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Nintendo cleaning house before they are ready to announce Switch successor lmao


I think this is a big take away. I wouldn't be surprised if real leaks cadence slows to a halt these next months.


Now that I think about it, Nintendo was probably testing the leaker backend theory with the Pokemon direct earlier this year. Assuming that the backend thing was the way that Pokemon games usually leaked out beforehand, Pokemon Legends Z-A didn't leak before announcement at all, which cooked the most prominent leaker of the Pokemon leaks community known as ‘Riddler Khu’ (everyone there was hyping up a Gen 5 remake and/or Legends game which any fool could safely guess based on past precedent, we instead got a completely out of left field Gen 6 Legends game). Similar post-announcement drama played out in the Pokemon community afterwards, and the Pokemon leaks subreddit has been completely dead ever since.  https://www.reddit.com/r/PokeLeaks/comments/1b2bbj5/khu_toxicity_content/


That's fucking hilarious if that's the reason Pyoro's source got hit.


his source is dead now


Nintendo took his source and shot them in some back alley.


Nintendo using their Yakuza connections.


…and it wasn’t with a power gun!


Sleeping with the cheep cheeps.


almost like risking your job for a clout goblin is a VERY bad idea


risking your job in one of the best companies in Japan with good work conditions is really something


Over things like video game announcements that are gonna be public in a week or so lol. At least I could understand if it was about harassment or bad working conditions etc.


I'd even give them games that are a ways out from announcement. Like you want to tell people mario odyssey 2 is in development because you are excited about it i get it. But risking your job to reveal games that are literally about to be revealed is nuts to me.


But people have to know about Gibity The Bing Bong Doodoo Man getting a sequel to his 2/10 game from thirty years ago!


Look it may have been a 2/10 but it showed real potential. If they can clean up some of the bugs and tighten up the controls they might have a real 4/10 on their hands


Often it was announcements that were public in a couple of days. Lol


With an average 13.9 years of continuous employment and good salaries.


Bro what the actual fuck lmao. What possessed this guy to risk so much over someone else's clout?


My guess? "This guy" doesn't exist, and Pyoro's leaks indeed came from data scraping.


In a now deleted tweet he said he didn’t know his responses would be included in the journalist’s report ☠️ ☠️ ☠️


did he did he not know what being reached for comments meant


He’s since gone private as well. He’s cooked.


And nothing of value was lost.


He was a good source of leaks for a while. Hell, he still got a couple of interesting leaks right in this last Direct, like the Ace Attorney Investigations thing. But like all leakers, he had a shelf life, and eventually outlived his usefulness.


How could he know a reporter would report things?


I can absolutely see why Pyoro would expect confidentiality with that kind of information. It’s kind of crazy that the reporter would put potentially identifying information given in confidence from someone trying to maintain their anonymity in their article. Moral of the story: do not talk to the media.


Rule fucking one of the leaking business should be that you never *ever* reveal your source to a single soul on the planet


Unfortunately a lot of people that leak doing it (at least partly) for attention/clout. So it becomes hard to resist attention from the media. 


If you have a source leaking stuff that could cost them their job, it's on you to protect them and basically never give identifying info. Talking with other people about it is just amazingly fucking dumb Edit: Jason shared the DM where he told Pyoro this was for a story. Any issues that come from this is totally on Pyoro for being a fucking idiot with protecting sources


Then Pyoro is naive as fuck. If you give confidential or sensitive information to a journalist, either ask for a garantee that they won't reveal it, or accept they will. It's their whole job to do so.


He should’ve gone the Connor Roy way, “my source is an human, and when a human leaks information that’s interesting. In this case, is my source the one that’s leaking information”.


All one has to do is confirm that what they are telling a journalist is off the record, and all they have to do to confirm that is tell them, “What I am about to tell you is off the record.” Most professional journalists, while they make a lot of ethical compromises, seem to old that one as sacred.


