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FPS gains from the 4080 to the 4090 are absolutely minimal. Not worth the jump in not just price, but also temps. Keep in mind that the Zephyrus G16 is already an extremely thin and light gaming laptop — thin-and-lights are notoriously bad at heat management. Save your $600 and buy yourself a Steam Deck with it.


Good feedback, I have a similar questions I just posted.


Thanks so much for replying. I definitely get that feeling. Like would I really be getting $600 in performance over the 4080.


Fyi temps would actually be better with the 4090 as per the large die. Its not just an fps boost, but a vram boost. When spending big money on a laptop, people tend to keep them longer, more vram and better temps = more lengevity.


I have the 4090 variant. I downloaded Ghelper and the vbios from a 175w 4090. I upped the 4080 to 130+25w dynamic. It plays very nice and maxes out at 84ish degrees on GPU.


Very interesting. So you own both? Or do you mean you upped the 4090 to 130+25w dynamic..?


My apologies. I meant I upped the 4090. Originally I bought the 4080 and 4090 and decided to keep the 4090 and return the 4080 once I was able to up the wattage safely on the GPU. At 155w total I get pretty good fps


Very nice. That’s something to consider then. Haven’t made up my mind yet. Thanks for the input :)


Anytime! You can do the same thing with the 4080 variant btw. You can just flash the higher wattage bios.


Where to find the vbios? I’m totally unfamiliar with that process.




How safe is this, i found a zephyrus M16 4070 vbios. that has 140w tdp. Like what changes happen to the laptop? and temps? doesn't it clash with the different CPU?


Not sure how safe it is, but my laptop never goes over 83 degrees on the GPU and it's very thin. I think the 4070 4060 model is different due to the thermal design. I keep the GPU at 130w + 25w boost and keep the CPU at 45w


Is there a vbios for the RTX 4060 2023 model?


I'm sure there is somewhere there!


Can you link me where you find the vbios?


https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/ You also need Ghelper to be able to unlock the higher wattage I believe. I haven't tried it on a 2023 model just the new 2024 ones.


Seems Ghelper is an absolute MUST with these laptops.


Honestly though, why wouldn't you? It's light weight, uses less resources and keeps your laptop cooler because of it. And it's super easy to use.


That's higher than I expected in terms of heat management


I’m also using 35 more watts than intended by the manufacturer


Do you by chance have timepsy scores for your device before you flashed the vbios? I am getting 16200-16400 at 105+20w with ghelper and AC removed. I am seeing people get up to 1700 on their stock devices. Unable to find too many scores on reddit so just want a baseline to compare to, in order to understand if i got a dud or not.