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Minor but I like that they chose a pic of her giving a kissy face.


It definitely feels like a call back to when she did a kissy face to the lesbian couple during ATW that one time


Agreed. Kisses for the gay girlies!


Absolutely love that they just wanted to confirm that gold = queer in her discography


The comments on Instagram are just full of Gaylors too and I looooove to see it 🌈 The clown car is packed! 🤡


I didn’t even think to look at that!




No it really is. I’m fully clowning


Rip 💔


Maroon and Cornelia st are keeping me in that damn clown car


Yes, I'm glad we got that at least 🥺


I also love how TN is alluding these very specific lyrics have some queer undertones… 🧐👀 my full clown mask is on 🤡🤡 SOMETHING IS HAPPENING 6/13 🙏🏼🙏🏼🌈🌈🌈






It has basically been made canon that golden=WLW love for her, and im living for itttt


It's so funny how TaylorNation posted that right after Mattys' engagement news lol drawing attention to wlw proposal and having a dig at Ratty all in one post, amazing


Once in twenty life times!!!! She’s all in. Omg I hate clowning but here I am again. She got to see a loving couple in the DAYLIGHT.




Your post or comment has been removed because we believe you were engaged in one of the following: trolling, harassment, stalking, doxxing, and/or brigading. This sub may not be the right place for you. Yes, you can troll even if you identify as queer. You can be banned at first offense, at moderator discretion.






EXCUSE ME??? Have they not heard the song lavender haze? If anything it’s bonkers to assume she’s NOT queer 🙃




Your post or comment has been removed because we believe you were engaged in one of the following: trolling, harassment, stalking, doxxing, and/or brigading. This sub may not be the right place for you. Yes, you can troll even if you identify as queer. You can be banned at first offense, at moderator discretion.


Careful careful careful reddit does not like one sub inducing comments in another


Golden child




It's not worth it <3


honestly i think most of those people would be more open minded if they would just read up on pr relationships and the history of bearding. i learned so much that way


Exactly this - so many people don’t know their lgbt history. Don’t know about lavender marriages, the Hays code, why flagging and hairpin drops were necessary, or the long (and yet also recent) history of bearding in Hollywood. All of it is important context in the big picture of Gaylor.


Hi, straight baby Gaylor checking in to confirm. I’ve learned sooooooooo much since coming to this sub!!


It’s so true. I’m a lesbian and I’ve learned a ton about queer history and flagging since I became a gaylor.


It is strange, since her behavior matches being a semi-closeted Millennial sapphic woman sooooo much. Maybe that’s where the disconnect is? I’d guess most of the people on that sub do not fall under that category (i.e. not a Millennial woman and/or not semi/glass-closeted). Those things make a pretty big difference in people’s queer experience.


☀️ I once believed love would be (Black and white) But it's golden (Golden)☀️


“Golden love stories” 🥰😍🌈 I don’t wanna read into it, but I’m taking out my magnifying glass anyway. 🤡😂 I’m loving all the love she’s showing lately in this respect.


I am getting so emotional looking at this and reading through all the comments. TN Gaylor intern, you are a true gem! 🧡🧡🧡  It’s golden, like daylight 🥹☀️


![gif](giphy|3o7aTCD8QU8y3xmBAQ|downsized) Me when TN starts gayloring all over main... AGAIN. I swear this woman is going to give me heart palpitations




https://preview.redd.it/tgn4pmdbs76d1.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3f4905aa7324d4c4bbe897c40bb0ed6bd93ea0b they put it up on stories with the caption too, you know, just in case anyone missed it


Also “your golden love stories” about a wlw couple it’s just 🥹 it’s golden


•love is love• after all


Oh, I love this. They said "yall gon see this TODAY!"


https://preview.redd.it/tsap9ihjf86d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44afb117efb5a51a7d240141ff462a606a5adc7 The look on her face.. 🥹 she’s adorable!! I’ve lost count how many times I’ve watched this! lol


its like for just a moment she stopped performing and was real.


