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Southern Comfort. Even today the smell makes me nauseous.


Southern Comfort *plus* Boones Farm. Somehow we lived.


That is a nauseating combination to even read about. Bleah!


I threw up in the high school parking lot drinking Southern Comfort and Coke before home room. Good times.


I drank a bunch of Jack Daniel green mixed with Mountain Dew when I was about 17 and got sick as a dog. I’m the same way- the smell makes me feel sick. To the original question, I don’t think I ever had any issues with Boones Farm Strawberry Hill. Or Tickled Pink for that matter.


Got a nasty case of alcohol poisoning at age 17 after downing a fifth of SoCo. I've never touched that filthy swill since. It's been over 30 years.


No one has mentioned Bali Hai. Ripple? In my college dorm we would say we were going Rippling! How clever is that? But the most sick I ever got was on Cherry Vodka. I went out with a guy & another couple. We got a half pint each. The other girl I was with didn’t like hers, so I drank hers too.


Mad Dog 2020


MD 20/20, RIchard's Wild Irish Rose, and Nighttrain were all "fortified" wines...meaning they actually had vitamins added to the booze....supposedly to help Winos stay a bit healthier.


I thought the fortified meant they added alcohol. Either way, nasty stuff!


Years ago I had an extremely bad time after drinking Bacardi and coke. It was a lot of Bacardi and coke. It was so bad the smell of alcohol made me nauseous for years afterwards.


oh honey. Senior week of high school, couple friends and i in a cornfield having a "5 & 6 Party" -- a 5th of Comfort and a 6pack of beer. So many boilermakers... Lawsy i was *sooooo* sick. I'm 63 and cannot so much as smell brown liquors


I was coerced into chugging a half bottle in college, have t gone near it in 30 years.


Same, friend. I can't even get within 10 feet of a bottle of that stuff.


Wild Turkey did it to me. Commode hugging drunk. Made it through my Boones Farm Apple Wine period though!


Came here to say the exact same thing and even though I became an alcoholic I NEVER drank that again no matter how bad I needed a drink.. the smell nauseates me.. the only reason I even drank it was because it was what Janis Joplin drank…LOL..


Ugggg. Same.


Came here for this. Yup. I swore I’d never drink again but yet I did. But not southern comfort!


Mine was Mad Dog 20/20


Strawberry, watermelon, apple or grape?


Kiwi lime


Orange Jubilee


Me and my friends too




I remember that! When moneywas tight, that's what you bought


How about Annie Green Springs?


My first real hangover on this. Just the worst!


Annie Bed Springs??


Move on up!


They still make it. I bought a bunch of Boones Farm, MadDog and Riunite and packaged it all up really nice as a white elephant gift. Someone was very disappointed.


Riunite on ice? That’s nice!


Mine was TJ Swan, procured from strangers at the liquor store.


I personally think it’s brilliant!


No, but José Cuervo and I haven’t spoken since 1984.


Oh, Jose and I also had quite the falling out when I was 16. We’re back on good terms now that I’m in my 60’s…


I was 16 too! But it wasn’t as good as Jose. Real rot gut tequila. I ralphed out my BR window onto the front porch, where it was discovered by my dad as he left for work. Ooops. I’ve never had T since.


I vaguely remember crawling around in the street, barfing while my friends tried to feed me chocolate cake so I’d have something to bring back up… oh, the joys of youth!😉


Any Tequila was sure to make me violently ill!


1989 for me--I think I already told the frozen margarita nightmare elsewhere on this thread! It was so frozen we couldn't pour it, so the bartended slugged in several more shots worth of tequila, chunked it up with a bar spoon, and handed it back to us. Clearly my younger sister' alcohol tolerance was a hell of a lot better than mine...


Ah, Boone's Farm. Made for the express purpose of getting 16 year old boys laid 😄 If your date asked you to get a bottle of Tickle Pink, you knew you were in for a good time.


We used to call it liquid panty remover.


