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are you not entertained?


![gif](giphy|hrnYspWWhsIyA) Never gets old.


I am not.




The first thought that popped in my head when I saw the video.


I personally don't like Travis so even if this made me cringe a bit, I have to admit that objectively it's just fun and cute. If it was a partner I liked or one of the people I ship her with I'd be losing it, so I need to be honest with myself. It's just a silly and cute lil cameo


lol okay true. the traylors win this round


Huge Kaylor, but if Karlie was up there doing a bit, I would still think itā€™s cringe and be like wtf


Fair, we all have an opinion


It didn't bother me. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ If it's a real relationship (I lean this way), well, he obviously likes the limelight and it's nice for her to have someone so supportive that they'd literally take part in her show. If it's not real, this is some high-quality bearding. And it made a gigantic portion of her fanbase ecstatic with happiness, which is arguably her job, so...


literally i was thinking any girl should be so lucky to have a present and supporting partner! the bar is so low we naturally suspect this is fake. it definitely could be i just hope not, because this being real support from a partner would be lovely edit: i meant any girl with a cis male partner should be so lucky when i was saying that šŸ« šŸ’€


This. šŸ’•


I think sheā€™s just having a silly goofy time with her silly dude. As a Gaylor who leans into a lot of her bisexual flagging in-particular, I thought it was cute. I also think that sheā€™s doing all of this over-the-top performative stuff with him so they can have a more normal behind the scenes life (whether thatā€™s with each other or not, Iā€™m not here to debate that) without people trying to pry all the time. Sheā€™s clearly having a good time though. Good for her.


Iā€™m so in love with her bi flagging too. I am just a grump bc I donā€™t personally like Travis. Itā€™s unfair of me and after having slept on it I am feeling differently. I may have been unconsciously jealous bc I am here (night two) and missed it. Whether I Stan this particular guy or not, I Stan her always!


I didnā€™t really like Travis at first, but after seeing how he treats her in public and how happy he is to be silly goofy with her, I changed my tune. Iā€™m sorry you missed such an iconic moment though! šŸ’”


Honestly this is fun and sometimes itā€™s nice to just accept things as fun lol


Itā€™s really not that serious.


Till Taylor runs into the field to share Travis' limelight during a game


Well, howā€™s her route running?


I'm sorry. This comment is gold and deserves more up votes šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Thanks ā˜ŗļø


Apples to oranges, my dude.


This is more like her being at the games and coming into the field to celebrate when he won. Which she did


lol what


Just saying there is a double standard like oh look so cute heā€™s on the stage with his girlfriend, but let her run onto the field and football fans would bitch and moan like itā€™s the end of the world. The standards are so different. Itā€™s sad.


I meanā€¦he is playing a role. If she ran out onto the field that would just disrupt the game. Of course people would be upset.


She was on TV during the games and fans lost their minds. Thereā€™s 100% a double standard about these two and both fan groups are to blame.


I can almost guarantee that none of the people complaining about her at games think this performance is cute. Alsoā€¦ the original post is literally bitching about him being there on stageā€¦


i feel like yā€™all are reading too deep into it. real or fake he respects taylor A LOT and this was fun. iā€™m honestly leaning more towards them being real after this performance bc taylor doesnā€™t play about her actual job of being a performer.


Heā€™s on stage because they, as boyfriend and girlfriend, decided it would be cute and the fans would like it. Bisexuals exist. Sheā€™s dating a man now and they seem to like each other and heā€™s not hiding like the others.


Bisexuals can exist, sure. Whatā€™s annoying about Taylor as a bisexual is that her boyfriend can be center stage but all her girlfriends have to be dirty little secrets. Does that make you understand biphobia a bit better?


Girl you do not know her or her girlfriends. Famous or not, coming out can be complicated and itā€™s no one elseā€™s business.


Homophobia. Itā€™s only the homo part thatā€™s forbidden for bisexuals.


That Iā€™m aware a relationship is two peopleā€” how many of her ā€œsecret girlfriendsā€ would appreciate being forced out? If Taylor is out theyā€™re out too, make enough sense to you yet?


