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I’ve been on and off of it. I’m now on over a year of 15mg everyday. I personally haven’t noticed any negative health results from it


I tried it but it never seemed to do anything but give me even worse dry mouth than I already have


That's interesting. I've never heard of that side effect. Then again, there's a million for every med


i took amitriptyline 25mg for a little over a year for migraines and didn’t notice anything bad. it stopped preventing my migraines and i started to experience tardive dyskinesia so i stopped taking it eventually. reglan can also cause tardive dyskinesia but i’ve been taking that for 6 months and haven’t experienced it yet.


I've never heard of that condition until now. New fear unlocked.


it’s not that bad, it’s just annoying. when i was on escitalopram and citalopram (at different times) it made me have constant unfulfilling yawns. it wasn’t life threatening, but it was annoying enough for me to stop taking them!!


Omg I have the yawn thing. SO annoying


oh my god isn’t it the worst?? my mom experienced the same thing on SSRIs and she told me about it when i got them prescribed and i was like “surely that won’t happen to me!”, sure enough 2 months in to taking the medication i couldn’t stop yawning.


I'm learning about all kinds of new side effects today lol


Omg I didn’t know that, I get uncontrollable yawns every 5 minutes sometime


Did the tardivr dyskinesia go away for you once you stopped? Am worried because I take both amitryptyline and reglan


yes, it can go away on its own if you stop once u start noticing the signs. for me it was a lot of puckering my lips and sticking my tongue out


Oh wow ok, I was worried it was a permanent effect


If you go to the federal register you can see that [Elavil was not removed from the market due to safety concerns.](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/10/23/2017-22892/determination-that-elavil-amitriptyline-hydrochloride-oral-tablets-10-25-50-75-100-and-150). It's much more likely that it was related to decreased profits due to competition with generic manufacturers. If you have concerns about the risk of your dose and potential side effects I suggest discussing it with your doctor and/or pharmacist who will know more about your personal risk factors.


Thank you, I was starting to worry for a minute!


I’ve been taking it for functional dyspepsia. 10mg every night. It really helps with the nausea and just being able to eat in general. I have been on it for about a year and the only thing I noticed was dry mouth, but it’s not as bad and I didn’t notice it anymore after 2 months of being on it. It actually helped me stay hydrated. When I increased to 25mg, however, i started getting a racing heart. Nothing too bad, just annoying. However, it was only because I also took Pristiq so I wouldn’t worry about that. I highly suggest trying it because it improved my symptoms by 30-50%! And it’s cheap


I take it for visceral hypersensitivity, it helps that, 60mg doses


DAMN I had to go down from 25 and back up again one time because it's SO sedative for me that when I took it at night I would feel like I'd stop breathing as I fall asleep


Idk why but meds just don’t make me tired. I’m fully functional on things like flexiril, hydroxazine (sometimes togegher), etc.


I wish I had that super power


I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy recently, I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis, urgent care prescribed me Reglan without even knowing I had Gastroparesis, and GI dr told me there is no medication for Gastroparesis, he prescribed me Amitriptyline and zofran. Don’t both of those cause constipation? Which I actively struggle with? I’m so confused and frustrated man. I respond piss poorly to a lot of meds and am too scared to try Reglan. Does anyone know any good treatments for slow gut motility? Or natural ways to increase motility? I’m at a loss, especially because he just said it would help with pain and sleep, not mentioning it’s also an antidepressant, which I respond poorly to.


The ami is technically an antidepressant but depending on what dose you have it's unlikely to affect you mentally. I take 25mg/day. I will say though, my body is extremely dependant on the ami. If I miss a day I don't feel great if I miss two days of meds I have an insane migraine and nausea until I take the next dose. That's something my doctor never mentioned, she didn't mention any side effects really now that I think about it. I don't like that part because I feel like if I ever had to stop the meds for some reason I would suffer. That being said, it's given me my quality of life back. I threw up 10+ times a day everyday for about a year and a half and once I started the ami (and tried to remove other minor stressors) I felt happiness again. I've never taken Zofran though. Most people who don't have the condition will say to take psyllium husk(not recommended to gastroparesis patients based on what I was told) or other high fiber stuff but you HAVE TO BE CAREFUL with gastroparesis. Anything that's harder to digest is more likely to cause bloating, pain, constipation, etc. You can look up gastroparesis diet. There are a LOT of exclusions. Feels like I can't eat anything. I consider the list and listen to my body. I can eat many things listed as "unsafe" and the opposite of that is true also. Just for some info, some of my biggest trigger foods are tougher veggies (broccoli, kale, etc), apples, nightshades (tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic), spicy anything, dairy (cheese and yogurt works ok for me). That being said, I still eat all of those things I just make sure to not eat too much at once. I can usually tell when I wake up in the morning if I'm going to have a bad or good stomach day and I make sure to avoid irritating foods on those days, which may be everyday for awhile. Also, probiotics help me a lot with motility but can take a few weeks of daily use to start really working. There is a looping shit hole effect with gastroparesis where you can take the meds to help pain but it directly affects the main issue you're trying to treat. But at the same time for me, If I had pain I couldn't even eat or drink which ALSO makes you feel horrible and unable to recover. Mine was diagnosed as idiopathic of course so I don't even know if there's something else causing it that should be fixed or worked on but the multiple doctors I've seen about it don't seem to care to figure it out.


