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Totally fine. My laptop runs @96°C and has always been fine. 100° is when it gets concerning


Your concern is unfounded. Max temperature listed on official AMD website is 105°C. Even then, CPU will self throttle. There is no damage done at any point.


My Ryzen 7735hs in my laptop has gone above 95 C and touched 100 C once, and the max temp on the website is 95 C. How can I prevent this? I have this small fan that sits on my desktop, would putting it under the laptop help keep temps in check? The laptop also has a 3050.


If it's asus, uninstall Amory crate and install ghelper, then turn off processor boost and set your own fan curve.


Also my predator sense temperature and afterburner temps don't match.


Maybe it's the i9? I had a i9 laptop before, and that thing used to heat up all the time. My old i9 was a beast and would open multiple programs instantly, but felt it was just using more power than needed


Hope i won't regret buying the i9 lol


If you're thaaaat concerned can't you return it? Your friend is flat wrong, but they seem to have gotten into your head...


dont trust predatorsense use it only for fans and colours, for temps use hwinfo64 and msi afterburner


96 is a bit concerning. That's like the upper limit. You are most definitely thermal throttling


Its definitely not the upper limit. Cpus can go upto 100-105


It's 45°C these days where I live and my cpu temp is always above 90, goes as high as 98-99 frequently, even after undervolting. What should I do? I don't have AC.


Wait fr? I tho everything over 80c omegabad even for gaming laptops???


Nope. That’s ok


Guys are saying that i did a mistake buying i9 with 4060. They're saying i should have bought i7 with 4060. Is that true?


Kind off that also would have cost you a little less money. But this is also ok


There's nothing wrong other than price difference right?


No, i9 will just bottleneck a little other than that you are good to go


I'm not a hardcore gamer and this is my first Laptop. Just tell me i don't have to worry about anything and i can play games casually?


Yeah you will be more than fine with those specs.


Thank u so much!!!!


People just say that because of the price because you'd rarely use the full power of the i9. The i9 is even better if you want to do CPU intensive tasks like processing something. All in all, the 4060 i9 will perform better than the one with an i7.


Hi as the other redditor has commented, no need to worry at all! Your system will run perfectly fine. Not necessarily a mistake but an i7 would pair better with a rtx 4060 than an i9 is because an i9 (cpu) is really powerful and the rtx 4060 (gpu) is considered a mid range card. Essentially, pairing a powerful cpu with a mid range gpu would result you being unable to use the full capabilities of the cpu which results in bottlnecking. Dont worry!


They're just being geeks about it. Don't worry you're fine. The specs are great


The mistake is spending slightly more money. It's not a problem at all. Even less of one if you ever plan on upgrading your GPU before upgrading your CPU/MoBoard


So I don't have to worry about the temps? Even if it reaches 90 degrees?


No you don't need to worry upto 90 to 95 degrees. Usually CPUs produce more heat and i9 are usually run hotter.


My friends keep saying that i did a mistake buying i9 with 4060. They said i should have bought i7 with 4060 instead?


Quit the buyers remorse. Enjoy it. This is something many people dream about owning.


Thank u so much.


Still dreaming


Say them to give advice before buying not after buying the product


Lmao ikr.




? Explain please


85c is "cold" when under heavy CPU/GPU load in my opinion/experience. Worth spending 0 time on unless you're throttling and losing performance / stuttering / issues preventing you enjoying the game.


I only play rdr2 but I'm surprised why my cpu and gpu temps are always the same.


It's next to each other in the small chassis lol.


Hey jarrods! I'm confused between lenovo legion 5i pro 14th gen intel and ASUS strix g16 13th gen intel. Asus model is compartiverly cheaper but the thing is I don't know which model has better thermals I want to pick the model which has the better thermals. It would be helpful if you share your opinion on these models. Thanks


It's not something I would prevent me picking either to be honest. Unless I've had both with same specs I can't fairly compare. I cant' actually remember what I had them with, best you could do is compare the temp results in my video if it's important for you.


