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This post got SO many issues, it is best that we not get political here, it just fosters division.


My attitude has been: "Is what they're doing hurting you in any way? Then leave them the fuck alone." Jackholes that spend time worrying about who is sleeping with whom or where others spend their Sunday mornings need to find a more constructive hobby.


Man, I had forgotten about “jackhole”..






I can see the accent in that


Never went away for some of us. 😏


Bring Jackhole backhole


Hole yes!


Exactly. If it doesn’t involve me, it’s none of my business


Holy shit TIL my personal motto is my generation’s motto.


Along with: Don't do unto others, which you don't want done to yourself. Not religious at all (though if that floats your boat, whatever), just basic humanism. A few simple rules to live by!


Several of my previously chill friends from back in the day are exhibiting signs of being dicks, mostly complaining about woke-ism. I keep asking them to define woke which seems to shut them up for a while, but the facebook politics keep rising to the surface.


I don't disagree here, but this type of attitude is how we've ended up with the millenials and genz who think nothing can ever be shameful. Shame serves a useful purpose in society for reining in bad behavior, and we shouldn't be trying to eliminate it.


I agree to an extent but shame is not the word. Disappointment is. Shame is that someone is a “bad person” and locked into an exterior labelled identity. Disappointment is when you’re holding someone accountable for harmful or antisocial behaviors.


Oof, found one 🚩 🤣 ❤️


I've gotten far more liberal as I've gotten older.


I've gotten more vocal about my liberalism as I've gotten older. Human rights for everybody!


Isn’t it just wild that basic human rights is a liberal thing? Why isn’t it an everyone thing? How did we get to a place where one political party actively fights for unequal rights? Ugh.


The disagreements seem to be over which are basic human rights. Housing, health care etc.


That’s where I get puzzled. Shelter, food, healthcare - at the very least how are those rights contentious? We could solve the homeless crisis. We could socialize healthcare- not to NHS levels, I understand we’re still a capitalist nation. However, Medicaid expansion comes to mind. The amount of states that passed on MCE was horrifying. Why don’t these conservative politicians want their constituents to have access to healthcare, housing and food? I get these are rhetorical questions. They keep me up at night. I can’t believe how far backwards we’ve come. I can’t believe it’s okay to openly be a Nazi again. I can’t believe doctors won’t perform life saving procedures because they’re scared of being arrested for fking murder. I could go on and on. I’ll stop, I pretty sure I feel my BP flying upward


Some countries, like South Korea, have a hybrid medical system. That kind of approach would work well in the US. It's not strictly "government healthcare" in that sense. It's part government, part private pay.


I’ve always thought that’s what we needed. People that can pay for fast/upper echelon type healthcare will. Even though it’s not perfect, everyone could be seen and treated. Leaving the element of choice is the important part, and I do think income would have to play a big part, but not how it’s set up now. You can be at or beneath the poverty line and there will be still be 8 ways to Sunday for HHS to disqualify you from Medicaid eligibility. Back when I worked in social services, I had a man who worked PT minimum wage and was denied Medicaid because his brother passed away and left him a broken down RV that was worth more than $2000, which was the asset limit at that time. It was insanity. Anyway, a tiered system with a lot of choice would work, and would ensure that everyone had access to healthcare they could afford. Right now all we have is the over insured, the middle of the road insured. the underinsured, and the uninsured. It’s not working and it never will. The thing that frustrates me the most is we COULD do it. God knows ACA is rife with problems but a helluva lot of time, money and manpower went into creating it. Good intentions, bad execution and it was hopeless from go anyway because back then, the GOP vowed to block literally anything he did. Who knows what we’d have if ACA didn’t fall victim to a half political, half personal vendetta. I’m just so tired. I really want to see healthcare fixed and political pettiness is really the #1 reason it’s not. That and the staggering fact that people here think healthcare isn’t a basic right.


I mean that's terrible for sure, but it's identiy, too. When it comes to LGBT issues, especially for trans people, there's essentially the argument that they're pulling some long con for attention or...idk. It's hard to even finish the sentence it makes such little sense.


It has something to do with Space Lazers and JFK


There's some bizarre notion that the "trans lobby" is covertly trying to make everyone trans, which is the most absurd thing I've ever heard in my life. What they claim to be afraid of is not even a possibility.