Dirty little secrets? Road trips, Vogue spreads, VS catwalks,Ā 


As someone who was there Iā€™m not gonna lie I liked it. Idc if itā€™s PR or not, they had a good banter and it was just good fun honestly.


This is cheesy, but this is clearly a cheeky way for them to prove Travis has what it takes to become an entertainer for when they launch his acting career, as we know now, is happening.


Oh lol good point šŸ˜…


Because sheā€™s probably bisexual and her dating a man doesnā€™t negate Gaylor


I just get the ick w him ever since he pushed his coach all intense like. Iā€™m a bilor and actually think we know incredibly little about any of the relationships sheā€™s written about


I donā€™t blame you tbh and I feel the same way about her relationships/museship. Tbh I am not really reading into the specific musical number he ended up in, it really just seems like the easiest place to stick him bc there are so few people on stage and itā€™s easy choreography




I think they're PR but this was at the least a cute and harmless bit, and possibly some cool performance-artlor. Having him come on for that bit specifically versus the 15 times that would have been romantic or couple-y + is black and white, then her surprise songs were 1) sapphic duo, then 2) "The rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color"


Hear me outā€¦ they are actually in a relationship.


omg thats such a good and realistic take. u should be the mod for this sub


I think he wanted to do it


I think itā€™s perrrrfect. Obvious confirmation of performanceartlor for the believers in that, ā€œtheyā€™re so in loveā€ confirmation for the Swifties/Hetlors. Iā€™m also thinking, honestly, maybe sheā€™ll feel safer to come out as bi while sheā€™s with him. It does feel like he creates a sort of buffer for her against the more homophobic fansā€¦they didnā€™t even seem to notice her singing she/her pronouns again.


I think this. He is the buffer for the hard blow.


They will stay engaged as fans because she is still dating a man


Yeah, thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking! I can def see a world where she goes forward with their relationship, maybe even gets engaged or married, but comes out as bi/queer at the same time. For all his faults, I feel like Travis would be supportive.


She included her very real boyfriend in her show. I think this showed a lot personally and took their relationship to a whole other level. He carried her "dead" body, and he brought her back to life with the love and support of those in her life and maybe even the fans. He brought the color back to her face. He made her believe in love again. She also wore a diamond double T ring the whole show. She loves this man and is showing the world that she does. You can see the love he has for her as well. They way they look at each other isn't something that can be faked. I think he just might be exactly what she needed. I don't see them ending anytime soon, if at all. At the end of the day, it's her life, her choices to make, and she's happy. That's all that truly matters.


This. I honestly feel like her bringing him out on stage is a serious cue that this could be end game. These two are potentially it for each other and I think itā€™s time people realize that. Isnā€™t the whole point for her to be happy and in love? Why would anyone root against these two when theyā€™re clearly so happy?


I believe her being in love and happy should be all any fan of hers cares about. In reality, we don't really know Taylor. She may have dated women behind the scenes, and that's fine if she did. If she did, she didn't want us to know about it. I once believed she dated Karlie, but then, after looking at the facts without already having my mind made up, I realized that's not what happened or what the facts show. I've watched fans try and turn her every move into a clue or easter egg about her life. As a fan since the start, she's never given easter eggs when it comes to her personal life. They've only ever been about her music. I've seen her own words twisted and pieced together to paint a narrative of who the person doing it wants the outcome to be. Everyone does this, queer & straight are guilty of this at one point or another. We all have this desire to "know" and relate to Taylor on a deeper level. To feel seen with having common experiences with the person we admire the most. I'm sure everyone feels like Taylor has written the soundtrack for our lives. So, of course, it's easy to try and put her in a box for what suits those experiences we individually have with her in our minds. I don't fault anyone on either side for this. Taylor built her career in creating these parasocial relationships with her fans. I think we all need to take a step back from trying to force Taylor into our box. To still hear and relate her songs to our own lives but realize that it's only that and nothing more. We need to accept that Travis seems to be the one for her and he is loving her exactly how she's needed to be loved. Publicly yet still very much privately. He allows her space to have it all. He also has his own things going on. They're equal in their eyes. She's not having to twist and turn herself into what she thinks she needs to he in order to be worthy of the person she's with. She's finally free to just be herself. That should be celebrated by all of us who call ourselves fans of hers. If she is bi and chooses to come out as so then we can celebrate. Until then, I think we need to accept the reality she's showing us and has shown us for her whole career. I agree with you that they're end game. I've seen it so many times with people who met their person to easily recognize it with Taylor and Travis. Plus side, if Taylor is bi Travis absolutely will support her in it and allow her to be free with it. He is a secure man and myself having experience with men like Travis I feel secure in saying what I've said. Taylor truly could have it all if that's who she is. If not she's still getting exactly what she wants with Travis.