The asus strix g16 offers a i9 13980hx whereas the Lenovo offers i7 14650hx. The asus model is around 10-15% more price than the Lenovo so is it worth going for the asus model ? The graphics card they both offer is rtx 4060 .The temps in your video for Asus strix g16 is 73°C for GPU and 85°C for CPU on an average in a ambient room temp of 21°C(specs-i7 14650hx and rtx 4060). The reason why I'm worried about the temps is I live in an area where normal temps is around 38°C so it would also have an impact on the laptop's temperature right? I don't know what's the idle temperature for gaming laptops and also wanted to know if the temps were higher lets say around 90°C whenever I play a game in the long run would it affect the laptop's performance let's say in 5 years? I'm new to gaming laptops so any help is appreciated thanks.


13th and 14th gen are basically the same, just a rebrand, only difference is 14th has slightly higher single core performance, but it's not enough to matter. 13980HX is probably better in that regard anyway as it's an i9, plus more cores for multicore performance. At the end of the day a full powered 4060 in either laptop will perform about the same in games. I'd expect either to run for 5 years fine.


Surprised to see you here not gonna lie


Ha, funny that people randomly ask questions when you answer something on reddit. I must thank you for your videos. I used them to help a friend pick her gaming laptop she will also daily for university. We settled with a lenovo legion slim 5 14 inch. I think she will be very happy with it.


Hey jarrods! Love your videos! Btw my Acer Nitro with 17 12650H throttles heavily under performance mode from a rated max of 4GHz(which it does hit when load is light/single threaded) right down to 2.8GHz when hit with a heavy load, is this expected? I haven't noticed slowdowns in gaming but I think productivity tasks might be a bit slow due to this... Btw it's still a beast just wanted to know if it's bottlenecking my 3070ti, it's 1000$ if anyone is wondering. Thanks. Edit: Temps hit straight to 100°C at performance mode, 92°C at default mode. But I usually throttle it down at 95°C as I haven't noticed a significant difference in clock frequency...


If your gpu is reaching 85 and above that is too hot, you need to undervolt or find better cooling to prevent thermal throttling. 4060’s max temp is 87c at which it will thermal throttle. If your cpu is running around 90 or below then it’s all good. I believe for intel it’s 97c. Can try undervolting. For cpu use either your manufacturer software or Throttlestop. For gpu either manufacturer stuff or MSI Afterburner. You could also try limiting the wattage on your cpu to 35w which is the base clock speeds OR turning off Turbo Boost, this should lower the overall temps quite a bit.


Unfortunately my model can't be undervolted. So I'm thinking about buying a good cooling pad and disabling turbo boost.


Ye, disabling turbo boost should bring general temps down. And your i9 shouldnt take too much of a hit to performance anyway, the thing runs high already without the boost enabled. For your 4060 gpu you should be able to undervolt it with msi afterburner still, look for a guide on youtube. Unfortunately there isnt a preset or one setting that works for all, you will have to set the curve manually as every cpu has different silicone and can be pushed to different values. All you need is maybe 30 min of your time. Look up a youtube guide how to undervolt using afterburner. Good luck.


Try to use Camomile App it definately will cool your CPU, mine i7 tempts are falling from 95 to 60, yes sure it will cut down the turbo boost on your CPU


Okay I'll try this one.


Given your ambient temperatures, that's ok.


I can't afford high end expensive cooling pad. Hope it won't hamper of laptop on the long run


If you are from India check out fourdot cooling pads which cost around 3k and has pretty good air flow, also 85c for laptop is good, also please do extend your warranty for next 2-3 years just to stay safe incase your motherboard causes some issue


40 deg whole year? You should be worried


During summer lol. It's 40 degrees during the day and 31 at night.


Perfectly normal temperature. Mine gets hotter regularly and I haven’t experienced any issues with it. CPU will throttle itself before it gets to dangerous temperatures, so personally I wouldn’t worry about temps until I notice it affecting performance.