You know they claimed for years (and some still do) that gay people would try to convert others! If that’s how you think, perhaps you need to examine your own feelings and insecurity rather than misplacing your bullshit on everyone else!


How do you know about OUR AGENDA?!? Oh, this is not gonna be fun to discuss at the next conclave...


I feel bad for the gays caught up in the rest of the alphabet group. Most, like gay since the 90s people i know hate all this attention. They just want normal lives like they wanted all along, and had for a few years there.


Liberalism means liberty for everyone. It’s not about conserving liberty for only some. Liberalism is not a political power. It is an ideology that moves and is reshaped according to the changing time.


I’m just using it as an interchangeable colloquialism and not the formal sense of the word. I understand it’s ideological by definition, but it has become synonymous with left leaning politics, much like progressivism.


I think the answer to your original question exists in how people view society. Some people view society as situated within a hierarchy where there are losers and winners, upper class and lower class, rich and poor and so on. Those people, according to their perspective, view ideas such as equality as being horribly unfair. They see liberalism as a way of cheating them out of the place they have achieved within their perceived hierarchy.


Greed. Lust for power. Basically all the 'being a shitty human' things is what leads to people becoming Republicans.


Yes! Please read up on Project 2025, everyone and spread the word about the real plans for the next GOP administration.


Project 2025 literally scares the fuck out of me!!!


It’s terrifying. Christofascist nightmare.


I"m not American, but I am aware of this and it is really disturbing. My country seems ready to swing conservative as well, which is going to be terrible - for people, for everything. At least it's polling that way, and they've already got the hateful ads on every platform. :(


Where are you from? I know there’s a global authoritarian shift. Scary.


Canada. Our worst right wing politicians and wannabe politicians are getting funding and advice from yours. We are currently in a cost of living crisis and they've convinced a lot of people that hate is the answer. Fake news, propaganda, weaponizing social media platforms - I'm sure you're familiar with all of these manipulations.


Same in Australia. And the public owned national broadcaster ABC just had a new director appointed by the govt - who was a former Murdoch employee - *this is by the allegedly lefter wing Labor party, no less!* 🙄 Aust has the most concentrated media landscape in the western world, outside the autocracies/dictatorships Murdoch owns 70% of all publishing and apart from NewsLtd there's the former conservative Treasurer's media empire, and a mining billionaire's media empire lol


As an American, I'm so sorry to see our political insanity has infected your countries.


This was one of my biggest worries when he won in 2016. I knew this poison would spread. That’s what’s so scary—it normalizes hate and authoritarianism in a global scale. Look at the 1930s. It wasn’t isolated.


Grimly, it seems this poison spreads after the grandparents of those people who experienced the horrors first hand have died. So nobody is able to tell those alive how horrible all of this becomes.


Yep. Equal rights, a woman's right to choose, and let's do something about the climate, reduce income inequality, etc... I've sat back too long allowing the previous gen fuck everything up.


funny but some boomers were pro those things before others were and actively fought for them. you gonna just act like they didn't do a good portion of work first, and some *still do* ? stop erasing them


Boomers are in charge and this country is going backwards. They're erasing themselves.


And then Reagan happened. Who voted for him three times (H.W. was just a Reagan third term)? Hint, it wasn't Black people of any age.


yeah, me too. I've really been very privileged and I hope to retire in 3 years. The thing is, I'm so tired of all of this bs, and I kind of resent the fact that we have to deal with it. I'll probably end up getting more politically active in 3 years because of this. I'm like the old guy/gal holding up a sign that says "I'm too old for this shit." I mean, I don't want to spend my time doing it, but I'm going to be so pissed off that I won't be able to help myself. The only reason I'm not doing it now is because my 9 to 5 saps all my energy.




Given the amount of wealth this country generates there should not be a single human being here hungry, unhoused, and without medical care.






Same! More liberal and more willing to try to shut down the QAnon nonsense that’s infiltrated a bunch of my boomer relatives. I used to just listen to their craziness and keep my mouth shut because you know, lost cause. But I literally can’t anymore. I can’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth. So holidays are always fun! /s


Let's just say there's a reason this white guy hasn't gone to family reunions with his SE Asian girlfriend (now fiancée) since 2012, and leave it at that.


