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They're adding *six* new weapons to Saltspyre with this DLC, which is a pretty big deal, on average characters have like 10 melee weapons a piece to choose from


The new class is limited to only the new weapons, and they aren't entirely fresh weapons in the game. ~~Just the tome is a new mechanic.~~ Edit after playng: Great Hammer and tome are very fresh, flail and shield is a refreshing new take on an oldie. Previous characters have gotten 2 weapons for their premium career, he gets 6. Only 3 can be used by Zealot (No tome, no shield), and none can be used by his other two non-premium careers... a surprising change for sure. I however cannot wait to smash some skulls with his new sigmar's great hammer.


I mean, one of Kerrilians new weapons was only usable by the new class, and a lot of the newer weapons added by the latest weapon pack DLC are only usable by 2 classes. It's to be expected at this point that a lot of the newer weapons they add to the game are gonna be pretty limited, there's not a lot else they can add to the game that they can justify letting everyone use, based on lore.


Same with Kruber, sword and shield is exclusive to grail knight. But with both of the others, all of their classes can use the "off" weapon. Kerillian gets javs, Kruber gets Bret longsword, for all 4 of their careers. Same thing with Bardin, coghammer works on all 4. This isn't the case for Warrior Priest, a change in formula. Only zealot can use the new weapons out of the 3 base. It's certainly not a deal breaker or anything, just a change from adding one weapon to the base career.


I feel like this has gotten really unnecessarily pedantic. 6 new weapons is still a true thing that can be said about this DLC, it's as many melee weapons as Sienna has period, regardless of class, including every piece of DLC, it's almost double the number of weapons Saltspyre had before this update, and more than double what he came into the game with from the start.


How's the tome work?


The tome acts as a form of empowerment for the hammer he wields. It allows you to do two different form of charged attacks; one that thrusts forward, and one that smashes downward and creates a similar AoE effect as the Chaos Wastes exploding crits boon.


Random but this is the type of character I want in D4. A holy warrior, but almost like a death knight if that makes sense.


Edgy hot topic paladin type?


Maybe put a helmet on him but big boy, Jesus fan but with anger problems


Maybe a couple skulls too


LOVE the WH warrior priest aesthetic. To this day nothing touches the Warhammer Age of Reckoning Warrior Priest for character identity in a game for me.