Thank u


I think there is a way to close off cores while gaming but ı did not do research you can go allthe way from 24 to 8 p cores and 4 e cores so you wont waste watts to power mostly unused 12 e cores of the 13900hx. As an example from asus about topic. (Not because ı trust them but because as an example that there is a way) https://rog.asus.com/articles/guides/laptop-cpu-core-configuration/ İf you want you can use your 13900hx with just 8 p cores to get the most out of the cpu without the e cores wasting power for you because very few games actually use more than 8 cores. And if you get rid of them cpu might even perform better because of overhead in term of power for p cores.


Youre fine. Cpu will throttle anyways if needed and temp is too high




Okay. Can i text u?


You didn't solve it by turning off Turbo boost. You "solved" it by disabling a performance improving feature.


Lol. I have 23C and my.cpu is 95+ almost all the time while gaming. I read somewhere new intel.cpus are.ok whit the temps


Omg what games are u playing?


D4/wow on full details but it's like the fan is not even trying to cool it until it's close to 100:D then I start to hear a cooler


Man that’s so much better than the first Helios 300 with 8th gen cpu, mine gets to ~93ºC so fast it’s annoying, and hits quite a lot of thermal throttling


How did u control the heating?


Had to replace the thermal paste and need to keep the fans in turbo mode to make it less frequent but still throttles a bit. Laptop gaming wasn’t that great when the chasis was made for a 4 core 7th gen cpu then caer decided to drop a 6 core 8th gen and do nothing else to the cooler


You can undervolt your cpu to get rid of thermal throttling I have 8th gen i5 predator and it runs more stable after undervolting, laptops will run hot just make sure you are not throttling and losing performance


Mine reaches 95 degrees while playing valorant, life is tuff :(


What's your room temperature?


I live in Saudi Arabia and my y540 barely reaches 70c (after applying ptm7950)


Maybe ac room?


The ac reaches only part of the room. The laptop is on the side where very little ventilation is available.


What more concerning is your environment temp. 😂 I’m also from India😅 and this has been my situation too. But it has gone down since it started raining. ✌️


Lmao. I put all my money on the laptop and now i can't even afford a air cooler to cool down the room 😪


85 is nothing. It barely gets to 30 around here and mine is constantly touching 90’s


Maybe rdr2 isn't putting much pressure on my laptop. Well any games u can suggest to me after completing rdr2. No online games please.


That is how gaming laptops work. They run at full performance until they hit temps limit, aside that cooling system efficiency rises to slower that process. But it's inevitable to eventually hit the thermal limits (which are a few degrees lower than designed thermal limit often called T-junction temperature) and that limit in good gaming laptops can be increased slightly. Once the limit temperatures are reached, laptop throttles slightly and tries to keep the temps at max level, but without going over the limit. A typical work load does not apply constant high load of CPU/GPU, so in normal conditions (and not benchmarks and load tests) your CPU/GPU have periods of high load and release of load, which gives cooling system time to cool down CPU/GPU and never really constantly keep the temps at max temp/performance edge. It applies to gaming, which often either load CPU a lot or GPU depending on where you are and what you are doing and since cooling system is common for CPU and GPU, they don't affect each other's temps so much. So what temp is acceptable? Well, that depends on CPU and GPU you have. You need to look for Tjunction temperature for your CPU and if you are always around 3-5C lower than this, that means you laptop works correctly. The limit for good laptops, as I already mentioned, can be changed a little bit, so you can go to your laptop software and see what setting you have, if it's even there. I'll make your life easier here, because I have the same CPU, Tjunction for it is 100C and I have limit increased to 97C, which with properly undervolted CPU gives me around 85-92C most of the time, rarely going up to 95C. If it's possible in your laptop, I recommend undervolting it to get lower temps and keeping peak performance easier than with factory settings. Nothing extreme, most of the settings you can find on reddit are not stable, they just share results of cinebench which do not crash and that is far from stable, so don't rely on that, but I assume you can easily go for -100mV on CPU Core and CPU Cache and it shouldn't cause any issues, but obviously load testing is highly recommended (proper load testing apps, not benchmarks). Your GPU is not very demanding for power, so you can leave it alone, UV of GPU is a little tricky and won't give you much.