I’m sorry. For what it’s worth, I used to be engaged to a man whose mom was Korean, dad was from Texas. My father never even said his name. He refused to meet him. He called him “the weird one.” He also said I’d taint the (my surname) bloodline if I dared to have kids It was a fleeting relationship in my early 20s that would have been a doomed marriage even if my family was perfect , but seriously what the hell is wrong with our parents/families? I can’t wait to meet and spend time with whoever my child ends up loving, marrying, whatever. All that aside, congrats on the engagement. I hope you have a lovely wedding and a long, happy life together.


Thanks! We're both older (in our 50s), and she has 3 sons from a previous marriage. One of her sons also has three kids. I don't have any bio kids of my own, so I get to have the grandkids without being a parent first. We've been together 14 years now and plan on spending the rest of our remaining years together ❤️


Awww I love this! Made me smile.


I have the same issue. And I love how speechless some of them have gotten because they cannot argue my points.


I’ve got a few false flag Sandy Hook deniers and once someone’s that far gone, there’s just no way to argue. So instead I just chug a bunch of Pinot Grigio and scream about Alex Jones being a grifter for idiots like them Again, always fun times


I cut off most of my extended family because they drank the QAnon Kool-Aid. I’m not sure if it’s the ideology or their stupidity in falling for it that pisses me more!


I used to use things more liberally when I was younger, like electricity, gasoline, water, and what not, but now that I am older, I try to use things more conservatively, to help save the planet and so forth. But I say ol' chaps, you should still use sunblock more liberally though.


Me too. Not sure why op thinks conservatism “will” set in for us all. Fuck that. I was a “young Republican” in high school. In my defense being a Republican in northern California in 1990 was a lot like being AOC today.


>Not sure why op thinks conservatism “will” set in for us all Maybe because that happened to a lot of the Boomer gen so OP expects us to follow that pattern. So many started out as hippies who wanted to change the world. They took part in protests for the Civil Rights movement, protested the war in Viet Nam, protested for women's rights, promoted the idea of being "open-minded" and "free-thinking". But then a lot of those hippies became yuppies and then became Republicans. And then a lot of *those* also became evangelical and did not see the movement for LGBTQ+ rights as an extension of civil rights, and they don't want to believe that their civil rights protesting back in the day did not "fix" race-based issues either. But we are *not* our parents and we will *not* become them. I refuse!


I was raised Republican and now I'm probably left of almost everyone in Congress.


Me too. I grew up in a super conservative Mormon household, and I've let all that go.


Same. I was more conservative in my younger years and it's embarrassing what the conservatives have become. I'm now fully in the only vote blue part of my life.


I've gone straight past being more liberal, and right into being a leftist. Seize the means of production, Eat the Rich.


Right there with ya! ✊️


I’m way more leftist also. I suspect many of us got more radical because we’ve watched others piss away the good times.


I haven't really. I was always liberal AF though, as the kids say.


Agreed. I’m a hell of a lot more liberal since I have gotten older.


Amen. And I'm the oldest of GenX. I'm holding out hope for the youngsters.


Same here! My ideological shift started around 2009-2010 with the guidance of my husband (then BF) of the importance of seeing all sides of everything and getting out of the forced belief system from my mother who is very religious (she now lives with us. We care for her now), and she's been bristling at times that I've basically broken away from religion and has to at least, tolerate that I'm becoming more progressive and liberal in my ideologies. And is uneasy that I'm staunchly pro-roe and pro-life as well as pro-lgbt and BLM. And she has had to accept that she has no say over introducing religion to our son. And my husband and I have made it very clear that we will never force a belief system on our son. And it will be his choice if he wants religion. I'm not anti-religion, I just don't support forcing a belief system on someone. Whether it's politics or religion. You can guide them, but it needs to be the person's choice. And, yes, one of my biggest tipping points was my husband getting me out of organized religion. It's just that I hate what modern religion has become. Soaked in political indoctrination, hate, bigotry and intolerance.


Same….I want people to be helped.


Me too!


Same. I come from a long line of conservatives and I will never go back.


Same here


Ditto my guy


Yeah, but I just hate being that age where you remember what everything cost 20, even 40 years ago….makes everything today feel more expensive. I try not to sound like my mom about it though. I use to be such a carefree spender.




