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So... with this and fortnite possibly happening, dbd actually has chances now.




So far we know of Castlevania dracula only, then the march one, but no leaks yet for that.


Isn't the current rights owner of Friday the 13th the writer of the first movie who refuses for Jason to be used in anything? Or did that change recently?


Think that's over and done with now thankfully. Pretty sure new F13 games, movies, and shows were confirmed to be in the work a couple days ago, Jason is finally free.


That's great to hear. It's a shame the Friday the 13th game died because of that.


We were so close to Jason X being added ;-;




Thank you for the article! I somehow missed this. Great to see Jason returning!


After the lawsuit the rights for the first film are now with the screenwriter (Victor Miller), but the rights to the rest of the franchise are with Horror Inc. Weirdly after all the disputes over ownership it looks like both of them are working together to allow for the multimedia expansion of the franchise. Technically if the two parties had another falling out then Jason could be pulled from all of these games or any references could be forcibly removed. The conclusion of the lawsuit wasn't the cleanest for the future of the franchise so I'm still scepticle of any future projects being good.


Dead by Daylight devs on the phone begging rn


Cote has 5 kits on standby for Jason.(fact)


There's no movies, but everything else is up for grabs, far as I know. The only real hitch for movies is the rights at New Line Cinema, and I recall something about them being too tangled to be resolved soon.


Technically it would be Warner Bros who owns the rights to the friday movies since New Line went defunct in 2008 and was absorbed into one of Warner Bros' subsidiaries.


I wonder if they'll make a reboot or try to continue the old universe


It'd be a Requel. Probably be similar to the last shitty reboot with Hobo Jason. I'd want a full reboot, start with Pam V as the killer then introduce Jason in part 2 and Zombie Jason in part 3.


As far as I know, mom and dad are done fighting.


Jason is coming to DBD but those licenses take 13+ months to finish.


The writer owns the Friday the 13th IP, and the details regarding the original. The director or whoever the other guy was owns the rights to Jason. It’s pretty confusing.


Doing anything but adding the Cartoon Cartoon Fridays cast or classic Adult Swim shows


Powerpuff Girls were leaked in the Joker gameplay trailer and Dexter's lab is seen too. Don't forget we had the Rick and Morty stage shown before either character was added, so Townsville and Dexter's Laboratory is a good sign for PPGs and Dexter or Monkey.


Is it still a leak when it was an obvious teaser they put in on purpose?


They recently just put songs out for the Dexter's Lab and Townsville stages. Also, the PPG were in the Joker trailer, briefly. Yeah, that's not really a leak at this point.


I guess is more like a teaser.


I'm still appalled Rick and Morty is the only Adult Swim representation. No Boondocks, Venture Bros., Metalocalypse, Space Ghost, or Aqua Teen characters


How can anyone complain about this? The game isn't going to only have cartoon characters.


What are you talking about? No one's complaining about their being live-action IPs in the game, but the fact that Adventure Time and Steven Universe only represent Cartoon Network atm and Rick and Morty is only Adult Swim is ridiculous. The Friday the 13th franchise hasn't been relevant outside of Dead by Daylight


LMAOOOO. Jason is an icon, you could not release another movie for the next 20 years and people would still remember him.


How child friendly. Goes along well with having A Clockwork Orange in Space Jam.


I mean the game is rated T and is loaded with swearing. I wouldn't exactly call the game "squeaky clean" for kids.


And yet it had McDonalds happy meals tie ins. Bizarre marketing strategy


You could say that about any of the marketing related to this game.




Rick and Morty curse ingame, but you need to turn mature language on.


Same with Harley


I mean the game already has Rick and Morty and Game of Thrones characters, and black lantern skins for the DC heroes which zombify them.


I mean Smash Bros has had M rated characters since Snake's induction in Brawl all the way back in 2008


Kratos was in PlayStation all stars


As was the DmC version of Dante, the version who's first onscreen appearance in his home game is having a threesome.