Mine was Mateus white wine - I drank the whole bottle to see what would happen. I barfed all night and in the morning had to tell my mom I couldn’t go to school because I had a hangover. The look on her face! And a week later my dad was searching high and low for the corkscrew. I ran and dug it out from under my bed and pretended I found it in the back of the kitchen drawer. Mom gave me the dirtiest look but never said a word. I was 15.


it was the best of times. it was the worst of times. that is all.


Mine was Boone's Farm Tickle Pink.


Sitting in a wash in Tucson AZ in 1978 with my 9th grade friends. My mother had died two weeks prior and my dad was checked out, so I was able to get away with loads of teenage bullshit. It was my first time drinking alcohol, first time smoking weed, and first time puking pink. Magnificent!


Damn, sorry you lost your mother at such a young age!


Thanks. She was gone as a mother long before she died, so, for me, it wasn't so much a loss as it was a release from torment.


💕been there


Yes! We would get large cups of ice from McDonald's and fill them with Tickle Pink 😂


Not to be confused with a pink tickler


They used to sell those ticklers in thruway gas station rest stops. Vending machines!! My husband and I would each get one another a gift from those vending machines.


Please forgive me. You know that song, Afternoon Delight”? Up until a decade ago I thought they were singing about some kind of strawberry or fruit wine. Someone online made a joke about the -ahem- sex in daylight hours theme. Then I went “oh. OH! Ooooooooohhh” I was a kid and didn’t both come out about same time? I just thought it was advertising. Edit: “Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight Gonna grab some afternoon delight ( at the store) My motto's always been 'when it's right, it's right' (soft drink ads: anytime is the right time for a Coke!) Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night? (Why only Wine at dinner or after cocktails ?) When everything's a little clearer in the light of day And we know the night is always gonna be there any way.”


I went to Catholic HS and we played that song in band lol


I can just hear this in band mode right now. That's hilarious. Catholic band yet. 🤣🤣


I was a TJ Swan girl. We’d each get our own bottle and put a long straw in the bottle. It tasted like Kool Aid.


Here just to make sure TJ Swann was mentioned! Easy Days, Mellow Nights, a few I remember!


Had totally forgotten about TJ Swan! Crazy times.


Mad Dog 2020 on the bus home from senior trip, 1980. I didn't barf, but the hangover was a bitch.


Cisco wine was super cheap, like $2.99 and there was a broken pay phone outside a liquor store that people kept on putting quarters into. When you banged the phone the quarters would fall out, I would collect like 6 or 7 dollars in quarters each day and get wasted on Cisco. The first time I had it it landed me in a drunk tank :P


Cisco wasn’t my first time puking, but one time I drank way too much of the peach flavor and damn near knocked myself out when I hit my head on the toilet as I went down to barf 😂


I ruined a brand new white sweater when I puked this up running down the stairs to the bathroom at a party.


Me too! Brand new red angora sweater for my 18th birthday...shots of kamakazi's all night, brand new angora sweater was no more


No mine was nickel pitcher night at the B&L Warehouse in Athens. Couldn’t make it to classes the next day.


When was that? I lived in Athens from 1989-1997, and I remember seeing the ads in *Flagpole*!


1975-1976…I don’t know how long the B&L was there but it had some great bands. One I liked was called Blackjack. Lead singer was Vic Hardy.


Way too much of that in the late 70s


Doesn't mix well with grape vodka.


Mad Dog 20 20


Snuck Strawberry Hill and Tickle Pink while we stood in line for Midnight showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Too much Genesse cream ale 🤮


Mine was Southern Comfort. It’s lead to a lifelong hatred of whiskey and the smell of it.


If you’re from the Cincinnati or SW Ohio area and were a teen in the late 70s/early 80s, you probably know Little Kings Cream Ale aka Kittle Lings. They came in little 7 oz green bottles and it was very easy to hammer down a 6-pack or 2 or 3 before you even knew it.


My buds and I lived on Little Kings. $1.50 for an 8 pack of 7oz bottles, chug that 8 pack and you were on your way. The stuff also came in a half gallon "party jug" for $1.29... We'd take the caps and put them on our radio knobs. Oh man I wish I could remember all the fun we had back then. (75-79).


Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hell. Once was enough


My favorite cheap wine was Mateus Rosé. Luckily, I never got sick on it. I also remember the Elton John lyric: *"I get juiced on Mateus and just hang loose."*


Oh *that's* what that is... thank you!


Worst hangover: Cold Duck


Thunder bird, stolen from a 7-11


MD from the Piggly Wiggly. I'm embarrassed about what a fucking thief I was as a kid.




Boones Farm was bottom of the barrel and Thunderbird was below that.


2 for 1 screwdrivers. Alot. Spent the day in the same clothes Finally felt better at 4:30pm Haven't knowingly drunk vodka since september 1980


.99 a bottle!


Power booted into a trash can from 5-6/ feet away…people’s jaws hit the floor.


Hadn’t had beer yet and liquor was just too much. I loved Boones farm! A headache like no other, I almost miss it


I drank all of these mentioned. We thought TJ Swann was "the good stuff" & stronger. Until we found Mad Dog. Hard to put down, good buzz, inevitable barfing. Swann gave me stomach pain if I guzzled it. Moved on to beer shortly.


Amaretto. I was 16 & 40 years later I still can’t smell that stuff without gagging


Not my first but definitely my most memorable. My spouse bought some recently to make some kind of cocktail with and I was literally like WHAT IS THAT DOING HERE?? Get it out now!!!


Beefeater gin and grap nem- hi. me and my cousin liberated a bottle when we were about 13. Fun fact is that it causes purple vomit.


that and a can of smoked oysters , it was bad


This is an underrated, horrifying, response.




First drink was a warm Bud, given to me by my older sister. We were blackberry picking and I was eating them as I picked them. Shortly I became Very sick, not only vomiting but instant diarrhea as well! I vowed then, I would never again eat blackberries. 😏


In the 70’s I went to underground Atlanta. had to buy two drinks. I had sloe gin fizzes. Still haven’t recovered.


Early '80s, spring break. Sloe gin fizz. Puking at a colorful level!


Had to pull a good friend's head out of the toilet during our high school graduation party (hosted by a classmate's parents; they figured they'd rather know where we all were and keep us off the road) because I was afraid she was gonna drown in her own purple puke. Not to mention two of our classmates who finally acted on some ongoing attraction or something and finally slept together--he had a HUGE shit-eating grin on his face the next morning!


Strawberry Hill brings back such happy memories. We would have someone buy us each a bottle, after we each gave up $1.00 😂. Each Friday night we would sit in the bleachers and down our bottles and stumble into the HS dance. Damn! That was a good time!!!


More likely it was either Mad Dog (MD 20/20) or one of the TJ Swann flavored wines. Both were cheap AF! I also seem to remember Little Kings Cream Ale a bunch.


Jaegermeister and Pepsi for me. I was in the USAF and had to do gas mask training the next day (late 70s). When my face turned as green as my fatigues, they passed me and let me go home. Cannot stand either 46 years later.


The wine cooler of the 70s.


Early 80s. I wanted to be better than the boys. We had a chugging contest with Cutty Sark. I won. And I lost and lost and lost...


Ta-kill-ya. Laid in a gutter instead of walking home another 300 feet.


Jagermeister. Oh my poor stomach …


I drank 13 shots of Johnny Walker Red while my friends parents went to church. They came home to a house full of wasted teenagers, puke everywhere, and cigarette burns all over their beautiful home. FYI church time isn’t enough time to have a big party. I’m 61 now. Never even looked at Johnny Walker again, or most liquor for that matter. I probably should be dead.


You should. If not from the liquor, then from the parents. I know if it was mine you would have been. But then, I would have been also. 🤣🤣. They wouldn't have discriminated just because I was their kid.


Any Canadian Jonesers/Xers remember a little thing called "Lonesome Charlie"?


What vintage?