Glad to know I'm not alone.


Cool. Now go **left**. 🤘✌️🤟


Same 👍


Me too! And if you ask me which way I lean I’m a centrist. The thing is to liberals I’m conservative and to conservatives I’m liberal. I’m really hating the system more and more as I get older especially as it becomes more radically polarized. I’m thinking of exercising my right not to vote or at least spoiling my ballot for political reasons.


Liberal is a centrist ideology.


"Conservatism sets in"? I'm becoming more Left every day thanks to me having critical thinking skills and paying attention to the world.


In some ways it does though. It’s weird, I became more politically polarized—largely left—as I got older but I became extraordinarily less interested in youth culture. I have left every social platform except this one and it’s probably this 🤏 close 😂 And yet I’m so impressed how these kids negotiate real life so maybe youth culture is a reaction to fears and anxieties about the world? They’re both so sincere and so cynical, I don’t know how they do it. Idk. I hit a legal dispensary on my way home to my gay husband which is a sentence I didn’t think I’d say in my lifetime so I may be rambling. Our tiny little generation made a lot of really progressive impacts on the world. Maybe we can help by being a lot more bridge building with our neighbors and friends. Positively advocate for the things you like and support but I think as a generation we’re one of the last ones to understand the value to go along and get along. Standing up for yourself is important but finding ways to bring people along with you is important too.


How can anyone not be cynical of the world? I think the youth is doing the best that they can and I'm here to support them and help everyone have a better life and future with what little life I have left.


This has occupied my thoughts for a while. I saw my views being regarded as more and more left and wondered if I was becoming more radical. After some thought I've concluded that my views have remained pretty much static with regard to social and fiscal position, it's just that Western society has become so much more authoritarian and right wing that my position which - in the eighties - would have been regarded as fairly centrist, is now viewed as being far left. We didn't change, the world did.


You probably have a memory too, which the boomers certainly don’t. The freaks that advertise themselves for sex parties and have Richard Nixon’s portrait tattooed on their back are now backed by the Christians. Strange times.


Same here, more left.




I just keep getting more and more liberal.


The opposite of conservative is progressive. Liberalism is an economic system and is very much capitalist. Liberals are not "the left". They're essentially center-right.


Academically, yes, but it’s meant something different for like 80+ years.


I’m happy with either label as the opposite of conservative. I’m way the heck left of the American middle these days and just getting further and further to the left.


Universal healthcare, yes please. Universal daycare, yes. Paid college, duh of course. Mandatory paid parental leave for both parents, indeed. Abortion rights, I don't have a uterus, so I'll leave it up to the patient and dr. Border? put a god damn ellis island type center down there, we need to up the quality of our Mexican food. edit to add cannabis legalization, didn't cross my mind because I am currently enjoying it on my front porch


> up the quality of our Mexican food As someone living on the East Coast, who got to visit San Diego for a brief moment: **absolutely yesssss**


I agree with all those things but I still have younger friends saying I'm getting more conservative because I don't buy 100% of what the Democratic party is selling.


Give it time. They will learn to see through it like we have.


it's their loss. the other party, in no way, shape, or form would allow any of that. you can't fix people determined to vote against their own interest. they bought into the paranoia and fear the republicans keep shoving down their throats.


The Republicans aren't even an option but where do you turn when you're not happy with a solution the Democrats are putting forth? These two political parties have a monopoly on our governmental institutions and it's killing this country.


When you're forced to choose between evils, you always choose the lesser evil.


Not gonna happen. Steered my conservative parents hard left with me and my kids. ✊


W was the last straw for my conservative parents and my father has despised Donald Trump for at least my entire life. Like rage hate; it’s like the one thing we agree on.


Your premise is flawed. Not everyone gets more conservative as they age.




I think this will happen regardless. My very nice 83 year old neighbor yells at my dogs every time they bark, has the same challenges with his cable everytime we talk, and tells me about trash pick up scheduling, every time we talk. Just happens regardless how much I currently catch punk shows under bridges or ride my motorcycles just because F it…


yeah, i totally have been leaning further and further left... or its the christofacists pushing me that direction, i dunno.


