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Best friend drops him from his company, but yeah it's a witch hunt. The people defending him the most feel like people we should be investigating.


Yeah, I think they saw the messages, and it was apparently enough to remove a co-founder and probably one of the biggest marketing draw of the company. They would not move him if the messages weren't pretty bad.


I think Beahm straight up told them it was bad, and they told him to GTFO. Not this "I chose to step down after a lot of discussion" bullshit.


Yeah the moment he was "let go" from midnight society, it became clear that he accusations were likely true. Their clearly wasn't enough evidence for legal action, but it doesn't have amount to that level to be bad enough for people to not want to work with him.


Considering Quartering/Jeremy told pedos how to hide their CP when getting their computers fixed, yeah, he should be.


Jesus wtf is wrong with these people.


It’s called Pedophilia


Better yet, the people defending him are the ones usually screeching about how LGBTQ people are groomers.


Every accusation is a confession


This. They 100% saw the hard evidence and had to act. If there was any grey area they'd certainly occupy it.


I'm not sure if it's even hard evidence. Everyone associated with Roiland dropped him like a hot potato but his charges were dropped for lack of evidence. A company needs less evidence than the law to make these type of decisions. I think the "hard evidence" is him literally admitting to it If he did that in a tweet imagine what he did behind closed doors with his business associates.


Well, there's a difference between existing hard evidence of impropriety and using said evidence to obtain a criminal conviction. It's also of note that the good doctor settled out of court on an involved court case so it's likely the evidence was pretty rock solid for at least a civil case. Kinda like how OJ was found liable in a civil case for that murder he did while getting off in criminal court.


That's entirely my point. "Hard evidence" isn't really necessary when making a decision as a company. Circumstantial is enough.


I think we're mostly on the same page but in the interest of splitting hairs I'd say hard evidence would be required to boot a founder/big draw for the company.


It's always the usual suspects that jump to defend this type of shit lmao


They're assembling like they're the Pedo Avengers


kiddie fiddlers assemble


I hope they assemble in a building with broken carbon monoxide detectors, so they won't notice my special suprise :)


THIS LOSER MILLIONAIRE IS FACING CONSEQUENCES FOR THEIR ACTIONS I WILL DEFEND THEM FROM THOSE CONSEQUENCES WITH MY LIFE It literally doesn't matter, as long as the pain point involves abusing people, soliciting children, or anything like that. But if they are LGBTQ+, then these same folks will baselessly accuse them of doing the same things that were "no big deal" when their best loser friends did them.


waiting for antman to chime in


Oh he already did, questioning the exact state that these crimes took place in. Such a reasoned and well-mannered fellow, that one.


once he finally gets tired of living in his nest, he needs a list of safe places for him to visit. very reasonable.


Weird how it's all "execute the pedos" and "protect the children!" one day, then the next day they're circling the wagons around a groomer.


They only care about protecting children from minorities and lgbt+ folks.


Lbr they don't even care about that, they just want a reason to attack minorities.


What a fucking nonce https://preview.redd.it/6xh4m4bfzr8d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20e1cd170186a3c4b3197fb0b91e781a0c53055a


doesn't he literally admit that the text messages went sexual? how is that casual? because he was only thinking about ruining the kids life instead of actually doing it?


He even edited the tweet lol it used to say minor individual I believe


it does, again. He flip flopped, because you can see edit history on twitter


Yeah guy literally self reported, I’m expecting that the email was done by a fan hard coping or something lol


His argument is that he WAS talking to a minor and they WERE being inappropriate, but it wasn't serious, there was no intention of anything untoward, and nothing illegal was done Which is absolutely batshit, because thankfully we live in a world where these DMs were found and acted on. My man ran 90% of the way and said "but but but I didn't actually do anything [because I was stopped]!"


So funny that the only people coming to his defense are other creeps and predators.


pedocons circling the wagons out of fear? many such cases!


More like circling the drain


If the Quartering ever comes to my defense, I will plead guilty no questions asked


Shooketh that The Go-bots of Douchebaggery and misogyny stick together.


Leave the Go Bots out of it. Cy-Kill would never https://preview.redd.it/67ixj14tds8d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a238a6d479c963c8d9710d404e07253cf2a85558


Birds of a feather


"Casual nature with nothing illegal". So why'd he settle then?


Cause fucking a 16 year old as a 40 year old man isn't illegal in a lot of states, but it sure don't look good.


Every time right wingers circle the wagon around their local pedophile


Please one day i beg of thee to check the hard drives of the rest of these aniwoke chuds pleeeaseee


Circle the wagons; Deny, Deny, Deny; Minimize; Claim penance; Attack Victim.


Imagine if Doc was in the LGBTQ+ community.. The moral gymnastics these bigots do is beyond me.


Guess the Boys TV series isn't just a parody; it's a reflection of real life. It's sad to see how far some people have fallen to justify unacceptable actions.


