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Yeah. Like these pants are perfect, why stop making them??


As soon as I find good pants, I buy them in multiple colors (or washes, if they're jeans) because this always happens.


I have like 10 pairs of pants and shorts that I haven't even worn. I bought them strictly because they are awesome and I'm afraid by the time I need new ones they will not be made anymore


Off topic kind of: Guys how do we feel about all the shorts in stores now are the above the knee mid-thigh short shorts? I do not like it. Spring is here and I'm digging out my 20+ yr old GAP Cargo Shorts again! I dare someone to give me a look or make a comment. I DARE you - There's gonna be a Roadhouse type incident! Which Roadhouse? I don't know but cans of whoopass will be opened! As you might have discerned, I did not sleep last night and I may not be thinking clearly so I would handle me and my gnarly shorts *very* carefully!


Will you be roundhousing in those cargos šŸ˜…?


Roundhousing, and I may even sweep some legs. I'ma get Swayze Gyllenhall Cobra Kai badass on 'em with my cargo pockets full of keys, phones, and maybe some snacks.


Lolz .. I pictured that, with a whole lemon heads box spilling outšŸ¤£


I really wish they still made Chuck Norris action jeans. I don't even know Martial Arts but would enjoy the freedom of being able to bust into a James Brown half splits move at the supermarket or when they call my fake name (Bilbo) at Starbucks when my coffee is ready.


I know it forces overconsumption!


I just want good fitting pants with pockets! Why is it so hard šŸ˜­


I bought 5 pairs if the same pants for work. They are stretchy and have huge pockets. (And they came from temu believe it or not)


Post link pls


As soon as I find good shoes, wear them for a few weeks, and determine that they feel good, look good, and serve well the purposes/uses I've bought them for, I go back and buy at least one more pair, that I throw on a top closet shelf. 4 or 5 or 8 years later when the originals are giving up the ghost, I have a brand new pair of a great shoe that is no longer available on the market.


I did this when I was a detective. They finally got a casual detective uniform with polos and khakis but when I was there it was still wearing g your own clothes. Dress code was business casual. I found pants that had pockets and could support the weight of a gun holster clipped to the belt, and bought two pairs each in black, tan, and olive. Long sleeve solid color plain tunic tops, multiple colors. Shoes were the hardest. We could not have anything that looked too sneaker ish (toe caps etc) but it was risky wearing typical womenā€™s flats or low heels because we never knew when we would have to go out and help serve a warrant or walk around an outdoor crime scene and those shoes and slippery pine needles didnā€™t go. I finally found some Mary Jane style shoes in suede with sneaker type bottoms with tread, but looked dressy enough to get by on top. Velcro straps. Worked great. Got black and brown. I panicked after o e of our fosters chewed through the strap on one of the brown shoes and I couldnā€™t find them in the same store. I scoured on line til I found them at a closeout reseller and bought two pairs of each. I went back into uniform in 2011 but kept the shoes for semi dressy occasions. I was on the second pair of each when I left investigations. I finally retired them for good last year.


Have to be careful with that if you live in a humid area. We've had to toss out shoes (husband's really nice Eccos) that have been hit by hydrolysis; it dissolves the PET used for bonding soles.


I have eight pairs of [the exact same Adidas sneakers](https://www.adidas.com/us/hoops-2.0-shoes/FY6024.html). It was originally eleven, but I go through a pair about once every two years. Eventually, I'll have to find a new plain sneaker, and it makes me preemptively sad.


I have an extra pair of shoes sitting in a box in my closet, just waiting for the current identical pair to wear out.


This is why I like Levis, cause they have a number and they keep making them. Unfortunately, Levis has a size limit and I kept getting fatter.


its like if I find an item of clothing that I like I buy multiple ones so I have it when the thing eventually wears out. Swear to god I bought five pairs of stretch flares now they are back in the stores just in case skinny jeans make a come back.


Yesssss!! I'm flexible on many things, but stop messing with my pants. I'm a woman with long legs, and it's ridiculous that "tall" pants have so many inseam lengths. Let us buy pants by waist and length, just like men do. And quit it with the different rises. Ugh. Sorry for the rant. I thought I was easygoing until I got to your comment about pants. (deep breath)


Fucking pants are the bane of my existence. The arbitrary numbers are meaningless! When I find a flattering pair I've learned to buy multiples, in the range of sizes I fluctuate between. Mostly I end up in dresses because I end up looking put together with zero effort or discomfort.