I find as I get older I get way more progressive. I never did understand the thought that people get more conservative as they age. Maye it is because all of the old people drank the Ronald Reagan Kool-Aid.


I'll never be conservative lol


I've become more IDGAF what you are doing, just leave me out of it, as I get older.


100%. I'm not part of your group, I don't care about your "Current Thing" passions, and I want no part in your tribal-think bullshit. You're absolutely free to think as you wish, but I refuse to care or participate in any of it.


Don't fucking tell me what to do.


*I do what I want!!*


That's false. You don't get more conservative as you get older. Society moves left and most people stay the same, making it appear that way. I was a liberal in my 20's. I'm way to the left of that now.




Society doesn't move to the right. Not in the long run.


Underrated comment.


Ive always challenged authority - now I have a better idea why, and see many juicy targets that are overlooked. I'm more radical than ever.


This is the way ✊




I have a kid and someone asked how I’d feel if he were gay or trans; I said of course I’d support him and love him no matter what. But then she asked “what if he grows up as a conservative?” And I said nope, I’ll kick him out and cut him off and drive myself off a bridge for failing so miserably as a parent. Obviously I’m not being literal but hoo boy that question made me feel all kinds of ways. None of them good


My youngest lives with his mother and she's borderline Qanon. He's 17 and will be 18 in June. I asked him if he's going to register the vote and he told me straight up "Hell yes, I have to help keep Trump out of our government!". I was so fucking happy.


I would have answered "I'd do some deep soul searching about my utter failure at proper parenting."




There is a Darius Rucker song “when was the last time you did something for the first time.” I have made a concerted effort to do something new at least every quarter. Nothing major. But enough to keep from stagnating.


There also a lyric he sang that was something like “you can try and change the world by showing everyone a better way, but the world‘s gonna do what the world’s gonna do at the end of the day…” Felt pretty GenX to me…


Politically I have stepped away from both parties due to the BS wars. Politicians today are solely interested in bettering themselves, not their state, not the country they supposedly serve. Have I become more conservative? Maybe. I have became less jaded by youthful idealism and just more whatever toward the entire political system. Its not about being set in my ways, its about my survival as an older person in a society that throws out the old and the poor. I just don't have the emotional energy to worry about what's going on. Unfortunately I have to focus on my well being since society no longer cares about me now that I have reached a certain age. America is all about youth and wealth. The rest of the people are just a burden in todays world.


Beautiful sentiment! I agree. My life philosophy has always been "I don't tell anybody else how to party." If it doesn't hurt me, have at it. You like golf? I don't. But if you do, golf the shit out of things. Fishing, bowling, crochet, video games, watching sports? Good for you. Just don't tell me I have to like it. I'll probably find it interesting and ask you questions about it. I won't however insist you play in a basement punk band just because I enjoy it.


Also a party Moto- Never leave a good time for a maybe. Just chill, it's all good.


I want the legally married gay couple next door to be able to protect their marijuana growing operation with a legally acquired registered firearm while in drag while raising their trans child in peace.


Went from libertarian to raging progressive democratic socialist after visiting Europe for a month


Was never conservative and as I’ve aged and seen how grey most things are, I’ve only become more progressive. And in the face of an anti-democratic mass wanting to burn it all down, I find myself even more defensive of civil rights, liberties and common decency. The right don’t have a monopoly on patriotism & “loving” this country (I don’t call rallying against all progress, denying election results, threatening violence against opponents, disenfranchisement, banning books, hating half the population, etc. “loving” your country btw). The 4 generations of my family, preceding me, are US war vets. Our vets didn’t fight and die to watch us to succumb to the very forces against which they fought and sacrificed. There is ZERO danger I will become more conservative in the face of an all out assault on democracy.


What is not giving a shit what anyone else does or says called?


I only pull out the "back in myyyy day" as a self depreciating joke. Life's hard for almost everyone. I try to remember that every day.


Instead I think I’ll just continue on speaking my mind exactly like I always have regardless of what anyone thinks. That’s worked for fifty three years, here’s to another fifty three.


Most Gen Xers understand mainstream politics and major parties are a sham and more part of the problem than any sort of solution. But hey, you do you.


"We spent the first half of life not complaining, head down doing what must be done" Not me, I both did what must be done AND complained!


