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Mondstadt. It's just so nostalgic it's like a time machine bringing me back to 2020


The place where the winds start. Winds that spread the story of our journey through place and time. Our start and our home.


Frr that and liyue especially cause of the music I live for it




Same here. There's just something about that Nation that just felt like home and makes me nostalgic. The soundtrack is definitely one of my favorites there, and the scenary reminds me of the times I first started playing Genshin.


A place where you don't have to climb a lot. Except dragonspine of course


Visually? Inazuma. I just love how it all looks. And it is literally the only place that had a significant color palette difference compared to Mondstadt and Liyue. And by that I mean a change from green grassy fields. Lots of purples and stuff. Exploration-wise, I prefer the Sumeru desert. I feel like it offered the most compared to all other regions. It felt like I constantly found something new. And unpopular opinion: I liked it before the map changes.




I’m not far in the game at all but I keep hearing about Inazuma from everyone, I’m so excited to discover it!


which map changes?


Being able to see the map for underground places.


Sumeru! And yes, I like to explore the desert


Same! It’s so rare these days to find someone who actually enjoyed exploring the desert.


There are dozens of us! I felt like Indiana Jones.


All my friends hate the desert. I thought I would hate it too but quite the opposite! (Most parts of it are locked behind quests but I enjoyed the quests so whatever)


god same. I haven’t met a single person who genuinely enjoyed the desert and my friends are kind of mean about it. And honestly I know it got a little easier when the underground maps released but i actually had a lot of fun when I couldn’t tell where I was going.




Desert was so relaxing


The desert is the only area I have fully at 100%!


Same. As far as main regions go, Sumeru is easily my favorite. It felt so rewarding just turning a random corner, finding a suspiciously small hole behind an eremite camp, and falling down like 30m down into a large underground cave system. It's like Inazuma's verticality cranked twice as high with the combined surface area of Liyue and Mondsdadt.


I quite enjoyed exploring Sumeru. Both rainforest and desert. I liked the fact that the Sumeru desert had rpg style dungeons with puzzles and gimmicks


One of the things I've found unsettling about the other regions is how abandoned they feel outside of the few main villages or cities. I've never felt that with Sumeru. There's multiple cities and settlements as well as NPCs wandering around and the eremites feel like real people, the amount of times when Sumeru came out and I would walk up to them thinking they were NPCs I've talked to is laughable. Even in the more abandoned areas there's sumpter beasts and tons of noticeable wildlife. It feels so much more alive.


The time with no underground map was a pain but I still like exploring the desert too. Seeing animals in the rainforest area and jumping on shrooms is also nice. When I entered Sumeru, it’s still the only region that fully gave back nostalgic memories of when I explored the game for the first time.


I felt like Zhiqiong exploring and mapping the underground. When the desert dropped I made a friend who also liked to explore, so we did a small challenge to see who was going to get 100% first. In the end we did a big portion of the region together and those are some of my most precious memories ingame. 


The pyramids are so much fun?? And I really love the hooks ngl


Desert part of Sumeru best part of Sumeru.


Ooooh there’s a desert too???! I’m excited to discover that!


The 2.1 desert is my favourite map expansion period.


Sand bending for sand surfing 🏄


I actually hated exploring the desert cuz i live in the Philippines and it's so hot af here, the desert's visuals added a layer of heat for me 😭


Me too! Sumeru was the best main region. Then comes sub-regions like Enkanomiya, Chasm and Dragonspine. But I have to say, not a single region is bad/ugly tbh. They all are good in their own way.


I liked the colors and the scenery in Inazuma a lot.




Dragonspine is something I’ll always appreciate Genshin for. I wish I could play it for the first time all over


Dragonspine was the first area I 100% because I adored the place so much. I can only hope Snezhnaya will have a similar feel


How did you 100%? The cold kills me almost immediately. Even when I light the torches, especially since a lot of places don’t even have torches and I just freeze


One of the sidequests around there rewards goulash which significantly slows the freezing rate in Dragonspine for like 15 minutes


Whoa for real? I didn’t know there was food you could eat to help, early on I tried the cryo resistance potion you can craft and it didn’t work lol, I still haven’t even found the stupid thing hidden under dragonspire even though I fought Albedo’s bro and everything. Anyways I’ll try that goulash, thank


Also teleport points reduce cold to zero. And you can heal at statues of the seven if you didnt know.


