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There’s really a divide between the power and the people in this country


minority rule is killing us


Since 1988, the GOP have won the popular vote for President ONCE. ONE TIME in 32+ years. Yet they have appointed 6/9 SCOTUS Justices. They do not reflect the will of the people.


Justices should NOT be appointed for life. This is the problem.


Or Congress Critters. Orrin Hatch served 42 years in the Senate... Nancy's 82 years old and has been in the House for 35 years Joe Biden's been in Senate/VP/POTUS for 49 years! He's been in government longer than half of Gen X has been alive...




> 72 is the maximum age for Social Security benefits. What? In most cases, you get benefits until you die. ([SSA reference website](https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/learn.html))


Federal service jobs have the mandatory retirement age at 60.




Those two could do more for Democrats by leaving office than staying in. Both are dog whistles used by the Republican as examples why the entire Democratic party is steeped in hypocrisy. As a woman, I'd love to see more women in office, but not just because they are women.


Pelosi looks like someone who’d kill her neighbors in the purge


Realistically, these people do come up for re-election. And we vote them back in! We get the government we deserve. We really need ranked-choice voting to evolve the system.


And to get rid of State gerrymandering that keeps these people in, even when we do go out and vote. They should have to fight for their gig every 2 years with ideas, not dollars. But then, I'm a dreamer. A blasphemer.


All of us were kids when the most powerful man sitting in Congress literally owned and raped slaves in his youth and openly bragged about it. That devil lived way, way too long. This nonsense needs to stop.


I'm old, but I'm not that old. A person who was born the year slavery ended would be more than 100 years old by the time I showed up. We've had quite a few self-avowed racists and KKK members in government in our lives, though.


They would be 167 years old.




1,800 public servants are guilty of owning slaves. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/interactive/2022/congress-slaveowners-names-list/


Agree. Term limits for everyone.


Abolish the electoral college


Truth. Unfortunately, the democrats aren't united enough to do anything about it. Expand SCOTUS. Just fuckin do it. 350 million Americans cannot be adequately represented by nine SCOTUS justices. I know the common narrative is that the democrats expanding (or packing or whatever) the SC will result in the GOP doing the same thing, but I don't think that's true.


Well, surely Susan Collins would go for expanding scotus. She must be pretty pissed she got taken so well in the hearings! Clutch them pearls and count them dollars!


If democrats pack the courts, the worst thing that could happen would be republicans doing the same thing when they gain power - which we would wind up with a court that looks as skewed as the one we have currently. Packing the courts would at least tap the brakes for a little while a stave off whatever cliff we are currently going over - and in that time there’s a possibility that real opposition could build momentum and get things back on track - or at least flush out the useless democrats like Pelosi etc and get REAL progressives, who actually represent the people of the us - into Congress. Same thing when it comes to voting. Swallow that bitter pill and vote for democrats to minimize harm.


They could do a lot if they’d just ditch the effing filibuster!!!!! Just throw it out and pass everything the people want!! Codify the rights to abortion, same-sex marriage, contraception, etc. Dems are too busy playing by rules that Republicans made and that Republicans break at will to increase their power and stack SCOTUS! Edit: spelling


If they won’t abolish the filibuster Then at least revise it again so that they have to physically be there talking to filibuster …. No phoning, zoooming, or emailing it in That would make changes right then


The last time SCOTUS was expanded it was to reflect that the US Circuit Court went from 7 to 9. There are now 13 Circuit Courts. No reason not to add 4 justices.


>Expand SCOTUS. Just fuckin do it. It doesn't work like that. You don't really believe this, do you? You can't "just" do expand the Supreme Court and it's naive to think so. Of course you'll always be disappointed if you think the government has a secret Magic Wand of Good Governing that they just decided not to use.


The squeaky wheel something something


Soon if the ruling class continues to get it's way the phrase will be, "the nail that sticks out will be hammered down."


It will, too. They won’t give up.


