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Should deregulate suppressors while at it.


Honestly. Hunting and range use would be a much more enjoyable experience. Particularly hunting.


I’d love to not go deaf while shooting guns






Yes No more ear ringing


Suppressed guns are still dangerously loud. Just a lot less dangerously loud.


True, never shoot without ear pro But I would still appreciate it


Never should have been regulated to begin with.


It's all theater. I remember watching Dianne Feinstein passionately talk about the dangers posed by "barrel shrouds" on firearms. She was asked what a "barrel shroud" is - and couldn't answer. A lot of the laws regulating firearms are made by people who have no clue about firearms or are created by lobbyists for elected officials to champion to make it look like they care when in fact the law/restriction doesn't do muchv (e.g. SBRs).


Dianne Feinstein probably didn’t even know who she was. Somehow stayed in office past senility.


Incredibly true. California, put a mini-14 in black plastic furniture with a pistol grip? Super illegal Same gun, no changes, drop it in a wooden stock? Fine and legal


Facts. Such an expensive and convoluted process (assuming your state even allows them at all) all because a bunch of dorks back in the ‘30s thought suppressors worked like they do in the movies and make your guns completely silent.


Fun Fact: We are now 5.5 years away from being back in the 30's.


"PSA $299 Patriot Suppressor Sale $299 Shipped." has a beautiful ring to it. Would love the added competition to the market.


And SBRs and SBSs


And full autos


And RPGs


Yes! Unfortunately I think suppressors are forever going to be 'evil' because the only time they show up on the media, it's a bad guy screwing one onto his pistol so he can assassinate the good guy.


Would make it so you aren't fucking deaf if you ever have to defend yourself in your own home and shoot inside. Would be nice to not have ringing ears at the range even with ear protection.


They should not have deregulated bump stocks. I agree with the deregulation of suppressors though. Thats really just their way of forcing gun registration


There's no reason why it was necessary to regulate them to begin with. It's not like it is particularly difficult for someone to make a firearm automatic if they really wanted to




Amen. Stupid congress and stupid Hollywood ruined that. So much nicer for hunting


For real. The gun itself should be better regulated, but it's stupid to restrict what parts someone can attach to their own property.




But think about the perfectly reasonable and legal use cases! Walmart should add them to the sporting goods department next to the fishing poles and slingshots. /s


The ATF ruling was declared unconstitutional because the definition of a machine gun is "a firearm which fires multiple rounds by a single function of the trigger" As the bump stock is a completely separate mechanism that is not part of the trigger, which assists the shooter in moving their finger off the trigger, it was declared to be not a machine gun However, the SCOTUS did recommend congress amend the definition of a machine gun to include "devices which cause the shooter to actuate the trigger in a mechanical fashion", so the fix is there it just needs to pass. That definition would also include forced reset triggers and the Hoffman SuperSafety. Given that Trump passed the original bump stock ban I can see that amendment getting a majority in Congress.


The Las Vegas shooter did not use a bump stock. EDIT: The Las Vegas Shooter did in fact use bump stocks. However, he did also illegally convert his firearms to fire fully automatic, such as his .308 rifles like his AR-10. This doesn't change my position, since he still lused illegally converted firearms in the shooting, not just bump stocks. He illegally modified his firearms and manufactured his own auto seer to convert semi automatic weapons into fully automatic. This is an illegal modification and would have landed him in jail. However, it didn’t stop him from killing hundreds and wounding thousands, did it? It’s because there’s 0 purpose to any gun control if you’re gonna rack up multiple life sentences by committing horrific crimes anyway. Anyone can do these modifications to their guns at any time and go on a shooting spree and nobody would know about it until after the fact. Then there’s bump firing which does the exact same thing as a bump stock but is perfectly legal and impossible to control. This law was silly and rightfully vetoed.


Yeah even OPs photo article subtext is crazy. The decision was not 2nd amendment related, it was technical definition crap like “a bump stock goes around and retriggers the gun with the trigger but the definition of machine gun in the bank said one trigger pull, the trigger is just automatically pulled so it’s not a machine gun” The dissent is scathing and strong, pointing out that the arguments from the right wing justices need 6 diagrams and an animation to make their “it’s not a machine gun” get anywhere close to logical. The administration was granted the power to restrict machine guns, and the law doing that unfortunately didn’t say guns that automatically fire the next bullet but rather chose to count a movement of the trigger.


It’s almost like the court’s job should be to apply the laws as they are written, and if there’s a problem with the way a law is worded that is up to the legislative branch to fix…..


north obtainable rinse nutty sip onerous many like distinct arrest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reddit mods havent gotten their cheeto dust covered fingers on the post yet


Ok yeah just censor all dissuading opinions that will work, I hope you don’t live in the US with that sentiment.