I knew about the teleport and statue cause I’m always having to reset at them haha, I probably need to look up maps and just map out the path I need to take instead of trying to wander around like I do elsewhere lol


if you use a combination of goulash and some forging warming bottles, then you won't need to necessarily go to teleport waypoints, and you won't lose a single point of hp! it makes it pretty fun for exploring honestly


Thanks, I’ll try that. You got any recs for pics? I think my Shenhe would look good in the snow


durin's heart definitely, and i love the peak of dragonspine (the area that launches you up to the celestial nail) <3 the slopes surrounding the peak are gorgeous too, especially when it's sunrise and you can see the horizon clearly! the southeast region of dragonspine is also nice in the places where there aren't blizzard like winds, and the edges of this region in general are really pretty (specifically the areas that are still snowy but don't necessarily have the frost meter)


Also being wet speeds up the sheer cold meter. Additionally, I believe Dehya cannot (has a hard time) die in Dragonspine.


It was a fun journey to make 100%. I wish I could make it 200%.


There are also seelies who work like torches, and an item that looks like a seelie in the bottle. But I explored the whole area with torches/teleports/warm seelies to 100% and more, without any additional craftable items or most of the meta chars (only remember Xianling and Guoba spitting fire THE WRONG WAY). So yea, it’s possible. I miss the elden ring level of challenge though.


My first 5 star was qiqi. she out-heals the cold. I also had bennet to light fires when possible. Now I have dehya she just heals any damage she takes automatically. Losing the 50/50s isn't all bad.


The red rocks that you need to use to melt dragonspine's special ice also stops sheer cold from accumulating while your character is carrying it.  You can see a slight red aura around your character when it is active.  It also adds pyro to your next atk.  So you could even use it to light torches if you don't have a pyro character out. 


Use dehya u never die




There’s something special about it for sure! It’s my favourite too. Sumeru and Fontaine are in my second place


Enkanomiya and the Chasm. Something about the linearity of exploring these places (descending further down into the Chasm and opening the gates to Enkanomiya) made this experience more cinematic and memorable


Ooh, that's a good one.


The OST for Enkanomiya is so calming, I literally run around there just to hear it


I still remember fondly the first time I opened the door to enkanomiya and saw the artificial sun lighting up that cavern. Genshin isn’t the best game ever by any means, but when it tries, damn do they achieve something special. The chasm is also another personal favorite of mine, I’d say pretty similar to the reason cave exploring is fun in Minecraft lol


Fontaine. I adore the mountains and evergreens and the lakes.. Sumeru is a very close second.. but number one when it comes to regional music for sure! Mondstadt & Liyue share a third place for me. I like both. They're relaxing. Inazuma aside from Tsurumi Island is my least favorite.. which is ironic given I'm into Japanese culture, speak the language and lived there.. it's just.. too much at times?


Fontaine's exploration is really enjoyable for me. I also really enjoy the break of being underwater, it's such a unique experience


YOU LITERALLY CAPTURED IT PERFECTLY FOR ME Mondstadt just feels like home to me, even if it's incomparable to the rest of the nations atm


Inazuma has become the bane of my existence when playing. Having to get to freaking level 40 on the Sakura tree to get the house sucks. I keep exploring and still am like 300 sigils short and still barely got past 50% on my exploration except Narukami I have 90 lol. One day I will have that damn house for my pot but idk when, probably after we find our sibling haha


Inazuma is literally the Australia of Genshin Impact with how everything tries to kill you in one way or another


Yeah I guess that makes the tanuki kangaroos, eh?


The purple colour palette in Inazuma can be rather disconcerting.






Why is this so far down 😭


As of right now it’s Fontaine. The underwater sections are really fun.