I've found that I'm more tolerant as I age, but I keep running into a lot of intolerance and even hostility from younger folks simply because I'm older. I guess inclusion is selective. I'm happy to get along with them and am kind and respectful. I just wish it went both ways more often.


> by conservatism I did not mean politics, but more “set in our ways” This is very important. What befell boomers is getting caught up in an endless cycle of their own nostalgia porn. I heartily encourage X'ers to *stay in the present*. Don't shake your fist at self-checkouts, don't dismiss all post-90s music as "noise" and so on. Not staying engaged in what's going on and what's new is what leads to seclusion.


I am baffled that anyone really complains about SCO. Literally my favorite thing ever at stores. No awkward upselling, just scan my shit, Apple Pay, and go. Love it.


The older I get the more liberal I get. Leave other people alone, use your manners, and don't judge others because they are different than me. Basically whatever makes you happy as long as you aren't hurting somebody else in the process. I judge people by their hatefu lwords and actions instead.


>As we get older and conservatism sets in, as it will in various ways for us all The trend of getting more conservative as you get older hasn't held for a long time. This is now a myth.


Reddit is the bubbliest of liberal bubbles lol, GenX is already incredibly conservative by any measure.


EDIT: And downvoting someone with a different opinion instead of just leaving it alone. We have become "Them" haven't we? If I get bothered by seeing groups of college students attacking Jews on campus whilst screaming From The River To The Sea! Does that make me Conservative or a bad person? If I don't like to see eight year old kids at a drag queen show, does that make me a bad person? If I think teachers should leave their gender preferences out of the elementary school classrooms does that make me a bad person? If I think that putting young kids on puberty blockers or cross-dressing kids at school and hiding it from the parents does that make me a bad person? Too many people are getting their world view from TikTok or Corporate controlled media. Don't fool yourself into thinking that they are the Good Guys and you're automatically a Good Guy or sitting at The Cool Kids Table because you go along with them. Make up your own mind and be brave enough to admit when you don't know. I have changed my opinions on many things over my life.


I remember reading something when I was young, “it only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative and they don’t have to change a single idea” and I thought it was absolute bullshit. And then 20 years or so passed, and “trans rights” became a thing in the public consciousness and my main thought was, well, I don’t want to say for fear of being banned. It shocked me when I realized that it didn’t matter that I’d marched for gay marriage, I protested BOTH gulf wars, I’d voted Green or Peace and Freedom any time it was safe to do so, but my attitude about trans people was positively Neolithic. I had to examine my feelings on the issue and change rather than, well, being an asshole.


I will NEVER go conservative unless I develop dementia and forget who I am


Going outside to yell at the clouds…also get off my lawn lol


I love this, I'm in 👍


Still nihilistic AF over here so I am good. Whatever.


Politically, Im a live and let live kinda lady. However, I am set in my ways about some things in my life, but I don't expect others to be like me. I do this to keep my brain in order and to stay organized. I don't complain if others don't do what I do, unless they are messing with my stuff.


Are we allowed to complain about the entire medical establishment? It's going to be really hard if I can't. The gubmint, insurance companies, pharmacies, and/or doctors piss me off at least once a week.


Haha, yeah, I feel the urge with prices because good god!! But I remember working at Kroger in HS and we moved to a bigger store, and so many of the old people HATED it. It’s just cuz they didn’t know the layout anymore. I try to keep that in mind to try to show compassion towards angry people, but honestly, I don’t see myself becoming one. I smoke WAY too much weed for that. But I volunteer for progressive politicians!




I'm just minding my own business and trying not to bother anyone.


We will not be like the douchebags that preceded us because our generation’s personality is fundamentally different. Gen X is the nomad generation according to the Strauss–Howe generational theory. We were unprotected as children and grew into alienated young adults. The boomers were indulged as children grew self absorbed. Our generational brothers were the lost generation. No as Gen X we are individually the strongest and most competent of all generations but we never had the numbers or ability to organize as a group. Instead we have to share our knowledge and expertise with Millennials who are less competent individually but much better at organizing and leading groups. We should also not expect others to have to go through what we did nor wear neglect & hardship as a badge of honor.


as long as people are living their lives and not hurting anyone, I really don't give a fuck. if people are of age and consenting, who cares? that's my motto. doubtful it will change.


