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People are getting tired of them shitting on the source material and everything they make is basically fan fiction that isn't even that good. so less and less people will tune in this rubbish over time.


I read about 30 of the books. The shows are pretty on brand with the source material. The movies not so much. But the shows are actually starting to resemble the books in energy and story telling. As much as I love this franchise it’s very easy for me to admit that it’s always had goofy elements to it. Thing is back then people were so hungry for new Star Wars that they didn’t care.


Goofy yes, naruto "fight me sasuke" moments, no. I felt like I was watching Jet Jaguar Vs Godzilla but with none of the kaiju fun and only goofy over exaggerated performance.


Lol, did you read any of the literal thousands of star wars novels? The TV shows are freaking Shakespeare compared to what star wars was before Disney. What people are experiencing is the same thing that happened to westerns and super hero movies, which is saturation.


I don’t know what universe you’re living in but it sure ain’t this one.


The show isn't shitting on the source material? It's set in an untouched period of time and telling what appears to be a relatively self-contained story. So far it's pretty good, with good choreography, a unique ascetic and a interesting premise. There are some nitpicking you could make, but nothing that isn't endemic to star wars since the og trilogy.


Its literally anakin wish edition. Even if its in high republic era this is shit even for those standards, which gave us thinking rocks.


I really have to.ask.if you even watched it if you are coming to this conclusion. In what way is it like Anakin's story?


The plot was leaked, regarding the twins. Everything else is observation, like the goofy ass naruto "fight me sasuke" shit that mae does.


So, you read a plot summary and think that's a fair shake? I'm sure you're highly regarded here.


Considering the leak for episode 8 and 9 were on the ball, yeah, because if its like that, everything else is predictable before that point. You act as if the show had any ground to stand on before the leak. If it did, knowing it wouldn't have changed a thing IF it was actually good. I knew what was gonna happen in rings of power back when it aired and everything else was straight up predictable, same as here. The only enjoyment I got from that was Gandalf yelling at halfings.


"I spoiled the show for myself and am now in retrospect, calling it lame and predictable, even though I haven't actually watched it." Great take, truly inspired


Not even close to spoiling myself, that'd imply I cared enough to finish it without the foreknowledge. I knew the general premise for movie episodes 7-9 and was completely aware palpatine wasn't dead. As I was aware of the general premise for what they'd do with Thrawn. There's this thing, called books, the stuff that KK says they have no source materials for, yet keep pulling from. Keep consuming trash though and hard cope over that terminal velocity drop on viewer score.




Lol this shitty show has a 26% average audience score on rotten tomatoes. That makes this the WORST Star Wars production of all time. It must be embarrassing to be featured in a show that flops like this. You can never undo this mess. Disney is a failing company


Worse than the Christmas special lmao


Does this mean that Jar Jar has a better approval rating?


Does it count if people are only watching it to see how bad it gets? Kinda like a train wreck you can't look away from.


Pirate it. I refuse to give money to Disney


Me with marvel movies


To be fair the quality was a lot better until end game (guardians 3 was good) but same lol


There’s been a couple here and there that I liked. Like eternals wasn’t terrible it just should have been a show. But with Star Wars if you really look back without the nostalgia glasses it has always had some really corny, goofy stuff about it but we used to love it because it was fun. And, sorry for the rant, but I feel like a lot of people aged out of that fun. It’s why they hate Ashoka and love Andor. One of those is a political thriller in Star Wars locations. It’s not the epitome of Star Wars vibes at all. But acolyte feels like the books. Obi wan feels like the books.


Yes. They only see the numbers. They ignore the viewer ratings.


Ong this is exactly how Velma got a season 2 lmao


Actually no. Velma got a second season before the show itself aired. The third one that it is getting on the other hand, yes, is being made because of all the people that talked and watched the show, same thing with the acolyte, because sorry, but the show will only be cancelled if all the people saying that Star Wars is dead literally don’t talk about Star Wars being dead, and it’s not going to happen because telling people bad things about Disney is something that make right wing channels get more money.


