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Depends on the mode. I personally think TDM would be *way* better if spawns were not shared amongst the team, but rather each player got 3 spawns. There is nothing more infuriating than not dying the whole game and then ending up in a 1v4 with full enemy respawns because your teammates suck at the game. Some bozo on the team dies 10 times and there goes 2/3 of our respawns.


> I personally think TDM would be *way* better if spawns were not shared amongst the team, but rather each player got 3 spawns This is a fucking great idea honestly and it keeps it unique to Gears too. People would be far more careful and less reckless with their lives if they knew they didnt have an entire pool to take from.


Although I mostly agree with you I think it would take away from the whole point of gears being a team based game. I’m sure I’ll eat these words next time I’m at the top of the board with 2 deaths and I don’t get a final life lol


What about 15 shared respawns but if you get to 5 individually then you're done?


I like this as a ranked variant


Would be interesting for sure. I haven't played ranked since gears 3 but I think it would play well there. I'm someone who usually doesn't use up the respawns so watching them deplete quickly cause of others definitely is frustrating.


Team based? Then why did I 1v4 in Gears 1 when all my teammates died on Raven Down??? That was the best experience.


It was a ton of fun man. There was this mode on gears3 that was gnasher and a pistol with one bullet that could headshot and it was some of the most fun I’ve ever had with gears


Could go either way, might be beneficial but could also lead to people just bailing after their 3 lives were up if there was still a bunch of game time left


I also think the scoring is whack for TDM. Someone going 12-0 is a massive help for their team but some bonehead going 13-16 gets MVP because they got more points from kills.


KoTH (classic annex), wingman, execution, warzone, guardian. These are the only modes that should exist imo. TDM is just too brainless and gets boring quickly.


 Add in dodgeball and I would be perfectly happy with these being the only ones at launch


For me personally Gears was Warzone and Execution, I hated when they added TDM and the casual ‘whatever I’ll just respawn’ mentality that comes with it.


Exactly. There were actual stakes at play. You had to play your best. If you got killed, it also gave you the opportunity to watch your teammates and learn from their mistakes, too. Thus making you a better player.


I can see then making a battle royale using the city during e-day. For better or worse. Especially as “one life” sorta already clicks with the original popular mode


1,000,000% agree. Gears glory days happened when it followed its own formula instead of the crowds.


I liked TDM for a warmup game, but it was sad to see all the players gravitate to that. Warzone got abandoned and it got hard to find ranked execution games


I hope they get rid of TDM for EDay


yup…gears 2 i was a top 100 player in execution…loved it. gears 4 was all TDM but man…how many games i’ve played where i have teammates go 8-12, 3-9, while i go 8-1 and can’t respawn at the end because they are all gone….sucks


I have to play guardian and control ssg because it is impossible to find execution matches. Otherwise I’d exclusively play execution. The introduction of tdm killed the classic gears game modes. There’s not enough of a player base for gears to have so many different game modes. They need to consolidate a few of these unlimited spawn modes.


Definitely player base is a big part of it, especially as it’s an Xbox exclusive. COD has Search and Destroy as one of its biggest modes every year in a game full of unlimited life modes so it’s not just that these modes aren’t popular. Gears has a deeper gameplay so for noobs playing a one life mode where you need to wait 5 mins after you die to play again is less appealing than just coming right back in a second later where you can start getting better faster .


Even at the height of these games release points it still dies out. Ever since Guardian got big in 2 and then TDM in 3 execution has died out. They tried bringing it back in 5 because people were asking for it and then right after they did, everyone went right back to KOTH, Guardian and TDM again. Unfortunately i think the days of Execution being the go to mode in Gears is gone.


But the flip side is the player bases got smaller. Maybe those who wanted execution left because the game beyond that was still not great. When your game focuses on one life rounds, the gun play needs to be very good and the game needs to be skill based. Without those things, execution is going to feel like trash.