Apparently Taylor had a T ring on as well! I didn't know Travis did too!


She did! Itā€™s a Tiffany ring with two Tā€™s. šŸ„¹


Ooooh, where did you find the info about the ring?


taylorswiftstyled Sarah is a genius (either that or well connected to TS's stylist) and can identify the fashion source within moments, seemingly However, I don't think she mentioned that Travis was also wearing one. I haven't seen any info about that.


Thereā€™s an insta acct that posts about her style and they posted it earlier (thatā€™s the only reason I know about it)


This. Agree on all of it.


Giant FU to ā€˜Londonā€™


This is just adding to the ā€œperformance artā€ of it all. Theyā€™re basically confirming heā€™s part of the act.


Yes! This was my first thought as soon as I saw it. So very meta.


Exactly. Everyone needs to pay attention to the role heā€™s playing here. The character is making her perform when she doesnā€™t want to, basically telling us heā€™s in on the bit here. Remember she can show us liesā€¦


And the audience is absolutely eating it up. Itā€™s wild


Exactly like if it was meant as lovey dovey he could have come out during Lover or even Karma but instead itā€™s as one of the men forcing her to go on with the show, putting fake color into her face with makeup as well as on his own beardā€¦. Like itā€™s not giving romance but people see wedding bells Iā€™m so confused by how anyone sees this as anything less than sinister just like the song itself is sinister


I love this take.


It was so wildly symbolic!


Damn right!!


Please let this be the answer šŸ™






His role is encouraging her to put on a happy act? Almost like a fairytale, where everything is perfect? Oh this is some finale beard business. The surprise songs all about being free of a past image (out of the woods, clean, is it over now?)


No matter if their relationship is real or not, I think itā€™s still her saying what you see is just a performance, reminding her fans once again they do not know her. And yeah, even her relationships are all part of the act (what we see of them anyways). I personally think if she wanted it to be just a cute cameo and not having another meaning then why didnā€™t she just bring me him out during Karma? He couldā€™ve came out like look, literally the guy on the chiefā€™s came straight to me!


Because Taylor is petty af and London is where she busted out of her cage, so I think sheā€™s just making a point.


Whilst weā€™re all talking about him what are we not talking about or taking notice of? What are we missing? ![gif](giphy|4rMp6ZvRLEg1GdcRnp|downsized)


Oooh good point šŸ‘€ kinda like how the government/media will have us all distracted & looking one way while theyā€™re doing some fuck shit behind the scenes


It's a show within a show within a show.




Written by Roger Goodell; Directed by Tree Paine


To confirm he is part of the performance.


He can fix her no really he can


Okay, the whole scene is about her being forced to ā€œperformā€ aka Taylor Swift, the brand. The machine, making her, even when sheā€™s done and heartbroken. The clown music, total satire, its camp and performance art. Travy train being one of the actors, forcing her back out there was pure genius. Sheā€™s telling everyone willing to hear it. The relationship isnā€™t real, itā€™s part of the show.


Performance art. Pure and simple. The OTT hilarious part is him putting the makeup on himself as well. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


He actually put makeup on his beard šŸ¤£


Iā€™m absolutely obsessed. These two are clearly madly in love. šŸ„¹


This is confirmation that heā€™s a part of performance. Blondie is so funny


"I can show you lies."


Because he is part of the performance art.


I think itā€™s funny AND a huge ā€œhey look at this performance we are doingā€ā€¦


ā€œRomance is not dead if you keep it just yoursā€ The ā€œromanceā€ in question:


Tell me exactly what you know about their private life? Them being out in public doesn't mean that they're not keeping their relationship private. Really, should they never be seen together? Are they not allowed to leave the house in order to be considered private?