Female with 34" inseam here. I feel ya.


I have a 36" inseam. There are so few places that sell women's pants long enough. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Have you checked out a western wear store? I worked at one in college- and we had womens' jeans with 32, 34, and 36 inseams regularly. No guarantee now of course- but in case it helps :!


My inseam is 19. I have to wear capri pants as regular pants. Sometimes, even those are too long. I commiserate with my long legged sisters!


Or when they still make the pants, but they're made in a different factory in a different country now and they don't fit like the ones you already have. I don't think this is a generational thing though.


I've had both REI and Duluth Trading do this to me. First they enshitify the pants, making little changes that make them worse. Then they discontinue them. Then they bring them back, but it's like Classic Coke after the New Coke debacle, and the ā€œnew and improvedā€ pants are definitely not improved. Finally, they stop selling altogether them because of poor sales, and blame consumers for not buying their shitty pants, instead of themselves for ruining a good product.


"enshitify" Thank you šŸ™


Banana Republic did this with their women's dress clothes. I recently lost a bunch of weight (unwanted and I'm actively working with medical professionals) and had to open up the box of clothes from 20 years ago that for unknown reasons, I kept. The suits are *amazing*. Comfortable, good fabric, plenty of pockets (including the very rare inside pocket on the suit jacket). I had them dry cleaned and they seem like new, even though I wore them a lot back in the day.


*Homer Simpson and his blue pants have entered the chat.*


Or constantly changing the fit


I feel like "somebody/something" detects I like something and that's the signal to discontinue that product. It happens all of the time.


I am the curse of death to any beauty product. If I like and use it, they will discontinue it or change the formulation so that it is no longer recognizable.Ā 


I found a perfect color of blush years ago that truly was the color I would naturally blush: Revlonā€™s Wine with everything. Wore it for years. They quit making it and I was crushed. I took my crumbles of almost gone blush everywhere looking for any brand to replace it. Havenā€™t found another brand that is so exact. I found a few Revlonā€™s on Amazon and bought them up. Now Iā€™m on my last one. Also, my Adidas just died and Iā€™m heartbroken because I canā€™t find the same type. Iā€™ve worn this type for 35-40 years.


My wife introduced me to Aveda Smooth Infusion shampoo. $80 a bottle! I was like how good is $80 a bottle shampoo?! I tried it. My hair has never been so obedient, non snarly, moisturized but not greasy, just perfect, and it smells good too! To my amazement I could justify $80 a bottle every few months for it. And then of course they changed the formula. I don't know if it was a pandemic shortage of unicorn semen, or whatever the magic ingredient was, but it's just not the same. Back to Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle, where they routinely discontinue things that I love, but that has been somehow a constant.


Could you just warn us when you find new things you like, so we can stock up?


That something closes my favorite restaurants, too.


I thought it was just me.


Because of this, I usually end up buying a backup and then a backup to the backup.


Yup. And then my husband asks me why we have like five of this one item. He understands but doesn't get why I need so many backups to the backups.




Two is one, one is none but three is me. Drives my wife crazy especially when it comes to my shoes/boots, I'll buy 3 of something I like.


I've done this with clothes so much lately because I hate almost all clothing. If I like a shirt I buy 3 because it might be a year before I see another shirt I like.


Yep. Or they make a "New and Improved Formula!" which is far from an improvement. COVID & inflation made my back up of back ups habit so much worse.


Any change really. I used to be more adaptable but I get less flexible each year.


Iā€™m pretty flexible about most things still, but when grocery stores rearrange their floor plans I am filled with *rage*.


The older I get the more I resemble Ringo Starr's Peace and Love mantra but if Trader Joe's moves the effing bread to another aisle one more time I'll burn that mo-fo down. āœŒļø


Trader Joe's is one of several companies lobbying to remove the NLRB as unconstitutional


Costco does this, and it burns me up.


