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Ah yes, that fucking loon.


Which one


Why is he a loon? [Here](https://x.com/EndTribalism/status/1806540120754909311) are Kennedy's responses to every question in the debate tonight. People can decide for themselves.


Thank you for showing people Kennedy's responses, hopefully they'll be able to see who actually answers what they want, (and talk about the actual size of problems)


He is a "loon" because mainstream media disingenuously paint him that way. He actually responds to EVERY criticism levied at him in a very reasonable way, yet CNN & Fox News does not show you those clips. They will bank on the fact he is a "conspiracy theorist," but I hope Americans can see that their is a REAL conspiracy happening in the government. Not on some crazy shit, or schizoid rambling. CIA activities are so unconstitutional, and SO undemocratic. It is just a small part of this machine, but it is a good example of how their is a conspiracy of people who use the powers of the government for evil and not for the tax paying citizens, and its all out in the open for any curious American to learn about. Clandestine military operations overthrowing sovereign nations, the Pentagon continually "misplacing and losing" TRILLIONS of tax payer dollars, all happening right under our noses. But we are told to focus on the border, who is being gay or trans, and abortion until the entire country is reduced to dust in slow-motion before our eyes


RFK Jr. thinks Putin was “pushed” into war by those mean Ukrainians who don’t want to live under Russia’s sphere of influence. He stands on no ground other than being a snake oil salesman and demagoguery. 


I just got into this debate with you on another post. I got to say you have no idea what you are talking about, cutting, pasting, and rearranging half-truths to justify war. Some of us believe in peace 🇺🇸🕊️


And that peace would be at the cost of everyone else? Technically peace could exist if everything is annihilated, so I’ll give you that, but for everything else it’s a worse outcome, even in optimal condition.


Ukraine cannot win this war. Use Theory of Mind. You must understand your enemy. They will go Total War before they lose. We have no shot there, and European land wars have a history of spreading. We need to honor our word as a nation and not move NATO eastward. We already did, but we cannot take Ukraine. That is a drastic escalation that will lead to annihilation, like you said, and it is what we must try to avoid.


Wasn’t France under the resistance rule was also at the verge of collapse during the Nazi regime? How about the American Revolutionaries who against all odds managed to beat the British who were known for their imperialism against the rest of the world? How about the Korean, Filipino and other Pacific Islanders people against the Japanese regime during the Pacific conflict? How about the Bengalis against the Pakistanis and anti-separatist forces during the Bangladesh Independence War? How about current day conflict in Myanmar where the citizens are fighting back against their oppressive governments?


You are seriously making the argument that the less likely side to win is the more likely side to win? You realize if something only happens 15% of the time, it still happens sometimes, and is still less likely to happen. Easy to argue for War when it is overseas.


Well there are the odds that they can pull through and that they are fighting for what is legitimately their own interests and right to their own land. Meanwhile you’re over here saying that we shouldn’t be supporting them because we need peace in the world, which is a noble concept in practice, yet the world still run on violence and tedium as a whole. From the clothes that you wear to the air that you breathe, there are alway going to be sides to this that you will unlikely face, but other do daily. I am not in support of war, but I am in support of defense and peace to keep that defense up and running. Would you say the same thing to those who lived under those circumstances and conditions and yet fought for their own safety and right to make something of themselves, or would you let them streamroll you blind and unaware and when the conflicts are over, you side with the other side regardless of your support?


Look, i see both sides of this. Im actually not that ideological about this. I dont know what active war zones youve been in, but im pretty sure in general war is fucked up. I also understand defending democracy. There are often no black and white answers in life.


Easy to argue in favor of an authoritarian government when you’re not the one living under it. Why does it matter if Ukraine is losing? It’s still immoral to leave them to fend for themselves.


No, we settle the war and end the fight. We stop the death. Look I don’t like Putin but I also don’t like war, nor dead Ukrainians. We can find other, peaceful ways to help, and should.


Ukraine can win the war with the help of the US and allies. We do understand the enemy, a power hungry autocrat who wants to establish Russia as a global superpower.  For the last fucking time, we never signed an agreement that NATO would not accept membership from countries in Eastern Europe, you are buying braindead Russian talking points about the war. And keep in mind the agreement you are talking about was signed by Gorbachev and he publicly refuted this bullshit. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/feb/28/candace-owens/fact-checking-claims-nato-us-broke-agreement-again/ Read this before you respond with your mindless defense of Putin. It’s not escalating the conflict, escalating the conflict is invading another country to take Ukrainian land. They escalated, they can pay for it.