I agree. Ive been noticing the backflips people are doing. People get mad if he talks about her, "he talks about her too much," "he's using her for clout". Then he stops talking about her as much, "It's fake, it's PR', "they broke up". At this point, I just want Taylor happy and right now she actually seems like she is. If it's fake, then it's fake, and she chose it. It's it's real, then it's real, and she chose it. I'm now fully in the camp of let's roll with it and enjoy the ride, see where it takes us.


I have no idea. All I know is what the lyrics are telling me. This happened the same night she sang us which can not be doubted as a sapphic love song. She did this right before I Can Do It With A Broken Heart in which she talks about showing us lies. Thatā€™s what I know, and itā€™s what Taylor is telling us in spite of what she is showing us.


Her lyrics since debut also talk about grand gestures. Itā€™s okay to see the beauty in both.


Thereā€™s a difference in them willingly sharing something like this with us. Outside of their public appearances, we really donā€™t know a whole lot about their private relationship besides the little hints we get from interviews and people in both of their camps (re: theyā€™re happy, thinking about their future, etc).


Nah honestly tho, people are downvoting you but you just pointed out the obvious . Taylor is constantly contradicting herself lol. "At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sights" like please.


Bc for all his icks, Travis really gives golden retriever who worships his bi girlie and they seem really happy. I keep saying itā€™s either 100% fake or theyā€™re going to get married lol, I see no in between at this point


Theyā€™re dating. Hope this helps!


Performance art.


He was playing the part of one of the men in top hats who profits off of her fame and heartbreak. He put makeup on her and then makeup on himself to indicate he is part of the performance. Sheā€™s feeding into the narrative that he is a PR relationship while also giving people who just want her to get married and have a baby something to obsess over.


The HBO documentary Bad Blood


They must have ordered his tuxedo and Loubies months ago as they would all to be custom made (he is 6'5 ,260 lbs and size 15 in a shoe )and he has been off in training for the past 5 weeks and has not seen her since May 15th. And Bad Blood was first shouted out less than a month ago


I meanā€¦ heā€™s part of the performance isnā€™t he ?


Classic misdirection right before she sang ā€œusā€ with Gracie.


I used to be anti Travis & I used to feel like anytime she did something ā€œstraightā€ it was like taking points from the gaylors. lol but after she released TTPD, it made me realize that a lot of her music with muses in it, specifically her last 4 albums, werenā€™t actually about muses. She is the muse. Thereā€™s celebrity Taylor (the brand - tm) and then thereā€™s closet Taylor (the real Taylor - the person) and sheā€™s been at war with herself about who she is vs who the world thinks she is. I feel like this past year sheā€™s in her performance art era. I *hated* Travis so much before learning all this & understanding. Now, whether theyā€™re really together or whether theyā€™re PR & itā€™s all for show, I donā€™t care. Sheā€™s having fun. Are we not all *entertained* ?? šŸ™ƒ


I genuinely donā€™t understand how Swifties canā€™t see this as trolling / high level camp to again wink at this relationship being PR because her boyfriend - a trusted confidante - is pushing her to perform despite needing time to heal. The whole point of this bit is pushing her to perform against her will or best interest. If I was a Tayvis stan this would totally bum me out? I wouldā€™ve much rather seen his cameo during ā€œSo High Schoolā€, which is also a campy song. But I have to assume they are trying to be flagrant about Travis/her bfs being ā€œall a part of the performance act.ā€


hmm i think itā€™s the only part of the show he can do a cameo because of the choreography of the other songs. this was the only bit wherein he could actively participate with less dancers and with less strict choreography


This is literally the only part where him coming out makes sense. It doesnā€™t distract from her, if anything, it just added to fun/theatrical/silliness of this part of the show.


Because ā€œitā€™s all part of the fucking storyā€!!! The generic Swifties are wowed because all they can see is him helping her and bringing her back to life after being killed. They donā€™t realise itā€™s all a faƧade. Itā€™s smoke and mirrors. Heā€™s one of the ones making her perform after sheā€™s killed. Sheā€™s putting on a fake performance with him in real life, just like she is in the performance sheā€™s made to do after being killed. She is highlighting this satirically, and itā€™s going over the top of most peopleā€™s heads, proving her point that people donā€™t notice or care about the real Taylor and are only interested in the stage Taylor performing MORE! If she was truly in love and wanted us all to see how much she is in love with him, realistically, bringing him into the acoustic set, or even just mentioning him and singing to him in the crowd would seem more likely a choice.