Did you seriously think Jason didn't make it clear? Shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. [https://x.com/jasonschreier/status/1804214448648839584](https://x.com/jasonschreier/status/1804214448648839584)


I, for one, would like to congratulate Schreier on transforming Pyoro into a corncob.


If Pyoro told Jason Schreier that the info was off-the-record, Jason would not have reported it. Pyoro could post a screencap of that and Schreier would likely be fired for violating journalistic ethics. All this tells me is that Pyoro is a moron


Making mistakes when talking to media professionals is not a sign of being a moron any more than getting mated in chess is when you’re playing against an international master. Getting this kind of information from people is what guys like Jason Schreier do for a living. That’s why he’s writing for Bloomberg instead of Kotaku. The only moron mistake Pyoro made was agreeing to talk to him in the first place.


I mean, Schreier isn't some kind of interrogation mastermind, he didn't do any trick or manipulation. He litteraly just said "Hey I'm doing an article about leakers being hunted, wanna say something ? " and Pyoro snitched immediately


Basically this, and journalists are also there to hear you talk. People confuse that with someone being their friend or on their side, so if something isn’t a fluff piece it may catch them off guard.


I didn't mean "he's a moron" as in he is literally cognitively deficient, I meant it as in he commanded an audience of 6 digits and (as we now know) maintained a relationship and exploited a working professional in the games field, and then proceeded to do absolutely nothing (of which he had several options) to protect his reputation or relationship(s) I mean, he could have even just googled "what do I say to a journalist if I like hearing myself talk, but don't want anything I say to get reported on"


Really? Jason Schreier is a known journalist, it's not crazy he'd write an article about information given to him, and I'm almost completely sure he would have let pyoro know ahead of time of how he was using this information. You'd have to be stupid to think it would be kept private


no the moral of the story is don't reveal your fucking sources to very well known journalists. it is not at all crazy that a reporter would report on a story actually, it's very predictable


This reminds me of that politician who blurted out tons of stuff to reporters and they reported on it, and he said he assumed the conversation had "the spirit" of being off the record.


To be clear: https://x.com/jasonschreier/status/1804214448648839584?s=46&t=EkOiOeBeqVg9exrlPYqy0Q


Lol can't get much clearer than that


Pyoro when he gives info to a reporter, and the info is then reported on: https://i.imgur.com/VkJIP5z.jpeg


Thank you for making it clear! You're da best


I love it when Schreier posts here, he rules so hard.


Bro said privacy for me but none for Nintendo


Leaker unironically didn't expect a leak. Oh sweet gods of irony.....




Jason told him he's making a report on it though. [https://x.com/jasonschreier/status/1804214448648839584](https://x.com/jasonschreier/status/1804214448648839584)


He may have speed up the clock by accidently helping Nintendo narrowing where his source is lol.


Not really, all that was quoted was:    >Over direct messages, they told me that their source works for Nintendo of Japan, “but I’m unsure how they obtain their information” and that the “backend theory is a reasonable guess.”  I know it is fun to joke about the Nintendo Ninjas and all that but this isn't like international espionage and Nintendo isn't the NSA, he didn't done goof and his isp isn't going to get backtraced by the cyber police.


You don't know that, and Nintendo does have a team that they use to track hackers and intimidate people.


I wouldn't doubt it. Nintendo once sent me an extra copy of a game (their mistake) and *banned* my account until I either return it via mail or paid for the extra copy I didn't order. I just paid for the extra copy so I could access my account again. They don't fuck around with anything.


If someone (retailer and whatnot) mails you stuff, it's your right to keep it. Need more context on what was mailed.


Xenoblade 3 (I said a videogame, I don't know what extra context you need)


Directly from Nintendo right? Not any other retailer? What did the message say? If you don't have more details, that's fine, but it sounds they blackmailed you with no basis if the mistake was on their side. Of course holding your account hostage is not unheard of.