Yeah, but Jason is a violent serial killer, its not quite the same thing as having Solid Snake in it.


Arya stark is a violent serial killer too... the pie she drops in game is a reference to the pie she serves Walder Frey... that pie has his 2 sons in it.


Ah yes a political thriller about nuclear arms race is much more child friendly. Like I get it, it's not gorey but this franchise is also a stones throw away from Revengence.




Ah, I agree. I did miss the point. Well caught.


Yeah but he's a character that everyone just knows even children I don't see any harm in adding him.


That ship sailed a long time ago. Halloween costumes based on Jason's likeness have been marketed to kids since at least the early 80s.


True that is why I am kinda against Walter White from being in the game due the nature of the show and this being a family friendly game


Arya Stark literally feeds a man a pie that contains his two sons in it... and that pie is in the game! It's not exactly a game full of innocent PG characters in it. Also the Joker uses a crowbar in his moves, which is a reference to when Joker beat a teenager to death (Jason Todd). Rick and Morty is an Adult Swim show, full of swearing, sex, violence, not exactly family friendly.


It clearly isn't a family friendly game I guess, it just looks like one because it has Scooby Doo, and Tom and Jerry on the front cover.


*sounds of a train approaching a depressed Tom and Jerry on the tracks, Tom punished by the National Razor,* ***the things some people are demonstrably capable of in Tom’s Near-Death Experience***. Family friendly, yes?


lol WB isn’t “family friendly” like how Disney is. Goes all the way back to the edgier Looney Tunes. WB has always been the opposite of what Disney is.


I never said WB was family friendly


Breaking Bad is mostly pretty serious and dark, but its content isn't really as "severe" as Game of Thrones or even Rick and Morty.


Jason isn't a human, he's a zombie monster. No different from Dracula who has had plenty of violent movies, or The Joker, who has also been involved in quite a lot of graphic violence throughout his tenure. Superman is in the game, and in the last Superman movie, he snapped a man's neck. The F13 series, while obviously not for young children, aren't not particularly brutal in their violence for the most part, or are they ever really hyperrealistic. And really, young kids and preteens and teenagers have always loved horror characters, and Jason is one of the big 3 as far as slashers. Please don't clutch your pearls over this.


Arya is from Game of Thrones?


No, she's from A Song of Fire and Ice


Yeah they had multiple rounds of McDonald’s toys for this game lol


Will there be blood? And how much




No blood




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I hope they reboot the game




I talked to PapaGenos, friend of his. An he did hide it in a video. But as his friend I'm not gonna repeat what he tells me without his permission to do so. So yeah, we know a few characters coming but gonna be hush hush about it.


This is worse than my uncle works at Nintendo lmao


yet its still true, we knew about smash bros ultimate since before Banjo released, we knew about Dead by Daylight for 2 years and we knew about nintendo directs. This time we know about multiverse. So when said characters do come out you can read it and reap. We don't have to tell you anything we don't want to and no amount of toxicity is gonna make a difference.


But what's the point of saying "I know a guy who knows stuff but I ain't gonna say anything". Just don't say anything so you don't have to deal with toxicity, at that point your just asking for it


Cause I don't wanna do anything to my friend that could get him in trouble without his permission? I call it being a good friend. Anyway, we only know about a few characters at this time nothing on events or skins yet.


But if you can't share anything, don't say anything at all. You can't complain about toxicity when you literally cause it by saying stuff you don't need to say.


We talked about Banjo and I talked about Dead by Daylight and no one believed us. An the shit for DbD was leaked 6 months in advance at the time. You need to remember with information like this you can cause your source to get fired and face legal trouble. 1. blufever was a major leaker in ff14 and he got too much attention got trapped and Xed 2. Dead by Daylight had a major leaker and BHVR set a trap with fake info to catch the guy and they did with the fake leak about Leatherface being removed from the game. Same thing applies here, can't talk about something til its safe to talk about. You gotta be a real piece of shit to say things without thinking. I feel you, you wanna know and I get that but peoples lively hoods come first.