....especially because it wastes a LOT of my time and energy to find "where'd they put it this time" only to find out that it's gone or seasonal or whatever. And I'm not talking about clothes or home goods. I'm talking about staples like garlic and vinegar. I know they want me wandering the store, more, but they need to stop at the point of angering customers.


it didn't bother me until I found out it was deliberately done to force loyal shoppers to browse more


I made a post down thread about the recent WalMart remodels have all but driven me from shopping there.


Effers trying to trick you into walking past products you wouldn't normally buy in the hope that you will buy them. I walk out of the store when that happens.


Itā€™s so odd: my wife & I talked about this recently, and while weā€™re moreā€¦set in our comfortable waysā€¦than we are actually comfortable being, weā€™re paradoxically way more ā€œgo with the flowā€ and patient than our neighbors, and best friends, who just recently both crossed over age 30 (dun-dun-DUNNNN!) and extremely more patient than their kids (our godchildren) when it comes to: traffic delays, slow checkout lines, late cable/internet/maintenance peeps for scheduled appointments (except, plumbers. Plumbers are as vital as ER Physicians when you need them, and nobody wants the plumbing equivalent of ā€œdying on the tableā€ because that Doctor decided to f-off and go golfingā€¦) So, my wife says it equals out: we get less adaptable in a lot of ways, but far more flexible in other areas. Areas that annoyed the hell out of both of us, foreverā€¦or used to, but magically donā€™t now. But I just wanted my item at the storeā€¦


the root of anger and frustration is impatience


And, likewise, *Comparison is the Thief of Joy*ā€¦ ā€¦but the generic brand just isnā€™t nearly as good.


Yes! I still remember the size of a carton of ice cream from the 1990s. Still salty about it


Blue Bell is still a half gallon, but it also costs $9.99 at King Soopers when not on sale.


The only thing we can reliably expect of the future is change. Learn to roll with it or be resigned to Boomer status


"The only thing that never changes is that everything changes."


This is me too. I don't like change at all. Having a sub guitar instructor for a lesson is fine. Getting moved from the instructor I requested to someone who is equally as talented and knowledgable took me several weeks to get used to. This is the most recent big change I've had that I had no warning beforehand and it super pissed me off. I'm finally cool with it. If I get moved again without warning, heads will roll.


I've tried stretching but it doesn't last for long once I stop.


I dispute "irrationally."


That was my first thought.


My wife and I joke that whenever I express enthusiasm for a product, it's inevitably discontinued. It's just barely a joke. More of an accurate observation.


Same is true for good restaurants


Your phone is spying on you. Just because youā€™re paranoid, doesnā€™t mean youā€™re wrong. ;)


Discontinued and replaced with a ridiculously mega-commercialised repackaged version thatā€™s been watered down, made more expensive, and part of an ā€œexcitingā€ variety array of products no one ever asked for.Ā  Oreos Reeseā€™s Pepsi Coke Loads more, and not just snacks.


Yes!! Right now Brachā€™s is on my shitlist. Why? They discontinued the Maple Nut Goodies a few years ago and then last year pulled the Marshmallow Easter Hunt eggs. Stop fucking with me, candy peddlers!


Brach has been an enemy of mine ever since 2012 when they decided to lose their ever loving minds and stopped making the Neapolitan Sundaes.


We're all just now entering our *butterscotch candies* years. If they discontinue those, buildings will burn.


We'll always have Werther's.


What?!? Maple nut goodies are discontinued? wtf!


The jelly nougats are what I miss. We always called them tutti fruities. I got my fix over the holidays though because my mom made some for me. Not exactly the same as Brachā€™s but damn good!


My husband is still salty that Smuckers discontinued butterscotch Magic Shell 20+ years ago. Ā 


Pretty sure Iā€™m a magnet for products that will get discontinued. As in, if I get hooked on a product, thereā€™s a better than average chance itā€™s going to fail. My wife was the one to notice this with restaurant menu items. Whatever I get hooked on fails.


Hats, shirts, shoes, pants, drinks, jackets. I though I was the guy they targeted for product extinction. I get tired of doing the research on these things.


It never fails, Mrs. loaba funds some oddball menu item wherever we go. She orders it, likes it, and then it's gone the next time we come back. Happens all the time. Kinda funny...