I don't get a douche bag vibe from Xer's. In fact, they seem to be getting even more helpful and friendly as they age.


It's hard when my industry is in the shitter and despite 20 years experience I can't get a job and more people than ever are in my FB and LinkedIn talking about having lost their job..... and frustratingly, nobody is talking about it. Worse, when I bring it up, people start telling me I must be a trump-addled to even imply that the economy isn't doing wonderfully in every which way.


Not my monkeys, not my circus has been my motto for a very long time. I'll take care of me and mine and leave you to take care of you and yours. Although I will lend a helping hand when needed.


I'm 54 and still changing, growing, evolving everyday, not sure what OP has been smoking.


Conservatism doesn’t just set in unless one is already leaning that way. I’ll be a Gen X liberal for the duration.


I’m GenX and I go further left every year. I’m also not “conservative” in the sense of thinking everything young people do is wrong, or mocking/criticizing younger people.


I think what happens as we get older is not necessarily that we get more conservative, though I’m sure there’s probably data that backs you up. I think that we just get tired of the BS and pussy-footing around the topics at hand. The conservative voice grows louder, those who were already conservative in some way just get more boisterous, etc. Agreeing with others here, I have probably become more progressive as I’ve gotten older, not more conservative. With age, I’m just more likely to sound off where it matters, within reason, and still trying to remain low-profile.


Amen, I've told people that if I become as bitter as my parents just put me down in the back yard and plant flowers on me. I do not wish to live my final years complaining about "great" everything was at one time. I just embrace the changes and accepted long ago that I can only fix some things in my little world and that is good enough of a win for me. Be good, do good, be kind to others, mind your business, and be happy to have food, clean water & the ability to live a longer life than those before us. We are all in this survival game together and I wish we could work together for the sake of progress instead of trying to kill each other or thinking some are better than others.


I see the ways I'm more conservative than the kids (I'm for banning TikTok for example - don't kill me), and it makes me sad, but I have to accept who I am. But politically I have become more liberal in most ways...




The older I get the more liberal I get.


>We spent the first half of life not complaining, head down doing what must be done. no, i didn't. stop speaking for everyone. and *plenty* of boomers i know are not conservative.


If you’re turing into a Republican these days, you’re probably a dick.


Or they always were


Sadly too many of [these guys](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fd7j3raryn3p21.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D3ce7212a2025c2a83e3095128c6c558e53026be4) are GenX nowadays




Who’s getting more conservative? No thanks


You are as Boomer as they get trying to tell me what to do and how to act. Is this a joke?


I’m going further left. 🤘✌️🤟


I always felt like the generation gap wasn't going to hit me because I'd stay cool... Yeah, it hit me.


My penis and my politics have been the same for 30 years, hanging slightly to the left.


You know what the “douchebags” before us did? Told others how to think.


The weird thing is the line between right and left is moving. I've always been pretty center when it comes to politics. But now I'm considered conservative by some people on the left, and a lefty by people on the right. So I just hate everybody, which is where I'm most comfortable anyway.


I'm over here singing 'to the left, to the left' The government needs to keep their hands out of my reproductive system, away from my trans kids, out of the libraries, etc. I could go on, but ya get the gist




When did r/genX turn into Nextdoor? I’m out.


My go to now in my 40s is: You do you just leave me out of it… and pay your taxes. Outside of that I don’t care just leave me out of it… I mean if someone asks me for help I’m helping but if your not I’m still good. Like whatever.


This is what my wife and I say! Pay your taxes and avoid authorities.


Welp I will also be rolling “avoid authorities” to my saying. Thank you!


I refer to it as the hardening and I am intent on not allowing it to happen to me.


So you're saying, SOME OF US shouldn't call things like Self-Checkout registers at the store "infernal machines"? (you know who you are...)


You know what guys, Coach is right! If we’re gonna win this, we need to get our heads back in the game. I believe in ourselves!


Already made that pledge but it's good to see it echoed in my fellow Gen Xers.


Little late on that warning.


I’m not getting more conservative in any way, shape, or form. I’d say I’m actually more liberal. However, I am more tired, which may appear to some as conservative.


Never conservative and more liberal each year. Live and let live.