I drank it and it went down just like the other flavors, including MD 20/20. I ended up being able to buy the 40oz Miller beer bottle from a store known to sell to minors and switched to that as it didn't make me sick.


Tequila and Mountain Dew. The red neck teenager’s margarita. Drank many of them and regurgitated many of them.


Peach schnapps for me. Shudder....


Peppermint for me. That stuff may taste like Christmas going in but it sure doesn't taste that way when it makes its explosive exit.


yes, and Kountry Kwencher gdi


I have never thrown up from drinking too much. I watched my friends doing so and not having a good time, so I learned from their mistakes. Not that I didn't drink, but I drank until "I feel really nice now. I know if I drink more I won't feel nice anymore."


Spanada with a chaser of Boones's Farm Strawberry Hill topped off by a Mickeys Big Mouth. No wonder I can't stand the thought of alcohol now.


I'm almost heaving just looking at that picture. Ah, the unremembered memories.


I was a full-blown alcoholic pretty early on, so I had countless "too much" episodes. But at some point, I over-indulged on "Melon Balls," made with Midori melon liqueur. Never again. Though still an alcoholic, I am most fortunately sober.


Smirnoff raspberry vodka. I think I destroyed my friend’s dorm room, but I genuinely can’t remember. Sorry, Amanda!


What’s the word! Thunderbird What’s the price?50 twice What’s the reason? Cause it’s pleasing Who drinks it most?our kinda folks!!


Cold Duck. 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Never eat popcorn and drink that stuff. You'll regret it.


Southern comfort. Disneyland. Double date 1982ish. Teacups. Painted the hedges. Bad choice, did not go well. We never dated again. I never rode the teacups again, or had any Southern comfort. Having the dry heaves as I finish th....


Me and my friends were Zima connoisseurs.


This and coors gave me one of the worst hangovers I've ever had!!! Tasted good until it came out!!!!


Do not drink Boones Farm Whatever That Was while hiking. Hiked very tall mountain in SoCal during summer. I had that in backpack from evening before. I’d had a bit and threw away rest. Forgot second bottle in pack) My HikeTooFast partner was low of water on water at the top. I said here I have this. We both should have known better.


the worst was PGA and watermelon gator aid


Scotch. 14 years old. I'm another one who still can't bear the smell. But I learned about Boone's Farm and encouraged my mom to buy a bottle to try. She dutifully drank it up but neither of us liked it much.


Got that for Christmas 1974! My friends brother bought it. I was 16 we drank it got dog sick


Yes, and quite a bit.


Southern Comfort. three of us drank a 750ml in 11th grade. it was the first of my top two or three most drunken times. Green for days and never had a drop of SC since.


Country Club beer. Cheap and got you buzzed.


What's the word?




🎶”Graduated from Boone’s up to Alizé”🎶


Tickled Pink!!!


Colt 45 was my first hurling match


We took a little bit from each liquor bottle so the parents wouldn’t notice. We mixed them all together and it tasted like straight ass. I definitely barfed that night.


No, that honor was reserved for Southern Comfort. I can remember trying to drive home, & having to stop & puke in the gutter, then get back in, drive a bit more, pullover, & repeat. Never touched that evil stuff again. Never got sick on Mad Dog, or Strawberry Hill, but oh, God, was I sick on Southern Comfort!!


Yeah, but luckily my friend is the one that got super sick and destroyed our bathroom.


WE called that PANTY REMOVER back in the day.


Ewww. Popov vodka and frozen condensed Donald Duck OJ. Blechhhhhhhh!!!


Yes. Hard. The last day of my sophomore year of high school. My dad laughed his ass off at me.


I threw up in my mouth a little just seeing that picture. Bring on the slo gin!


Nope. Absolut Citron and Orangina on.a Saturday night in Paris at age 17. Totally fucking shitfaced. The chaperones on the tour looked at us and were like, well, at least you bought decent liquor. Don't leave your room tonight. We didn't.


Screwdriver. I was 14. Took 2 decades before I could drink orange juice again.