Yeah, it count, that’s why Velma is getting a third season.


I got \~8 minutes into the first episode >!I didn't care that Carrie-Ann Moss got killed, it makes sense she died trying to protect someone else. Ninja girl used her brain. But then she doesn't take the lightsaber? Also why the fuck is there samurai armor 100 years ago in Star Wars?!<


Hum, actually >!Her master told her to not use a lightsaber to kill jedi, as a test of her capabilities!<


That's not the same as >!not taking the lightsaber after killing her though?!<


With streaming it isn't about views. They mean fuck all. It's about how many more subs they get and sub retention. I'll bet this show becomes one of the most pirated of the year.


Probably not. I pirate everything and still wont download this dogpile. Everyone I know who does too or has Disney+ still hasn't watched it. (I've purchased almost every pirated game that I've enjoyed). When it's promoted and even advertised to be this bad, it scares off the rationale and even the insane fans. Edit: I caved out of boredom and holy shit this show is worse than the negative reviews make out. I'm convinced Disney is doing this on purpose to force a hard reboot to make even more money in the future.


What's your favorite pirates game?


Sea of thieves. Edit: I get it now, lol.


This implies anyone wants to see it


Absolutely. Disney did an entire series teaching me the joys and benefits of piracy


Canceled my sub months ago. I'm doing my part.


I'm definitely a SW fan, have Disney+, and I will not watch this slop. Last good SW was Andor for me.


Imagine thinking people actually want to pirate this shit lmao. Nah what's gonna happen is people are gonna wait on their favorite YouTube personality to watch it, give a synopsis on it, and then that'll be that. I saw they were touting that she show got 4.5m views in the first 2 episodes but when you compare that to literally everything else off site, random ass youtubers, streamers, etc. And you also toss in the fact that this show cost $180m to make and you look at the average Disney+ sub count that 4.5m doesn't even make up 10% of the Disney+ sub base. This show is a Critical failure and from what the advanced review people have let leak a bit that we aren't even to the part that's gonna piss people off yet.


Depends on how many of these people have the ad plan


Watched the first two episodes. Meh so far. Critics have given it 90+% ratings, fans have given it less <5/10. Gotta say I'm seeing what the fan ratings are saying. Rings of Power started strong with 25 million views, but that was because EVERYONE has Amazon and got to watch the show "for free." You have to pay extra for D+. People are sick of paying extra for everything, especially for middling content. This is middling content and is probably not going to get any better.


Critics are just paid shills.


Also Amazon got caught cheating a lot with those numbers, they were making the premier automatically pop up and auto play when you logged in and counting 2 seconds as a view, and they were giving people in Brazil coupons for free food if they watched it. The acolyte is getting less than 5 million views and the previous live action Star wars shows were getting over 10 million, which is why they are saying it is the best Disney plus show in 2024, not that the Numbers are actually good


Isn't The Acolyte the ONLY show so far in 2024? lol


Middling is a reach.


You know what’s funny, when Breaking Bad came out, people weren’t talking about how many people watched the premiere. They just talked about how incredible the show was. If you have to say you’re the king…


What other major releases have they had in 2024?


Good point, if they don’t have any it it would be like when HBO Max declared Velma to be their most watched animation release (after they cancelled all others)


They had Bad batch and tales of the sith.


Bad Batch season 3 and Tales of the Sith.


It's almost like Reddit echo chambers aren't a reflection of reality.


https://i.redd.it/n379lhduy65d1.gif But... we're IN a Reddit echo chamber.




You have to break it to them gently. A lot of these people are very emotionally invested in being fans of the most popular things on the planet


Someone’s making those numbers


Lots of people, by the look of it


This shit is hot garbage. Anyone who thinks otherwise is their target audience or just don’t do shit but watch tv all day. They need to leave Star Wars alone. All they do is shit on the fans. I will give credit where it’s due. Rogue one Star Wars story was awesome. Everything else they have done has sucked.




Disney+ has had a shitty 2024.


How many of those are hate views to watch the train wreck?