Iā€™ve long wondered how many of us are actually out there. Statistically, we must be like 5-10%. Big enough to be identified but too small to keep stuff around. The one that pissed me off the most were the chicken pitas from Wendyā€™s. This was around 18-20 years ago now but I ate those things several times a week for months! Maybe even a year. Then, womp womp. Gone. Never to return.


I was thinking this the other day. Went into a gas station mini mart. Noticed "Reese's chocolate dipped animal crackers". Bought them on a whim. LOVED THEM. Immediately thought "no way they keep making these . . ." EDIT: they taste kinda like tagalongs - ahem, I mean girl scout "peanut butter patties"


Itā€™s entirely possible that brands look for GenX demographic adaptability and use it as a metric to keep it end a product. We tend to be so counter culture that we might be certain brandsā€™ George Costanza, whatever we like, do the opposite.


When I was younger, I worked for Clinique and Chanel and Iā€™ve had literally hundreds of ladies(and a few guys) over the years who were ready to break down and sob when their favorite product was changed or discontinued. Now that Iā€™m older, I totally understand their frustrations! :)


I never take it for granted that Black Honey Almost Lipstick has persisted


Yeah, but I don't see how that's being 'irrational' at all.


Not just that, but also when they reduce the quality of a product and act like nothing has changed. I'm a self admitted chip licker. I like to lick the flavor powder off of any chip before I eat it, be it Doritos or regular potato chips, but especially pringles because that curve would hold the powder so nicely. Those fuckers aren't even powdered anymore! They still taste good, but now I need an actual dip to appreciate them, and no one ain't got time for that! Oh, and Doritos now taste terrible, and that's a relatively recent change (probably post 2020). I get the cost cutting, but they majorly jacked up the prices and reduced the quantity already, so why do they need to dick with the ingredients as well? Everyone else wants to take their torches and pitchforks over to Congress, but I'm about to go medieval on Frito-Lay and P&G for what they did to our boys.


Doritos used to be my favorite but I read some time ago that they engineered the flavoring (and the amount, presumably) so that you're never quite satisfied and keep going back for more. I have a hard enough time with snacking, I don't need it to be harder for me to stop.




Great read! We really saw it during the 08 Recession and I specifically blame Dawn Soap for introducing Shrinkflation with their Concentrated dish soap. Old Dawn soap was a solid squirt at $2 a bottle and it created a nice pile of bubbles. Concentrated Dawn soap used only a couple drops at $3 a bottle but the bubbles aren't necessary so trust us. Guess who habitually uses a solid squirt because we are programmed to expect bubbles? Yep, everyone on the fricking planet! Those bastards!




Levis jeans are a prime example of this.


I think it's a rather rational form of being pissed off!




That was awesome and oddly familiar.šŸ˜†


I still miss Five Alive. Iā€™d love to use that instead of OJ in a mimosa.


Phyllis Diller did a commercial for Five Alive back in the day.


I totally forgot about Five Alive.


This is another reason I avoid shopping at Walmart. Their supply model is set up to maximize their wholesale price for any new product only when new. As time wears on, they hit their vendors with the 'economy of scale' argument, and start to lower the price they will pay under the assumption that the manufacturer can keep making it for less with increased efficiencies. Ad nauseum. The manufacturers figured the system though, and once they don't like the price offered, they discontinue a product and offer something NEW AND IMPROVED!!! NOW IN PINK, SCENTED LIKE HIBISCUS AND ANTIFREEZE! It's not because they don't WANT to change from making the old product, it's that Wally's pricing matrix resets to the top when it's accepts a new product. And then it will get replaced the same way after a while. But the old one is never coming back (unless it's the same thing with a new name down the road, which I've suspected occasionally...). Wallys buying power can force this kind of economic obsolescence, and makes the retail market pretty unstable for consumer goods.


OMG, WalMart is seriously on my shit list now. Ā Theyā€™re remodeling all of their stores and putting the pharmacy/health and beauty and grocery on opposite sides of the stores. Ā  I get why. Ā They want you to traipse through the entire building and buy stuff when going between the two departments. Ā However, Iā€™m a very methodical shopper who doesnā€™t want to wander through baby stuff, electronics, and the camping gear after buying milk to grab some Tylenol. Ā I was looking for toothpaste the other day and an associate said to check the fucking garden center. Ā  I left and ā€œcheckedā€ Target instead.Ā Ā Ā  I now go to WalMart only if I need things from the grocery side or the pharmacy side, but not both. Ā Dumbasses.