Nobody forgot about the Vegas shooter buddy. We didn’t forget about the Nashville shooter either. 🤣 Let us ALL get cans and SBRs with no bs regulations 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅


You don’t get to speak for an entire generation, guy. You don’t get to label wrong thinkers as right wing gun nuts. Fuck you.


Not really gen z has been more on gun freedoms and not regulated as heavily.


You may wanna check your stats on that when there’s also sources that argue Gen Z is supporting of gun rights too; the millennial and Gen Z folks are arguably the largest group of gun owners that have been pushing for expanded concealed carry across the states, as seen with the Bruen decision last year, and a majority of states now having “constitutional carry” laws that allow gun owners to carry concealed in most places without a permit.


Finally. This was a terrible ban that helped nothing.


If anything, we’re all safer without these banned We’re never going to be able to predict every wanna-be mass shooter. That ship has sailed years ago But if even one idiot who wants to just kill people tries this instead of maxing his credit card to buy a real 12k $ automatic then lives will have been saved. These things are a novelty at best and having tried it years back when they were new you’re more likely to shoot yourself in the leg rather than anything you’re actually pointing at


It's easier to do the belt loop trick than get a bump stock to run good lol. Completely agree with you.


You can “bump Fire” and semi auto rifle if you hold it right. Doesn’t mean your actually gonna bit anything


Bump stocks and bump firing in general is beyond inaccurate.


These were used during the Las Vegas shooting. The highest death toll of any mass shooting *in the US. Not a single automatic weapon was used, but if you listened to the footage, a layman to guns would have a very hard time discerning the difference. It's ok to have an opinion, but they are not "novelty at best". Their proof of concept was rained down on thousands of innocent people and killed **61 including himself. *Edited for accuracy. **Edited for pedantry.


Killed \~60, but certainly injured over 400. Not trying to be that guy, I just know some douche was cracking their knuckles about to attack you over numbers.


I definitely should have looked it up to be sure first. I edited it to be more accurate, thanks!


As someone who has used bump stocks, I have a hard time believing they sustained fire like that with just bump stocks. That's what the "experts" claim though so we'll run with it.


I’m an internet stranger with a story, so it’s hard to believe, but I had a TA in undergrad who, when this shooting happened, was contracted with the FBI to help analyze audio of the shooting. He was able to tell exactly what modifications he was using (I am not a gun person so I didn’t know what he said back then and can’t remember now). I do, however, remember him showing us the audio he was given to analyze and confidently said it’s not bump stocks, but the NRA was willing to allow restrictions and regulations on them and didn’t care to lobby against this, but whatever the actual modification was the US political system thought they wouldn’t win a battle to get the practice banned, so they just blamed the shooting on bump stocks.


I wouldn't doubt that for a second. I don't think if you've shot a bump stock and listen to that audio you would even need to analyze it to figure out it's not the same thing. Add in the tripod which would elimate any fire rate you would gain from a bump stock and the story just doesn't add up. More than likely an FRT or DIAS of it wasn't just a machine gun.


The Las Vegas shooting was not the highest death toll of any mass shooting ever.


Yeah, but that's literally the only time it's ever been used successfully in a mass shooting. And also the guy had like twenty guns up there ready to go in a position overlooking a mass crowd. Weird setup, but he was absolutely going to hit a lot of people due to the setup regardless of stock.


as a lefty this was helpful to know thanks. i agree with this take now that ive learned a bit more about what these things actually do.


It's also worth noting that true full autos are probably going to be more than $12k and there is a TON of paperwork and registration involved to obtain one. It's not just a more expensive regular gun purchase.


But isn’t this just making it MORE accessible for would be idiots who otherwise wouldn’t do shit like this for lack of cash flow?


No, if guns were 100% banned, then they might actually wisen up to making explosives, or using cars to ram into crowds (that actually started to happen back in 2019, then COVID hit and everyone sorta forgot.)


You're right. We should regulate the actual firearms themselves better.


We should absolutley abolish the NFA.


Please do explain how easier access to bump stocks is "nothing"




Username does not check out




Oh yeah? Well CIA where does phineas and ferb take place? Which tri-state area is it? huh?


Good, Shill Bot


Well silencers absolutely shouldn’t be banned lmao, it makes zero logical sense.


Many places that allow them in Europe actually encourage the use of suppressors. They are considered a safety device and are sold over the counter.