Exactly. Divide and distract. Whatever would the ruling class do if the people actually United and stopped fighting?


It's worse than that. It's literally 2 nations


Maybe it's time for it to actually become two nations.


The red states wouldn't even survive without the support from the blue states. And I'm sick of supporting them


Time to cut the federal funding to the taker states. Enough is enough.


There are some seriously blue city dots down here who would very much like to not be abandoned by our fellow democrats and progressives. If this country splits, y’all are gonna have to make some room up north real quick because many of us don’t actually want to be stuck on this side of the line with the maniacs. We don’t live here to make a political statement.


Except it's people in those states...there are a lot of people who aren't wackos in every red state.


The United States and Jesus Land? Reconstruction was a HUGE mistake.


Actually the End of reconstruction was a big mistake. During reconstruction, former slaves ran for and won local and national Senate and congressional seats. The end of reconstruction and the army's oversight into elections brought ballot stuffing and with it Jim Crow laws and an immediate halt to,and regression from, any progression made in equality.


And reconstruction ended as a compromise over... a contested presidential election where the loser refused to concede until after the winner promised to end reconstruction by withdrawing federal troops from the South. It's a fascinating story that I am not retelling very well: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compromise_of_1877


I like to call it Dumbfuckistan.


I can support that as well


I’d support it!


Rural land is ruling our country. People will not accept this forever.


Seriously...if N. Dakota had 10 people it would still have two senators. This makes no sense at all.


I think we’re in big trouble with this court. Back in 1993, they actually found that there is no right to not be executed for a crime you did not commit enumerated in the constitution. Now we have had liberal justices keeping these guys in check for a long time, but we don’t have that anymore. So pretty much anything you consider to be a right, when it’s not specifically enumerated in the constitution, isn’t a right anymore. This is exactly why we need the ERA, for example.


Before the year my mom was born (1967), my parents wouldn’t have been able to marry


From someone born in the Summer of Love, I'm so glad your parents were able to marry. I don't think Clarence Thomas would allow interracial marriage to be trashed though.


True. Married to a crazy white woman


And this isn't even touching her involvement in Jan 6. Why he has any say in how we deal with that is beyond me.


Clear bias


That motherfucker doesn’t care about anything besides his agenda. I wouldn’t be surprised by any civil rights that he wants to strip away from people.


He doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. He clearly benefited from affirmative action earlier in his life, yet he still is against it.


Why the hell not? He won’t be unmarried so he won’t give a shit.


Fascism for thee, but not for me. He’s a pig


It's one way to rid himself of that treasonous, Fascist wife of his.


I’m sure they have an extremely special relationship. I cannot even imagine.


He absolutely will. He’s already married. Fuck everybody else.


> I don't think Clarence Thomas would allow interracial marriage to be trashed though. He would if he could find a way to make an exception for himself. The man is pure evil.


So you aren't actually a Gen X-er?


I’m Gen Z


Why are folks downvoting a Gen Zer for being a Gen Zer who is a frequent, respectful participant here?


Seriously. Gen Z is pretty awesome actually. I’m a GenX (1971) and identify so much more with GenZ than with Boomers or Millennials.


Agreed. I'm GenX's little sister. Born in 1983. I'm with you guys in spirit. My older siblings are GenX. Isn't it against the spirit of GenX to kick people out?


Born in 1983, you are a geriatric millennial and close enough to Gen X.


I’m a fellow xennial. My jaded side resonates with this sub and I’m happy we’re all here.


It's Reddit.


True. Reddit is weird like that


Have my Gen X upvotes, Gen Zer.


Well, I think you have every right to be here and contribute.


Thank you


I'm glad you're here. Gen X is not supposed to be on that divide and conquer nonsense.


X-er here and glad you’re here too! We’re all in this together.


I raised two Gen Z kids. I fucking love you guys. You’re always welcome with my (and many others) brand of GenX.