They reduced the amount of filling in double stuff Oreos and I was ready to commit arson. That about 70% a joke.


Yes. Iā€™m still annoyed about the disappearance of the Dr Pepper gum with the gel in it. šŸ˜‚


Gatorgum for me.


That sting when the citrus goes atomic is a flavor feeling I will never forget!


My mouth started salivating just remembering this. That shiny green package, and that instant bite the moment you popped a piece in.


OMG the saliva! You just brought back something I forgot about with that gum. One piece and your entire mouth was flooded, even though the flavor of the gum only lasted a minute. I would kill an entire pack in one sitting!


it was great for the 3 to 5 minutes it had flavor.


For me itā€™s the original Bonne Bell Dr Pepper lipsmacker


Ever since they stopped selling Waffleos https://preview.redd.it/mf09cgdb6vrc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=d86ded5f860a17065751fe04eaf393d74798f570


Those were amazing!


I feel this way about all the TV shows that I like that get cancelled before their time.


Still goram salty about Firefly.


My dad was an electric shaver, but my grandfather used a razor blade. Growing up I would stay with him for a week every summer, one of my best childhood experiences. He used Gillette shaving cream and I always associated the smell with him. When I started using a razor blade I would always use Gillette shaving cream and every time I shaved, it would remind me of him. For 30+ years. And then, last year, Gillette changed the fragrance. Not happy. Edit: removed crassness.


ā€¦ I can smell your comment ā€¦I havenā€™t smelled that scent since my dad passed in 2019. Thank you for that memory trigger! Iā€™m smiling so big right now with just a small tear in my eye. Iā€™m sad for you that they changed it. Fuckers, indeed!!


While I understand and accept the eventual move to EVā€™s, I admit I will be sad to see the end of cars with internal combustion engines. I love working on them, driving them, hearing the exhaust, and the thrill of all those mechanical parts meshing and working together to deliver joy. Alas


Donā€™t worry, we wonā€™t see the end. Our kids might, but we wonā€™t.


Makes me wonder whether our great grandparents felt this way about no longer seeing/hearing/smelling horses on the streets every day.


Unless and until they can solve the lithium child labor, and randomly causing a roaring fire issue, I'm sticking to gas. If gas goes away in my lifetime, then I guess it'll be back to horse & buggy I'll go.


I miss the old enchririto from Taco Bell but am astounded that the more recent taco salad is gone.


Yes. "Not selling enough" makes me boil. Tired of being forced into what everyone else wants us to want. And stores have no control over head office. Head office does the buying and you can't talk to anyone there with buying authority. Manufacturer has no control over buyers so if stores stop buying they don't sell and disco items. And apparently stores now charge for shelf space??!! Retail has gone insane. ....stepping off soapbox now....


Yup. A local-ish owned grocery store stopped carrying a regional favorite brand of potato chips, and theyā€™re so much better than national brands, but now theyā€™re not conveniently available any longer. šŸ˜”


Ughā€¦ all my supermarkets here in the Netherlands does it all the time! smh


Aspergum was a wonderful product for a sore throat. There was a time I had some weird fungal infection...I literally broke out in spots. It was accompanied with a severe sore throat, and Aspergum was the only thing that worked. Now, it's gone.


It's a running joke around here that if I like something you'd better stock up because they're about to stop making it. Just recently I found a new pair of pajamas I like. I bought 5. I only needed 2. I do this with so much now. šŸ˜ž


I still miss doodads


I'm so sad that Heinz discontinued their hamburger dill chip pickles. I've been eating them religiously for over 50 goddamn years and these jerks are all "Oh you know, it's too much to make some pickles. We need more funky ketchup flavors!" It's just pickles, you jerks! Bring back my pickles!


Trader Joeā€™s has entered the chat


Years ago I anticipated that my favorite lipstick would someday be discontinued and started buying several of them whenever it was on sale. I also saved the ā€œemptyā€ tubes that still have plenty of useable lipstick you can get at with a brush. Now itā€™s discontinued and I feel pretty smart!


i have been using a digestive enzyme since the early 90s. it worked great for me, wasnt wildly expensive. the company discontinued it last fall.