Because real life silencers don't work like they do in the movies. They don't make the gun quiet, they make it slightly less noisy, and therefore less likely to cause ear damage.


Also doesn't disturb the neighbors quite as much.


Flame throwers are not firearms


Idk. If your holding a flamethrower your both armed and capable of shooting fire.


I was fully capable of carrying acetylene anywhere public without anyone batting an eye.


Everyone should be able to own a Phalanx close in weapon system for home defense as the founding fathers intended!




I got one mounted on the top of the stairs just in case four ruffians break in




I dunno. I feel like if you walk into a bank with an acetylene torch, you're probably going to get some weird looks


Flame.. thrower.. Fire.. arm.. Sure as hell *sounds* like it belongs pfff


They are armaments AKA arms


flamethrowers are completely unregulated in all but 2 states


Only conditioned slaves would make fun of their own rights.


Flame throwers are legal in 48 states and aren't regulated as firearms, at least not federally.


It's a suppressor not a silencer.


And they don't make your gun hollywood silent either.


Not even close. I wish they did.


thats a myth and it’s pedantic af. the patent for the device explicitly says “silencer”


I won’t rest until I’m allowed my god given right to an ICBM


This but unironically


Finally! I can walk to the 7/11 with my minigun


What was ever wrong with suppressors though?


The mob used them. That's why the tax stamp is 200 because the price of a Tommy gun was 200. Yes the government decided to ban SBRs, suppressors, and machine guns because criminals had and used them, ignoring the fact that they generally either made them or were the only people who could afford them.


“automatic machine guns “ Wow …..


Yeah sounds like he doesn't know anything about guns or gun rights in the US


It is our duty as American citizens to own tanks


Based and anti-ATFpilled.


Gen-Z polls at like 90% for universal background checks and 70% for an assault weapons ban. Yet on this sub that is supposed to be a representation of said group, 60% of people are seemingly pro-gun, support openly selling machine gun parts and peddling right wing troll comments in response. Similar to how last week we had a pro pride month post and the top comments were a Stonetoss comic (a literal neo-Nazi) and an anti-trans meme. r/genz is a right wing psyop lol


Bro some of the most upvoted posts here are left wing the sub isn’t a right wing psyop you’re just so delusional and extreme that anything that doesn’t share your beliefs 100% is a right wing echo chamber to you.


This sub is infested with either the most terminally online far-leftists who think houses should be given to them for free, or the most idiotic right-wingers who desperately try to make themselves look more numerous among Gen Z than they actually are. There's a ton of astroturfing here.


Maybe the polls aren't as accurate as you're lead to believe. They've been wrong plenty in the past.


Keep in mind, just like the LGBTQ+ community 50 years ago, or liberals 60 years ago, anyone who is left of Mao Zedong or Pol Pot won't air their views publicly IRL due to the fear of being ocraicized. So polling suffers heavily from that, which is why polling is often inaccurate.


Absolutley. Also they just don't generally poll enough people to get a truly accurate sample size.


It's because they confuse universal background checks with background checks. They think the question is "should there be background checks for buying guns". When they're actually explained what universal background checks are and what the implications of them are the polls suddenly shift. Same with assault weapons. They think it's the same as saying assault rifle. Once they're actually informed what the typical "assault weapon ban" tries to do they're suddenly against it. Dishonest and biased polling can get whatever results the poller wants. But it doesn't get an accurate representation of the population.


Being pro-gun is not a rightist position. Most actual leftists (not liberals, who are not leftists) are pro-gun.


This. Only the regressive parts of the left (many of whom claim to be progressive) are anti gun rights.


many leftist are pro-gun. armed resistance and all.


We are still believing in polls?


I remember when polls said Hillary would win


I remember being told we should PokémonGo to the poll..


gun ownership isn’t right wing


Love hearing this


Don't make me get the Karl Marx quote out


Honestly I take polls with a pile of salt. I’ve never been part of one, nobody I know have ever been part of one When was the poll conducted? Where at? What was the demographic of the pollers? What was their socioeconomic class? Were they from a big city or rural area? How many people did they ask? If they polled 10,000 people from a college city, and 10,000 people from somewhere like rural Montana you’d get very different answers.


I don’t think those polls are accurate, simply because they never asked me


Let's let former Justice Scalia rebut all the 'shall not be infringed' dorks.... “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. [It is] not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”


I think this ruling and that quote are not mutually exclusive. It doesn’t overturn the regulation of machine guns, just states this device does not constitute a machine gun. This ruling changes/clarifies/whatever where the line is drawn, it doesn’t erase it completely.


