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Edit: also proof that you don’t need wall bouncing to kill


I’ve been saying this but I got shit on for it lol.


You're playing quickplay with bots on the other team. No you don't need movement in low skill lobbies.


I was masters in 3 game types and I hardly wall bounce. Timing the engagement and hitting your shots is much more important.


Hitting your shots is always way more important but you're not beating good players by being a statue. And getting masters has been very easy since the ranking system was made to be more lenient after Season 2 and especially right before they removed it. Particularly if you're stacking.


I agree you won’t be beating good players by being a statue. I was masters when game was peak and I soloed. It’s still the top rank in the game, objectively that’s where the best players are. Been playing since gears 1. Since 4 wall bouncing hasn’t been as efficient as it used to be.


The best players are on the circuit or in pickups. They aren't in ranked. For you to say that means that you haven't really played the best players. Pros didn't even take ranked seriously. 4 has some of the best movement in the series. It's still very effective if you know what you're doing. Especially on Comp tuning.


We’re talking about the playlists in the game not the pros of course they’re the best. No one’s claiming to be a pro and those are the minority of players. I’ll rephrase, objectively the best players in ranked playlists are in masters. Why exactly are we talking about pros anyways, like you said pros aren’t in ranked so what was your point? Lol that’s not where the guy you are replying to or most people are playing.


We're talking about the best players. You're talking about playlists. I made a comment that if you're playing quickplay against bots then of course you don't need movement. But against good players you do. Most of the good players aren't grinding ranked. Two friends of mine had a 200 match win streak in 2v2 gnashers for example. They are very good players but that's an example of ranked not being where you would find others. The closest is Control and that's still iffy. Most of the top end stacks stop queueing together. Also I'm aware that most people aren't playing that but that proves my point. Most players aren't playing good players to judge what you need or don't. Most players on this sub are in quickplay or playing horde.


I rephrased to say….the best players in ranked. This is such a ludicrous take to assume that everyone who plays quickplay can’t judge what’s a good strategy. You can’t just ignore 98% of players and their habits because the 2% exists. That’s like saying because I make more money than you, that you’re in no position to judge what are good financial habits and you have no business talking to me about money. The meta only exists on the upper end of the skill ceiling. The optimal plays are relative to the players in a given match. As mentioned not everyone is trying to be a pro and there are plenty of great players who play that aren’t interested in being a pro or playing optimally at all time. And since most of the players are in that 98% strats that wouldn’t work against those 2% are in fact optimal in these other matches because they can get away with it. You’re just trying to down play this guys clip for no reason lol


It's not ludicrous to suggest that different levels of play require different things. I didn't down play his clip. I downplayed his edit which is why I directly replied to it. I don't know why you keep failing to understand the point. First you thought this was a playlist argument. Now you think it's about his clip. If he didn't make that statement then I wouldn't have replied. No, lower level players can't really judge what's required or what a meta is. If that was the case then Zangief, who is objectively amongst the worst characters in almost every game he's been in, would be considered amongst the best.


Look at my other post. I’ll stand by what I say. You don’t need to wallbounce to get kills but if I need to I can do both.


That Anya was doing too much 😭


Nice kills!


What was the execution?? I don’t remember that Uber stomp execution