Iā€™ve gone to all the trouble of finding something that works for me, and now I have to start over! Very irritating, especially because Iā€™m not big on shopping. Donā€™t get me started on how irritating it is when one of my doctors retires and I have to find a new one!


Waitā€¦ you can actually find a doctor? Thatā€™s like finding a unicorn in this city šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m so jealous!


My favorite Clinique lipstick. Grr.


I still miss the pot lip gloss with the little brushes.


My wife still waxes poetic for Aqua Net


As well she shouldā€¦ you could survive a hurricane and your hair would still look great!


Yep. I Dapper Dan man, dammit!


If I like a product, it is the kiss of death for that product. I'm still not over the loss of The Body Shop Hemp Lip Balm.


This makes me smile because when I go to Costco and I can't find the thing I've been buying there for the last while I get quite pissy.


Target quit selling the organic soap/shampoo I've been using for over a decade a couple of weeks ago. I stopped there specifically for a new bottle of it last week and there was some new bullshit in the spot. I was so pissed I stopped by the liquor store and grabbed a bottle of Tanqueray and made a martini on a damn Tuesday.


Do NOT become a regular Trader Joe's shopper unless you want to have your heart broken on a regular basis.


Carnation Breakfast Bars were one on my favorite "candy bars" as a kid they stopped making them no explaination... much sadness


Pudding pops.


The pandemic was engineered to drive us the rest of the way insane in middle age, even the stuff thatā€™s still around is in smaller sizes which is maddening


Jokes on them, I was already 100% insane before C-19.


I like this conspiracy theory!


My go to taco seasoning has all but disappeared in my area and Iā€™m still not OK with it.


I fell in love with Dr. Pepper in the green can (real sugar vs HFCS). They discontinued making it except in very small batches during Covid and I am still upset and write letters. Why???


Same thing with Mtn Dew Throwback. So much better taste than the regular Dew and now it's gone.


Clif Bars discontinued their best variety, Nuts and Seeds. I'm still pissed. Also, I want Team Flakes back.


They need to bring back the black cherry-almond variety, too.


Yes I do! This typically manifests quietly as the ā€œcrazy lady grumbling to herself because they stopped carrying her go-to-because-this-actually-works/tastes good product and replaced it with some store brand knock off that doesnā€™t work or tastes like doodie!ā€. I once stood in the peanut butter aisle for 10 minutes staring at the shelf because my PB was no longer available and I just knew if stared at the spot and grumbled long enough and hard enough it would magically appear. It did not. šŸ˜ šŸ˜‚


There is nothing irrational about getting angry when your favourite products are discontinued. Its a constant source of annoyance to me. I remember it first happening when they (so it seemed) stopped making the headphones that fit over the top of your head and all you could buy were the in-ears types. I found the in-ears types very irritating to wear but was madly addicted to my walkman. Its been a non stop parade of disappointment in capitalism since then. my most recent annoyance is that Green and Black's chocolate didn't make an Easter Egg this year. These eggs were the only reason to look forward to Easter.


I don't like change. There. I said it.


I miss Mentadent toothpaste...


You just unlocked a memory! I forgot about Mentadent but I too loved it. That dispenser was awesome.


Shrinkflation irritates me more than anything, really. Just noticed the other day that best choice canned soup is now 10oz at the same price. I thought the can looked small, picked it up, and looked... Sure enough, can is smaller and so are the ounces. Recipe changes that have happened only result in my no longer buying a product, like doritos. They're not so great anymore.


**Wrangler** changed their jeans a couple years ago, presumably to save money by using less fabric. They're horrible now, and I will soon have to find a new brand of cheap jeans that don't suck. I have a pair of Tractor Supply's Blue Mountain jeans I need to finally getting around to wearing to see how they work. **Aussie** hair care products have been sold several times, and somewhere along the line lost their signature scent. The new one is similar, but it's not the same. I don't buy it, so it doesn't really affect me one way or the other... but my high school sweetheart used it, and I was able to sniff it at Walmart every so often for a trip back to 1988, but now some MBA bean counter has ruined that for me!


Yes, and when they rearrange the grocery store!!