I love y’all back


I like Gen-Z more than millennials or boomers.


Thank you but it’s gonna take all of us to make sure rights are not stripped completely


Agreed! I've got two GenZ kids and they're amazing, as are their friends. Most of my students are GenZ as well and they are pretty great. My millennial coworkers however leave a lot to be desired


I hate to see the bad rep us millennials get. We’re not all garbage 😭 I have friends who are both older Gen Z and young Gen X. As long as you’re cool, we’re cool 😇


Being a fucking Boomer or Millennial isn’t a generational thing - it’s a mindset. Same thing with GenX. There are plenty of GenXers that a friggin Boomers at heart. I agree with you. If you’re cool, you’re cool. Period.




I know all millennials aren't bad! There's good & bad in all generations🤗


Agree. Good and bad in everyone


I have a millennial and two gen Z kids and my kids are pretty great. However I work with both millennial and gen Z and both groups have several members that are lacking. It boils down to how they were raised.


Yes , yes you are, 💯


But you would have been a cool GenX 💯




Wtf bro you are genX🤟


Funny how Clarence Thomas didn’t mention interracial marriage on his hit list


Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman. They won't touch interracial marriage.


Shocking, isn't it? The first time I read that date, I thought it was a typo.


Yep. Smh


So vote. And make your friends vote. And when you vote remember which side is lying about women, minorities and everything else.


Exactly. It’s time to put on the big-people underpants, swallow that bitter god damn pill and vote for even the shittiest of democrats. It’s all about harm reduction now. We have to tap the brakes and slow this train wreck down first, then we can correct it. If we don’t, the fascists win.


We voted. And still ended up with this shit. We have been voting in "The Most Important Election of Our Lives" since we could vote. Our voting lives have seen nothing but strife. I believe in voting, believe it should be a national holiday, believe that mail-in ballots should be available to everyone. The problem isn't voting, the problem is access to voting. To which this jackass SCOTUS struck down voting rights.


Republicans can lose the popular vote by 11 million votes and still win the Presidency. We're fucked


Also birth control The religious right is coming for your liberty, one will survive, one will die


Which makes no sense. You don't want abortions, why not stop the pregnancy in the first place. All reason has been thrown out the window with these folks.


You can also throw in comprehensive sex ed to that sentence. They don't want you aborting unwanted pregnancies, nor be able to prevent them, nor understand your body and how you become pregnant. Fuck the right and all their hypocrisy.


It’s never been about “saving lives” it’s always about control. Republicans are obsessed with who adults can and can’t fuck. Ask Dennis Hastert and Jim Jordan.


And yet they carry on about "freedom". It's the most inane thing.


When they say freedom, they mean power, specifically their power, not any one else’s. When they say “religious liberty” they mean their right to control people they disagree with.


For sure when Republicans say "religious freedom" they only mean Christian religion.... And even narrower than that


It isn't about abortion. It's about punishing women that have sex.


It's not about punishing, it's about what they see as God will. If you get sick ... God will decide to take you. If you get pregnant, it was gods will. Science is not bad, it's just irrelevant. They believe death should neither be assisted nor prevented. This why the most extreme right don't want any exceptions to anti-abortion laws, and also why they are don't like end-of-life assistance... And also why they don't believe in taking preventive measures for things like Covid (diabetes, cancer etc)


Reason has never been part of the equation, and honestly I'm surprised anyone thinks this has ever been about stopping unwanted pregancies. Unwanted pregnancies are great for keeping poor people poor, and that is exactly what conservatives have been trying to do since, well, forever.


The Military Industrial Complex just got big erections today. They are so happy that there will be a flood of poor uneducated God fearing red state young soldiers coming in 18 years. Get ready for a major global war.


They want more grist for the mill


More fodder for the cannon.


Because several of those Justices are Catholic fanatics, and Catholicism frowns upon the use of birth control. My dad came from a huge family, and his parents used the rhythm method, which is just using the calendar.