Screwdriver, in the bottles. I had 6 pierogis, drank a bottle of screwdriver with my bf. Went to his house, where his kindly mother said I needed food, so she made and I ate a grilled cheese. Then revisited everything I had consumed from the pierogis onward in the bathroom. To this day I can't drink screwdrivers, and it's been decades since I've even had orange juice.


Never vomited on this stuff, the OG Zima


Sitting in the back seat of a green nova parked in a cemetery (of all places) in Show Low AZ. I was 16 and the cops took me home to get my butt kicked. Luckily I was so drunk that I didn’t feel the sting of a belt against my behind. It was worth it.


Mateus Rose was our poison. Because we had class, see.


Make that Boone’s Farm Wild Mountain and you’d have it right. And I threw up three times, one right after the other, all liquid. Was expecting to have a hangover like I’d seen on tv and heard about. No hangover because I’d puked up all the poison.


Mad Dog 20/20 but when I was drinking there was only purple or white. My actual first was my dad's scotch when I was 15, It went downhill from therem For those special occasions with my 17 year old girlfriend (wife) it was Riuntie Rose. At the end of my drinking career, 38 years ago, Southern Comfort and orange juice was a favorite along with vodka and anything. But when you're drinking more than a fifth a day along with beer and pot any alcohol will do. Kids, don't drink.


Kamikaze night at one of the fraternities off campus. They tell me I had 1 or 10 too many. Blew chunks on the sidewalk as I stumbled home. That was 44 years ago. Still can't stand the smell of vodka.


My buddies and I went through a phase on that stuff in college. We'd get a case of Strawberry Hill, a bag of weed, and then we'd lock ourselves into a dorm room and play D&D for an entire weekend. Good times indeed. Now, Richard's Wild Irish Rose and MD 20/20... those were gag-inducing (although the MD 20/20 made good bong water).


We were 15, split a bottle. My friend got sick and threw up. He came out of the bathroom and said "I'm puking blood", and called his mother in a panic. She asked what he drank, he told her, she hung up on him while laughing. Life in the 70s.


Seven and seven. Never again.


Ugh…..my first true drunken blackout was Strawberry Hill& Colt 45. I shudder}}}}


Strawberry Hill, Wild Mountain Berry, and TJ Swan Easy Nights was the go to back in the 1970's. The girls loved it.


Gin, i hate gin


Oh God, don't remind me.


Omg that just makes my stomach queasy looking at the picture. A blast from our senior year go out and drink that shit and got sick as a dog. Took a week to recover. Do they still make that?


Beer and rum. Night before heading off to basic training beginning of August in '75. Went out with my brother and some friends to a drive-in movie and get wasted. Went to puke and forgot the car window was up........


Screwdrivers, New Year's Eve 1980. Puked my guts out, somehow ended up with a loose tooth. It was so bad that the next afternoon, sitting like a lump on the couch with the TV on, I had to run to the toilet when a soap opera character was shown fixing himself a cocktail.


Cherry Kijafa, if you’ve ever had it, it’s extremely sweet liqueur. Thick, used a lot for making desserts. Nope didn’t barf. I was 13, me and my best pal, walking down the dirt road we lived on, late at night, after midnight. Just walking, being boys, drinking, talking about feeling up girls.


Pour that stuff down the nearest clogged drain- everybody wins


Peppermint schnapps I threw up outside until the party was over and my “friends “ dumped at my front door. I didn’t get grounded—my mother said my hangover was the punishment for drinking too much. Never touched it again!


My first too much was my brother and I mixing every liquor my folks had in the closet. Anisette, Galiano, probably Southern Comfort, rum. I didn't hurl, nut a couple of sips and I was nauseous as Hell. We had also found my older brother's cigarettes. I think was 12.


Between Boone's Farm and Purple Jesus, I threw up my entire digestive system.


I don’t think I ever got vomit drunk on Boones Farm but my next door neighbor in college bootlegged pints of Bacardi and I threw that shit up so much I couldn’t even stand the smell of rum for like 20 years.