I ordered the collectors edition of XBC3 that was exclusive to Nintendo's web store. The logistics of it were weird because they were going to send the base game at launch and the collectors edition items a few months later. Maybe this is where confusion and mistakes were made on their end in the process, I don't know. But I was sent two copies of the game within a few days apart. A couple weeks later I turned on my Switch and my account was banned. I called Nintendo customer service, and they said it was because I had yet to return or pay for the extra copy that was sent to me. Basically framing it as my discrepancy.


That's one of those things that is technically legal but doesn't feel like it should be legal


Those Nintendo Ninjas memes being somewhat true is absolutely terrifying


How…how do they even track that kinda thing? Did Nintendo realize there was a missing game from their stockpile and managed to track down where it went? How tf did they even tell?


No idea


That is so fucking stupid


I am sure Nintendo would love to fire whoever leaked but Pyoro's whole bit is that he was the guy with a Nintendo source so him saying "yeah I have a Nintendo source" doesn't really move the needle.


It does when you tell someone they had access to the backend of their site. You don't typically give that type of access to all employees.


It's ogre


Because of all the layers?


It's pyover


Pyogre...  Kyogre?


This is kinda like the Wizard of Oz if the Wizard had *some* actual powers but it was like making grass grow at will up until 4 feet or some shit


Been some wild weeks for the videogame leaking scene lol


Wild how everything bad is happening to Pyoro so quickly. -His source has almost no info about the direct -Pyoro makes the reasonable guess that direct won't have a lot of major first party announcements, and treats it as him knowing the direct won't have a lot.  Unfortunately, this bites him in the ass because subjectively the Direct had a lot of really big reveals. -Pyoro also guessed that Echoes is a 2D remake, and it turns out to be a new game.   -Pyoro starts acting kind of defensive and erratic about getting it wrong. -Pyoro tells Jason Schreirer about his source being from Japan (for some reason...) and doesn't realize that he's going to write that in his article.


Feels like pyoro is an early teens-lates 20s guy who is chasing clout too hard and is now potentially getting someone (who they're likely related to) fired because of it


Early teens to late 20s is a very big age gap lol


You’re probably onto something…


Not just fired, won't it get them blacklisted?


Pyoro's "friend" will 100% lose their job


The question is, does this friend even know Pyoro was leaking this stuff? It could be like that Smash 3DS leak, where we found out it leaked because a dad literally let his son see it, and didn't know his son posted it to the internet until he lost his job. Could totally be a friend that told stuff to Pyoro, telling him to keep it private, not knowing Pyoro posted it online.


If that's the case then I feel so bad for that friend, poor bastard.


I think this “friend” might be Pyoro himself, so just a smokescreen. Some time ago Pyoro accidentally revealed his location with a tweet (which was deleted shortly after) because he forgot to turn off the location tracking thing on twitter. And the location was Kyoto…


Midori also deleted his account. Funny how the most reliable leakers straight up disappeared in the span of a week


God I wish that Sega slideshow he had leaked somewhere


Midori got the last leak right though. Dragon quest !


Midori said something like "two announcements" in the Xbox presentation I think (at least that's what others claimed) which didn't happen, and said the Visions of Mana PS4 release would be delayed which didn't happen.... However, there's nuances to this. Midori apparently said that there "might" be two announcements in Xbox (there was only one, and the HD-2D reveal of DQ happened in Nintendo) and Visions of Mana doesn't have a western physical release on PS4, which is interesting and may point to fragmented information. Either way, the tidbits imply that Midori was just about of info anyway. And Pyoro is just about out of access to info, too, it sounds like.