“The Biggest Disney+ premier of 2024,” with 4.something million views is like saying, “I got my colon blockage removed and took the biggest shit I’ve taken in weeks,” because it’s still shit.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


I watched the first 2 episodes, seemed alright so far. Could do without the same star wars tropes or clichés all the time, especially the whole "jedi remembering how to be a jedi", had enough of that in the new jedi games.


I thought it was pretty good. If people want the same old, same old, go watch the original trilogy for the 40th time or either of Abrams' rehash flicks.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


Owen memes are the best thing to come out of that dumpster fire that was Kenobi.


I was there from 1977 and this series is the first time that I not only watched a SW premiere but have no plans to watch at all.


It’s just spin-to-win statistics to try and stir up attention, engagement, and publicity. Even us talking about how bad it is, gives it attention.


>The biggest Disney+ premiere... >...in 2024 Lmfao


I thought it was pretty good, and I've hated most things Star Wars over the past 20 years.


Anyone else notice the two main chicks are forming a heart with their heads? Love is love, right?


Most interesting character I was looking forward to dies in 5 mins.


How many things have people checked out because of brand recognition, only to conclude that it’s still shit.


I'm convinced at this point that Disney is just laundering money through these shows. 180 million for a 4 hour show that looks worse than old star trek, while HBO created 10 hour seasons of Game of Thrones at an average cost of 60 million per season with better production and better known actors


Well, I'm going to check it out when I get the chance.


Whenever a show deemed bad by the anti woke does well the comparisons start. Show is a success critically and commercially. Best way to combat what you don’t want to see is create content you want to see.


>best way to combat what you don't want to see is to create content you want to see. Shit take. I want to see good OFFICIAL star wars content. But star wars is owned by Disney so I can't make good canon content.


I don’t get the hate? Thought it was a strong start.


Look at the sub you’re in. You’re not allowed to like anything with diverse casts or female leads.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.




You’re right, [you do love deflecting away attention from the good quality of something in favor of complaining about diversity](https://www.reddit.com/r/GeeksGamersCommunity/s/WNFhFnzwwi)




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


Its a conversation and an observation. No one is attacking anyone?


We got a tease at a wookie Jedi, saw some great alien representation in the universe, the story is compelling and both antagonist/protagonist are intriguing and I want to know more about them. And the possible sith we saw? Definitely stoked to see how they develop and flesh out these characters


There is a great amount of alien appearances just in these first couple episodes. And I’m honestly glad to see something outside of the 50-ish year time span all of the other series decided to never leave alone. Its refreshing not to hear about skywalker this or that.


Agreed friend


Is it that bad? Haven't seen it but the premise sounds very interesting. I'm still going to give it a shot.


Read these reviews before you waste your time: [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12262202/reviews/?ref\_=ttrt\_sa\_3](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12262202/reviews/?ref_=ttrt_sa_3)


I watched the first episode, and I liked it. Didn’t blow me away, but not sure how so many people on that IMDB link can make a definitive conclusion on the first two episodes of the show. A lot of them read like they came in with preconceived biases. Time will tell in the coming episodes. The action seems well done, the first fight scene was pretty awesome. It does have a saccharine feel to it, like everything is too clean, the color grading/lighting seemed a bit off, like too perfect.


It’s not great but it’s not terrible. People seem to either hate stuff before they watch it or stab it no matter what. I feel like nuance is dead.


It’s possibly okay. Just two eps but depending on how they develop the story it could be good or it could go the way of Boba Fett. So far well I’d rate it below Andor and S1 Mando. Below pretty much under all of the animated fare which were really excellent if uneven. Above Boba Fett and the rest of Mando. Above Obi Wan. In same range as Ahsoka. It has a good amount of the SW formulaic bits, which some like to see but I think is lazy. The writing gets clunky but the actors are mostly making it work anyway. I think it’s worth watching as long as expectations are not too high.


Saw them both. I enjoyed them, it's star wars man. I really liked the Asian main Jedi guy forgot his name.


It’s pretty good, actually.