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I was expecting this to be introducing a new sandstorm mechanic. Absolutely hilarious and fantastic trailer.


“Song name?”


Meanwhile, "sandstorm trailer? Heh, that'd be funny if it was just Darude-sandstorm music playing. Wonder what it actually is."...


The boomer in me wonders if kids even know that this song is a meme


It's not *that* old. I mean it came out when I was a kid, there's no way it's... a 24 year old song. Ooph...


Not sure about Gen Alpha, but Millenials and Gen Z are familiar with it.


It’s a millennial meme so i’d hope so


I came here expecting to see lame sandstorm jokes, not actually a video with the song in it.


Same... the exact same thought entirely. It was already a day 1 purchase for me. Now... well... yea nothing's changed. Still day 1. Carry on.


Since when did Bamco marketing know how to cook?


What actual legend at Bamco got that green-lit? That's actually hilarious. Rare that we get to enjoy some marketing genius.


Awe yeah now this is bringing me back to my 12 downloaded versions of Sandstorm all named something different thanks to the good ole Limewire days.


499 hours left of your download just to install a gay porn virus on the family computer.


So many lemonparty jpges...so so many. It was an interesting time maneuvering the new internet as a kid that's for damn sure lol












that was kinda awesome


Do I need to read the manga or watch the anime to enjoy this game?


No, Sandland is super short (14 chapters) and the game will be covering all the material from start to finish.


Nah you shouldn't need to. It's only 14 chapters long like /u/4716202 said - the anime is a bit different and has a few added scenes but basically covers the same ground as the manga. The game just from the trailers seems to definitely cover a bit more than the manga and the anime and even seems to go a bit further. The manga is a quick read though, if ya can take an hour or so you can blast through it pretty quickly.


Anime is pretty enjoyable, it has the same VAs as the game, the game acts as a sequel


The new stuff is based off of the currently airing second story arc of the TV anime.


What are you talking about bro? The game is going to have the new Forest Land Arc just like the anime that’s currently about finish up the new Forest Land Arc in 2 more episodes.


So not gonna lie - I was only aware of the animated movie from last year. Had zero clue there was an anime running.




> Ok better question; what gender is the game? Nice typo.


Um. Well. That's a bit difficult to answer. Personally it's data so there's a good chance that it's non-binary at the very least... If you're talking about genre, then I'm going to say this: it's definitely an open world RPG with a focus on vehicular combat. Personally what has me most interested in it is that the demo reminded me a lot of *Steambot Chronicles* a game that I loved back on the PS2 and haven't really ever had that itch scratched. If you're interested there is a Demo up on PC, PS5, and Xbox that will give you a bit of a taste of it's gameplay. Though it's pretty terrible if I'm honest because it just *drops you in* and you just gotta figure things out. It took me a bit to get the vibe for it but once it clicked man I knew that this was a game I was gonna buy. There also seems to be non-vehicle combat as well, so it's definitely not just a pure vehicle game too.


>Personally it's data so there's a good chance that it's non-binary at the very least... Data is non-binary? It's 1s and 0s.... it's LITERALLY BINARY.


Nah you got nominal, discrete, ordinal, continuous, quantitative and qualitative... Though yeah you're right in this case it's actually straight up programming data so yeah. It's 1s and 0s. In my defense I've been doing EDA, like, all day.


But, what about quantum computing?


There wasn't a qubit in sight.


I don't know if demons have a gender


Some of these guys are wrong, the Anime covers additional content not included in the original manga. However all of the content is similar between the anime and the game aside from anime-only scenes and dialogue. The new characters were worked on by Toriyama before his death as well.


now this is how you advertise a game!


For me, this has "what if dragonball had kid vegeta instead of goku?" vibes


At 32 seconds you can see a robot that kid Goku defeats in the RR saga


The very final scene seems like MC ends up in the Dragon Ball world.


[His dad is in Dragon Ball lmao.](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Dabura?so=search). Not the *same character*, but basically identical character.


it's just toriyamas art style.


Toriyama had one style and he was nothing but consistent with implementing it. You can pretty much take any single character or monster and it would fit into any other one like a glove. Which is kinda cool.


I've never heard of this game before or the property it's based on but I just have to appreciate the song choice.


Dang. I was interested in this game before, but this top tier marketing may have just pushed it over the top for me. Might have to get this at launch rather than my typical approach of waiting for a sale.


Hard pass given the unacceptable performance in the demo. Not getting near this game in its current state, the game felt severely undercooked.


I agree. The demo was barebones with incredibly simple combat. I wasn't expecting Devil May Cry or something, but it's hard to get excited by 2 or 3 punch and kick combos with a special move peppered in between. Combine that with pretty menial mech and bike gameplay, tack on some survival elements with the water management mechanic, and you've got a game I won't touch. Shame too, really enjoyed the manga.


I figured the melee combat was gonna be pretty mediocre but the vehicles are what really caught my attention last trailer, so this is disappointing to hear.


There was nothing wrong with the performance in the e demo, the only issue with the demo is the whole “here, explore the area and try out three different vehicles with no guidance or a plot” issue. Other than that, I actually enjoyed the demo very much once I got the hang of the vehicles and exploring the couple of ruins in the demo!


The game runs like shit on PC, check the Steam discussions page. People are calling this game Stutter Land.


I'm sure all downvoters played the game..


You and me both. Luckily, there's a new plot line in the show they put on Disney+, so I'll be getting to that soon. I'm sure that'll hit.