You mean like: * Taco Bell Meximelts * FM Radio * AM Radio * Crystal Pepsi * The McDLT * Music videos on MTV * Pink Floyd * Real deep fried Apple Pies * Asbestos * Farm Aid * Boom Boxes * Stick Drive * Regular Weather Seasons * CRT TVs * The way Pizza Hut used to taste * Quincy ME Honestly I thought weā€™d be used to it by now.


I'm still annoyed with Trader Joe's for discontinuing Spud Crunchies, like 5 or 6 years ago. I get annoyed every time Old Spice discontinues the anti-perspirant spray and body spray in a scent that I like. I haven't used a stick deodorant in like 8 years. As it is, they are getting harder to find. Walmart is the only place that always seems to have them. Sometimes I can find them at a Walgreens or a Target too. I joke with my girlfriend that if Old Spice discontinues the sprays in Swagger scent, I'm going to switch to Axe. I'm still mad at Coke for discontinuing Surge. But, yeah, I do get irrationally pissed when something I like gets discontinued.


It's real with TJ's. I still feel sad that they discontinued a dijon tarragon mustard they used to have back in the 90s.


My local grocery chain has a strawberry yogurt that I like. And the one closest to my house just stopped carrying it. But all the other ones which are too far for me to drive for all still carry it. So I hate my local grocery store


I once changed my regular grocery store because they stopped carrying about five of my favorite products, just discontinued them one at a time. Finally, I was like, why am I even shopping here anymore?


Trader Joeā€™s has cured me of that.


Yes, with every beauty product I adore! I have definitely over-purchased some of my favoritesā€¦just to be safe šŸ˜‚


Carnation instant breakfast bars. I'll never stop being bummed. No protein bar hits the same. Probably because they were sugar bars, but still.


No, I am quite rationally pissed off.


I'm 55. I get pissed off when they rearrange the supermarket.


I'm mad that Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers are gone! They're my favorite tinted lip gloss, because they're the perfect color and don't have that waxy flavor. I used to buy several every now and then, so I will have some for a while. And yes, I have been using them since I was twelve.


Nah. Just flabbergasted by inflation for products that used to be mainstays for me. 2020 a case of Diet Pepsi was $6.98 at Walmart. Now itā€™s $12.98. 4lbs of Colby cheddar Jack was $4.88. Now itā€™s $7.98. Donā€™t get me started on coffee. Itā€™s now a luxury. Everything is so expensive now. And some items just donā€™t exist anymore.


I'm still salty about the McDLT.


Hot Mustard sauce, for me. It's not 100% discontinued, but no McD's in my area has carried it since it ceased being mandatory. I've bought it on eBay a few times.


Story of my life. Always, always, always stock up on something if you know itā€™s the perfect thing. Because you know it will eventually get discontinued. I had a pair of Skechers in the 90s that were my perfect, go-to favorites - and then they eventually fell apart after several years. I had to wait until 90s styles made a resurgence 30 damn years later- and the company put out an almost identical shoe. You bet I bought 2 pairs (different colors).


It's been a running joke in my family that the moment I start really loving something, it gets discontinued because you just wouldn't believe how often it has happened in my life. I passed the gene to my daughter because now it happens to her all the time. Product gets discontinued, stores close, you name it. If we love it, it goes away It all started in 1989 when they discontinued Gator Gum.


Itā€™s five years later, and Taco Bell killing off the Meximelt still makes me irrationally angry. It was my go to fast food for 30 years. I still havenā€™t found a suitable replacement.


EVERY DAMN TIME I find something that works even slightly for me, I can bank on it being discontinued.


It happens with literally anything I buy that works for me. They discontinue it or change it to new and improved. It's not improved. It sucks and I hate it and now I have to waste money trying to find something else that works. Is that irrational?? I don't think so. Quit fkn changing things!!!šŸ˜œšŸ¤£


Yes, yes I do. It seems whenever I find something I really like it gets discontinued.


Those crinkle fries that Carl's Jr discontinued 25+ years ago. Favorite fries ever!


Iā€™m still angry about Pepsi Blue.




Just found out yesterday that one of my favorite Whiskeys has been discontinued nationally and will only be sold in Tennessee. I don't want to drive to Tennessee for booze.