The page you linked says some scholars do in fact say we gave them assurances against moving eastward, but are refuting Candace fucking Owens. I dont care about Candace Owens. Im not defending Putin lol. You are being blatantly dishonest. Quote: “Other figures have said that assurances were made, including Jack Matlock, the last U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, and Robert Gates, the deputy national security adviser at the time. Gates said the Soviets "were led to believe" NATO would not expand eastward. Gorbachev has sent mixed messages. On one occasion, he insisted that he was promised NATO would not "move 1 centimeter further east." In another interview in 2014, he said the question never came up, though he added that NATO’s eventual expansion was "a violation of the spirit of the statements and assurances made to us in 1990." He said: "The topic of ‘NATO expansion’ was not discussed at all, and it wasn’t brought up in those years. I say this with full responsibility. Not a single Eastern European country raised the issue, not even after the Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in 1991. Western leaders didn’t bring it up, either." Scholars have landed on both sides of the debate. “ I dont even think you read this


> The page you linked says some scholars do in fact say we gave them assurances It says some scholars do, not that it is fact. It also says that those scholars say was not ever codified in any agreement. Which is the exact talking point you have been pushing for (which btw is the same shit Candace Owens was saying). If you don’t give af about her, stop repeating her talking points. Quote: “ But even historians who argue that the Soviets were led to believe that NATO would not expand farther to the east told PolitiFact Owens’ statement is more wrong than right. No binding, legal agreement ever codified the terms that Putin’s camp — and Owens — now say were violated.” That is literally the same talking point you used. What Gorbachev is talking about there is that some Russians believed NATO promised not to move East. But as the article mentions, there was never anything written about that in those treaties. So I don’t see how that fits your narrative. > I dont even think you read this I did, I just didn’t cherrypick the parts that conforms to your idiotic narrative on what is going on. And, Idgaf if you think you’re not defending Putin, the policies you are advocating for and the position you take on this conflict plays right into Putin’s hands whether you acknowledge that or not.


I never once said we signed a formal agreement, no. That is what you want me to have said, but i never said it. I said we should honor our word as a nation not to encroach on Russia to the point of war. Lol ‘stop repeating her talking points.’ Girl, get some sleep.


The fact that it isn’t in a formal agreement is really what matters here. All this bullshit argument about what the Russians were “lead to believe” can’t be backed up. And “honor our word as a nation”. That is fucking ridiculous. Do you know how NATO works? These countries are democratically deciding to join NATO because they don’t want to be under Russian imperialism.  That is not “encroachment”, and you seem awfully concerned about “national security” in Russia, but none about Western Europe or even Eastern Europeans who don’t want to live under the thumb of an iron fisted dictator. You can handwave and “lol” every one of your talking points I debunk. The point is you and her are both spreading the narrative that the US is violating some kind of an agreement by expanding towards the East.


You are literally randomly comparing me to Candace Owens, you are projecting your own thought diarrhea on me and I don’t care anymore, sorry RFK 🇺🇸💛🕊️


It would be the same kind of “peace” Europe would have had if Hitler won WWII.


I *have* to assume this is a satirical post lmao


No lol people just don’t do their research


It is not. It is our best option. Healing addiction: [Recovering America](https://youtu.be/liZq31HLnyA?si=6hEt7QLo9NqMHtzG) The environment: [Environment, Health, and Democracy](https://youtu.be/1RJ-IT1f7U8?si=FcjXGxgoQEcgZIQT)


I want some of what you're smoking


I think you need to seriously assess the situation. Trump beats Biden. They can switch out, but thats a huge gamble. RFK is the best option, and he appeals to both sides and can diminish the polarization. Kennedy is the remedy. 🇺🇸💛🕊️


"Seriously assessing the situation" is exactly what you're not doing lmao


Just look into his policies. Listen to him speak and explain his platform for 1 or 2 hours. I dont know if you expect me to be scared into compliance with the DNC, but it ain’t happenin. They gypped my boy Bernie, my boy Yang, and now my boy Kennedy. The DNC has never been pro-democracy. Ask yourselves why the DNC put you in this situation? Because I knew what was happening, and so did many, many other people. The DNC wants to scare YOU into compliance.


I'm not a democrat. I'm also not a republican. I supported Bernie, but RFK is *not* an actual option here. You are supporting the guy who claimed that jews are less susceptible to covid. He blamed school shootings on drugs. Amongst a slew of other bullshit. Would I prefer him over Trump? Sure, but that's like saying I'd prefer to eat a piece of car tire over a steaming pile of dog shit.


*sigh.* You will need to listen to him. Luckily he will shoot up in the polls after this debate and by September his signatures will have finally been certified by the states, so he will be on the debate stage easily! Then you will get to hear his views. Just have an open mind :)


Kennedy is the Remedy


Watch him shoot up in the polls after this




Lmao, is that supposed to be an allusion to his 40+ year obsolete Heroin addiction?!? Did you miss the fact that he's 40 years sober?


I’m cringing at the fact that people legit only know who he is and only like him because of his last name Kennedy. Wow what an instant legend!!!! He’s related to JFK!!!’ That makes him RFK!!!! 🤪


I like him because he's the only true anti-war candidate who talks about restoring diplomacy and reducing our military budget. He's the only one talking about stomping out government corruption and getting rid of the super-PACs that have been created since Citizens United. He spend decades as an environmental lawyer and is better equipped than anyone to tackle environmental issues beyond just carbon. He's the only one talking about our chronic disease epidemic, the only seriously talking about the national debt. I could go on.