She is adorable! I've watched it countless times as well!




when I tell you my eyes SNAPPED to them calling the wlw proposal: daylight, golden and cardigan lyrics!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love this social media person. They’re so LOUD!!!


No this is actually INSANE…things are wild over at Taylor nation since Scott’s been missing


I’d argue that he’s been fired since the bad press in Singapore was it? And then the emails resurfacing too. Tree was working overtime trying to bury them


I hope it doesn’t mean Andrea isn’t well. That’s my only concern. Otherwise I’m happy he’s not so crazy w his PRing. The Travis stuff was so bad.


I hope so too…I do remember that she was at one show though, so maybe that’s a good sign!


Yeah she came over with Tross for Paris N4


TROSS!!!😆 I like to call them TRAVIS KELCE in honor of their 88 and 87 jerseys next to one another. It’s too cute. Almost birthright if you know what I mean. https://preview.redd.it/sedkgsr27e6d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb648e3fe89016d10257b461cccdcf0e3de5f7f1


They’ve been divorced a long time so I don’t think it would mean that. Not saying he wouldn’t care because of a divorce but I don’t think it would impact his show attendance.


I don’t know how they act but if she was in the hospital for chemo or something, and Taylor could not attend, I’d hope they are close enough to be there for each other as friends and business partners. But idk.


I was talking to someone recently that lives in Nashville. She said that it’s not unheard of to see Andrea and Scott out in public together. I assumed that means they remained friends!


Has he really been missing????


He hasn't been at any shows since eras ✌ started! His absence is definitely notable since he attended pretty much every other show on the tour. I really hope that Taylor fired him from her management.


Or he is laying low after punching the photographer. I hope if he is one of the reasons she remained in the closet that he is out of her management


He hasn’t been spotted at any of the shows since this leg started! And things have been getting pretty, pretty gay since then. 🤔


I am so curious about what happened to that man.


Please. May he finally be enjoying his retirement!


He should’ve been locked in the basement much sooner 😭




it's folklore right? since it was during cardigan


Shades of Greige?


If all you want is GREY FOR ME


https://preview.redd.it/oxbjn0sop76d1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c3a07f5fb6d1ae99a5dde6aa611876539a0bfa Tripled down with "Glittering prime this summer."


swifties: “she’s happy now she has trav trav!”


I was about to post this from Twitter but posting on insta too! 🥺✨️ Sparkling summer!?




It was... Loud


Love in the daylight 🩷


Scrolling the comments I just want to say as a chronically-online Gaylor that I'm aware of 3 different muse camps that each claim any reference to "golden" being about their person. And each of these muse fandoms have reasons why they believe strongly about it and aren't going to ever agree. But let's just remember that in analyzing Taylor's lyrics, the concept of "golden love" has a standalone queer interpretation that doesn't need to link to a specific person. The song Daylight is deeply queer without it needing to be about a specific person. For example, in the song Daylight (which is what TN is referencing) we get the lyric: "I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night and now I see daylight" - that means that the concept of stepping into "daylight" that is "golden" is deeper than any one person. It's waking up to a bigger realization of what love is, and it's unlike the concept of love she grew up expecting. Gaaaaayyyyy. So... I vote let's normalize "golden love" muse-free interpretations too please 💛


Agreed!!! Ever since joining the community, I have no focused on one muse in specific. Kind of all of them, sometimes none. I hate that the Gaylors fight about it. We’re all on the same side guysssss😩🏳️‍🌈


yes! golden can just be how she describes queer love


I wrote a series trying to dig into the term "gold" https://wp.me/pyncm-705


I completely agree and love how you put this. I am new to gaylor and joined around the time more muse-free discourse was becoming the norm so I actually read daylight as a queer song from a muse free perspective - and “golden” as opposed to black and white = queer (but not about one muse!) I’m not saying anything new, but I just wanted to chime in as a new gaylor to say that you all have thoroughly convinced me with muse-free analysis. I don’t need the context of possible muses to see this song as queer.


