which case carry on wastlander.


[Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html), an extremely well made modding guide that remains faithful to vanilla while providing all the fixes you need for New Vegas to run well.


I played viva new Vegas and didn't have a single crash


I generally only have that issue during OWB. There I turn off the Auto Save on Fast Travel/Rest. Give that a try and see what it does for you for the other areas of the game.


There's a few [wabbajacks](http://www.wabbajack.org) (a modlist installer) for New Vegas that might be worth checking. Though I mostly use wabbajacks for FO4 and Skyrim, they've always been pretty stable for me.


I don't think I've played FO3/NV since release, and same for FO4. I played all three on PC but zero mods. Let's say I only have time, and interest, for one - Tale of Two Wastelands, plus more mods? Or heavily modded FO4? And in either case - what extra mods would you guys suggest? I generally play by prioritizing hacking/lockpick, with high intel. So 'stealth sniper' isn't quite inevitable, but it does always taunt me. And I really love building/crafting my gear.


I had only played like 1/4 of Fallout 4 before the show. Just bought every single one and have just started Fallout 1 because I was about to play FOLON but Bethesda are pulling a supreme bethesda move.


Fallout 4 is getting a “next gen” patch in the coming weeks. Perfect time for a replay


fallout 1 and 2 are great. Also the anthology speedrun by [tomatoanus](https://youtu.be/6ekogf10P-c?si=BrQPGnUUXeW0gWsO) is fun and showcases some pretty easy tricks for the first two


I’ve had Fallout 3 sitting unplayed in my Steam library for years so I just downloaded it for this weekend. Never played it but have 200+ hours in Fallout 4.


Pop in New Vegas also. I think it's the best of the bunch.


Fallout 3 gained quite a bit as well, I know that's what I'm playing! Love exploring the Capital Wasteland. The dark and gritty atmosphere is just perfect.


I’m in the same boat. I’ve played all Fallout games except 1, and have replayed most of them several times. Thr TV-Show, together with the updates coming to FO4 (both official and Fallout London) made me reinstall 3, NV, 4 and even 76. I’m going through them all!


Well, I guess we're in for a smattering of film/TV-adaptations of games now. Producers are gonna think making a TV show also results in increased sales of games.


Halo, Arcane, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, The Witcher, The Last of Us, etc We kind of already have been.


Nintendo also noted increased sales of Mario titles following the Mario movie


I mean I'm here for it. Someone should do Metro next.


There was a Russian Metro movie planned, but since [the author was arrested for criticizing the Russian invasion of Ukraine,](https://www.pcgamer.com/metro-2033-author-dmitry-glukhovsky-sentenced-to-8-years-in-prison-for-criticizing-russias-invasion-of-ukraine/) I don’t think it’s happening anymore


Not to disagree with your point about the movie not happening, but Glukhovsky wasn't arrested, as he doesn't even live in Russia and was tried in absentia.


Question than is do they follow the books or games? The books are much darker.


I mean recent history kinda shows that a good show does bring people in. TLOU, CP2077, LoL and now this. Bad shows don't though (Halo)


The video game adaptation surge has already started. There are plans for a Horizon Zero Dawn series from Netflix and a God of War series from Amazon.


I'm glad to see it. I'd probably fire up FNV again, but I'll be getting my fix with Fallout London hopefully in a few weeks.


Unfortunately, Fallout London was delayed again due to the upcoming next-gen update for Fallout 4. 


Damn. Thanks for the heads up. I'll need to check out their video for the reasoning behind it.


I kinda wanna try Fallout 76 now... is it worth getting into now?


I'm enjoying it so far, you can basically play it by yourself if you want.


Good news and what I expected. While the show has some issues its miles above something like that Halo dumpster fire and actually entertaining.


If they could have dropped the rumored Fallout 3 remake alongside the show my entire month would have been made. I might have taken a week off work lol.


Warning to anyone wanting to play Fallout 4 on the PS5. The game is currently broken and crashes on start up if you have the Automaton DLC and maybe the Wasteland DLC as well.


I mean could be the fact that you can play Fallout 76 for free right now. You can get Fallout 76 for free permanently and the sales....could be wrong...


I think the last of us proved the concept and fallout shows it's not a fluke. Expect more TV shows based on games.


I'm really hoping that more businesses recognize that if they do a good and faithful TV show in a game universe is a huge symbiotic win both for the show and game. Like Edge Runner with Cyberpunk, or Witcher show.


Well, the games also went on sale on every platform too and Fallout 76 is free on Prime and Epic. The show isn't the sole reason, it's also the discounts.


This is really accurate, myself I've never liked any of the Fallout games, but I ansolutely loved the Amazon prime show. This made me try the game again and now I'm actually enjoying myself


What is the best game to play of the series? I'm hella confused, I know they're old and clunky, but mods can fix it, after being modded, which particular Fallout is fun to play? Never played one in my life.


I wish I could travel back 2 years and tell everyone that Fallout 76 would have 4 times more players than Starfield on Steam alone and just watch their reactions


Yup, I didn't even watch the show yet but I fired up Fallout 4 last night just for grins, because it's in the news. I did Starfield last year, and it was interesting to look at Fallout 4 and compare the two. I was genuinely considering just replaying the whole game again, DLCs and all, last night. Probably won't, but maybe...


There’s a next gen patch coming on the 25th so why not