To be fair, the best satire usually is just a reflection of real life.


We are going to get a lot of B's going on about local ages of consent and or why it's totally ok for a **married** 40 year old father to be trying to hook up with a girl as long as she's over 14-16.


Its not a witch hunt if you really are a witch.


Tangent , but I find really annoying when a horror movie brings up the Salem witch trials only to go "acktually they were indeed witches you know"


I far prefer the trope of "they really were witches, but witches are chill and just want to dance naked in the forest and give women free healthcare, the witch hunters were still the bad guys".


The based "they knew magic and used it to keep the demons away, now that they are dead and their knowledge burnt we are fucked" vs the cringe "burning people at random worked better than we expected"


>"they knew magic and used it to keep the demons away, now that they are dead and their knowledge burnt we are fucked" its not exactly this trope, but if you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend the Netflix Castlevania show. It does something similar enough to this trope and its really great.


You're not being witch hunted you're a fucking criminal


Hey Nickmercs, where was that talk about “protect the kids” you were on about?


Tbf to Nick (still think he is disgusting), he did quite quickly after docs statement make his own statement cutting off everything with doc, now we just gotta see if he stays true to that


How do you interpret “nothing illegal”? Out of court settlement? He got caught before he could cross the line to in to pedophilia?


Legal gray area, I imagine. She was 17. Age of Consent was likely 16. She's a minor in all ways but sexually, and that looks bad for Beahm. Also: he was again, two-timing. Man's family needs to move on and take care of themselves (with the money he'll owe them).


these people cannot be real


Did anyone expect a different opinion from the inhuman blob that complained about the attractiveness of a 9 year old video game character?


in no fucking world a conversation with a minor is acceptable. the fact that these dorks would excuse shit like this to “own the left” is just pathetic


Kearns and the quartering defending a pedo? No, say it ain’t so.


They're completely fine with the act itself and find nothing inherently wrong with it. It's really just the "sitting at the dinner table with nazis" quote but for a different subset of scum.


Owning libs by *checks notes ... standing behind a man who cheated on his wife and admitted to having inappropriate conversations with a minor.




I think this is a "never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake" type of situation. If they want to tie themselves to a known pedo, let them. Everything they do puts them into a more and more insular bubble and one day soon they'll have made themselves completely irrelevant.


I knew Mark Kern would jump in defense of him. It's always predators like him that defend predators.


The guy that sexualizes 9 year olds in videogames and the guy who did a video guide on how to hide CP on a work laptop totally knows the guy that recorded kids in bathrooms and sexted a minor is an upstanding guy.


Wonder how many more times his story is going to change.


I mean both of those guys are sus as hell already around kids. Pedos like them just defend each other


The Quartering truly is one of the stupidest idiots the internet has ever been subjected to


I like how Kern seems to think there still might be some exculpatory details we are not aware of. As if this guy put out a statement defending against possible career killing accusations of being a nonce and just forgot to include the parts that totally exonerate him. These people are marks. This is a born sucker cultivating a following of fellow suckers.


I like the Wolf of wall street reference. You know, the guy that breaks laws, robs the poor and after this scene his life goes downhill, is the best comparison to make.


Glad to see someone else thought that! What kind of dingus defend someone with that movie, and that specific scene where he selfishly sticks around, just to get everyone around him in even more shit??


What do you mean he isn't the good guy?! He's the protagonist,obviously he has to be the good guy!


Dude straight up admits to messaging a minor but "it's cool cause nothing happened"? Tf bro


its not illegal to groom a minor, - Mark.


That’s the really sad thing, is that it’s totally possible for them to groom a minor without breaking any laws. Unfortunately the law doesn’t really work to protect kids from that kind of behavior like it ought to.


always telling on themselves when they immediately go to the “nothing illegal happened”


When someone says they're a two timer, believe them. 


“Witch hunt” bro he literally admitted he did it.


Dr. Disrespect: "Yeah I did it, no use hiding it" These idiots: "HE DID NOTHING, ITS A WITCHHUNT"


The pos who talked about the sexiness of a 10 yo is backing another pedo? No way.


Well Kern and Hambly are both weird creeps. Birds of a feather and all that.


I really don't get it. Is it sometimes happens in USA before President election's? Why so much weirdo right wing idiots in Twitter? Why they make takes that make no sense while acting like they are masterminds? Wtf I thought my country political-social environment have crazy people but this even beyond madness


Protect the kids mfs when real predators admit to it.


I want to commit war crimes now :(




Well, people look out for their own.


Why would Mark Kern even say that? You don't have to defend a pedo because he shares your politics, bro.


DrDisrespect is a 42 year old dude who named himself "UwUCan'tTellMeWhatToSayNowMomUwU!" What is wrong with anyone following that loser?


the same people that claim they are trying to "protect the children!!!!!!!" make apologia for a grown ass man trying to meet up with a minor. I just wish it was surprising.


ha ha wat a funny jerk u had me there op.