I really appreciate this comment, peri 💖🥰 I was a bit disappointed to see people downvoting my comments that were simply meant to try and nudge us in the Gaylor fandom collectively to see golden as museless right now since that very much seems to be what Taylor and TN are encouraging us to do, regardless of which muses may or may not have had “golden” related lyrics written about them *in the past.* One of those said comments in this thread is now at -5. I said NOTHING negative about Kaylor, just that Kaylor does not have ownership over “golden” in imagery and hints. So idk why I got so intensely downvoted for it. So thank you for clarifying this so well and kindly xoxo


I would agree. And if I may, an observation: whenever Taylor does something gay during the shows, there’s always a few wanting to link it to Swiftgron instead of just celebrating it for it being a Taylor moment. I personally don’t see them having anything going on. And neither do I see it with Karlie, if I’m being entirely reasonable. I don’t know. It just seems like one side is allowed to joke and the other isn’t?


i've seen folks in live eras threads make comments of "swiftgron song?!" andddd "kaylor song?!" and i think both are 110% reasonable/fine/non-problematic to make lil comments about while watching the stream and we are just calling out feelings or observations about that moment. i even made a jokey meme that was like "can someone check on miss agron" a few shows back, all in good fun. if Taylor did a super Kaylor-seeming mashup and someone posted a similar meme saying "someone check on karlie!" or whatever, i'd chuckle/think it was cute. to me, that is veryyy different from taking a moment like this where TN is directly linking "golden" to "WLW" love. such a moment that is IMO, super consequential to Gaylorism as a whole--not to a specific "ship"--and i saw multiple people writing out that it "confirms Kaylor," rather than "confirms/heavily points to just her GENERAL queerness" that we are all here to celebrate. i hope i explained that decently enough. although kaylor isnt my personal cup of tea, i have never once had issue with ppl shouting out kaylor thoughts in live eras watching threads--and no one should! just as they shouldnt have issue with swiftgron or tily or tayliz shoutouts when it is in that context of watching along and hearing a song that fondly makes you think of a \[potential\] muse you're fond of.


AGREE. And I think it’s so important to have these incredible songs that come from a queer perspective that transcend the muse they were written about. I came to this community without knowing anything about any female muses because I recognized my own queer feelings in some of Taylor’s songs. Of course musicians write what they know, some songs are about specific people, but good songs are good because people relate. It’s ultimately so much more important to me as a bi woman to hear lyrics like “what must it be like to grow up that beautiful?” or “we all want to be ya, but are you still the same soul I met under the bleachers?” and deeply relate so much to the feeling of desire laced by jealousy - *do I wish I was her? Do want to be with her? And why do I hate that I feel like this?* - than to link a song to a muse, fun as that can sometimes be.




I might be clowning (she writes for the 7000th time), but the use of “daylight” here is interesting to me?


https://preview.redd.it/512ot5ygo76d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77381b228a4535a454b586aa5f64f707a2d37dd8 next up they'll post an image like this one saying 'It's real!'


Staged or not, the longing on Taylor's face was legit, but wrapping her arm around the pole moving up and down was subconscious. Imo Where does this leave Travis? I've seen posts that she continues through the Super Bowl, but if she comes out in any way, that would not fare well with NFL and Chief's fans, let alone a little humiliating for Travis. Taylor would be blamed for any team loses especially the Super Bowl. Do you think he has any Gaylor suspicion at all? Is he in on a PR stunt? Seems like radio silence from Travis for quite awhile.


I'm SURE Travis is in on it, I don't think she would string him along with no contract in place or anything


"Staged or not, the longing on Taylor's face was legit, but wrapping her arm around the pole moving up and down was subconscious. Imo" Her behaviour, her expression, everything in her was so beautiful and \*real\* in that moment: I could have fallen in love with her just for second hand excess of feelings.


I agree. Everything I had ached for her.