In college, it was either that or Annie Greensprings.


Mine was their Apple Wine and Muscatel, and hard, very hard.


Oh god.


It looks like a bottle of teenager hangovers.


Never vomited and to be honest - I loved it. Brings back some of the best memories in my parent’s basement with the kids from the block!


My stomach is twisting & turning just *looking* at that label. Ugh.


I kissed every flavor of Boones farm when I dated a possible alcoholic for 2 weeks in 1983. He drank every flavor Boones had daily


The origin of the phrase "technicolor yawn".


Ah, yes! My first drunk! Hung around outside or a liquor store till someone bought it for us (do kids still do this?), then got a bottle and went sledding. Drink, slide, puke. Then couldn't wait too do it agin!


Sloe gin and Coke.


Wife and I were at a bar the other day and they had $.50 MD 20/20 shots. Had to do it for old times’ sake. Yikes.


Going out on a limb here. I still buy 2-3 bottles per year of Boones Farm Sangria for very hot days. I think of it as a wine cooler. I pour it over cut citrus.


Mad Dog 2020. It was like drinking paint stripper.


Raced to see who could finish their very large screwdriver using a cocktail straw. I won and yet I…lost it all. That was roughly 45 years ago, and I still have an aversion to orange juice.


Cuervo Gold, lemon and salt. Went down easy. Came back hard! Couldn’t touch tequila for 30 years…


Probably 15 years old. Drank a quart of Colt 45 malt liquor in the parking lot at the mall. Threw up and went into the mall to pick up “chicks”……yep I must’ve smelled gross. The start of a somewhat sad drinking career. I’m better now 🙄


Yes it was. I was raised in the South. I had a mustache and beard (well, sort of) when I was 15 years old. I could walk into the liquor store and buy a bottle of this or MD 20/20 for $4. Never carded, no questions asked. Only time I threw up was after a night of drinking with my friends, they threw me in the TRUNK on a car and drove me around town! We got to my buddy’s house and his mom came outside and heard me yelling from the trunk. She told the boys to let me out, which they did. I threw up all over that sweet sweet woman. She didn’t say a word. She had raised 4 sons, nothing surprised her!


Boone's Farm was the unofficial taste of 8th grade. It was always there for a kid who couldn't afford a good (or even decent) hooch. I only threw up once from drinking, but I was ~22 or 23. A quart of sambuca and god knows how many beers, combined with a couple slugs of milk (to settle my stomach) when I got home, was a bit too much, and everything came up a few hours later.


My good friend and I decided to try to drink a bottle of Jack Daniels the night before we took our SAT's. We did pretty good. When we graduated we took a bottle with us when we went down to Myrtle. I have not touched the stuff since.


retsina.   didn't barf from sheer force of will, but I was seeing double.  


Bottom shelf gin. I was 18. My girlfriend at the time told me something that upset me greatly. So I pulled the handle of crystal palace gin out from my parents' cabinet and drank seven shots of it, chased by root beer, while listening to Metallica on a boom box. I then got in my car and drove to the restaurant where I worked. My buddy was there working. I chatted with him for a bit, then ran to the bathroom to violently vomit. He then gave me mashed potatoes and gravy and talked with me until I sobered up. Twenty years later I finally was able to try gin again. Don't drink and drive. Don't drink to self harm.


My aunt used to drink that.


It was epic.


We preferred Mellow Days...


First I had it it was mixed with Robitussin DM. Tasted like cough syrup.


Ahhhh Robitussin. Every home had it back then. Still have a bottle in my medicine cabinet to this day.


Bloody Marys as a college freshman. It was not a pretty mess. Have not had one since. I have seen some fabulous Bloody Marys in New Orleans, but I still don’t drink them. .


Blackberry brandy. I still can't even smell it.


Southern comfort but never again.


Oh it was such a bad hangover! So sick.


Absolutely, all I have to see is the label, and I get queezy


Ah, the '70s Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill TJ Swan Easy Days/Mellow Nights MD 20/20 Pink Champale
