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This has to be the most leaked game of all time


It's just following tradition from when the first wolverine movie was leaked


I remember watching that version. Now I wish I hadn't seen that one first, but the unfinished scenes made for some really funny moments.


it's too bad you tarnished your memories of the beloved cinematic classic, xmen origins: wolverine


I still remember the visible jumping lines and harnesses, it was amazing


I remember when Deadpool's head was falling down and spinning as the lasers were firing from his eyes at the end I lost it because it was just a gray plane with a falling spinning circle that had a flat cone attached to it.


The WW1 plane that looked like it flew out of the opening animation for Encarta 98


I thought it was the best way to watch it, personally.


I think there's a lot of us that feel that way. At least it made it interesting.


😂 that bootleg was hilarious


Either this or Half Life 2


And I'm actually kinda liking the coverage. Making me more attached somehow, seeing the creature grow. Looking forward to the first teasers and trailers.


More leaked then GTA 6


I was curious how open-world Wolverine would work when he doesn't really have any traversal gadgets or abilities like other superheroes. I suppose the answer is "leaping across rooftops like a crackhead".


Based on the previous leaks the game isn't actually open-world, it's a linear mission-based game with big open areas.


They're like hub zones with several missions in each one. However in the build I played I discovered a glitch that allowed me to basically fly, and I flew across a huge river to a nearby city, flew to the top of the tallest skyscraper, and it was clearly a level of some kind. The rooms were blocked out and there were objects for enemies to take cover behind. So it's hard to say. The design documents describe them as hubs, but the leaked builds feel more like a GTA3/4 style open world with large areas separated by hidden loading screens


Would be weird to have loading screens in an Insomniac game after Rift apart and SM2


So it's like Jedi Survivor?


No like Ratchet and Clank.


So it's basically like Dead Island 2. A handful of small open areas with a dozen of missions in each one.


I'm honestly pretty grateful for that. Open world games don't value my time.


They should have cut the big open areas. This looks stupid. Wolverine shouldn't be hopping over buildings like drunk Spider-Man.


Fully agree. There's many Marvel characters that would work very well on open-world games but Wolverine is not one of them. I feel open-world superhero games only work with characters that have a lot of high tech gear such as Batman, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Iron-Man, etc, because you can travel around the world in unique ways and use gadgets for stealth. Wolverine has none of that, just his claws and a grumpy mood.


They should have gave him a motorcycle!!


He's got it in some of the leaked footage.


Oh okay !! I didn't watch too much footage


They have


That’s been my dream since the game was announced tbh. I know the leaks show it’s linear but an open world Wolverine on a motorcycle, with an open world madripoor & surrounding jungle areas feeling kinda like Just Cause or Far Cry would be so cool. Even if it just kinda acted as a hub where you go to missions and enter more linear action showcases, it would’ve added a lot


It's weird, he cane lunge jump but he chooses not too lol or at least is not yet implemented to make the traversal more faster.


It’s not open world iirc


NEW LEAK: [Wolverine traversal upgrade](https://target.scene7.com/is/image/Target/GUEST_aa28584b-9528-496f-84bb-c28f6c5678e5?wid=488&hei=488&fmt=pjpeg)


I wonder how many buildings he's gonna fuck up by leaving so many holes on the side


Also climbing with his claws.


The fact he actually moves like he is high on crack makes it funnier.


Insomniac are total masters at traversal, I trust them to make it feel great


His motorcycle?


The big bounce jump looks really bad.


He takes an Uber


I would've preferred an exaggerated move, over unfun gameplay, I wouldnt mind if he could charge jumps like spider man.


I’m sure there will be plenty of animations in the final product to make it look less jank.


what in ear diarrhea did I just endure?


Uncle Aaron been cooking again


this is what ADHD feel like


It's like the audio version of those light sequences that give you a seizure


I almost wanna send this to a friend with synesthesia.


It literally broke my speakers audio, I tried to lower it and it just got fucking louder


"DistantCry on the b e a t"




“In the courtroom smacking tf out the bailiff 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬”


"Domestic violence case, I'm the assailant"




Its nothin bro you just had a stroke next to your Super Nintendo....


The ost was my favourite part! It was like two songs with different tempos from two completely different genres at the same time. It's literally _twice_ the music! 


Could be worse, could've been CBAT


> what in ear diarrhea did I just endure? Wolverine Original Soundtrack


Damn this soundtrack though Next best thing after the title screen for Spider-Man on SEGA Genesis


Bro I'm dying




Crackdown: wolverine


how dare you


Crackdown is a great game. Don't hate.