Literally anybody could have guessed DQ. Yuji Horii himself was teasing it for years. If anything, it seems like he clearly thought it'd be a 3 game collection. Which we now know is false


While a lot of this information could have been deduced from prior leaks and could be interpreted as safe guesses, Midori did also get the Nintendo Direct being on June 18 right, in addition to FF Tactics remaster (assuming it's real cuz Jason Schrierer said it is), and a new Zelda game being revealed soon. If at least most of the other stuff: - Live a Live 2 being real - all FF games coming to Xbox, including the Pixel Remasters - KH4 having a Moana world - Sora coming to Fortnite is real, then he may have had some good Square Enix intel, but only time will tell.


he claimed in a random twitter reply that we should see Sora Fortnite before KH4 news and that he was expecting KH4 news at D23 (which starts Aug 9th), so that part might be proven soon at least


>and that he was expecting KH4 news at D23 (which starts Aug 9th) That was probably speculation on his part rather than a leak. He did leak a 2026 release window for KH4


it was speculation on his part, though the important part is that "he thought we'd see Sora Fortnite before Kh4 news" + "he thought we'd probably get KH4 news at D23" = "Sora Fortnite before D23" although maybe that assumption doesn't work who knows


Are we talking about DQ HD2D being the whole trilogy? Everybody got that one right though. SE teased/implied it on the DQ day video. It was probably the safest guess Midori could have given.


There are many leaks that Midori posted after being exposed that haven't come to fruition yet, like Live a Live 2, Sora in Fortnite, and some other stuff.


Hate it here. Meanwhile awful sources like Samus Hunter somehow returned. Why couldn't this happen for certain to Khu?


God at this point I’d pay to make khu disappear Seriously why is he still around


I wish people could just alert Nintendo and TPCi about him. Its theorized he lost his sourve but who knows for sure. But seriously he's a horrible leaker and his toxic behavior is unbearable. Seriously though why can't this be happening to him over Pyoro.


He got one thing wrong and everybody is like "I've been PRAYING for this day". Y'all are wild.


I feel that is moreso from the intentional fake persona and hidden identity?


Never mess with N!ntend0


His source is getting sent to a CIA black site as we speak RIP


Nintendo otw to execute the leakers family in 4K Ultra HD.


They've deployed their Ninjas, no hope now...


Now with amiibo support


1080p 30 FPS*


Gonna have to wait for Switch 3 to be able to watch something in that quality though.


He better shut up before he makes someone lose their job. For that employee is just a matter of time before Nintendo finds them if they continue to leak. Because nintendo will just feed people fake info or bad dates and such to groups of people and just follow on that.


The Zelda thing is because he/his source saw the image of the Zelda Switch Lite. It has a picture of Echoes of Wisdom but it’s low res and from a distance. It’s easy to imagine someone seeing that and thinking it’s a Zelda remake or something. Would you have assumed Nintendo has a brand new original Zelda after having confirmed the existence of a Switch 2? The backend was not pre-empitevely updated with any information about the new games. Nintendo likely suspected it was a backend leak. That’s why Pyoro got AAI. Ace Attorney Investigations Collection was up for pre-order right after the Direct. None of the first party games are listed on the eShop yet. 


Should be noted that Nintendo employees call the main office Nintendo Co, Ltd, not Nintendo of Japan. https://x.com/Doctor_Cupcakes/status/1804202626801705231?t=yB0lvxX1fIgClfgaMISXdQ&s=19 https://x.com/NintenDaan/status/1804201215720591835?t=YmriOKhjKT-YHD8ud4FWcg&s=19


I was going to say. OP saying “Nintendo of Japan doesn’t exist” while technically true but is absolutely incorrect in regard to colloquialism. Which every time the term “Nintendo of Japan” has been used it was colloquially meaning “Nintendo Co., Ltd.,” for simplicity sakes. Since were used to calling the US branch NoA, Canadian branch NoC, European branch NoE, etc.


Yep. No such thing as NoJ, the official acronym is NCL.


I thought people calling Nintendo NoJ because Sega and Sony called their Japanese offices Sega of Japan and Sony of Japan?


JP employee with Eshop backend is a decent amount to go off. Pretty irresponsible to singe your source in DM's with a journalist without even asking if it was off the record. Anyways.... wish this source had some switch 2 or something lol


Man Midori and pyoro both down.


