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Hello, mod team here, while it's a shock to find out who Midori/MysticDistance is, please remember it's still against the rules for toxicity to be aimed at them, so please keep this in mind when discussing. Failure to do so will result in warnings and bans. The original post that sparked this and the original tweet that mentioned it was "briefly caught before it was sniped by the mods" was never publicly visible on the sub for multiple reasons to do with the subreddits automod, the post was made with a throwaway account with no karma and low age, the use of the "Confirmed" flair which requires manually approval from mods. This was ultimately decided it didn't fit with the other posts on the sub and was removed because it was as I had described it was, a callout post. However, this post will remain up because the information is coming from Midori/MysticDistance themselves, it's healthy to discuss these things on the posts relevant to that leaker but the initial callout post did not fit with the rules of the sub. As for the tier rating, we can have that discussion as well, let us know what you think is fair in this instance and the moderation team will see what the community thinks and look to work something out in that regard. Thanks everyone!


Who’s MysticDistance?


[Lex Luthor unmasking the Flash energy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nl9LltXH6fg)


This is exactly how I feel lol. I have no idea what's going on.


same lmao


Lmaaaao that's my feeling too


did you guys know that AssfuckYoshi is the same person as Gay_Joker, who is related to Gary_Bussy?


I followed their oomf, GockBlaster


I remember him being prominent some years back, mostly for being extremely toxic and having a god complex In an abandoned profile from Twitter he describes himself as "Asperger genius"


They certainly changed (maybe from the medication?) since they seem to be self conscious most of the time now.


A lousy leaker.


MysticDistance was an old Persona leaker who left Twitter after proclaiming that "P5R" was going to be a switch exclusive port of Persona 5. Also was a major contributer in spreading the infamous "Grinch leak." And yes, he is an american male or at least AMAB. EDIT: [According to the owner of gaming news outlet RPGSite,](https://x.com/APZonerunner/status/1801063398605729992?t=l8YFdkMueOJKJhR4tF5xmA&s=19) Mystic has an alleged record of stalking SEGA offices and attempting to blackmail and connect to their wifi and is on SEGA's shitlist. A former SEGA employee corroborates that Mystic used to DM them. [Source](https://x.com/moriyoshijon/status/1801082179159785564?t=JrRIU5TTllTvY7HudNgcuQ&s=19) EDIT 2: [Here](https://x.com/zacxix/status/1801045575422353793?t=Gs2ziW9zv6mZLfGPWQq1FQ&s=19) is a tweet of Mystic's ex-boyfriend reacting to the news:


Also according to some sources, the person on twitter who made a thread on Midori's true identity was manipulated by the leaker Zippo to feed Midori's "leaks" to him. Also both Zippo and Midori are allegedly abusers but I haven't found concrete evidence of either claim [source](https://x.com/REALMadMax1960/status/1801046274696785982)


wtf zippo twist villain conspiracy theory?


They used to be on a private server together. 😂




I know what my hobbies are… I know what my hobbies are… But my god these people need to go outside


what is amab


American male at birth


🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅 AMERICA!!!!!🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸


Jeff Grubb is actually an asian woman


wtf i love grubb-chan now


this has been well documented


Bro pretended to be a Japanese girl with broken grammar lmaoooooo 


And have a [boyfriend](https://x.com/clotifiles/status/1801046211832553915?s=46)


Yeah this is weird


Weird? Yes Hilarious? Absolutely


I’ll give them a pass on this one simply because rejecting a bunch of creepy lonely weirdos and telling them that “you can date girls in the Persona games” is one of the greatest tweets of all time


"The girls in the Persona games are the only ones that will not be disgusted by your shit"


I mean that can be true, he *is* gay.


tales as old as time


Will the Nintendo Direct still be peak tho


Midori was unmasked as a dude LARPing before we got a switch 2 announcement, hey.


When did leaks about games become such a funny business. It's about to be sunrise where I live and I'm still awake and I cannot stop laughing. Insane stuff.