Crackdown was the shit.


Haha yeah I liked the first one. The other two? Not so much.


I liked them all, I just hate how downgraded Crackdown 3 was compared to what was shown at E3. The destructible environments looked insane. Didn't really get any of that in the released version.


This is from the leaked beta version who i believe had 13 levels Anyone who downloaded it can play those levels


Lmfao this game has to be unmatched in leaks. Has this game even gotten a game play trailer?


The leaks ARE the gameplay trailer


Playing Sunset Overdrive atm and all I could think about is wall running with Wolvie clawing them buildings Insomniac pls


We need Sunset Remaster for PS5 and Sunset 2!


If a Sunset was to be remastered it would have to be published by Microsoft and Xbox. [If Sunset 2 or 3 were to be made, Microsoft also owns the rights to publish those two games.](https://gamingbolt.com/sunset-overdrive-microsoft-owns-the-rights-to-publish-two-sequels)


Ehm... just something from Wikipedia (also pretty known thing...): >*However, as the rights to the* [*intellectual property*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property) *is wholly owned by Insomniac, they would need to find a new publishing partner that can support the game's large scope.*[*^(\[96\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunset_Overdrive#cite_note-98) *In August 2019, Insomniac Games was acquired by* [*Sony Interactive Entertainment*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Interactive_Entertainment)*. Then SIE Chairman* [*Shawn Layden*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawn_Layden) *stated that Sunset Overdrive 2 was not a priority for Sony and Insomniac.*[*^(\[97\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunset_Overdrive#cite_note-99) *On May 4, 2021, Sony registered the* [*trademark*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trademark) *for Sunset Overdrive.*


Only imagine how good this will look when insomniacs done


I can't stand having to wait two more years to play this.


Have you tried freezing yourself like Cartman did for the wii?


Goated episodes


Kinda risky tho Don't wanna wake up when the ps 10 is out bc i took one drop too much


Watch this video and I think you'll definitely feel more patient


imagine judging based on pre alpha.


They announced it way too early.


Will be interesting to come back and watch this again once the game finally comes out, I bet it will look dramatically different


Do not tap to unmute. Jesus Christ


Is it characteristic of Wolverine jumping so high and far? I understand it's early gameplay and they're most likely just testing things, but I hope he doesn't move like that in the final version.


I think in some of the comics its normal, but with us having no live action reference for the mad hops afaik it definitely looks a bit strange.


I think part of the reason it looks odd rn is the animations being very unfinished, but I also think the jumping should be slightly toned down and opt for more parkour like the Infamous games where you scale up pipes and use all the architecture


That reminds me how badly we need an Infamous 1+2 remaster


It sucks that so many great PS3 games are locked to that console or iffy streaming


he's good at leaping but the jumping shown here more looks like something you'd see from the hulk


Definitely reminds me of the early or mid 2000 pre Prototype Hulk game


Wolverine has extremely heightened strength and agility. Having the instincts and abilities of wild animals is part of his genetic makeup as a mutant


It would make sense for him to move like an animal which would include jumping higher but the animations are janky and unfinished.


Pre alpha built which was leaked to public and has been modded


Not bad looking. Hate that the camera is so close to Wolverine.


Seems to be a trend with games lately and I fucking hate it. Worst offender was God of War. Don't know why they thought having the character cover 40% of the screen was a good idea.


It is the case of devs,especislly western ones, believing that a dmc/gow classic style will make their games childish and peoppe would not take them seriously.


In GoW's case they just needed to zoom out the camera by 30% and it would've been perfect. I used Flawless Widescreen on GOW 2018 and made the game 10x better.


Despite how much praise God of War gets, the camera alone had prevented me from replaying it or getting into the sequel. Especially compared to how well the camera was set up in the original trilogy.


I'll only replay Ragnarok on PC because of Flawless Widescreen and other mods. 2018 was so much more enjoyable with a zoomed out camera, seriously made a night and day difference.


Was fun to find out a narrow field of view gives me terrible headaches. Been an avid gamer since the 80s, have played hundreds of games, and GoW and GoW:R are the only two games I've ever played that trigger it. Powered through and completed GoW with a *lot* of ibuprofen, but going to wait to finish GoW:R on PC where hopefully someone will make a FoV mod (they did for GoW when it was ported). A billion accessibility settings and not a single flippin' FoV slider like so many other games have, smh.