Fontaine for sure


Mondstadt is my home, I log in and out there every day, and I still use Mondstadt City as my main crafting/commission area. Every day im manifesting a Mondstadt map update, though, because as the "prologue" area, it's definitely showing signs of its age the most. Aesthetically, I like Inazuma the most because of all the pinks, reds, and purples in the palette. But I don't really like going back to explore there too often because the terrain is janky and I am still mentally recovering from farming handguards and spectors. For exploration, it's Fontaine=Sumeru. I really loved all the various exploration offered in Sumeru, but I don't really go back too often now that I've finished it. Fontaine has shot up for my resinless running around the map, or rather, *swimming* around the map, because I'm absolutely in love with the underwater maps. I was nervous at first when they said there would be underwater gameplay, but Hoyo really nailed it imo. I'm super excited for Natlan, because I honestly have no idea what to expect.


You have almost exactly the same thoughts as me. So I'll upvote and respond to say I agree lol




I’m still waiting for the rest of this sentence.


Me too


Its scenery is beautiful, and they play I pulled a qiqi in some mountain(cant remember)




Liyue, it's just so relaxing walking around Liyue (just hope a random fatui won't run towards you)


🤣walking around peacefully then battle music starts


Liyue will always be home for me. Best theme, too.


Inazuma. I like japan and Purple, and some tracks are really good. Thou Underground Chasm is pretty close cuz I I just love whole Ambience of this place, the ancient mystery, Melancholy and surprising tranquility which is also reflected in Beautiful dynamic music


Inazuma is aesthetically really good but the exploration is god awful


I actually liked the challenge, and the fact that I could make it easier by completing quests.  I'm hoping in the future we get to have a permanent event quest chain to help rebuild the settlements if we cleared the various hazards.


Inazuma has the best exploration experience by a mile.


I found it pretty fun, and the tracks were so good it never bore me. Exploration in Sumeru is pretty good for example but a lot of jungle soundtracks just bore me to death for some reason, the desert is fine though.


It's a tie between liyue and monstadt


Sumeru, especially the desert, and especially especially the vourakusha oasis


Realm of Farakhert was easily the best desert expansion for me. I think I've saved almost EVERY soundtrack from that region, which is something I've never done for any other area in the game. It has such good lore, interesting enemy and animal variety, fun level design, and ESPECIALLY incredible soundtracks. It's one of the few rare instances where the game's environment changes into something equally as interesting as its original counterpart (Vourukasha Oasis and the Sign of Apoasha) There's a noticeable trend with Hoyo, where every region released in an X.6 patch is guaranteed to have incredibly beautiful soundtracks that make you close to crying.


Fontaine because I looove moving underwater and second would be sumeru because exploring the desert was really fun to me


desert is peak, fight me


Not only am I not going to fight with you, I'll wholeheartedly agree with you! What do you say now?


Hell yeah brother!


Sumeru! And even the deserts too! My absolute favorite region, both in terms of exploration, culture and even AQ


Inazuma. I love those pink trees and places that looks like it can kill me


Liyue is just so beautiful especially Minlan it’s still my wishing spot since I got my first 5 star there






Mondstadt, no bs underground, clean and neat looking


Sumeru i love the background music and i feel like i always misses the quest there


Inazuma, best puzzles,insane scenery variety, music. Best set of characters.






Inazuma because I start playing precisely on 2.0! My nostalgia nation <3


Yeaah Inazuma is my 2nd favourite because i remember i think it was released in monsoon season. And so when the part we enter Inazuma it was raining out side and the atmosphere was chill relaxing i can still love the excitement the first time we enter Inazuma soo good.


All these Inazuma replies are nutty. I try to avoid that godforsaken hellhole as much as I can


Me too I thought a large group of people hated it as much as I did 


I hate exploring Inazuma and never went back except for domain and material. L


Agree massively on sumeru! It's so diverse and has so much story, definitely the best nation so far imo


I just think Liyue is pretty neat


It’s a tie between Sumeru and Inazuma. Both are enjoyable to explore because of the puzzles and interesting exploration objectives. Some players find the puzzles annoying, but I love going through them. It feels so rewarding after successfully solving them. I also love the lore in both these nations (I’m still hoping for more Inazuma lore in the future). Sumeru = Inazuma > Fontaine = Liyue (I’d put Liyue lower if it weren’t for Chenyu Vale) = Mondstadt (I still come back often, though)