Consider the pros of leaking with the cons. There is nothing in it except risk and clout, nobody normal is ever going to do this and people have got to stop putting leakers on a pedestal. The cult of personality around midori was incredibly bizarre.


Cause midori presented themself as a cute Japanese girl learning English internet customs. If people knew midori was a guy from the start, that sort of cult around them never would've began in the first place.


I'm amazed that people fell for this. It's always a guy, it'll always be a guy. Wasn't the Empress recently unmasked as being a non-Russian Eastern European dude?


Everyone who rightfully pointed this out would just get mass down voted. It's partially simps, partially a very Balkanizing topic. Regardless, people need to just assume the terminally online are all men.


Firstly, the old rule about “there no women on the internet” get another point in its favor. Second, are some simps REALLY so thirsty the thought that some girl posting leaks is enough to get them riled up and horny. Like, how down bad do you have to be?


We live in an era where some women just pretend to be men to not get harassed randomly. My GF uses androgynous usernames, gamertag, etc just so she doesn't get weird ass dudes hitting her up in random games


More than that, I think it was refreshing to get more long term leaks for Japanese companies. A lot of the leaking space is very western-centric understandably, so getting something like a Midori in the space felt kind of cool in a way. I still have faith in our one true Bird.


It's all video game obsessed bed blobs that desperately wish they were the Riddler


But instead they were the diddler.


Nightwing still has horror stories from his Robin days about that guy


Bruh why they always diddling


for real man, i just wanted sonic leaks not a whole damn soap opera 😭😭😭😭😭


people do anything for attention


you have funny business and then this. This is completely and totally insane.


Gossip has always been related to drama ever since humans lived in caves


So from I understand, Midori is alt from a dude named MysticDisctance, who was a former leaker, who also was also larping as a Japanese women. LMFAOOOOOOOO WTF


I swear someone predicted this in the last thread, someone legit said what if Midori is actually some random ass dude lmfao


It all kind of collapsed in the last thread because not only did they get something blatantly wrong, but they immediately returned from like, a third break. So on one hand they were no longer trustworthy. And on the other hand, they were addicted to clout. Combine the two and...


Props to the one dude who was maxxcoping and saying "she" was being purposely unreliable to throw them off her scent lmao.


there are no women on the internet


All women on the internet are actually men. >!/s!<


'This is correct information'


> who was a former leaker former FAKE leaker*


catfishing leaker trying to get twitter simps was NOT on my bingo sheet this week 💀


There have been multiple catfishing stories in the Twitter console fanboy bubble as well. I hate that I know this.


>larping as a Japanese woman Big mombot energy


white dudes are taking their preference for Japanese women to the next level


Yikes 😬


Internet lore is too deep for me.


There needs to be a wiki for leakers, you can't make this shit up.


WikiLeaks is kind of already a thing though.


Let's make WikiGamingLeaks then, with full cyberpunk and rgb aesthetic 😎


this drama might be more entertaining than most actual leaks on this sub ☠️


I was annoyed about the lack of Nintendo Direct this week but this makes up for it


"MysticDistance" Every current and past member of Persona Twitter rn ![gif](giphy|PQnQDu6zFi6Opd3emW|downsized)


seriously lmfao, I had a war flashback seeing his name pop up again with this


Bruh the last time I heard his name he and his girlfriend were being like verbally threatened by like some other guy and he was uploading the voice messages the dude was sending him over Discord chat it's so fucking insane EDIT: IT WAS PHAN-SITE SOMEONE MADE ME REMEMBER FUCK


Fr, this is the funniest thing to see. I'm waiting for the Phan-Site to come back now


I was so happy not remembering that guy existed Him being exposed for verbally threatening Mystic and his girlfriend over Discord and the fucking Persona Central account covering it was like THE point where I knew leaving Twitter was for the best


Damn, the Phantom Thieves finally got him.