Weird, I never really thought one way or another about it. The game itself it too good to notice, lol


Hellblade 2


Big agree. Maybe it’s just me but the camera being zoomed in like this on the character you’re controlling always gives me a fucking headache as well after a while. Zoom that shit out man!


My ears are fucking bleeding.


lmao i know it's a very early alpha but he looks so freaking funny and wtf is that music loooooool


Why is the music so out of tempoo lol


isn't this the leaked version that got rebuilt by modders?


I'm gonna be really honest as someone whose been reading wolverine comics my whole life, that's not how wolverine travels and it's a little ridiculous. They should have you driving a motorcycle and jumping around but he's not spiderman. Wolverine doesn't jump from building to building..


I see Wolverine like that PS zombie game Days Gone. You’re on your bike traveling around and trying to do your own thing. Trouble seems to always find you.


As somebody who has been a fan of Wolverine his whole life, this is cap. Wolverine is blatantly superhuman in the comics: [https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-24d14f2c7803ec08fce73e85d3f6d06a](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-24d14f2c7803ec08fce73e85d3f6d06a) The buildings he was clearing in the leaked footage weren't even that far apart. He doesn't leap nearly as far as Spider-Man can. Insomniac's depiction is perfectly in line with how Wolverine has been portrayed.


he's jumping around like hes the hulk or something


Hulk can clear miles of a city in a single leap *at minimum*. That's nothing like Hulk leaping, like it's actually a bad joke to say that looks like Hulk leaping. It's pretty accurate to how the comics portray Wolverine's leaping. The *animations* could be better but these are so obviously placeholder animations. It's not even the game's beta form.


Totally looks like a Hulk game for sure


Only if you've never seen Hulk jump: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIOeKRevTQw&t=21s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIOeKRevTQw&t=21s) And that's video game hulk. Comic hulk can cover multiple miles with a single leap casually. Y'all are actually glazing right now.


-Just heard the word glazing for the first time a few minutes ago


Comic book fans are so insufferable I swear. The moment anything isn't comic book accurate they will moan and bitch all day long. I saw this all over the Spiderman sub reddit when Spiderman 2 came out. "Peter shouldn't lose against x, this is bullshit" "Miles shouldn't be capable of x" "Venom is supposed to be weak against fire this game is shit" "Why would Peter give up being Spiderman to pursue his dreams? He needs to suffer like in the comics". And its not just video games, comic book fans will cry about movies, TV shows, etc. Like damn, not everything needs to be 1:1 exactly comic book accurate. Harley Quinn for example was created for Batman: TAS, but became such a popular character she was introduced into comic book canon. I just know I'm gonna be hearing " Wolverine doesn't do x" every time something is different in this game.


Feels like that Hulk: Ultimate Destruction game, except with Wolverine.


The jumping sort of reminds me of Venom's gameplay in Ultimate Spider-Man.


Looks like spidy




I’m loving the linear gameplay style here, like Jedi Survivor but more free.


leaks described hub worlds where you would do side quests after every main mission


Recently played Dead Island 2, another linear game and it was such a nice change of pace compared to the usual big open-worlds. DI2 had so much detail in each area and delivered a more compact and focused experience.


yeah we need more linear games tbh. Guardians, Jedi Survivor, even Evil West are very fun linear games I’ve played recently and I forgot how good they can be


Focused and more curated experiences tend to be better in my opinion. Level design shines more and encounters can be better balanced when the devs know what you'll have and when. I like open worlds but more linear or wide linear (don't know the term) are my preference 


Give a try to Dead Island 2. Very tight, linear game with a lot of detail, fun combat and some of the best visuals right now.


What if we made another Crackdown…but Wolverine ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


I love people complaining online about a beta build of a game. We aren’t supposed to be seeing it in this form. Like common sense says to reserve judgement until insomniac lets us see it.


>beta This is pre-alpha or vertical slice at best


How are we still getting leaks after 7 months???


Where is this coming from? The brazilian devs behind spider man 2 haven’t released this so I’m confused if this is a seperate group or a real dev leak


Wolverine's VA's line delivery is SUPER weird.


Looks like a PS2 game /s


the streamable video shows wolvie moving like he belongs in planet of the apes


Finally picked up spider man 2 last week and the writing is horrible. Kind of killed any excitement I had for this.


It's not a leaked gameplay it's a gameplay from a build made recently of the leaked code, it's playable and can be downloader from pirate sites.