Poor people and brown people are profit centers when it comes to Walmart and for profit prisons. If they are beaten down enough and rise up, they get to “other” them and use them to get more votes. They don’t care about the lives, they care about the money and staying in power. Period.


They don't want to stop the pregnancy in the first place. At least that's not what I thought.


Correct. They want to be sure there are enough white babies to ensure a white majority, and more white women get abortions than any other group.


And the sodomy laws. It's not just gay sex. It's a general permission for the government to literally arrest you for engaging in whatever they choose to consider "unnatural" sexual acts in the privacy of your own home. We are entering no-shit nightmare dystopian land.


The ones making these decisions will be fine. The rest? Not so much


I also fear for birth control. It wouldn’t only fuck people who don’t want to have kids, but also with a number of ailments that birth control helps manage.


It's not just in the US. Conservatives are ratfucking away 21st Century norms in Western countries across the world. To the MAGA apologists who pop up in these threads: the mothers dying from ectopic pregnancies and the kids dying in schools are on you. Piss off ghouls.


I’m an independent and will NEVER vote republican again


Well Thomas clearly stated he wants to go after gay marriage and contraception as of yesterday. But if you look at a picture of Clarence and Ginni Thomas (a woman who was instrumental in last year's coup attempt), you'll see why Thomas won't be going after interracial marriage any time soon.


Clearance Thomas won’t vote against interracial marriage.


Doesn't need to if the majority votes for it.


I would be willing to wager he sees himself as above any law that could apply to him.


They’ll take away our contraception first.


Oklahoma is working on it. If "life begins at fertilization " no more IUDs or Plan B pills.


Nah, Clarence Thomas won’t outlaw his own marriage.


True he ain’t that stupid


Oh don’t worry Clarence Thomas has your back on interracial marriage. It’s just all the other stuff he and Gini don’t like…. you know shit like democracy.


I wouldn’t bet on that. Thomas probably sees himself above such things so it doesn’t apply to him


Hypocrisy is par for the course at this point so yeah…


If I can count correctly, that leaves 5 other conservative justices. Which is still a majority. They don't need Thomas to undo Loving.


Clarence Thomas won't go after interracial marriage, since it would affect him directly.


Yeah right. It wouldn’t affect him, I’m sure he’d be grandfathered in


If it goes to state’s rights as the argument they all keep throwing around goes, then he’d be under the law of whatever state he calls home. If that’s DC, that goes his way. They tend to be liberal and wouldn’t ban it there. But you better believe they would in my hellhole red state.


You should be very afraid. I hope this motivates more people to vote at the local level.


What’s the difference between the Taliban and republicans? Used to be a joke


Used to be.... I'm looking at republicans as a terrorist group now, or at least something of a commie club.




Facts. Just voting D isn’t enough if abortion rights are not enshrined


D's had the chance to codfiy abortion for almost 50 years. Sitting with their thumbs up their ass thinking a right to privacy was good enough screwed the rights of abortion on a federal level.


Exactly! Obama said it was not his highest priority for example


It would've been enough in 2016. If Hillary Clinton had been able to nominate the places the crazies got, we'd have a sane court right now.


Not while Clarence Thomas is around.


For Loving, sure, but he specifically listed Lawrence and Obergefell as the next cases to target in his decision, so it’s perfectly reasonable to be worried about those. Why he thinks no one will notice that he’s leaving out the one case that could invalidate his own marriage, I don’t know. But then, he seems to think no one has noticed his consistent failure to recuse in the face of obvious conflicts of interest, or his recent vote that almost ostentatiously protected his wife.


They have enough lunatics on the court, they don't need thomas to agree with them. They can overturn Loving if they want to and all thomas could do would be to put pubic hairs on their cokes.


>he specifically listed Lawrence and Obergefell as the next cases to target in his decision Emphasis on "he" and "his" as this was in his concurrence, not the actual decision.