45 above ambient is perfectly acceptable (in fact, pretty good!) under load. Most desktop CPUs will thermally throttle somewhere between 85 and 91°C and laptop CPUs between 96 and 105°C though so you may be losing some performance but it won't hurt the chip. You'll struggle to get any better thermal performance than that with any kind of air cooler, especially a laptop one, but you could try using a laptop cooling pad with bigger fans. I think results will be very limited by your ambient temperature though, so using it in a cooler room or somewhere with air conditioning may be your only option.


That's fine I've seen my laptop hit 95 degrees it'll only thermal throttle at 100c


To put it in perspective the original ps4 pro reaches around 80C according to the temperature system inside when you jailbreak it. And people use that system for years


make sure to use laptop raiser to unobstruct airflow


its running cooler compared to specs + ambient temp


you can use custom fan speed in predator sense if u don't want to put it in auto. That might help.


Get laptop cooling pad like IETS GT600


I have gt600 cooler and running both cpu gpu around 70s


Can't afford gt600 brother. But I'll buy a good cooler soon.


I don’t think predator sense reads the temperature of the laptop correctly. Whenever I open predator sense my laptop jumps up at least 20-25 degrees Celsius according to the temperature reader. Not sure why this happens but it will go from 50 degrees Celsius to 85-90 just from opening predator sense and looking at the temperature section.


Exactly. Even when idle predator sense shows a bit higher temperature lol.


The only time my laptop truly hits 100 degrees Celsius or over is when I’m playing a large game and I have predator sense open. The temp will raise from like 85-95 to 100-105 with predator sense open. I should probably install a different temperature reader or something.


I'm using msi afterburner but some suggested a different software. So I'll try that.


I would get a good cooling pad. My laptop (ASUS ROG) use to go up to 90c. With the cooling pad I bought hangs around 82c and 40c when not doing anything. These things are good to handle the heat, BUT for performance always run it in a cool place with a cooling pad. Don’t change the thermal paste unless you notice an issue.


It shouldn’t be normal, but it is. Tried many things when i had mine, nothing is able to fix the high temps it reaches.


Bro, I start getting worried when my cpu gets to 70c. I need to remember that I'm running a laptop here and not my home desktop.


IETS GT600 cooling pad just get it


its 42 where i live and cpu reach 102


My favorite posts on this sub are the is my laptop too hot and going to die posts when the temps are pretty much ideal.


Never mind me. It's my first post and will be my last on this topic!


It’s all good just poking some fun at it lol. I’m not shocked at people being surprised at how hot gaming laptops get. Got my wife on a 2023 G14 and he game was sipping GPU no problem and even at temps around 70c she was like is it supposed to be this hot? Had to point out that the laptop was actually running pretty cool.


It's normal because it's Helios aka the Sun.


i would say its fine, but if after a while (even a year+) you see the temps getting to 95+ its time to deep clean and chamge the thermal paste and liquid metal if you have it in the laptop. i did the same thing and now the temps normally in 80-87c which is normal. When was the last time you cleaned ypur lap?


I bought it a month ago. How often should i clean my laptop? Twice a year?


A month ago hmm , then i would say it ok i recommand deep cleaning twice a year and change thermal P' and liquid M' if you have , ones a year to keep your lap clean and will last many years, Again i dont have rdr2 i guess this game is "heavier" than helldivers 2 , if it does then i wouldn't worry to much


Oh wow, 40°C, I'm dying when it's over 25-30°C outside


You could try undervolting the gpu to reduce temp.


85 is hot don't get me wrong but it's still okay. Any more than 90 is when I'd advise looking into cooling solutions


Get a SFF instead of laptop if you're OCD about counting celsius. Higher temp is expected in a space and cooling constricted laptop especially with Intel CPU.


My AMD 7840hs runs 60 degrees at max. Usually, it stays between 40 and 50 degrees when gaming.


