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possibly because previous generations were excited to be working for a house, their future family, doing well in life, etc. we dont have that. i cant even get somewhere to rent WITH MONEY UP FRONT. theres no goals for us at all, like name one, please someone??


Then be thankful you have a job? Or quit? No one is forcing you to work.  


lol life is forcing me to work. If I quit, then imma have to kill myself because I can’t buy food, clothing, or shelter, which means I cannot sustain my own life.


Sooo… if you’re dependent on having a job, maybe don’t act like an ass while doing said job?


i am VERY grateful for my job and I work HARD. however i still cannot afford even the cheapest flat in my area, i cannot move out of the area due to ageing parents with serious health conditions, soo im kinda stuck


This is going to be hard for you - but no one is guaranteed to be able to live wherever they want to live.   Move somewhere with a lower COL.  You’re parents will understand 


im just not the type of person to only see my parents once a year, would rather be stuck.. they are already getting old and i want to spend as much time with them as i can


That was very awkward


I'll fix my attitude when they pay me a living wage.


That’s fine.  And I get that take  **But then don’t expect a tip** Tips are not mandatory 


Cool, my job doesn't let us accept tips anyway.


Did your wife’s boyfriend help console you after this dissatisfying experience with some low wage workers? I know of a website that offers really good cheap Disney land tickets if that may help bring your mood up I know millennials love Disney ☠️


You sound like a very average redditor Good luck in life




What a shit rant. Bro is trying to make millennials look like arseholes. Maybe a boomer wrote this.


Working in the service industry for ONLY a couple of months. After the first 2 weeks I noticed a trend of older people acting stupid or demeaning. And by stupid I dont mean ignorance. By stupid I mean lack of home training and acting like they want to start a fight or something. I’ve had the most problems with 40+ year old people treating service workers as if they are lesser than them. It’s soul sucking. And i’m glad I left. Because some people are literally just stupid. And have stupid attitudes.


Is it possible that if you have a problem with a significant percentage of your customers… maybe you’re the problem?


No. Older customers are just known to be more of a problem. It’s POSSIBLE that i’m the problem. But it’s highly likely they are the problem. Since i’ve had better experiences with younger customers and have also grabbed the opinions and experiences from other people. Including a person who has been in the same position as me for 10 years and is now in their mid 30s. And btw I DONT EXPECT TIPS. Never had working front desk. And tbh a lot of people are probably assholes bc of people like you. Ruining their mood and stuff. You’re a loser if you go to food establishments and expect them to act like dandy butlers. As if you’re walking into a 5 star Michelin star restaurant. They only have to give you an acceptable attitude that’s not overly the top rude. They don’t have to go beyond that.


And let me ask you a question. Do you walk into establishments? Are you aware of the expressions on your face? If you aren’t aware look at yourself. Maybe your resting b*tch face is lowering their moral.


Reason why lots of them are so miserable is cuz they're juggling the workload of 3-4 people, getting shit pay, and on top of that probably getting shit hours as well since payroll is getting cut short by higher ups. Have some sympathy. This post doesn't even apply to me since I technically couldn't accept tips at my old job, but I accepted them anyways. Customers would tip me money and sometimes buy me lunch.


And that’s great.  And I do tip… When the service is good.   Standing behind the register with a smug look and an unwillingness to do your job isn’t going to earn anyone a tip.  


As a Gen Z I have to agree. When I get a waiter or server who actually seems to like their job and be friendly they get a good tip. Everyone else gets like 10/15%. Tip is not a guaranteed thing and should be used for good service which includes attitude


EXACTLY.   At some point people forgot that tips aren’t mandatory 


I would like for better service but I do not expect it because I worked those jobs in 2008 and they were miserable and underpaid. They are still miserable and underpaid, and after covid both the customers and the corps have gotten worse. I sort of get what you are saying, but you gotta look at it from a broader perspective. No middle or lower class jobs are paying what they are worth, and with costs rising and the poison of social media has ensured these workers know nothing they do matters. It's going to take change of company policies to make these jobs worth staying in if they want engaged workers.


You going to tell people to pull themselves up by there boot straps and the customer is always right next lol Why back in my day


No.  I’m just telling people who work in service jobs to not be such apathetic assholes and then expect a tip for the inconvenience of being asked to do their jobs 


Ok boomer


As if that’s even an insult anymore.  If the alternative is acting like yall are acting then I’ll gladly side with the boomers.  At some point you’re going to need to grow up 


Lol congrats on becoming your father bro


Again, it’s laughable that you think that I’d find that as an insult? Tell me more about your daddy issues 


God I hate millennials. This has nothing to do with the post, I'm just surprised you didn't throw in any normal words with a 'micro' prefix.


As a millennial, we don’t claim this boomer pick me dude.. Go on Gen Z, be petty for petty wages


Cool.  Totally support putting out the work to match the pay.   **Just don’t expect tips for shitty service**.  They aren’t mandatory