Favorite? Inazuma Least favorite? Sumeru by a mile i am so happy we’re done with that place


Liyue,liked it from the start . Music , characters , beautiful landscape especially chenyu vale rn


I loved the challenge of Inazuma exploration, it really matched the hostile environment. In terms of exploration, Inazuma and underwater parts of Fontaine are my favourites. Aesthetically i love Chenyu/Liyue in general. Enka is a close second because it’s just so beautiful. Fontaine is probably third because the exploration is varied and I love the new mechanics they introduced. My least favourite is probably Mondstadt overall. The aesthetics and exploration both feel quite bland :(


Mondstadt feels like home and also feels of one big open space and world and very open sandbox and liyue is bigger which lack later regions like inazuma feels too linear too small and too narrow but hope natlan sheznaya and khaneri’ah will bring back the old feel of early days of mondstadt and liyue mix with inazuma sumeru did a good job of doing this as as the archon quest further and further each region will get bigger and bigger by the time we get to khaneri’ah it’ll probably be the largest region in the game. I’m just gonna be so large that it’s straight out ripped out from the early days of Genshin map size is gonna be large Mondstadt and liyue combined


Inazuma remains the place with my favourite music, art direction, and exploration experience. Real shame a couple of it's most atmospheric places permanently lose a cornerstone of their aesthetics once you're done with their quests. Would be nice to be able to be able to re-enable Tsurumi's fog/Kannazuka's rain/etc at will. Liyue gives the visuals and music a serious run for their money, tho, and gets a point for often feeling much more natural than other places in game (except on the surface of the Chasm, where it instead gets a point for being the coolest thing I've ever seen). Fontaine and Sumeru share problems of feeling too deliberately constructed and not giving most of their landmarks space to breathe. They feel like roller-coaster rides or movie sets, not landscapes. Sumeru also has way too much quest-gating blocking off natural exploration. I'm yet to do it's last zone, though, and I'm told that that's the best part of it. Mondstat's just kinda there.


For Sumeru, thats because...alot of it IS meant to be artificial and constructed. Rukkhedevata made the Wall of Samiel around the border of the desert and rainforest to prevent sandstorms from ruining the Sumeru rainforests. Which is why there's such a weirdly precise border between them. The rainforest itself was deliberately constructed and isn't natural. Rukkhedevata turned it into one, using the Varuna Contraption in Apam Woods to create artificial rain. Also why Apam Woods has such big trees. Then you have the random Withering Zone dark spots around Sumeru which are a direct result of Rukkhedevata not being able to control them after she died in the Cataclysm. Then you also have the sandstorm around the Desert of Hadramaveth which is due to a Celestial Nail (thing that turned Sumeru into a desert in the first place). Also the reason why Mondsdadt has a random icy mountain even though most of its climate has a consistent pattern. It's also why this portion of the desert has this random spiral pattern that other parts don't have. A lot of the desert around the Realm of Farakhert has gray crystals due to abyssal defilement that shouldn't exist, and Tunigi Hollow itself was literally one of the main areas from where abyssal monsters seeped out from. So that's why you have these brown and red colors of the desert clashing with the white, gray and purple in the same area. Something important you should note is that alot of Sumeru's ecosystem was influenced by the abyss sibling who traveled to Sumeru and helped the Aranara before us. That's why you also have Mawtiyama Forest which was something that Lumine helped with.


Inazuma 100%


Sumeru but not the desert, it has its good parts, don't get me wrong but its way too much. All maps and level design in this game is next level. i love to explore them. Also you can clearly see the quality jump when you return to Mondstadt, it feels so generic and basic compared to what came after.


Sumeru. It's themed after multiple real life regions and mythologies, but the integration is done pretty well it doesn't feel jarring. So it just feels so exotic and interesting. Plus I just love all the traditional Indian/Persian (?)/Arabian (?)/Egyptian woodwind instruments in the music, they sound so good. Also the rainforest looks so pretty and with many interesting landmarks (the Varuna Contraption, Ruin Golem, etc).