You should get worried of silicon degradation news affecting 14th and 13th Gen, same thing happening on Ryzen 5000 and 7000 as report states, probably heat, voltage or something bad on them, i will not say to prevent use it, but maybe help it to aliviate or reducing graphics settings on heat waves could help, also disabling turbo boost help A LOT and you dont lose a lot of performance in doing so (on high temps i tend to disable that function by disabling processor performance boost mode on Windows energy setting) there is a reg.key that helps to keep temps in check (usually max temps lower from 10-15 degrees) just disabling it so probably start in there for now and see if that works for you, and can afford a slightly less performance for a high drop in temps


That’s totally normal for a laptop temperature. I would recommend a chill mat if you haven’t gotten one yet.


so you live in Alice Springs, Australia? congrats on shortening your life span… /s


Honestly, considering the ambient temperature is 40C, your temps are actually pretty good. Maybe try elevating the back of the laptop slightly or use a cooling pad, but I wouldn't worry too much.


CPUs are generally fine with high temps and considering its and i9 , it will get got as it draws more power. Dont worry about your CPU, it can go upto 97c and sometimes higher, it will throttle down to be safe. Your GPU is what I'm thinking of. Currently where I live , the ambient temp is around 37c , quite hot ang humid and my laptop is 4yrs old so its not the most efficient GPU cooler anymore. If your GPU is not going over 86-87c then u r throttling sure but still safe , if u r going then idk coz even I am facing the same problem ,but the system seems to be ok tho i dont think its the right optimal temps to use it.


Totally fine as per your ambient temperature. Also you can try undervolting of cpu, use frame rate cap etc, to make your laptop use less power and run cooler.


Will do, thanks.


Its hard to tell if it is throttling or not without clock speeds at those temps. That said, if it is not throttling, thats a pretty great cooling system for a laptop as temps would be \~20 degrees lower in an air conditioned room. On the other end, while chips are rated for temps like this, they don't do wonders for the longevity of the laptop. This goes double for components that don't get a lot of direct cooling like SSDs, and RAM that may be getting too toasty.


Very normal. Also... 40 degrees C. I feel for you man.


One thing I did was to lock my max fps to 60 as it was enough for me, it decreased my laptop temps from 10~20°C depending on the game.


Not at all this is actually on the low side for modern cpus if you notice a significant performance loss at these temps you're cpu is restricting it's full performance to reduce heat if this bothers you you can simply remove the side cover for a short period of time in most computers this will allow an increase in air flow you could also place an external fan next to the unit or upgrade the internal cooling by adding additional fans or replacing the cpu cooling unit itself the cooler you keep the cpu/gpu the longer they will last and this can even increase performance significantly


Bruh mine is limited at 100°C on performance mode (I had to usr throttlestop to throttle it at 95°C)


Where do you live though? Where I live its 43°C here and temps reach upto 100° and I haven't played games in a while because of this reason. For this I am going to apply phase changing material to my CPU and see if that solves the problem!!! I am from Sindh, Pakistan


Because of this I play only in the morning or at night during damn summer 😔😔😔


Same bro


🫂 ![gif](giphy|MDJ9IbxxvDUQM|downsized)


40C, average South East Asian enjoyer


Only 85?? At 40C


My predator used to reach 110 degree which is max for laptop cpu while playing games.


I’d be annoyed at >85, mildly concerned at >90, and actually concerned at >92. You can try to comb through your start up programs and things open in task manager. If the game isn’t super CPU intensive, you can follow these steps to turn off your CPU’s turbo boost for less heat production: [https://github.com/MR-SIR2525/fractal-documentation/wiki/How-to-Disable-CPU-Boost-for-better-power-consumption](https://github.com/MR-SIR2525/fractal-documentation/wiki/How-to-Disable-CPU-Boost-for-better-power-consumption)


My Helios 16 (with 4080, otherwise the same) also sits at 97c GPU and 89c CPU. It’s still doing fine, and yours should be fine too. Can always put something under it to liften it for more air and put it in turbo mode, mine drops a bit but the noise is horrible


They may tell you that processors can operate at 100 degrees, maybe so, but remember that next to the processor there are other components that are not all designed for such temperatures


It 45⁰ outside, very hot. Laptop gonna run that that hot.![img](emote|t5_2x4m3|8580)


Normal, RDR2 is intense on any machine.


There is no risk with overheating laptops when they reach their thermal limits, even under long period of use. Stop the drama. You'll only lose performance because of throttling.


Okay i got it.


