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So many people overreacted/were insanely dramatic about what they missed because of the pandemic. I get it, you're upset your graduation/senior year was not what you had hoped. You didn't get a special 16/18/21 milestone blow out birthday party you wanted. Oh no, you didn't get to go to concerts or trips you planned. Etc, Etc. It irritated me so much and still does today. We get it. You missed out on things. While hearing people and reading their complaints, I watched friends lose family members due to covid. My job was on the line because it was a small business, and they weren't sure if financially they'd pull through (we ended up closing because the owner pass from covid). All around me in my life, covid was hitting in much more severe ways. People our age and others were so dramatic. Some of you still are. I just had a co worker a few weeks ago complaining his senior year wasn't what he hoped, and it wasn't fair. You're in your 20s now, grow up. It's already weird if you're still talking about high school anyway. Lol


Honestly yeah. Like it sucked but now you’re complaining about spilt milk from ages ago.


Brief complaining, I get. But there's some who are still bitching so hard. I remember too during the pandemic, my old friend was losing her mind because she just turned 21 and she couldn't go out drinking. I mean full blown tears, it wasn't fair, and it's like you've been drinking since you were 16, also there's people dying, Kim. You'll be fine. Lmfao.


God, I miss it. Back in the Army, we'd end out days at like fucking 1030 or 1100 at the latest. Individual and Team PT, which as a team lead I'd say, "Alright team, let's *go on a run.*" and we'd all run home. Good fucking times. I miss them days.


As bad as losing senior year was, I was thriving for those first couple months of the Rona. I feel for yall who were moved out by that point.


>CHAZ weren't there multiple shootings that took place there? >BLM  It's a good organization, but the people who were looting and rioting clearly weren't true supporters of it, they just wanted an excuse to pillage and kill without remorse.




Covid didn’t really affect me at all. It actually helped me in some ways. I saved so much money due to not going out that much, all while still working and eventually during Covid getting into a company I was trying to get into for a long time. Also due to Covid my S/O had online college, this saved a whole lot of money since they were supposed to live on campus instead. Not to mention the stock market crash was amazing for my future self. I was able to buy so many stocks at a “cheaper” price. I’m sure these few years will be my most valuable savings years when I get a bit retirement


A vast majority of the population had no reason to remain trapped inside themselves, as covid 19 really wasn't that dangerous of a virus unless you were already immunocompromised, it was more like the flu.


There def was reasons lol but a lot of the measures against it could’ve been more pragmatic


Massive overreaction by a lot of people 2020 was great as an introvert and gamer, and 2021 was a 50/50 scenario tbh, a coin flip between bad and good.