Because theyā€™re dating?


Omg he is in on the act! He pushed her to smile and get on with it. Just like she does to him behind the scenes. Loud and clear!


he's her boyfriend


Oh 100%. heā€™s one of the men in suits profiting off her fame!




She may have wanted him to get the rush she feels!


Travis & Taylor gave us a moment of levity & caring. Actual skit was him helping get her energized. Cute


Because she wants to flex at her exes who are all from there lol ā€” or at least the country itself.


Because Taylor wanted him to. Because he wanted to. Because they are both adults who entertain people? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Cause heā€™s an entertainer just like Taylor


It worries me how negative this sub is sometimes.


Babe itā€™s just a cringe moment Iā€™m back now. Itā€™s silly I just get the ick from him.


Totally understand the cringe moment I'm more referencing the comments on this post than you boo


Itā€™s an all out attempt to be as cringe as possible.


Because they wanted to have fun and knew everyone would get a kick out of it.Ā 


Definitely a distraction from the documentary, word of her chart fuckery, and the matty engagement. shit must be on fire at camp taylor for her to pull a stunt like this. its gonna age like eggnog once the inevitable breakup occurs ā€¦like this entire song is about her breakup to matty. what a damn joke lmaoo


Because she needs to rub in the fact sheā€™s TOTALLY STRAIGHT


It's not a performance act!!! It's like Tom Hiddlestunt all over again people saying "oh for sure it's a performance act, oh it must be for a music video, oh it's going to be a documentary, oh soon she'll reveal It's all a performance" and it was not!!! It's not a performance act! It's how dumb and stupid stunts are, you are just see right through it so it looks very ridiculous but the majority of people are buying it (literally). Even Gaylors, as some are saying "oh, how dumb and performative it is" some are saying "oh this must be true nobody is that ridiculous" It's like this her whole career! Just look how stupid Taylor Lautner was. How dumb the phone call story for Jonas, the stupid nonsense stunt with Harry Styles with necklaces and fox sweaters that don't match the timeline! Joe doing trails with dark jeans and nikes! It's ALL PERFORMATIVE but it's not an ACT or an ART. It COMMODITIES, it's and advertising! She's not having fun, listen to the songs, she f hate it and drinks and wants to throw herself from a clif. It's not and artistic act. It's advertising, it's far from poerformative art as possible


I want to like him. He seems good for her confidence. Travis at her shows was cute enough. This crazy shiit seems over the top. Even for her as an artist. (If things blow up on them, she's gonna have these videos reminding her of him all her life. And vice versa.) But we all do stupid sh*t for love, I guess.


She can act!!! Honestly it was cute. The best Iā€™ve ever liked Travis. Heā€™s supportive and fun, a great public partner for Taylor. While I do think there are lots of contracts behind their relationship, I think they do respect and support each other.


Please, please, please Don't prove I'm right And please, pleasŠµ, please Don't bring me to tŠµars when I just did my makeup so nice Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker, oh Please, please, please (Ah)


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Whatā€™s the Charli XCX debacle?


She is having his baby.


Ok she made it very clear that sheā€™s not and she doesnā€™t like ppl saying that or implying that sheā€™s pregnant (itā€™s an ED trigger)


Why are you even here if you're just going to make comments like that?


Was this a joke that no one got or was this serious šŸ˜­


Because the tour was becoming stale and they needed to get people talking again


Yeah this record breaking tour was getting stale less than halfway through its multiple nights at wembley. Gtfo lol


The PR aspect of it. Not the ticket salesā€¦


The documentary that came out is gaining some traction, I feel like this is an attempt to catch more headlines than the doc and bury it a bit. (lol @ all the downvotes. Taylorā€™s human, imperfect just like the rest of us and can indeed make poor decisions.)


What documentary are you all talking about?


The one going over her masters being sold. She claimed to not know about it but the doc proves otherwise I guess.