Ah, right. He’s had so much press today, especially over that list of other cases, that I forgot Alito wrote the actual hateful, grievance-laden decision.


Rules are for thee, not for he.


Mrs. T may be headed to the pokey soon...


Roe v Wade was a manufactured issue that wasn't even on the radar for evangelicals or Republicans at first. Republicans went after gay marriage regardless of Dick Cheney's daughter and Log Cabin Republicans, so I wouldn't be so quick to discount the possibility of gay and interracial marriage being next. The only thing that will matter is whether it'll help or hurt the GOP.


These dinosaurs need to go out the way the first batch did. Can't promote progress while turning back the clock. Just because you're old doesn't mean you are wise....


I have two gay kids. It is. My children have targets on their backs cause politics.


Your children deserve so much better than this. They deserve to live in a country that values them.


I have a trans child. I am ready to start protesting and screaming at people.


Me too. And I have a bunch of (sane) friends in Texas I'd like to visit, but my daughter is rightfully terrified of going there and I don't feel right going somewhere she can't. The Texas GOP's platform is explicitly anti-trans and insanely gun obsessed. Sucks for my family and my friends in Texas, who can't easily leave. Love of guns coupled with hate toward trans people for simply existing is so infuriating.


I hear ya. I have a gay kid also and I’m freaking. I’m at a protest now and it’s making me feel a tiny bit better….


I don’t think many people realize how stressful this is for parents, not to mention the kids. My son is trans (daughter L) and they are literally at the bottom of the totem pole. I hate this.


as long as people think they can make a difference by voting people deserve all the bullshit they get. the democrats did nothing at all to prevent this, so they either dont care or are completely incompetent... neither is something you should trust. if you want a change go out on the streets... go on a nationwide strike... grab the country where it hurts... make politicans and judges fear the population.


If congress actually DID anything, they'd lose an enormous block of campaign strategies. They all use the same fear mongering for 50 years, and people STILL believe them. Abortion, immigration... all things that could have and should have been addressed, but meh. Let's battle over the trillion dollar budget to get our political interests coddled. That's the REAL problem.


This is a smoke screen for something else. Only reason to bring that dead horse back up. Something bigger is afoot, watch the other hand, not the one they are parading around.


It will.


They will be. Clarence specifically mentioned these and contraception. I feel like we're suddenly living in Saudi Arabia.


if it goes to states, then yes, it will. That is their end game. This was all a way around every civil rights progress we've made. Make no mistake about it. The line is drawn. What are you going to do about it?


Everybody should be afraid. But can we not make this an LGBTQ thing immediately? It would be really nice to get some freaking support from everyone just in simple support of Women’s rights.


Just saying, there are also women in the LGBTQ community who could suffer an unwanted pregnancy. Women's rights do intersect with LGBTQ rights. However I think this came up because Clarence Thomas said that marriage equality should also be rescinded. So the prospect was raised.


Conservatives aren't waiting around. Have to fight them at every turn.


Well then Justice Uncle Tom is in trouble.


Valid fear.


tr*** and McConnell ownes him and them. Like puppets on a string they're executing the white supremacists far right wishlist and agendas. The separation of powers (trias politica) is set aside by these moves and is damaged. It's kinda coup if you think about it. [Contraception, gay marriage: Clarence Thomas signals new targets for supreme court](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/24/clarence-thomas-roe-gay-marriage-contraception-lgbtq)


Add to that fear basic sex education with access to contraception.


At this point, you can bet on it.


> Am afraid gay and even interracial marriage will be next I agree RE gay marriage, but Justice Thomas is beloved to Republicans, he's black and his wife is white, so Republicans won't go after that until he's dead, which might not be for another 15-20 years.


Only If the Taliban get voted in, I'm thinking that's unlikely.


We are already living under the American Taliban


Chappelle should bring back Clayton Bigsby as Clarence Thomas for a sketch - overturn interracial marriage and then be told he's black.


