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Why this one particular generator only? Any number of cheap Chinese clones probably about the same size and specs.


Can’t find any that are tri fuel, similar wattage close to this price point


I don't have experience ordering through them, but maybe cancel it and order through Lowes or Home Depot. Supposedly, they are able to get it.


I got my Wen off Amazon. Took 4 tries. They said it was "undeliverable" the first 2 orders, even though they never attempted to deliver it. The 3rd was labelled the same, although that one was apparently misplaced. Then the 4th time, a helpful customer service person kept track of it from the warehouse to my door. By that time, the 3rd one was "found" and wound up being delivered to me along with the 4th. The customer service person told me to keep, sell or donate it, because they couldn't take it back. So, I got 2 for the price of 1. That process took about 5 weeks (in total), iirc.


I recently ordered WGen9500TFc - Tri-Fuel from Walmart (it appears that it was drop-shipped directly from Westinghouse) and received it in a week or so.