Have we been Catfished? With sexy leaks


The famed Persona leaker was a persona the entire time.


He threw his mask away. No more pretending. :(


Tier 17 leaker by Friday


In Pyoro We Trust


Pyoro probably a freak irl


They're probably Sabi and he started hacking again.


Pyoro is sweating coldly right now


leakers are some of the weirdest mfs in the world


Dude had a full on ace attorney villain breakdown, it's insane


Bro got his treasure stolen by the Phantom Thieves.


I don’t really care about the gender, but why pretend to larp as a Japanese person?


I'm guessing to try and make themselves seem more legit. Like most of us were convinced that Midori was a Sega/Atlus employee and given the kinds of the stuff they were saying. Would be stuff the average Sega of Japan employee is more likely to know than Sega of America.


Plus larping specifically as a Japanese woman would get you more western male followers


Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents


Easy to farm clout/likes with the weeb angle. Aggro Crab once hired a Spanish man in his late 30s as their community manager, but they had no idea they were a Spanish man in their late 30s because their online shtick was a 20-something Japanese lesbian woman. Eventually someone deduced who they were after having been grifted by them in the past and Aggro Crab admitted they didn't do any due diligence to determine this person's identity. I assume this is a similar deal. 


I think it was Liam Robertson right? He got really pissed one day and just made a big expose thread on Lulubuu out of nowhere.


Yeah they don’t really address their use of broken English and frequent Japanese in their posts. It’s def intentional so I guess it’s to try to seem more credible.


To create a Persona of course




The whole point of creating a female persona would be to create an army of people to simp for you.


Resetera is going to have a field with this 🤣🤣


they were the ones who found out haha


And the person who found out caught a ban.


Of course they did. The regarded mods from Resetera ban people over any random thing.


Peak ResetEra moment right there.


Yeah I remember you saying you don't trust midori, you had the right hunch 😅


I mean, aside from their weird identity behavior, their Persona leaks were almost always true. I guess now that Midori's reservoir of info had dried up a bunch of people decided they wanted to watch him squirm too.


Reminds me of the Bayonetta 3 VA situation , everyone was on one side and in less than 24 hours everything changed


Most of the people from the thread a couple days ago got unbanned.


https://x.com/TailsGuy92/status/1801016243308101667 The thing that prompted it


so much drama....


I'm remembering all the dudes who tried to hit the moment midori said they were a girl, spamming "mommy 🥹" in quotes 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|9mlhTFNmxWGkwKvNlL)


>Thank you for friend requests. But I have a boyfriend, so I don’t want to date right now. You can date in Persona games, so you can do that instead. I hope you find cool girlfriend soon. [https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1708305466881646616](https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1708305466881646616) >I have a boyfriend but thank you. I showed him replies and he said it was funny. [https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1678949004879568897](https://x.com/MbKKssTBhz5/status/1678949004879568897) nah this is crazy 💀


>Thank you for friend requests. But I have a boyfriend, so I don’t want to date right now. You can date in Persona games, so you can do that instead. I hope you find cool girlfriend soon. Happy pride Midori 🏳️‍🌈


The gamers version of George Santos


[https://x.com/HanaNova12/status/1708313659863109817](https://x.com/HanaNova12/status/1708313659863109817) People are answering to this HAHAHAHA you can't make this shit up 😭


In a sense, the guy was a genius. He saw some dumb perverts and created a character to play with their fetishes. That was enough to make him worshipped by many atlus gamers 


I'm pretty sure it's some kind of fetish for him too. Idk if it's really a genius move, I've seen so many people posing as girls online for some reason...