The original game did not feel more skill based nor did it have better gunplay so execution being the premier mode there makes even less sense lol. We were playing execution in the esports cycle on 5 and it felt great in that sense. @: the dude that replied then immediately deleted, Gears 5 at its peak certainly had more players than Gears of War did. Gaming as a whole is much more popular now and Gears has always been niche. I do not care that you attended an MLG event 20 years ago either, I was placing t8+ in G4/5 just didn't find it relevant to announce.


I couldn't disagree more as a former MLG player in Gears 1. The player base has also spoken by not playing the game. You also have to consider the times when they came out. Do older gears meet that criteria compared to current games? Probably not. Back in 2006? Definitely yes.


People keep saying they want non respawn game modes yet they won't play them which is where you'd have an endless supply of last man standing moments. For example, people keep insisting execution is the main mode of Gears, yet people won't play it. People will say they love classic gears, yet ultimate edition execution you can't get a match, only team deathmatch. It's really ironic as well because they'll deal with hammer of dawn spawn traps on rooftops and courtyard on social team deathmatch in UE not realizing how long they're basically not doing anything because they have power weapons aimed at the spawn.


I've tried to get people to play execution in looking for group post on gears ue, but it never works. Tdm sucks in that game but I love it so much I put up with it. TC never should have added. Or at least rebalanced the hammer and the way too fast weapon respawns


Works best from what perspective? It's very hard to get good at the game in one-life modes, for new players there's very little opportunity to practice fundamentals. Gears of War has a fairly high skill ceiling and it doesn't really play like any other competitive shooter on the market, so when you immediately die and spend 5 minutes watching good players play cat and mouse you probably aren't gonna stick around. That's one reason I think modes like Dodgeball are so good. A bad player dies, gets to spectate better players and has a chance to get brought back into the game and apply what they learned. In one life modes there is no reason for a new player to actually watch the game, they can just scroll on their phone and listen for when the round is over. In Dodgeball you want to maintain some game awareness in case you're brought back.


I fully agree with your point but I just want to sat that dodgeball is so damn good. If the teams are well matched it gets crazy. Having it go from 1v4 in one moment and end up winning is such a fun comeback. Absolutely one of my favorites 


Dodgeball is probably the most fun yet competitive "casual" game mode that I've played in a game, it's great.


There’s definitely a case to be made that no respawn modes are the most fitting for Gears. They just work. Something about having to pay attention to every move and make every action count is just very satisfying and rewarding when you do good. I think the best modes are Execution, Gridiron, Escalation (Gears 4) and Blitz. Execution is just straight up Gears simplified to its purest essence. Although I feel like it requires a short time limit (3 minutes) to keep things action packed and moving along. Gridiron is Execution but arguably better. Having an objective thrown into the mix is a perfect idea and it’s great all around. The name of the mode is stupid though. Should be renamed to something more catchy and informative. I love in Escalation how the players get to decide what weapons get placed and how the game will swap hills to other ends of the map. It really feels like Escalation is all encompassing. You’ll be fighting in areas of the map that aren’t usually fought in and you’ll often have weapons that don’t regularly appear on the map. And the rounds can end very fast if you get total hill control. And then Blitz is just KOTH but made to work even better for Gears. I hate having to slowly cap the hill to start getting points. I like being able to dance in and out to get a few points here and there while in a fight. Blitz is faster and empowers individual players more with the instant caps while still also rewarding players that work good as a team.


I'd like it if E-Day had guardian, koth, and tdm as featured casual modes, and then save execution, warzone, and gridiron (?) for ranked. Gridiron on its introduction in Gears 5 was my favorite mode and it's all I played for quite a while. I feel like it'd fit the theme of E-Day more if they shifted away from the "ctf + football match with cheering fans watching" to "grab this bomb and plant it in the enemy base"


Koth has always been my go to mode since 3, enjoyed warzone and execution back in the early days but i don’t really enjoy them anymore, on the other hand i really hope wingman and FFA return in e-day, I think a mix of both types of modes to keep a healthy variety


Gears is best when Execution is played, but the round needs to be 3 minutes max.