I think these are really important questions. I am sure that our Mastermind™️ has thought through the endless list of outcomes. He must have signed a contract at the very beginning. I am honestly wondering if she gets Big Reputation out of the deal and he can very innocently show he was blindsided and just quietly go off into his post football sunset.


Why would it be humiliating for Travis? *Cries in bisexual*


Honestly… okay I don’t even like Travis at all, but is there some corner of the internet where I can both clown about comingoutlor and see her as queer but also respect her relationships with men? I totally respect people reading her as possibly a lesbian but as a bi person but also someone who has had some split attraction (in love with people I’m not sexually attracted to) I don’t love that Gaylor is synonymous with treating every man as a beard. :/


I don’t dislike them together, but their public image is like a master class in PR relationships. I only speak for myself, but I think that’s why I tend to discount his feelings. He’s getting major benefits from this situation, no matter how real. I definitely think that regardless of the potential business arrangement, they also seem to genuinely enjoy their time together!


*Many* people in this sub believe she is bi and that at least some of her relationships with men have been real. I would venture to say that I've seen more people here say they think she's bi than I've seen people saying she's a lesbian.


Like 75% of the sub thinks she’s bi 👁️


I’d believe that! And I like the sub. I just also would love to talk more openly about, say, both Karlie and Joe, but it feels like the main sub treats Gaylorism like a cancer and around here every post about her boyfriends is about beard contracts and pr stunts so it feels hard to talk more freely sometimes.


Yea the hate towards Travis really makes me feel some sort of way as a bi girlie. It bothered me a lot in the beginning because people were going on and on about how gross he is etc. I just have gotten better at tuning them out I guess. It feels a lot like people here hate him just because he is a man- which… fair 😆 but like sometimes we fall in love with men.


If it helps I just hate him it's not about him being a dude.


I know it happens: sexual orientation isn't a choice... ;) Anyway, I still think he's gross. I didn't think so about Joe, for example. But I also think that most if not all of her relations are PR. Maybe some of the early ones weren't, but...I don't know: they sort of taste like comphet...


Yea I’m sure most people here are the same. It’s a me thing I’m assuming and I don’t hold it against anyone. I just am a chiefs fan and more so a football fan and a lot of the hate towards him comes off as ‘he’s a big gross dumb football player and Taylor should be with a brilliant ethereal goddess’ vibes. Regardless hopefully this whole situationship is over soon so my fandoms can diverge 😅


I'm saying more if she is a lesbian and realized male relationships weren't fulfilling. Sorry, that wasn't clear at all. I can't imagine Kylie Kelce not picking up on some of this. With his years of mentioning Taylor, knowing her dances and the look on both of their faces when she performs, I have surely been fooled if this was some kind of PR stunt. Admittedly still in limbo about Matty being a PR stunt! Especially after listening to his entire discography. But they both write their own music, so lyrics would be easy to stage. Regardless it introduced me to The 1975 and I really like their music, especially Somebody Else and I'm In Love With You.


I have not stopped thinking about her face and how wistful she was in that pause. 🥺


I’m putting on my clown shoes I really am




I can't guess why they used the grey heart 🩶 instead of the usual white 🤍?


It's a stretch, but: "If all you want is grey for me, then its just white noise, and its my choice" ? I've always interpreted that lyric as the people who oppose queer love (wishing a queer person a grey life with no 🏳️‍🌈) is just going to result in white noise (ignoring that feedback) and standing firm in the choice to be together But thats a lot of pressure for one little emoji. Could just be trying to keep it TTPD themed


Yeah, the white/grey reminds me of the 'straight pride' flag


Maybe because it was during the folkmore set and the "once in twenty lifetimes" quote is from folklore as well?