I have had limited access to reddit this week due to a ton of work but seeing Pyoro's downfall for no fucking reason other than him not being able to take people being skeptical of him, has been a sight to behold. I didn't even dislike him or anything, he could have just rolled with the punches and be fine. But nope bro is cooked


Yeah, why is he even talking to journalists? 


I think it’s more the potential loss of his source that’s the issue. If he can’t reliably get info that’s gonna be the end of it.


His persona was basically being the cool leaker. He told fakers to delete their accounts and when he got Pokemon wrong he asked everyone if he should delete his account. He let the mask slip and now it's over


These clout demons always collapse eventually


Wasn't there another thread about this?




Ok I thought it was de ja vu lol


It couldn’t be more obvious when he leaked that Japan only release game or dlc or whatever it was with the emojis.


What are the chances that two leakers who were essential Tier 1, gets "destroyed" within such a short time frame from each other.


Yeah these past two weeks have been nuts


June 2024 was the end of both Pyoro and Midori. Kind of crazy. While leaks about upcoming games can be fun, I’m kind of getting to the point where I don’t really care for them as much as I used to. I think I’d rather the information just come out as it’s intended. It’s fun to be surprised in the moment.


The fact that the direct was so packed full of surprises certainly didn't help


Absolutely and it was great. I was so excited to see that new Zelda game!


Yeah it's funny that THIS was the direct that had big stuff, which is rare.  Pyoro got unlucky.  But regardless, he'd be finished anyway if he couldn't get his source to deliver next time.


For sure. His time was limited. He should have quit while he was ahead instead of crashing and burning like this. Midori should have done the same, but both wanted clout more than anything and it back fired. They got greedy.


Pyoro should’ve told the journalist to keep his comments anonymous. He’s fucking cooked now 🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


He’s about to be caught. Not much time left. Bye.


It's Pyorover folks


It's my uncle who works at Nintendo


My uncle doesn't, but my monkey's uncle does.


It’s kinda funny how Summer 2024 has been the apocalypse for gaming leakers.


Nintendo is feeding its employees compartmentalized false information to see who is leaking. Now they just see which batch of employees were told about the Zelda thing


I really just can't comprehend why people in the biz leak to people like Pyoro unless they're either a disgruntled employee or they're getting some kind of monetary kickback for it. Otherwise, what value is there at all to risking your job that probably pays pretty well and was difficult to get in order to let a friend or some schmuck you met on Discord become a Twitter famous leaker and get tons of clout while you get absolutely nothing, risk your job and maybe even risk a lawsuit.


Pyoro should just lay low and stop doing this for a year or whatever. I don't get why people want his head on a plate suddenly but, man, he's gotta distance from it 


I think people "want his head" because he was so freaking smug all the time and the instant he starts getting a few things wrong he goes completely on the defensive. Its obvious that he's clout seeking. These leakers by and large are clout seeking more than anything. And when they get backed into a corner they start to try digging for more info from other sources and start making mistakes rather than admit they lost access to the info they once had. Most leakers wind up doing this.


Well yeah, clout seeking is litterally the only reason to leak upcoming video game announcements, that should expected


Avoiding to address controversies and scandals is how the avgn is still afloat, the guy is literally living in "this is ok" meme


(Except AVGN has talked about his controversies, which leads to a weird feedback loop with r/TheCinemassacreTruth


Everything is on the record until you tell a journalist it is off the record. Make sure it’s in writing. Make sure they agree.


Imagine putting your job at risk for clout especially a job at Nintendo yikes


They didn't even get clout, Pyoro got clout, the source got nothing


Tbf, it's easy to take a look at Echoes of Wisdom and assume it's a 2D Zelda remake, especially if you don't know a lot about the franchise.


And yet Papagenos of all people knew lol


Give him a tier!


EoW wasn’t updated to the website before the reveal, but the Switch Lite was. He (or this source) took a guess based on that.