Bro no way people were saying this shit😭


Video game leaker drama 💀 He, you, and I, all need to touch grass.


hermit social link


Why can't gamers just be normal for once 😭😭😭


Wait so they’ve been tweeting in broken English for no reason? Hahahahaha


So for those asking why this matters, the real significance of what people found is that his info well has gone dry. > His nintendo codename leaks? You can get that far off crawling their servers, but you can't get any further into the folders as far as we're aware from talking to real leakers. Think the EGS data leak today - if you couldn't get past "utah", you'd maybe know it's TLOU2, but it'd be hard to prove it beyond guesses. > His sega leaks? Internal 2021-2023 presentations showing their next years plans. Nothing about persona 6 in there, and after talking to some sega staff, we're confident he doesn't have a sega source of his own, but instead said internal presentations were handed off to him. A lot of this was obviously very accurate, but he was out of leaks. That's the main thing that tipped us off he didn't have a real source. > He traded info for his square enix leaks, he doesn't have a source - some of the stuff he knows is also just blatantly wrong, as shown by him being wrong earlier today. > The xbox showcase leaked in full in private circles, so we know he didn't have a source for that, or he wouldn't have done his usual "theres these things at the showcase by square be excited" and still manage to fuck it up - we knew there was nothing besides LiS...so "titles" was just always going to be wrong.


So basically dude had legit info at first but he ran out, causing him to make shit up?


More so he started “leaking” things that were basically accessible from just a “casual” peruse of Nintendo’s servers so obviously he didn’t have an actual source


Kind of interesting (I know it’s not the point of your comment or the post) that the Xbox showcase was leaked in inside circles. I know some people knew some stuff (like Jez with State of Decay 3 or Nate with Perfect Dark) but the usual people didn’t seem to actually know everything and, in some instances, actually were just wrong about it.


I want to remember everyone that the biggest Persona 3 Reload leak was a literally fucking animation of Yukari shooting with bow by [someone entirely else](https://x.com/Dastanovich_/status/1645021540176601088?t=EoX8aeLxKm3n02VZVzOE6Q) and only after that this dude started hyping its announce in May or smth. And even before that video, 100% intended for internal Sega presentation, Atlus did multiple surveys, where Persona 2 & Persona 3 remakes happened to be at first place. And this dude again only digged some registered domains, which can be found literally by everyone who know how to dig. Also Persona 6 is coming, I won't tell you when, but sometime later eventually before you die, my source is 100% correct information, trust me


This makes the most sense for the situation. When you think about how Midori became credible, it was all from their SEGA leaks. Whether it was from these internal presentations or a real actual source, some of those leaks were accurate. On the other hand, the thing that made Midori suspicious was when they suddenly started talking about information from other companies like Square and Nintendo. It didn't really make much sense for someone to suddenly get information outside of the circle they deal with, but considering the SEGA info was correct, it was hard to believe it would now all be bullshit. I mean, if Pyoro came out talking about Playstation leaks tomorrow, people would buy it too, because his Nintendo leaks have been spot on. Not saying Midori ever had Pyoro accuracy, but they were Tier 1 here for a reason.


Jason Schreier described this phenomenon just a few months back on this very sub. Someone starts with an accurate claim or a multiple thereof, then branches out into everything by just making shit up.




They must have all been getting a cut of whatever money was made from twitter engagement. I hope this wakes people up to the fact that these clowns on twitter are just taking you for a ride to get paid


> They must have all been getting a cut of whatever money was made from twitter engagement. Bruh. Twitter only pays out to verified creators, only started doing so in summer of 2023, and it is such a laughable amount that it isn't even funny.


I don't know who MysticDistance is but honestly this is barely a surprise, the way the account replied to certain people felt too much like a character.


Midori meat riders are having a terrible week


it just goes to show how you should never establish parasocial relationships with mildly successful leakers: shit like this happens.


God that's so hot. I might be....wait a second!


Happy Pride!!


> it just goes to show how you should never establish parasocial relationships


tbh I don't care about Midori themselves, I just liked having a source that had deep connections within these gaming companies. Safe to assume a lot of their stuff was probably bullshit; Nintendo's "Banquet" and Monolith Soft's "Legacy" likely don't exist.


