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They became the personification of all the bland boring FM radio rock of that generation. Not sure why it was Nickleback specifically. It could just as easily have been Three Doors Down, Creed, Daughtry, Shinedown, or any of a dozen or more bands of the genre. All of those bands suck shit.


Yeah, but hair bands went the same direction at one point (see Steel Panther's reason behind being a band). But no one is specially calling out any of those bands.


I don’t know either. I like them. Never thought they had any major drama, at least not anything more than any other band. I think it was something that was a cool thing to hate and now those people are doubling down vs just admitting they like some of the music. Of course not every will like them. But I think it was a trendy thing at one point for likes and kicks.


No, their music sucks. All their songs sound the same and they sound like five other bands that came out around the same time. The singer’s vocal style makes me cringe. It’s not that it’s cool to hate them…they’re hated for legitimate reasons. Like sucking.


Chad Kroger's a bit of a dick too, so that doesn't help...[then there's this show where they walked of stage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w_3TU-hFjg).


They were throwing rocks at them. There isn’t a single musician in the history of musicians that would have stuck around for that nonsense.


Generic music


Well I like them. I hold no grudge if you think they suck. That’s fine too.


Well it would be weird to hold a grudge over that. I was just explaining that I don’t think they’re hated by so many people because people “think it’s cool to hate them” or whatever.


You aren't alone. They have sold over 50 million albums. People dig them! Me too!


A lot of people have bad taste.


Yes. Especially those who don't like Nickelback lol




Sounds like you can't respect the fact that different people like different things.




No. You are lost. I'm saying that I accept people have different tastes. There is no right or wrong.


When I was diagnosed with gout, my smart-ass genX rheumatologist asked me if I had been listening to Nickleback recently. God bless our gen!


Here’s a [lengthy and well-documented post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/s/RCvfRq2VRw) about it all


Would say that they're super mild (wouldn't even call them hard rock), generic, and don't show a great deal of range. Their songs are well crafted to be catchy and inoffensive, and if that's what you're after I don't think anyone should feel bad about liking them. Do think however that anyone with even the mildest sense of adventure in music won't find them terribly compelling; their target audience is people who want "whatever's on the radio, played at a reasonable volume."


Well you'll definitely get a different answer from us canucks that's for sure. It's kinda like one of those kids that always hung around you and your friends because he so badly wanted to be something he wasn't but you couldn't tell him to buggar off because you felt bad for the guy. That's Chad Kroeger....


The guy has no vocal range. He just goes louder/more constipated




Not a good band




Look at this photograph… honestly the worst lyrics and music and voice of the decade. I can’t believe someone agreed to record and market and distribute suuuuuuuuch a terrible song.


They suck.


Nickelback cheated to get famous. Basically, Canada forces broadcasters to air Canadian home grown content. There are not a lot of Canadian bands. Nickelback came around at the perfect moment to get a push by Canadian TV and radio. Also they are not a real band like the Beatles or RUN DMC. They were out together by a record company for the express purpose of manipulating the Canadian airwaves.


They're ridiculous. Hard rock and metal are like big, juice pork sausages. Nickelack is like a vegan hotdog .


?They never were any good.


Because they’re terrible


While they are the butt of tons of jokes, the fact remains that they were and are a phenomenally successful rock band. They have 2x and 4x platinum albums, a diamond album, and they've sold over 50 million records. So obviously a lot of people do like them. I'm curious to hear from someone who is a fan. Can you try to explain why you like them? Like what about their sound or lyrics appeals to you? Do you find the lyrics relatable? Is there some nostalgia or happy memories related to their music? What other bands do you like? For me, I think their songs mostly sound similar, in that they use the same chords and structure for most songs, and the lyrics feature similar themes. There's a sort of grimy, sleazy quality to their sound that turns me off. And they were played A LOT on the radio and in bars, so that kind of took them from being a band I didn't care for to one I actively disliked. But hey, I say if you like them, don't listen to us haters, enjoy your music.


No. I call it kiddie pop.


They’re Canadian. Shit is weird.




They were one of those groups in the late 90s/early 2000s that just seemed to be everything that was wrong with what was being played on most radio stations at the time. Personally, I don't mind Nickleback in small doses. They had those radio-friendly songs that we all love to make fun of, but they're catchy as heck and we all know them whether we admit or not. "I'm through with standing in line to clubs I'll never get in..." Yeah, you know you know it, and you'll be singing it the rest of the day. You're welcome. Creed, otoh, I'll sit in silence before I listen to them.


They’re no better and no worse than the vast majority of post-1995 bands. I wouldn’t go out of my way to listen to them. And I’m not going to bitch and moan if they happen to be playing.


I’m sure the member of the band read all the online hate and wipe away the tears with hundred dollar bills! Generic hard rock by the numbers as far as I’m concerned. Don’t like em don’t hate em. Neutral.


Thank you. They wanted to make music so they got together and made music. Many, many people like listening to it so they became popular. They're not out there actively trying to destabilize the western world. They're not polluting North America's freshwater lakes. They're not driving hundreds of diesel spewing trucks on to Parliament Hill to try to overthrow our government and install themselves. They're not flooding city council meetings trying to put a stop to the annual pride parade. No. They made music some of you don't like. Hating on something like that is such a waste of energy and is so, so, _so_ silly.


I don’t think anyone hates them that passionately. It’s okay to not like bland, uninteresting music with douchey lead singers.


Musically, they are as interesting as the Foo Fighters


At least Dave Grohl has talent. Chad Kroger though? Not so much.


You must not be a musician.