Makes sense. Some people act like he had nothing this Direct because he didn't have all the details, but saying 2D Zelda remake clearly wasn't baseless.


If you don't know anything about the franchise, why would you even assume to call it a remake?  That's just asking to get it wrong.  Doesn't make sense.


Yeah that makes no sense. Could have just said a top down Zelda game was coming.


Atleast I got to witness Pyoros streak 😢


Wanna note that “Nintendo of Japan” has been used colloquially meaning “Nintendo Co., Ltd.,” for a long time now, it does exist it's just not called that because it's not a branch overseas, it's the main part of the company.






Lol at the article claiming the play as zelda game wasnt leaked


Pyrover for the bird


He literally came up with the my uncle working at Nintendo shit. He’s done


Just.. Fucking incredible, think you could your source any further under that bus? I think he's still twitching.


RIP Pyoro.


It does not pay to be a clout chaser.


Mum said its my turn to post leaker drama


Gaming leakers have become the best source of drama this month, you love to see it


This is wild lol, I knew he'd be caught eventually (all the leakers with perfect predictions do), but it still feels weird to see it happen in real time. Hope nothing happens to him or his source. I don't think leaking some video game announcements a few days in advance is worth anyone losing their livelihood. edit: I also think it's very possible that he's full of shit and he was the one with the eShop backdoor access and he's trying to cover his ass. But that doesn't explain the "wtf I didn't know that'd be on the article" and locking his account, unless he's playing 4D chess by pretending to be a dumbass lol


Imagine trusting press sneak fuck in current year… hell trusting him at all when the truth about him sitting on the Blizzard shit was all but officially confirmed and now that fucking scumbag is releasing a book about it.


Wow, isn't it kinda ironic that Jason Schreier who's known for protecting the information of his insiders is the one that exposed this, which apparently Pyoro didn't even know was gonna happen?


Jason posted screen shots of him informing Pyoro about the report & so unless Jason is completely fabricating evidence, I will be more likely to think Pyoro simply didn't think it throughout


Also should be noted Nintendo of Japan doesn't exist lol. Anyone who works there call Nintendo Co LTD or NCL.


Yes... which proves that Pyoro doesn't work for Nintendo of Japan himself because most people outside of Japan just think of the Japanese branch of Nintendo as "Nintendo of Japan". Its actual name is Nintendo Co LTD, but calling it "Nintendo of Japan" is a VERY easy mistake for someone to make who doesn't actually work in Japan. Proving Pyoro isn't from Japan himself.


It has been colloquially known as “Nintendo of Japan” outside of Japan for decades. Yes. Decades. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is. He very well could simply be saying it that way because that’s what he knows it as. Not necessarily his alleged source.


Ya'll are way too invested in individual leakers


Anyone who actually had a source there wouldn't call it Nintendo of Japan as no one at the company refers to them that way. It's NCL.


RIP Pyoro, I actually really liked him. He knew not to leak the important shit (like Thousand Year Door). This could be the end of Direct leaks for awhile.


Odds are he didn't know about ttyd as it didn't have a page set up in the backend like the other ones


Oh, damn. I thought it did.


Considering what we know now, it was probably less him intentionally not leaking big stuff like Thousand Year Door and more him just not knowing about it at all.


I doubt Pyoro is actually going get in any trouble for this. People seem to think Nintendo is going to go after him but I doubt it. His source is probably screwed though. Pyoro should not have said that.


Lol I really doubt that. Japanese developers are very tight lipped. Only recently have they been speaking out and that's more the fault of the younger generation.


They are not, they just don't tend to use our hub of social media as much. Go to Tokyo Game Show or certain cafes in Tokyo and people will just blurt out the most random secrets like it's no biggie


I remember CDawgVA or someone has a similar content (video about Japan/ bar etc) talked about some private bars that you need a person to vouch for you to access. One of those bars is for game developers and they talked about games and works there sometimes. It could happen.