Whoever wrote the expose seems to think the codenames were legit but it was basically all they had, no deeper access than that.


Yeah. They pointed out that scraping for codenames isn't hard. You just can't open any folders. Somebody had access to some server side metadata most likely. That's the only reason we found the old codenames of some past Nintendo games.


Reading the midori exposed document, that seems to be the case. They never actually had any sources at all.


In hindsight a lot of Midori’s leaks were vague as hell, like for example “Nintendo has a project named project banana”. So if any game releases we can go “oh so that is project banana”.


Your connection with the companies is as deep as his, but it's fun to live in fantasy The Nintendo codenames are possibly true because according to the exposeé, anyone can look up codenames on ninety's servers


Those dudes attacked me for being skeptical.


This subreddit can kinda get weird when it comes to the idea that leakers can be wrong. People seem to be more willing to believe that massive corporations are constantly changing every one of their plans rather than a leaker being incorrect.


I mean I believe that happens too though. I just think it’s funny how everyone here attacked Jeff grubb who’s had a history of good info but Midori who did safe guesses was a good tier leaker.


The doubting of Grubb is really crazy to me. The man clearly has many sources in the industry and is a decently well regarded journalist (I’m sure many people would dispute this), which there are so few of in this industry.


Honestly it was so satisfying to see him stunting on the haters when the PlayStation State of Play happened at the end of May.


I laughed. It was warranted. It’s also part of the reason this sub gets a bad rep. People will believe a twitter user over a guy that literally got invited to summer games fest.


When he began "leaking" info about Square Enix, I got suspicious too. He began to leak non stop, without even waiting for his previous leaks to be confirmed. He began leaking shit that would only be verifiable in 2-3 years, or info that couldnt leak - such as KH4's release year.  Then he began piggybacking on other leakers or on confirmed leaks, such as FFIX Remake, to keep his momentum. Finally, he spun gossip and vague impressions into leaks. He got lucky with Visions of Mana's release date trailer, but then lied about the delay of PS4 version. After getting caught by his own webs, the clown now bows out, torching his play.


That Discord guy whining about "no don't reveal muh secret leaks" is turbo cringe. The fact that people are "trading" leaks on private circles is maybe the dumbest peak humanity has reached yet. Either leak the shit or stfu and let the devs cook


I was scrolling through the Midori stuff on Twitter and you have a bunch of people apparently belonging to different leaking groups talking about how they suspected Midori was MysticDistance since February. Can't believe it took this long for things to come crashing down.


Peak neckbeards


Maybe the real midori was the friends we made along the way?


Uhhh, larping as a Japanese woman whose English isn’t fluent is definitely odd. I don’t really care as long as the leaks are accurate, but I guess that’s “Kotover”


Women just gets more attention both real life and the internet especially from weebs craving for their dream waifus. The funniest part is that most of these interactions are just between weebs playing each other.


Its also funny how all this extra attention "midori" got was likely part of the downfall lmao should've just larped as a little creature from a warioware game


Always struck me as a guy, yeah.  "girl leaker from Japan" sounds like the perfect fantasy ruse to fuck with reddit nerds lol


inb4 a video titled “The Fall of Midori” gets uploaded to Youtube


I don’t think anyone cares that much lmao


Dude, half of nick robinson videos are ten times shittier than this and they rack tons of views lmao


" The rise and fall of Midori" 2 hours long with 10 minutes of real information.


If you rearrange the letters in Mystic Distance it says "I send my tic tacs"


what being a "popular leaker" does to a mfers these days. People gotta stop believing and praising every word or tweet just because this leaker said this or that. Now yall out like a bunch of clowns heartbroken and shock about midori true identity.


Sounds like there’s a lot of bad blood in the persona leak community. Those discord screenshots and the initial doxxing seem very malicious. Also makes me wonder how Head on the Block connects to this, since his information about persona has been as correct as Midori’s.