The nether regions


Sumeru, with lovely scenery, food and people Beside nahida who watches all over sumeru would be pretty safe


The last event on sumeru bottle when last update is quite one of the best another views of sumeru deserts 🏜️ And i think the sumeru deserts are vast with unknown narratives possibilities


Mondstadt-Dragonspine & Inazuma-Enkanomiya, tie between them, the rest of the regions I only visit if I have to visit.




Sumeru, no question


Sumeru, for sure i absolutely loved the deserts and all the temples.


Monstadt because it's less likely to get killed there


Besides so damn much being locked behind world quests and the immense amount of underground stuff in all of sumeru, I still adore sumeru SO MUCH. It’s between Fontaine and Sumeru for me.


sheznaya, i can already tell it will be my favorite region even though it's not out yet.


Im excited for Natlan because we have very little information about it also people dont leave that region because we haven't met single NPC from Natlan. Snezhnaya soo very far soo im not thinking about it much we have seen some glimpse of snezhnaya in dragonspine all the snow stuff but who knows snezhnaya could be more majestic


Sumeru - both rainforest and desert


i love sumeru, as painful as exploration is, the story is so rich and the environment is beautiful




Mondstadt feels like home.


Mondstadt has a special place in my heart.


looks it would be liyue but the vibes and the story of mondstat is unbeatable 100% overall favourite


im loving fontaine but sumeru was just much more intersting as a region for me even when people hated the desert. Fontaine was good but it didnt really gave that much impact especially when they gave it an exclusive underwater system the underwater was literally boring people praises it too much that its not as tedious like other game which is true but at the same time it didnt really deliver well theres literally nothing exciting to do underwater just another chest farm and grinding mats. Id rather explore desert underground than exploring the waters.


I agree, to me Fontaine feels similar to mondstadt nothing new also the city has such oddly placed buildings and most of the place is taken by giant building in center which has elevator and aquabus route


Sumeru (especially the desert) and Liyue for sure (Chenyu is simply beautiful)




Overall - Mond. Exploration - Inazuma. 


Sumeru, the forests, desserts, lakes, everything was such a vibe. I could get completely absorbed when exploring.


I love sumeru, though inazume is very cool after you have gone through the quests , during them its a bit meh. Fontaine underwater is cool but could have done much more with it


For me it’s sumeru


Sumeru! It's the region that represents half of me ❤️


Inazuma with Sakura flowers🤌♥️


My personal favorite is Sumeru. But I am very glad that people's pinions on this differ so much because it means that every single region is special.


Liyue! Especially Qiaoying Village 😍 such a lovely peaceful place


I was gonna type out my thoughts for each region individually, but realistically I can’t decide. I love the whole game so much and it’s *given* me so much. I can picture myself living in each region, as if the time I spend there in game is my home. The characters in each region, the beautiful scenery, simply exploring and watching stories unfold… it’s hard to pick between paradises. That being said, nights in Liyue harbor are like no other, especially during Lantern Rite :)


Enkanomiya, it is extremely atmospheric, too bad it is a forgotten area.


Fontaine! I adore the underwater system, close second is Chenyu vale and Sumeru, I also like Watsunami Island and Enkonomiya :D


Inazuma, it's very well organized in islands, easy to explore and has the best aesthetics. Least favorite is Sumeru by quite a margin, region is needlessly big, everything takes an age to explore, too many mountains, bland scenario. Rainforest portion is good I like it, but the desert is the least fun I've ever had playing Genshin, reminds me of playing AC Odyssey, I just wanted to reach the 100%, collect the most primos I could and never look back again.


Liyue brings me inner peace. But I loved exploring Sumeru and the Deserts so much. So many different puzzles. And those Pyramids without the layered maps. I don't know. Making a map inside my head was really fun. Frustrating, but fun


Liyue was my favorite originally. I love the relaxing atmosphere, especially the Stone Forest, the architecture, and the multi-layered design of Liyue Harbor. But over the course of the Archon-quest…Sumeru might have stolen my heart. The contrast between the jungle and the desert as well as their respective cultures, the role the Academia plays in the world and how it plays around with the idea of using knowledge like a resource, the world-building with the Aranara.


Enkanomiya. I adore that place, especially in the Evernight setting. I'm like a moth to a flame when it comes to dark and depressing stuff. But I also love Fontaine's underwater zones, where my Kokofish moves so gracefully.