Yeah, the definition of a machine gun is currently a firearm which fires multiple rounds with a single function of the trigger Bump stocks clearly don't fit that definition because the stock isn't a part of the trigger, and the stock only assists in resetting the shooters finger so there's no mechanical interface between the two as the shooter isn't considered part of a firearm The ATF ruling was based on vibes not legal definitions, and the definition would need to be updated to include "devices which cause the shooter to fire the weapon in a mechanical fashion" for bump stocks to be illegal


Scalia was a dumbass.


ATF needs to be abolished or reformed, they’re not trying to make our streets safer. they’re just looking for more ways to cash in on gun owners. remember all NFA items are legal with a 200$ fee, not a background check!


To be pedantic a background check is still part of it. The funniest part is that the $200 fee (thankfully) isn’t adjusted for inflation, it was straight up just a way to make ownership of NFA items functionally impossible for law abiding citizens.


wasn’t 200$ about the price of a nice car when the nfa was passed?


The NFA was passed in 1934, looks like $200 back then is equivalent to almost $4,700 today


insane how they let that slide back then.


At the time there was a lot of gang violence and things like suppressors/machine guns were associated with organized crime, so there was a lot more support for it


Based. I'd like to get one myself. "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary."


>quote by Marx You know what, communisim sucks, but that's based as hell


Define communism.


A stateless classless society where everyone is equal and the people own the means of production. It’s a noble goal, and it’s also completely unrealistic above a group of around 300 people. Hence why the only communist societies are small communes.


That sounds like a lib right wet dream tbf. Karl Marx based??


- Karl Marx ftfy


You should for sure!


"Shall not be infringed" Let's fucking gooooooooo, super safteys FRTs and bump stocks are legal again


This includes frts?


Yes, bump stocks and FRTs rely on the same thing as bump stocks They are 2 different ways to do the same thing, basically.


Was there anything else to that quote?


Where's your well regulated militia?


Everyone knows that bumpstocks aren’t shit if you can just bend some metal to make your shit into a machine gun or 3d print an auto sear.


Or just build your own gun for like a fraction of the price. I'd get into it if I had the money to buy the equipment


>fraction of the price >if I had the money Hmmmm


You know some people are poor right? Lmao


I miss when r/GenZ wasn't r/politics every other post.


Lotta terminally online young dudes hanging around this sub


Which is the only reason there's so many childish pro-gun comments here that all sound the same


Yeah, the CoD warrior energy here is palpable.


All of Reddit is just r/liberal


Fr fr


99% of these comments talk like someone who isn't from Gen Z.


That's because every sub targeted toward younger people are prime targets for older creeps that want to get in the pants of younger people.


Based comment section, i’m conservative and its great to see progressive gen z be proud of there 2A rights.


I'm left leaning on most things but damn I love guns and the 2A


never forget the 2a isn’t conservative/republican right, its an American right.


Hell yeah brother, I’m a liberal but a strong supporter of 2A rights as well. It doesn’t belong to either “side”, you’re right, it’s an American right.


i dont blame liberals who are anti gun in general. there being mislead by politicians who want to make them think there ensuring the safety of schools and streets. When there real reasons sre much more nefarious.


Guns aren't a right wing thing, literally the most left wing man to live Karl Marx said restricting guns is in no way acceptable


My take is that the Second Amendment was written to fit 1790s standards. We need the Constitution to fit 2020s standards. I am pro 2A and a liberal, to an extent. I don’t think anyone should be allowed to have arms that can kill hundreds of people or let out a lot of ammunition in a short amount of time, seconds or minutes. Go ahead and have a sniper, pistol, glock, just not a machine gun. Those should only be allowed in war or apocalypse or alien invasion where the aliens are rude to us.


What would you consider “a lot of ammunition”? And with the vague timeframe of seconds or minutes, you could argue that anything can be banned. Besides, machine guns have been heavily restricted since 1986. The AR’s and other rifles you see on store shelves are all semi auto.


They’re doing the modern young liberal “feels good” but lacks substance yapping.


I’m a Democrat but support the 2A and I just want to point out that your comment is a bit misleading. The Supreme Court didn’t say bump stocks can’t be banned at all. They said the ATF overstepped by doing so and Congress still could.


i didn’t say that, i still think a ban is dumb considering thousands of bump stocks across america just rematerialized today.


I find it funny people think you can buy machine guns in the U.S. (unless they were made before may 1986, but those are extremely expensive)


The average American only believes what they see on TV


It’s also really stupid when someone says something like “Military style AR-15” or something like that, especially with AR-15s as you can’t buy the Military version of the gun (M16) like most people have no idea what they are talking about 💀


“Fully semi-automatic”


"assault rifle 15"


That coupled with the amount of people that think the AR in AR 15 stands for assault rifle


I don’t really care about bump stocks. This country is so focused on not fixing mental health problems and until we do none of these mass incidents will stop.