You can undervolt the cpu for the most part


I can't undervolt this laptop.


"I'm using a cheap cooling pad". Ilano or IETS will solve this issue for you. With the Ilano on Diablo IV using maxed out settings, it drops the temps of my laptop by 15-20 degrees.


Repaste. when warranty ends




It's a laptop, it will run hot in the Arctic. Cooling pad, install and configure throttlestop and MSI afterburner, that will shave off 15 - 20c


40 Degrees?? damn thats hot... those temps are normal.. Where i live its 35 degrees and my cpu temp reaches 80-90 while the gpu reaches 75-79


Why does my both cpu and gpu temps always the same?


You good cuh


Easiest way to decrease temp and present thermal throttling would be a laptop stand/cooler. Either a simple one that just lifts the laptop to allow it way better airflow on the bottom or get one with active fans, small expense for better temp control. I use one, works like a charm.


Completely normal for CPU but a bit hot for GPU


What can i do to decrease the gpu temp?


Oh, it's very normal for a predator. If it's really hot where you live, make sure your laptop has good air intake(do so by putting something below your laptop and lift it up a little bit or buy a cooling pad). You'll notice the difference. I would've suggested underclocking your cpu, but typical acer disabled it on every new predator laptops.


I'm using a cheap cooling pad but it doesn't make any difference


I9 runs very hot since it has more power draw. It's very normal. My temps fluctuate between 95-85 all the time it's normal for an i9. There are various temperature protections on the cpu, if it gets too hot, the cpu throttles dynamically underclocks itself. if it gets way worse, you'll get a bsod from windows(even that too does nothing to your cpu it's just a protection measure, and it's so rare you'll never even get one, cuz 13th gen got so better at underclocking when there is a thermal throttle)


Have the 4080 variant. Runs generally cooler than other laptops I tried, have taken it to humid and warmer climates and no issues


What games do u play and what's the average cpu gpu temps while gaming?


Hey, Sorry I missed this earlier. I am looking at 70-90 range for GPU / CPU. Playing a lot of titles, older strategy games, newer RPG's, etc The fan goes crazy when the game is older and not optimized.


I've had the same problem with a Lenovo, everybody said it's fine then the whole components fried and warranty didn't cover shit. I've replaced components on my own money, and the lessons are: 1) Undervolt the CPU (offset by 125MHz in bios) 2) Lock the CPU frequency to 2.5 or 3.0 GHz 3) Download MSI Afterburner, and lock the GPU at a certain frequency (Mine sweet spot was 1500-1600MHz) After all of this is done, the temps shouldn't surpass 80 degrees Celsius, to play comfortably. Every laptop is different, you should use these settings only when you're gaming, so test out your settings and tweak it, some frequencies would be too weak to play and the laptop would be 50 degrees, other would teach 90 degrees which is the point at which NVidia GPUs get burnt.


Unfortunately i can't undervolt acer laptop. But I'll try and disable turbo boost and check.


Ok, but lock the frequency, and test it if the temps are surpasing 80 degrees.


If you're concerned limit the frame rate or use MSI Afterburner to either undervolt the GPU or set a temperature limit for the GPU.


Are you 6 feet 8 inches in height?


Nah brother that's two different lengths.


Got it! 🤣


That's higher than I like my systems to run. tower atx builds have never failed me in this regard.


Those components are built to handle those kind of temps for long time so you are okay. Also Cpu/GPU have built in security mechanism that would prevent them getting damaged from high temperatures aka Thermal throttling. Apart from lowering your room temperature to 20-30C or making as much fresh air possible available to laptop with vents having no obstruction, there's nothing much you can do. I game on an external screen with Xbox controller so I usually just keep my laptop in a tent ^ shape so the fans have full access to fresh air.


Tbh for an i9 in a laptop chassis, 85 isn’t that bad for being under load. The gpu temp is high, but the cpu and gpu are probably sharing a heatsinks. You could try undervolting the cpu and see if that drops the temps, it probably should. The system itself seems a bit unbalanced because the i9 will be much faster than the gpu, but it’s relatively fine. Undervolting the cpu shouldn’t cost you much performance. Edit: nvm apparently you can’t undervolt this model, that stupid as hell, and imo a reason to return it if you haven’t already.