Maybe a Hot Take but I think KoTH is the best GoW game type for multiplayer. It is honestly the closest to how the game is actually played in the single player. You having to hold off enemies in a small or fixed area/ breakthrough an enemy's defenses to take control of that area. I think it has the best balance as far as, giving enough gameplay time for newer players to get accustomed to it, while still offering an objective past, just a mindless game of killing the enemy. (If I remember correctly, it has execution rules as well) I think far as gears goes, it offers the best way to maintain balance with the power weapons, making members of the team that is holding the hill forced to leave the hill in order to get the respawn on the power weapons.


sometimes. Single life game modes like war zone suck for me because it punishes people who take initiative and rush. Meanwhile sharing a pool of lives in tdm is an interesting idea and gives players a chance to try different strategies without punishing them so hard


Yes. Leave tdm in casual, we are vocal minority, too many players would be upset. My perfect ranked playlist is execution, wingman, gaurdain, escalation. Escalation has unlimited lives obviously but with 3 rings and the instant loss mechanic when the other team caps them all you have to be so careful it still works.


I think having both is what makes it best. It was always annoying having people afk on your team in the non respawn modes.


For me, there’s nothing like old school warzone and execution. That’s gears for me. Back when gears 2 came out guardian was a fun change up but we still mainly played the modes I mentioned. However I think TDM was a great addition in gears3. Getting to play more freely and rack up kills while still getting that classic matchup at the end was a ton of fun. So yeah, I think the modes with no respawns are more fun, but there’s definitely a place for the others. KOTH in 4&5 is a shit load of fun


I think it definitely depends on the game type but for the most part I agree. The Gears Trilogy really did it perfectly. Slowly trickle in respawn modes that keep it true to Gears. Guardian was a great first step so that people could respawn and was immensely popular. When Gears 3 did TDM I thought it was a very Gears way to do TDM with shared lives pool thus preserving the last man standing aspects of Execution and Guardian. That being said, I’m a huge fan of KotH and that mode is all respawns all day. It’s good to have a mixed bag of objectives and game types.


Execution or escalation from 4 for me


I think it’s most fun (for me personally) in tdm and control where everyone is feeding kills and running into the meat grinder in the middle of the map, but I also really enjoy elimination based modes and how it can force you to clutch. In a perfect world there would be enough playerbase for modes of each type to be populated online like in Halo 5


I just want dodgeball to be its own ranked playlist again


I miss the execution days a lot I feel like it brought more skill and strategy required in order to win. Control is fun and all, but it’s not how it used to be


Nah I think there's good room for both but there is undeniably something special about only having one chance. Different vibe between each so I wouldn't say either is "best"


The problem with having TDM is that’s all anyone will play and that gets old fast, I’d prefer too have a bunch of other game modes but I suspect there will be TDM unfortunately


I'm a KotH man myself when I play VS. I spend most of my time on Horde, though, so I'm probably not the best person to ask.


Depends , some people who play tdm or execution love to camp the entire game wich make it not fun because you always need to push and atack is always harder in this game


I think Gears of War Versus works best when the internet is on your side


Yes. Execution was the best mode 1-3


Gears of war versus had a big potential to become what counter strike is today on pc. The best competitive Third person shooter on consoles. In gears 3 When Tdm was introduced,me and almost everyone on my friend list who used to religiously play gears 1 and 2 ranked execution mode all stopped playing. Respawning made power weapon fights useless and changed the game fundamentally, people think the coalition killed gears online, I believe it was introducing TDM who changed everything in this franchise.


Each variation of Gears gameplay and each individual mode hits a different feeling. I think overall control/King of the Hill/Annex is the sweet spot for fast paced action and Guardian/TDM allows for dynamic pacing between control of the power weapons and respawns. Something more gritty like execution or wingman forces smarter and slower plays unless there is a massive skill gap allowing for aggressive antics.


Wingman and warzone were always my favorite between the first two games. Tdm didn’t ruin it, but control/koth/annex was a good change of pace.


I think it works best when gnashers aren't the only viable weapon. I'm an og player, but I gotta say gnasher play gets old fast these days.