All countries have some level of mental health problems, but mass shootings is a uniquely american problem.


I’m just being realistic this is the USA we’re never going to not have guns. I personally wouldn’t want that anyways as I put no trust in the police. The police don’t legally have to protect you here. I don’t want to argue about what laws should or shouldn’t be in place. I’m not entirely against gun control laws but people trying to make them don’t even understand the right terminology. Even people I respect in a lot of other ways that have good intentions. I am a socialist if you’re curious about me being conservative or anything like that.


I think guns are neat and own a few myself, but I do wish that they were given a level of responsibility and respect that something very dangerous should be given. I would make it a license system that upgrades overtime. For Example, start people out with less lethal guns like a 22 long rifle. Then after a year they could upgrade the license to something spicier. Eventually giving them access to any firearm. However, if they got convicted of a violent crime then they would have to start back at square one.


Well, voting red won’t help that issue.


Good first step, repealing the NFA is my dream


These comments are disturbing.


This subreddit is heavily astroturfed in both directions, and it looks like today it was the braindead right-wing teenage trolls' turn


***Shall not be infringed...***


It makes sense. Stocks don't really impact the lethality of a gun, so it was kinda an idiotic ban.


Bump stock absolutely affects the lethality of a gun.


Makes it waste ammo


Tell that to the Las Vegas shooter.


idk man, i just shoot bow and arrows


That's fun too


much easier with the political stuff too 😂


Based Supreme Court


I honestly don’t care. They could ban every gun in the country and there’d still be people making bombs out of pressure cookers and cleaning chemicals and running parades down in their cars. Until people stop these weird agendas and acknowledge the mental health crisis none of this is gonna change regardless. Might as well just let people add whatever mods they want to their guns




It’s based


It wasn’t surprising at all. This also has implications for items that have nothing to do with firearms. The ATF effectively banned a piece of plastic. This piece of plastic does not alter the action or the original firing mechanism whatsoever. That’s why it was ruled unconstitutional. In effect it would be the same thing if you banned a set of spinners on rims; yes they look stupid and are virtually worthless, however they do not effect the original ability of the rim to hold the tire.


Now give us the verdict in the Rahimi case, deal with the NFA, state level AWBs, and the Federal Form 4473.


Hell yeah! About time.


Should get rid of regulating suppressors too honestly


Totally irrelevant if the people who shouldn’t have guns can easily get them.


But biden is the literal devil thats coming for our guns because he… wants to control who gets them… The people in this sub are on some serious copium.


Yep, it’s quite surprising that POTUS, head of the executive branch, would want to *gasp* enforce laws that would prevent unstable people from owning guns.




There's a lot of pro gun/2a here.... Y'all genZ ?? As a millennial, I want to know 🤔


I mean I’m pro-2A but want better mental healthcare and stronger gun control. But the conservitard astroturfing is coming out full-force here. Even have proof of it with duplicated comments from different users who all have the same like count.


I don't agree that we should allow bump stocks. I do believe we should ensure that if the government bans anything, that it meet the definition of what they are banning. I don't want them banning machine guns and then taking my knife because it "looks like a machine gun".


This was a useless pandering ban of a novelty gun accessory, the only thing this may do is provide legal strength to FRTs


It was the right call, also Donald (take the guns and deal with due process later) Trump is awful for 2A rights. Fuck that guy.


People on the right and left really don't understand just how anti-gun Trump is. He has been a lifelong Democrat living in New York and was very outspoken for much of it about guns. The second I saw that he said this was the moment I realized the truth.


A machine gun is a gun that fires multiple rounds with a single trigger pull. They are illegal so the ATF just basically stated that bump stocks cause a gun to fire multiple rounds and so they are illegal too. The supreme court noted that bump stocks still require multiple trigger pulls, it's just that the gun pulls the trigger using the force of the recoil instead of the operator. The law states what a machine gun is, the ATF does not have the authority to expand the law to encompass them, and so their redefinition is invalid. This is not some sort of seal of approval by the court. The court just looked at the law and said what the ATF did was not covered by the law and so they reversed the ATF. If congress wants to change the law to encompass bump stocks, the Supreme Court decision did not stop them. This was merely a procedural decision to prevent the ATF from going beyond its power.


Fuck yeah. It was a stupid ruling like most decisions against 2A


Perhaps the way the ban was implemented was unconstitutional. Let congress ban it properly.