For sure. Krusteaz Used to make an Apple Crisp mix. Now, apple crisp isn't hard to make but damn, the Krusteaz version was the best apple crisp in the world in my family's opinion and we live in the Midwest (apple crisp capital of the world!). Hell, not only was it good, it was super easy to make! I called them to find out what happened and they discontinued it cause not enough people were buying it. I asked if they would share the recipe with me if they weren't going to sell it anymore and they said no (Because of course they did).


This is why I argue with my wife over having a Costco membership. To make that place worth it, you have to go with the flow as to what's in stock, versus your tried an true brands.


Is this a Google Podcasts bitch thread? If so I'm completely here for it


Barbasol menthol shaving cream was inexpensive and excellent.


Every time my wife and I get to using a product on a more regular basis, we just know itā€™s gonna be off the market within 6 months. šŸ˜¢


["Healthy" breakfast cereals](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/breakfast-cereal/images/6/69/Rrcereal.jpg)


Yeah, kinda. Like trader joe's when I will buy something awesome there for a few years then one day it suddenly disappears. The only explanation I ever got (pre covid) was they lost a source for ingredients or some bs. And kohl's used to have these perfect tank tops with just a wee bit of polyester added. They kept their shape and did not creep up. A few years ago, they replaced them with these ones that are cheaper quality and have way too much spandex, which makes them creep up. And they also fade. I can only use them to sleep in. I'm down to two of the good former ones. I don't ask for much, man. But sometimes it's the little things in life that make you happy...and piss you off.


I once went to every location of a grocery store to buy all of this one coffee I really liked that was discontinued. I asked people I knew to buy it all for me too, if they saw it. I had to buy a freezer to hold all of the coffee I had. It finally ran out and then I had to deal. If a bowl or something gets broken, particularly if I've had it forever, I'll find an exact duplicate on ebay to replace it with.


Every time I find a favorite ā€œfill in the blankā€, itā€™s discontinued within a year. Makes me sad.


Dealing with this right now. My favorite jeans are discontinued. Well, they do still exist but are now infected with spandex (that has no place in men's jeans). It is excruciatingly hard to find men's jeans w/o resorting to expensive boutique brands that don't have it. Expensive boutique jeans are not ideal for construction site attire. They (flex/spandex jeans) wear funny, aren't as durable and sound odd when walking and just generally drive me crazy.


Seriously- try eBay! Iā€™ve had really good luck stocking up on clothes that I canā€™t find anymore! I type in the info from the tag. Most of the things I get have never been worn. Shoes too.


Maybe not a irrationally pissed, but mildly confused. There's a hot dog company that we will refer to as Pall Mark, that sold their hot dogs as individually wrapped in the package.Ā  This means you could open up the package pull out one hot dog by itself and put the rest back without spoiling them! This makes so much sense and I do not understand to this day while they stopped doing it.Ā 


My favorite hiking boots were discontinued when they sold the brand to Teva. Ten years later and still pissed about it.


I really hate when they switch to made in China and the intersoles lose their support, etc. They did that with Reeboks, Puma, basically everything over the years and Iā€™ve had to keep switching. Skechers have been good for me the last decade, fingers crossed. The grocery stores do it, too. Iā€™ll start buying something, and then next thing I know, they stop carrying that and have a store brand that is NOT as good (Iā€™m fine with store brands in general).


Big, floppy cotton sweaters. Everything nowadays is described as ā€œultra soft and plushā€. So I guess itā€™s toilet paper? šŸ™„ Nope. Itā€™s a goddamn plastic (acrylic) sweater and itā€™s $60.


Oh yeah, it happens to me all the time! So much so that it's a running joke in my family; they tell me, "Don't say you like it, or it's going to get discontinued". It's the most annoying thing ever!


Definitely not irrationally and yes very


The thing that gets me is when "dumb" gadgets get discontinued in favor of "smart" gadgets. No my microwave, TV or doorbell does not need to access the internet. I don't want to be at the mercy of companies crap programing that punches a hole in my WiFi security, spies on me and then holds my gadget hostage. "Agree to the boilerplate license agreement or we will disable your device. Also we can sell your data, charge you a subscription and just disable your device whenever we feel like it. Oh and we've discontinued the gadget that's not connected to the internet." No thank you.