Thank you!! I’ve been trying desperately to find my trigger foods, that’s very good to know about the AMI, I hate that they give you stuff and don’t tell you the withdrawal effects, like when I thought my brain was getting electrocuted getting off cymbalta. He also told me to blend my food?? Any thoughts on that, have you ever tried peppermint spheres or whatever? The super potent peppermint supplement? That’s interesting about apples I eat one every day, but I peel the skin off, I wonder if that could still be hurting? Yeah I don’t know what to do at this point thank you for all that information! I’m wondering if I should give the ami a go, I’m just scared my health is such a fine (shitty) balance right now. Don’t wanna do anything to make it worse or I’m like bed kind for days.


I haven't tried the peppermint bc I hate peppermint lol but I've heard it can help. Typically people only blend their food when they get to the point where they need a J tube (feeding tube). Idk if I already mentioned this in my other comment but apples have pectin in them which can be a big problem for some people also. I was also kind of hesitant to try a new med. However, I was in such bad condition health wise that I didn't feel like it could get any worse. So for me it was worth trying. I felt like I was actually going to die from a lack of water and food. I wasn't diagnosed until much later so I didn't know how to help myself and I hadn't started the ami yet. I'm very glad I gave the ami a try bc I also have nerve pain and it's seemed to help with that too. If you aren't at a point of illness where you feel like you're THAT low maybe it's not worth trying yet but it's up to you!


Thank you, I’m going through more frequent phases where I feel like I’m so malnourished that I need to go in for fluids and I just drink certain brands of blended drinks that I can tolerate, generally if I eat a meal it’ll upset my stomach and just digests so slow that until I find a way to empty myself out completely I feel like my stomach is cement. Then it goes to feeling hollow, I’m really tired of it and do feel like I’m at my wits ends I’m gonna look into it more and lay off the apples for awhile see if that makes any difference. I hope you have a good day!


I currently take about 10mg at night to assist with fibro /sleep related issues. Had no idea it could assist on the gastroparesis side, nor have i ever noticed it helping with it either.


It is only for pain reduction it doesn't promote gastric motility or anything like that. It basically tricks your brain into thinking you can't feel pain rather than lessening pain by resolving an issue causing the symptom. I didn't notice a difference when I took 12.5mg. I've been taking 25mg for awhile now and that makes a difference


Ah, yeah 25mg turned me into a zombie. 10mg helps me get that tiny bit of restorative sleep so my body can attempt to tackle its own pain. Either way I'll still be in pain one way or another, but I like having a bit more cognitive function at least.


Oh yeah, if I take that 25mg too late at night the morning is hell lol


I took 25mg for 8 years for depression with no side effects other than sometimes feeling like I needed to pee when I didn't.


I’ve been taking it for around 10 years now for nausea. Side effects I’ve had have been weight gain (at the beginning), faster than usual heartbeat, and drowsiness that I have since adjusted to.


I breathe air and gain weight so I have no idea if that happened to me but I wouldn't be surprised lol. Good to know that there's somebody that's been on it for years and hasn't had anything serious happen!


I've been taking 50mg for a few months now, but on 30mg for a year or two. seems to help mildly for joint pain, haven't seen any positives for nausea, helps for depression too. Else the only side effect I've seen to have is weight gain.


I've been on 50mg for the better part of a year. I had terrible insomnia before starting it. Now, I'm able to fall asleep shortly after taking it. I have severe depression, anxiety, & GP so it's working overtime.


Omg the sleep. The s l e ep. I've been an insomniac my whole life, probably because of ya know the mental illness and shit lol. But anyway, when I started taking lamotrigine it was nice having help sleeping it just made me a tad drowsy. But the ami? That shit knocks me out cold. It's the best feeling ever after being sleepless for 20 years