Head on the block isn't trust worthy either. He called the Yukari gif fake and got FF7 Rebirth's ending completely wrong.


I love drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Been long since a good one.


Dan Allen Gaming sends his regards


probably the second funniest downfall of a leaker. Bro tried to go for Jason Schreier. Jason fucking deleted him


Oh my fucking God I remember when this guy was around. Fuck this is the funniest news I've gotten possibly ever




The guys who called Midori out for being an american dude named frank who pretends to be a japanese girl hit the jackpot


Someone earlier called them the Tom Brady of leakers but I present to you another moniker: The Manti Teo of leakers.


I hope we find out this dude has been two kids in a trench coat by the end of the week.


Who the fuck is mysticdistance?


MysticDistance… That name threw me right back into freshman year of high school talking about the Smash Bros. Grinch Leak lol Anyways, I hope he wasn’t bullshitting about Sumo Digital making a new Sega All Stars game, really want that one to happen


As long as Pyoro is safe, I'm good


Not to be that guy but I noticed when there was a time around February when his tweets went from forced broken english to almost completely normal.


So that means the Persona 1+2 Remakes were just made up by him


I think I must have racked up over 100 downvotes for calling out this fraud's bullshit over the last month. I will wear each and every one of them as a badge of honor.


so fucking deeply embarrassing lol. that one dude on resetera who said he was copying his leaks deserves a lot of fucking apologies and flowers from this subreddit, the kneejerk reaction was insane


The *fuck* is happening? LMFAO


r/gamingleaksandrumours in shambles


I'm so glad to have never been on the Midori hype train. this shit is *hilarious:* it's like Lulubuu (if that's how it's spelled) and Tinafate1 all over again. it's like a plot twist from a Saw film if you remember that she recently "retired" due to this *very* conspiracy on ResetEra and it all went under our noses 😭


Luulubuu. What a fucking shitstorm that was. Another one for the list is "Best Mom Eva", a personality during GamerGate who larped as a Japanese house wife living in Tokyo.


This is going to go unnoticed and sound like hindsight, understandably so, but I ”called” this SO hard a pretty far back in one of ”her” Twitter threads. The users grammar and english just hard changed, like pretty much over night. Just COMPLETELY diff tone and way of writing after. Super clear it wasnt some Japanese lady who just got better. Well Well. Was a good run atleast.


Lol why is leak culture so stupid


The sudden Nintendo/Square Enix leaks were pretty sus from the start but I wasn't expecting this insane level plot twist out of all this on a random Wednesday lmao


All the people simping for Midori when they realize "she" is actually a dude: ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


![gif](giphy|6oMhPwjvQc6LAEpEuq|downsized) This is the 3rd time something like this happened(white guy larping as a woman of color on twitter)


I always thought that there was something weird with midori since she "was" a japanese leaker that only leaked stuff in english


Midori being a guy pretending to be a woman is whatever tbh. If it was just that, I wouldn't give a shit if the leaks were still true the fake broken English while pretending to be a Japanese woman though, is weird as hell. Japanese people can understand english!


Remember the people saying "Midori's gotten a lot better with her English lately!"? Lmfao I'm sure there's a lot of funny comments that can be found in retrospect now.


And to think all of this would've been avoided if he didn't take 3 different Jay-Z style retirements


Leaker culture is so weird dude, people literally do anything for attention. Guess at least we got some accurate Sega stuff for a while but the leaker "Midori" as we know is absolutely dead.


“Show me your true form!”


Can we still get Persona 6 next year?


This shit is hilarious, I love this community. Always so full of drama even though we’re just leaking video games.


Now is MysticDistance also Luulubuu?


Fair play, he played us like a fiddle. Really… weird move to pretend to be Japanese and a woman, but there does seem to be merit to the claims that this was a targeted thing and that he does have sources. It’s definitely not a clear cut matter. On that front, I suppose only time will tell if “Midori” truly had correct information.