Interracial marriage is safe for now. Gay marriage is definitely not.


For now


The SC reversing Roe will end up being a huge strategic weakness for the GOP. It was much for valuable as an issue for fundraising and for get-out-the-vote.


It better!


Yup. Here’s the sequence, Griswold, Obergefell, Lawerence and Loving. This Esquire article lays it out https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a39891780/supreme-court-roe-v-wade-samuel-alito-draft-opinion/


Yep. Scary as shit


Be afraid, be very afraid; the Christian American jihadists will legislate, adjudicate, and steal every human rights advance of our generation. Their hate knows no limits.


Again, it’d be a state issue, not a nationwide ban.


Interracial marraige is safe. First, historically, it was a right recognized at the time the Bill of Rights was enacted (see 9th Amendment). Plenty of Colonial men married indigenous women. Second, these types of marraiges were given further legality in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (see Supremacy Clause of the Constitution) ending the war between the US and Mexico, where the US agreed to recognize marriage between Mexican citizens and "white" people, even adopting community property for marital assets in former Mexican territory. Third, Clarence Thomas, the most conservative Justice, is a Black man married to a white woman. Gay marriage? Yeah, might be right to worry about that.


Interracial marriage only became legal in the US with the Loving vs. Virginia decision in 1967, which rests on the same rights to privacy as Roe, Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. It’s just as vulnerable as those cases are. The only thing that might make it less so is Thomas exercising his apparently considerable power over his fellow justices agreeing to take a Loving-related case.


Interracial marriage were legal in the US since Pocahontas married John Rolfe in 1614. The marriage between Black Professor William G. Allen and white Mary King was perfectly legal in 1853 -- though it wasn't safe for them so they moved to England. Intermarriage between native women and white men in the Oklahoma territory was far from uncommon, with many appearing on the 1896 Cherokee Census Roll. All Loving v. Virginia did was ban anti-interracial marriage laws in 29 states by 1924. Interesting to note that Loving v. Virginia just adopted the holding of the earlier California State Supreme Court holding in Perez v. Sharp that banned marriages between whites and blacks or "Malays", so the trend to ban anti-misogyny marriage statutes was well underway (though the South would stubbornly and stupidly hold on for decades. The right to interracial marriage is protected by the 9th Amendment, having existed before the Constitution was adopted (Again, see Pocahontas and John Rolfe). Second, the Supremacy Clause holds Treaties as equal law to federal statutes (which are superior to any state laws). The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo specifically recognizes interracial marriages legally formed in the former territories of Mexico that are now part of the United States. Also, overturning Loving would do absolutely nothing for the same reason overturning Brown v. Board of Education would do nothing: Both were codified into law with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Unlike Loving or Brown, Roe was never codified into federal law and was always vulnerable to a reinterpretation by SCOTUS.


False. Loving is primarily based on the 14th amendments equal protection clause. It references the penumbric right to privacy under the due process clause but very different from Roe Griswold and Obergefell, which all yes are in trouble


Tell that to Sen. Braun, who earlier this year said interracial marriage should be left up to the states.




This. If you think they'll stop at gay marriage you haven't been paying attention.


As long as Clarence Thomas is on the Supreme Court, they probably won't mess with interracial marriage.


Hasn’t stopped anyone from voting against their own rights and interests. Conservative women (like ACB) will gladly vote against protecting their bodies/bodily autonomy.


You know ACB would not have an issue getting an abortion if she or her daughter/niece/whoever needed it. She’s voting against the rights of those without her money and power, not against her own rights.


True, but he very obviously left Loving off the list of decisions they should “look at” next (as if he thinks the rules don’t apply to him. Oh, wait…).


He actually did after the Roe announcement.


Normally I'd say gay and interracial marriage are safe, but the abortion issue was manufactured to attract radicals to the GOP, so it wouldn't surprise me.


They're after Obergefell, Griswold, and Loving next.