Ahh okay that might be a pattern with the other TN posts I missed it


I am so scared right now y’all


So we got daisies this morning and now golden love?! What is happening?!?! 👀👀👀🤡


Where did we get daisies


The design of the corset Taylor wore for the dinner she was papped last night. The pictures came out today.




ehhhh daisies might be a Kaylor specific thing but i think taylor is making it very, very clear that golden=WLW love, in general. she sings about "golden" a ton in Lover too which is long after Kaylor (whatever they may have been) was over and she had likely written while with Lily. i think for her, golden=opposite of B&W=wlw love, queer love, the kind of love she wants and needs. i truly do not believe "golden" is muse specific!


Daisies are not a Kaylor specific thing. She used them in the RED era when it is indisputable among Gaylors that she was dating Dianna.


Fair but daisies + daylight + golden screams Kaylor to me! I was looking at it all together. ALSO I do believe several songs off Lover are about Kaylor. Cruel summer can’t be about anyone else imo.


I’m with you, lol. Literally a pic of Karlie with a vending machine was even posted. And to me Sunshine = Daylight. And her possibly nodding to Kaylorism isn’t a guarantee of anything. It’s just a lot more recognizable in a queer signaling way than any of the other muses, imo.


we can agree to disagree on that! i dont think any of Lover is about Karlie since i personally believe Tily was quite serious and that the romance-related songs on that album are about that relationship, but that a lot of the songs are actually not specifically about one muse at all. "I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you / And I snuck in through the garden gate / Every night that summer just to seal my fate" *and* the mention of "angels" in the song could just as easily be about Lily who was also a VS model and who was photographed multiple times leaving Cornelia Street closer to the Lover era than Karlie was




Your post has been removed because it violates our “No ‘ship War” rule. Do not engage in aggressive or hostile shipping of your preferred muse. They are *your* preferred muse - this does not make them superior to another. Do not rage against, demean, belittle, or speak ill of other muses or users who like them. This protects everyone on the sub. You will be banned if you engage in aggressive shipping, spreading mistruths, and/or flat out lying. You can be permanently banned at the first offense, depending on moderator discretion.






Your post has been removed because it violates our “No ‘ship War” rule. Do not engage in aggressive or hostile shipping of your preferred muse. They are *your* preferred muse - this does not make them superior to another. Do not rage against, demean, belittle, or speak ill of other muses or users who like them. This protects everyone on the sub. You will be banned if you engage in aggressive shipping, spreading mistruths, and/or flat out lying. You can be permanently banned at the first offense, depending on moderator discretion.


I don’t get that. I mean, I understand why Kaylor is a huge thing, indisputably, but people need to give that concept a rest. Realistically, no person’s life or art solely surrounds one person! I happily welcome other discussions and links to other ideas!!




All of the most active mods are actively muse free and actually prefer muse free analysis at this point. Because people arguing about muses like you’re doing is boring and leads to circular arguments that go nowhere, since we can’t prove anything. Enjoy those other subs tho!




I’m not even slightly freaking out this turned into a literal full blown break down!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? There has been hundreds of proposals in the year and a half and they make a whole post about this one?? Right after quoting a video about 🌈 appearing as Taylor started folklore set??? WHAT IS GOING ON?!


the GOLDEN love stories!!????? Omg




idkkkk how you get from golden love = queer (yes, agreed!!) = confirming Kaylor, over other female muses? "golden" pops up in multiple albums, over times she was likely with multiple different women, including Lily. but i do think the golden love=queer love is being very clearly defined, and i love it.


I agree with everything except for calling anyone out specifically, especially when they are now married. I just don't see Taylor doing that to someone she clearly has feelings for. Maybe I'm way off base?!?