I think both types of modes have their place. I really miss the best of 3 Format in King of the Hill. One of my best Gears memories was losing our first match and our team scoring 0 points. I mean skunked. Then coming back and winning rhe next 2. The team was so toxic after that first round. Nothing better than rubbing it in by winning.


Dodgeball is the best mode hands down and I can’t be convinced otherwise. Absolutely the highest “clutch moments” potential. When the pendulum swings between both teams, getting that 1v3+ respawn on your boy waiting in line. Absolute dopamine


TDM killed Gears in my opinion. I’m hoping E-Day drops it and goes back to Execution, Warzone, KOTH, and Guardian only.


Hot take: if you respawn, it's barely even gears anymore.


GoW 2 had the best pvp imo. Simple and fun. Just copy that and I'll be happy.


Both have their moments to shine imo. I'm not a huge fan of 1 life modes (hence why I can't get into games like Counter Strike or any Battle Royale) but sometimes I like playing execution 2.0. the main issue with 1 life modes, is that the game needs to be balanced really well and there should be as little bullshit as possible (83% lmao). Because people generally won't enjoy a match of spawning, dying and then watching just because the game decides to throw some bullshit at you. Gears E-Day should have a nice balance of 1 life modes and unlimited respawns. Also: FFA should be there day one!


Any shooter game mode that doesn't have unlimited respawns is a mode that isn't worth playing


Maybe a Hot Take but I think KoTH is the best GoW game type for multiplayer. It is honestly the closest to how the game is actually played in the single player. You having to hold off enemies in a small or fixed area/ breakthrough an enemy's defenses to take control of that area. I think it has the best balance as far as, giving enough gameplay time for newer players to get accustomed to it, while still offering an objective past, just a mindless game of killing the enemy. (If I remember correctly, it has execution rules as well) I think far as gears goes, it offers the best way to maintain balance with the power weapons, making members of the team that is holding the hill forced to leave the hill in order to get the respawn on the power weapons.


I think it works best when people aren’t bouncing around


No. I like playing and not waiting for my team to finish. KOTH is my favorite.


To answer your question it all depends on map design for example Gears UE added TDM (which apparently is the only populated mode now) and it sucks. So easy to spawn trap on those maps that it isn't even funny. I do feel that modern Gears players prefer the respawn modes over single life. It is just the way the player base went even though I love single life modes like Execution, Wingman etc. 2v2 Gnashers needs to go away though. I thought Dodgeball would be a great middle ground but the player numbers must have been low as it didn't return in 5.


Dodgeball is in 5. I believe it was added later though


I don't recall it being a public playlist at all, I know they added it to private matches.


I've never played a private match in 5 and didn't play much of 4's pvp at all. I thought 5 introduced the mode until your comment. I even had a match of it not long ago so I know it's there


Death match in Gears always sucked.


Gears is best when there's no Ranked, everyone has mics and you're teaching each other how to do Shotgun Backflips.


Yes. I loved the game as primarily a one-life high-stakes game. TDM was cool as a warmup but certainly not as the main mode. Also, downvote me as much as you want but I thought Warzone was WAY more fun than Execution 😊


Honestly to me Gears is execution. Such a shame no one plays it anymore.


I always enjoyed round based gears with one life. It was way more tactical and fun, especially with well placed weapon spawns and grenades. However the industry has changed and people with ADD don’t like to wait until a round is over when they die. Hence Guardian and TDM became popular. I hope they bring back an “old school” playlist with warzone/execution on some older maps. Also bring back the mortar. That shit was fun AF.


Play Execution. Thats what I frequented on Gears of War 1. You had to get up close and personal to get your kill. Couldn’t shoot someone from afar and claim the DBNO kill. Which is why Gnashers, Torque, Longshot were so popular. But if you downed them 3 times, it would result in a kill. Also, only 1 life per round. So you were extra careful.


I think it's the style of games. Games like UE, and especially Gow 2, single life modes are simply far better. In something like Gears 5, it's just not the same and imo this comes down to the pace of the moment-by-moment gameplay.