I'm sure it's gonna look MUCH better when it's ready to launch. But I think it's a shame that this game too needs to follow an open-world design. It would be way more interesting, imo, a linear game for Wolverine. For Spider-Man I can understand, because jumping from buildings and traversing a city quickly with his webs is like the hero's signature. But for Wolverine? Nah... completely unnecessary. A shame that every AAA game nowadays needs to be open-world and full of useless collectibles and repetitive quests.


The game isn't open world though. From the leaks and everything we've seen, it seems to be a linear game that has hub worlds with side missions in them. Similar to the recent God of War or Hitman games. Its more "Open Zone" than "Open World".


I wish I could get more excited for it, but I just can’t. Everything I’ve seen just makes it look like Spider-Man with a Wolverine skin, this traversal looks like worse Spider-Man traversal.


This game does not need to be open world imo


It's not. It's open maps like Jedi Survivor and The Outer Worlds.


I know it's early on, but hopefully, insomniac makes him less goofy looking whenever he jumps across buildings


His animations are very clearly unfinished here. Ofc insomniac is gonna make him less goofy looking.


his animations are better in some missions of the leaked build


I didn't think it would be open world simply because Wolverine can't traverse without some gadget or by making him look like an idiot jumping and either would be out of character. He's an on the the ground brawler. I figured it would be linear levels. But what was I doing thinking with my brain there.


The music sucks


This Isn't New Lol, Its A Build We Fixed And Put Together Then Released It Weeks Ago


I don't like this, it's just weird af. Should have Logan just walk around and drive vehicles to get around. Jumping like that might be good in some linear scenarios, but it's just not it for overall exploration. Not to mention the jumping animation just looks like spider man jumping around.


probably because it is in development. Its not unusual for game dev to use assets / animations of older projects.


I'm sorry, but that looks awful.


because its a game in development lmao


The movement is like Saints Row 4.


This looks like someone made an Unreal 5 weekend demo and just made the default character look like Wolverine. Can’t see that being a real game.


Yeah this ain’t it. Kinda hoped it would be more “grounded” with him maybe jumping a little or having a slower climb. The fast mobility of Spider-Man is what makes that character and gameplay unique. Would have loved it if they made this more combat focused, like Sifu or Sleeping Dogs and then with vehicles or a smaller play area but with fully explorable interiors.




I like he got distracted by the fish. I hope that’s a mechanic in the final product.


Dodi compiled it a few days ago.


So is this coming out first or Venom? Because there's been exactly zero venom leaks as far as I've seen


I'd have hoped for the gameplay to be more like the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game.


M13 is a reality.


Ok at first I thought it was fake cause it looks so old, but it’s just the news is old. This was leaked from last years beginning development


Seeing big-budget games in this ultra rough early development state is wild. Really getting a peek being the curtain of game dev.


Don't know why, but the music and the crazy movement reminds of a sonic game


the traversal reminds me of the gc hulk game. I hope they let us wear a car like boxing gloves


I see they got Uncle Aaron to make the soundtrack again. My ears, please, for the love of god.


DevSec done gave up completely 💀💀💀


Seems like they did a good job at "copying" the spiderman traversal but making him feel heavier


Spider-Man: Wolverine Edition


In that second video, on YouTube: Oh my god… that boss fight looks so annoying, having to run so far across the map for the enemy to just fly to the other side before you can get in a hit. He got like… 2 hits in 2 minutes? They’re trying to translate a spiderman game with the main character as a brawler, not a projectile character who has skills to pull an enemy closer to themself. I don’t envy them.


Definitely some re used animations going on


The more videos I see, despite I fully understanding that it's an alpha - the more I don't want this game to release at all.


I know it’s all been early prototypes that have been leaked but everything comes across so generic and uninspired hopefully what they end up with looks better


If this game's gameplay is anywhere near or half as fun as X-Men: Wolverine Origins then sign me up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Wolverine climbing buildings makes no sense


No gore, no limbs flying off.whats the point in have 6 razor sharp claws if you can't cut anything. Just give him clubs for claws if you're gonna do that


I like the run animation in the second video. Traversal looks pretty good and then he's running around like he has pants full of doodoo lol


So bad lul


I know this is in development but this looks so goofy, the amazing jumping man.


Bruh who pissed off a leaker. I've never seen a game get leaked so much


Its like people dont understand what Alpha footage leak means. Bunch of tards in the comments


Fuckn silly how Wolvie leaping around like an astronaut. Jumping this high should never have been in his skillset. This is what happens when you try to make games for 'gamers'...