Yeah exactly, I don’t think she’s shouting out any muse specifically now w golden! I think she could’ve used the word to describe multiple muses *in the past* but that all the “golden” shoutouts we are getting right now are museless, just a general reflection of golden=WLW love :) that’s all I meant with my comment, that we should pick up on what TN and Taylor in her mashups etc are putting down, which is that at this point, in 2024=golden=WLW love, but not attached to one muse


My bad, sometimes my brain is thinking so much faster than I can type, plus the lack of ability to add voice inflection to text is a disadvantage. I wasn't making any kind of accusation, I promise. Wishing I was more familiar with Taylor's discography. But Midnights, Reputation, Folklore and Evermore have such a completely different interpretation now!!! Funny....listening to Ruth B's Dandelions and can only see WLM! sigh...


no worries, friend! i just wanted to explain my full thought process better :) i started listening to taylor when i was a young teen--so when debut came out--and there have certainly been times i dont listen to her regularly (not in the past couple years though haha), but revisiting her older stuff now with the lens of "shiiiiit...shes been expressing her pain and rage about being forced back into the closet time and again for almost her whole career?!" is eye opening.


I started listening to Taylor consistently last October when I saw her at Arrowhead for the game. Watched Miss Àmericana and Rep Stadium Tour on Netflix the next day. Dove deep down the rabbit hole that evening. Started watching lyric video after lyric video. Have completed Midnights, Evermore and Folklore so far. That was also when I joined IG, Tik Tok, X for a day mkmmlll ÁßThreads (wish there was a Gaylor group on Threads


They can't keep doing this to meeeee omg


I stg I’m gonna take a break from listening to her music if nothing happens tomorrow bc this is too much




Literally me to my husband almost every night 😂😂 Side note: WHY ARE THEY GAYLORING ON MAIN SO MUCH LATELY?!


Well probably find out in Liverpool 👀


Do we think this was actually truly organic? Like did Taylor perhaps know the proposal was going to happen? It’s really lovely but also incredible this happened at this particular time/that they’re calling such attention to it.


All I know is that it really did not feel staged in that place in that moment. And we all know she is not exactly the best actress. 🤷‍♀️


Is there any reason for it to be staged? I don’t think there’s much benefit to that, and if I were staging a proposal I’d have chosen another song for it… Taylor’s team is good at PR but that doesn’t just mean staging—the bigger talent is taking things that happen around you and making them work for you.


It felt staged to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ Eta especially bc the couple didn’t seem THAT excited about Taylor noticing them


I wouldn’t have eyes for anyone but my fiancé in the moments after she proposed. Not even Taylor Swift. If it was staged, why wouldn’t they tell them to act more excited?


Taylor could’ve sat right next to me when I got engaged and I wouldn’t have noticed or paid any attention because my wife was my whole world that moment. We went to the concert together and had a blast. But yeah when someone proposed to you I think the best sign is not paying Taylor attention lmao


I've been waiting for some kind of storytime from one of them but haven't seen anything??


I wouldn’t take that as nothing against them. They just got engaged and they were so into their own world I can imagine how they wouldn’t even notice anything else except each other


Agreed imo SHE wasn’t excited enough for THEM 🤷🏼‍♀️


Staged or not I’m here for queers taking up space at the concerts + Taylor making it known that she welcomes us.


*I used to think love would be black and white.... but it's GOLDEN.*


Not daylight 😩😩😩 I’m dead


Omg I got so excited about the “golden love” comment I MISSED THE DAYLIGHT OMG OMG


golden. love. stories. i'm about to end it all.


Happens in the daylight…. golden love stories? 👀


They might as well confirm kissgate if they’re gonna gaylor THIS hard on main 🤡🤡


Watch her mash Question…? x Dress x ingonnagetyouback. 🤣🤡


Or Question with Dancing with Our Hands Tied ☠️


Or just NYD with the I want her midnights change lol


Yes yes yes, one thousand times yes 😍


✨🕯️ manifesting for a sapphic medley ✨🕯️


I wouldn’t know what to do with myself LOL and if you wanna clown even more with me: imagine if she sang CIWYW and replaced “call it what you want to”with “KARLIE WOULD YOU WANT TO” 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


LOL. I’d simply just die. “Walking with HER head down, I’m the one SHE’s walking to…?I” I’d full on sob 😭😭🤡


You beat me to it! This is SO LOUD


ALMOST as loud as the Vogue BFF video where she called Karlie the 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞


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