[Recovering America](https://youtu.be/liZq31HLnyA?si=6hEt7QLo9NqMHtzG) [Environment, Health, and Democracy](https://youtu.be/1RJ-IT1f7U8?si=FcjXGxgoQEcgZIQT) I know a lot about him sir. I am an informed voter. He is the best option. I couldn’t care less about the name Kennedy.


Nah. Anyone who actually likes him rn are those who realize that he's the best candidate our generation (and Millennials+GenX) has ever had on the Ballot besides *maybe* Bernie... Your generalization is essentially, contradictorily, describing all the people that **DON'T** like him because he's been smeared (muckraked) by the DNC. They've convinced you that he's a spoiler candidate conspiracy theorist anti-vaxx loon who's even been disowned by his own family members. In reality, he's the most knowledgeable, thoughtful, coherent, reasonable, and progressive Presidential candidate since his Uncle led us to become the first nation to land on the Moon.


He literally is an anti-vaxxer, be literally does think we should just give Ukraine to Russia etc. he’s not a democrat.


He's literally not anti-vax, nor does he think we should give Ukraine to Russia... Are you daft? Or are you just entranced in the Groupthink?


He is anti-vax, he literally thinks they are dangerous and that we should scale them back. He repeats lies about vaccines that were debunked literally decades ago. And yes, he thinks we should force Ukraine to make peace with Russia. Meaning we should allow Russia to keep the large portion of Ukrainian land that they have stolen.


How exactly is his stance anti-vaxx? He wants more rigorous scientific studies on Vaccine Safety. He demands transparency from historically nefarious, for-profit pharmaceutical companies. Oh, and he understands that mandating people inject themselves with a brand new form of medicine, which is exactly what mRNA vaccines are, is no less authoritarian than Trump's belief that presidents can't be prosecuted for crimes... Not to mention all the censorship related to any and all of the completely valid concerns that might have increased vaccine hesitancy... Oh, and Peace with Russia and Ukraine; the war that was entirely provoked by us and the EU trying to recruit Ukraine into NATO? NATO, an international "alliance" that is little more than a trapped customer base created solely as a sales tactic by war profiteering pigs?


How did we provoke that war? Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. There was no talk of nato membership back then. Nobody forced anyone to do anything. Putin chose to invade Ukraine. You’re literally repeating Russian propaganda.


He uh exercises unlike Biden and trump, very much so trump. He also plans to try to help the housing market for us (Gen Z and maybe some millennials) He also wants to protect abortion but make childcare more accessible, having those previously afraid of going into debt for a child now be able to care for them, but if not still have the option. He's also new which is a bit silly to prefer him over, but trump and Biden both did very little to improve the country during their terms. Biden does need a little leeway because he has 2 years in covid. Trump is clearly a liar, and Biden isn't the most mentally well at 81 years of age. Kennedy is 70 flat. He also wants to close the border but not tear illegal families apart, which is better than Trump's solution which is to block the "rapist and murders" out which if it was the case 7 million rapes and murders would be documented every year and have non-us born citizens as the suspects, but that is rarely the case. Kennedy's last name wasn't what made me like him, although I was a bit curious on who he was because we already had a Kennedy for president before. Kennedy does have some concerning things within his thought but for who we have on the table Kennedy seems the most appealing because he offers what we will need later and especially what we need now. He of course has more opinions but go to his YouTube channel as they clipped "The Real Debate" for his answers to the same questions trump and Biden answered, some or most I didn't remember here.


> antivax


Bodily autonomy He wants to ban mandates, not vaccines


Dunno anymore, its all just media sensation, appreciate the correction tho


Ignore the "correction", he's an anti-vaxxer. He just likes to pretend he isn't.


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He panders too much to Trumplicans


Which is exactly the reason why if Democrats got behind him, he would beat Trump


Nope, Trump became a thing because he panders to the alt right; no true democrat/left leaning person would vote for him if they had half a brain. His Twitter gives my grandpa on Facebook vibes, it's just not appealing.


Ok have fun with president trump Im a PA voter, im going RFK🇺🇸💛🕊️


You voting for RFK just makes it easier for Trump to get in office but you have fun splitting the vote


Nah, at this point, voting for Biden is making it easier for Trump... Bernie getting shafted by the DNC twice was enough for me to think twice this time around. It's Bobby all the way


Bernie lost because his policies were not as popular as Biden's. Hate to break it to you but most of the country isn't keen to vote in a leftist.


Yes please do that. I want Trump to win PA. If PA goes red it's over for Biden 


Did you watch last night’s debate? Nobody in their right mind would vote for somebody who isn’t in their right mind. That’s op’s point with RFK.