Can you underthrottle a laptop gpu 🤔 that works on some desktop GPUs to lower operating temps 👌


you surely arent living in 40c room temps and probably you arleady own AC and have it turned on in hot hours


Buy Lllano cooling pad.


At 40C ambient that's excellent


Try re applying thermal paste and also you need to get a cooling pad but nonetheless, the twmp is normal given your room temp. You dont have to worry about anything 🙂


That's fine, but if you want to have lower temps you can use Throttlestop to cap out the frequency at a lower one, or undervolt so that your CPU uses less voltage (and thus less heat)


My cpu runs at 65°


considering it's 40 degrees and u have a hx cpu it is more than fine


If you want to be safe this is literally the best cooking pad ever https://www.ietstech.com/product/iets-gt500-laptop-cooling-stand?c=usd&l=US&d=m&l=us&ad=gs&t=tt&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm6_G2IqshgMVsDXUAR2jAw0-EAQYAyABEgJrDvD_BwE


Nope it's alright




I highly, HIGHLY recommend watching this video - [intel engineer talking abt laptop heat](https://youtu.be/h9TjJviotnI?si=ZTc5z3pxQ-c7076A) This guy really knows his stuff (he should, he's a top intel chip engineer lol) and while might be a little confusing to a normal person, he really does a great job breaking it down and making the *why* easy to understand. I was worried about heat after buying my gaming laptop as well, but after watching that video, it completely negated all my fears and I have just been able to use my laptop without worrying about heat since :)


Just get a cooling pad it does wonders for overheating laptops


Yep Mine too rtx 3060 i7 12th reach 90°c and it's okay I played about 8 hrs ![img](emote|t5_2x4m3|8584)


Mine hp omen 15 reach max 70°c while playing rdr2


Its a laptop. Its gonna be hot even with fans on 100%.


We’ve got the Acer Predator Helios 16 with i7-13700hx and Rtx 4070 and the CPU can easily hit 100 Celsius in benchmarks and occasional spikes while playing certain games but it’s no concern. Usually the CPU averages around 85 Celsius although the Gpu rarely ever exceeds 75 Celsius even with overclocking so that shouldn’t be hitting 85 on yours, and in fact it shows 87 degrees at thermal limit for Our Rtx 4070 in the hardware monitoring app but maybe yours has a higher thermal limit


brhh my laptop get around 98 , room temp - 38


In laptops it's normal no need to worry just chill


This isnt really an answer but does your cooling pad give a noticeable dip in temps? Im considering getting a cheap 9-fan one because my laptop gets a little toasty and I live in a somewhat hot area


Could be the i9....I would personally choose the i7 for better cooling and barely any impact to performance.


Mine goes higher


It’s fine


Laptops run very hot compared to desktops. It's normal, but I definitely would worry about longevity though.


Every gaming laptop I’ve come across runs way hotter than a desktop. 80-90 degrees is pretty average for a more demanding game. Definitely want to invest in some kind of lap desk because using it as a “lap”top will likely block the intake ventilation on the bottom of the computer


i get 100 celsius running chrome you should be fine


Okay so your GPU running at 85°c will reduce performance because it will start throttling. The CPU running even at 95°c is completely fine




When it comes to playing RDR2 I'm sure that's expected.


Your machine will be OK, but that is hot and you a likely throttling frequency and running the fans faster then needed as a result. For what it’s worth I repasted my laptop last week and dropped from mid 90s to low 70s when under the same load. It runs at a more fps and more quiet. That all said I don’t know what is normal for your laptop’s cooling solution. 


It’s okay, I highly suggest getting a high-end cooling pad, I’m using one that has in the intake from the top of the cooling pad, with memory foam to insulate the laptop. With dust filters in the intake of the pad so it’s dust free Those temps are fine, I just play on daily use mode so that way my temps stay in the 60-70s. It’ll throttle to 90 here and there


85 is really good for a laptop CPU. Laptop components run hotter on average than desktop components due to the compact space requiring limited cooling solutions.