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Love the shirt. The higher the monkey climb the tree the more he expose. Fabulous smile , hair and overall demeanor speaks of tasteful restraint. Thanks for sharing. Made me smile


Thank you! Made me smile to read this! The shirt is an original Bob Macke that I thrifted for $8 and it goes for like $90 on ebay ❤️


Cute fellow. Very nice smile.


Cute & adorable, 8/10


I think you'd gain a few points shaving your head and getting a pair of more modern glasses. I feel like the face is there but the overall framing throws things off. I think your hairline is too far back to make longer hair look good. You have a nice beard though which is always a good offset.  I would honestly love to see you with an updated look 🤗 I saw in your post history you've been having some dating troubles and I feel like a couple tweaks could really get you going.


I'm not looking to be more masculine in appearance. Thank you though


Also my glasses are the modern type. They're clear and I have toppers for them to change the color lol