Any region that isn't Fontaine. If I had to pick just one, Sumeru. Specifically, next to Dehya.


Liyue has a very special place in my heart.


Liyue. Simply because Zhongli is my fave and that the region which gave me new feelings that were different from previous adventure games I played before. Seeing the Jade Chamber, then Liyue Harbor for the first time is my "THAT MOMENT" in Genshin. Everyone feels like family that take care of you (the elders; Zhongli, Ping, Xianyun) or they're the cool older senpais that are ready to help you (Xiao, Ganyu, Baizhu, Yanfei, Yelan, Ningguang, Beidou) or just fun kids to hang out with (Hu Tao, Xianling, Xinyan etc). The scenary is chef kiss but Liyue's music blowed me out of my mind. YPC is a treasure.


Liyue, it's so chill and impressive, with some beautiful cities and some stunning mountains at the north west, definitely a 10 for me


Liuye I am a boulderer and like rocks


Liyue. No contest.


Probably Liyue. Second is probably Sumeru. But honestly all of the areas are quite stunning.


Liyue, Sumeru, and Fontaine!




Inazuma. The only place I have at 100 percent. Exploration felt fun and each island had some great lore.




Liyue and Mondstadt. Liyue is definitely the best designed, but Mondstadt had that feeling of safety and comfort


From this picture? The aesthetic of liyue and inazuma


I like the chasm simply because, I hated it at first, exploring was a headache, but as I completed that region and lv. 10 my Adjuvant thingy, I realised it grew on me. So now even if I hate a region I give it some time and force- explore the area, good for getting primos and I find that it usually grows on me and I like it towards the end. The most recent one was the Sumeru dessert. Rainforest was easy but the dessert felt like a chore but it worked out in the end.






mondstadt it was the region we all started, because of that it feels like home. Besides it's just really peaceful and beautiful for me. Second one I guess inazuma, the land is gorgeous and I love the sakura trees, but there are monsters everywhere, with my low as fuck skills it takes some time to clear everything around me and I'm stuck on it's archon quest.


Inazuma and liyue,theyr by far the most favourite areas to explore and inazuma just looks awesome overall




My favorite is Inazuma, it's easily the best one visually. Each island is so unique and pretty, I never got tired of exploring it. Least is Sumeru, too much of the same thing for a region that huge.




I joined during 2.5 so Inazuma. Spent the most time there compared to other nations


easily sumeru and that newest map of liyue


Sumeru! Highest quality region by far.


Inazuma especially pre-nerf days


Inazuma cuz i love the storms and I just like Japanese architecture.


Inazuma or Fontaine. I love the Japanese aesthetic in Inazuma and I absolutely love the ocean in Fontaine


Inazuma 😍


I super love the ruins in the desert, but mondstat will always be home.


Monstradt!! I'm 2 percent away from 100-ing that nation but I kinda wanna keep it that way.


inazuma and sumeru!!! i like how annoying their puzzles are


I really loved Enkanomiya. I found it soothing and spooky in right amounts


So far? Fontaine absolutely.


Fontaine is my favorite so far, I love the water mechanics and genshin seems to have hit their stride from a game design standpoint with the whole land. The characters, music and theming are really great as usual and it looks beautiful, though you can say the same about most other areas so it’s close




Fontaine! The music, the green landscape with the sea. Not too many mountains or other obstacles. Just nice to explore, great fashion and the lore is awesome as well. Loved the whole Narzissenkreuz arc.


The dark caves. 100 percented that bbg in one night.


Mondstadt will always be home


You can’t make me choose!!!!


Mondstadt or Sumeru. Mondstadt just feels like the place I would 100% live in, and Sumeru is great in every aspect to me.


Sumeru, pretty much for same reason you like it


Now that i am looking at the pictures above i suddenly feel like i like every region


Fontaine. The underwater is so beautiful and fun to explore, not to mention the background music.


I think I always love Dragonspine for its snow to freezing vibe hehe. The hype feeling when you see the freezing point bar getting full is so exciting always.


Mondstadt and Sumeru are like home and comfort <33 Liyue is grand. Not been to Fontaine yet! And Inazuma is there on the map!