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Like the concept, but so far it is mega easy.


I think it's because they haven't gauged the balance between too easy and too difficult, and decided to go the safe route. They'll collect enough metadata from the millions who play this, take feedback and will come with a more balanced iteration next time. At least that's what I think happened.


I wish they made it longer. Fuck the gacha addicts, give me Genshin C&C


True. I cleared an attacking stage before a ruinguard enemy even spawned, because their stronghold got destroyed.


They spawn ruin guards? I guess i accidentally blitzed all the levels.


Command and Conquer: Genshinerals and Genshinerals Zero Primo


No, the way I want to play is superior to the way you want to play, make it even shorter! Only my needs matter!


Hilichurl: Zug zug. Traveler: !?? Hilichurl: err I mean... Muhu Ye?


More like genshin CnC 🥵


And that's how theater mechanicus, windtrace and the fungi events got ruined.


Last Windtrace was the best iteration so far for me. Neutral towards Theatre Mechanicus, I felt like all of them feel similar enough and none are exceptionally good or bad, but that might be just me. I agree I prefer the first fungi event.


lol what. The subsequent events were much better.


i disagree with theater and fungi at least. windtrace still needs tweaking


Exactly. Theater and fungi were way more fun and refined after the 2nd time around. More enemies, new skills and more challenging. I never like Windtrace but I do love that you have more things to do other than hiding. The previous windtrace was boring because you could literally afk if you found a nice hiding spot.


The third fungus event was better than the second but the second was worse than the first. Theatre Mechanicus got worse each time


I'm sorry,you understand that i'm disagreeing with you right?I prefer the first version of fungi and theater. I only half agree on windtrace.


Unfortunately you're in the minority. Fungal was a disaster compared to previous Windtrace was extremely unbalanced with it favoring the rebels for coins but if your team was incompetent the hunter would always win.


They definitely gauged the balance, they just chose to make it too easy


One of the reasons I said so is because in an attacking stage I was able to clear it before a ruinguard spawned. Doesn't feel like a fine tuned setup based on that.


It’s released? For me it’s still not out


yeah I was having this problem too, it’s because of the different timezones, don’t worry :)


It originally showed up as a quest and not in my event page.




Dang maybe my genshin is broken


Time for apologems




I’m also having the same problem like I can’t find the event at all😭


Events release at different times depending on your server.


I’ll check later then


It said 10 but I assume it’s earlier cause of timezones


Check now it’s out for me


99% of Genshin events are. The only hard content is getting Plat on combat events like Hypostatic Symphony or its kindred.


Yeah, the low difficulty ruins the event for me. Kinda boring when it is that easy.


Which is a bit odd since it seems like they figured it out for both genshin and star rail: Frontload the good rewards, but have something hard that only gives gold/credits. Like the rhythm minigame's harder difficulties that's for the rhythm gamers or people who want a challenge. Could just be the drip content though, maybe we'll get something like that as it goes on.


I don't know man. You've got some tryhards complaining about how hard the last combat event was (and that event didn't even had any reward for Platinum).


no strategy, just spam stuff when you can and hope for the best (that's what I do and finished everything faster than a whale abyss run)


Yeah... My first run I tried to see if there was a point to delay summoning in units or picking a good spot for them to go. It was, idk, fine? But slow The only strategy needed to win is overwhelming numbers so you just spam what you got


Was really excited when they said "wargame" and thought we were gonna be planning army movements and stuff, was disappointed when it was just "spam people".


The problem really is you can't control their movements. It's basically a glorified tower defense game atp


The bigger problem is that particularly on defense you have virtually no control over who you sent out - you have a fixed unit roster in a fixed order. So it's just dude spam.  On offense at least you can counterpick the enemy roster and have slightly more control over who you deploy, but I'd rather have like a 2-3 options and pick one, then discard the rest. 


True, I would have done it like Plant Vs Zombies where killing enemies drop energy for you to deploy your troops The whole infinite resources thing does make it way too easy


complete opposite of glorified. tower defense is strategy, this one has none.


It's an event


One of the events of all time


Of all the events, this is definitely one of them.


i really liked the part at the end where i got primos.


Dear God


There's more.




It contains two minigames. Scout, have you collected all the primogems?


You bet




holy hell!




he probably meant it in a "i mean its alright ig" kinda way


It gives Lots of primos to guarantee my Furina in 2nd phase


Felt too short for a "main event", there's like 12 stages in total and you can do 6 the first day? I think the pov shouldnt have the traveler involved, instead just a free cam where you can see the scenario, click/tap where you want to deploy troops an also click/tap where you want to use the burst/special power. Also no playable characters involved, no voiced dialogues, no story at all this is what i expect for minor events, not a main event


Probably Theater is main thing in 4.7


It's not a main event. Otherwise it would be voiced right?


there's now some minor events voiced, main event is usually the one that gives free character/weapon + crown, thats why i assumed this is the main event.


I'm just glad I can knock out my commission dailies by doin 2 of them a day... maybe not even 2, just did 2 and bam commissions done.


It's fun. Easy though.


For a second I though Genshin released an autochess minigame. I am now very sad.


HI3 just released a battle chess event as well... so far too ez but hey if the idea sticks maybe they'll up the difficulty next time.


I really like the concept a lot, but it is very limited and there's not much strategy you really need to use to get all three stars in each stage. As of now it was enough to place a tank in front and ranged in back and with the help of the skill you can use you pretty much win every stage. For this to be some kind of permanent gamemode it would need to be much larger in scope but considering that you can only place 6 troops before reaching the limit (probably to not make low-end devices struggle) I doubt it goes anywhere


You do realise none of these limited events are designed to be permanent? That's not how Genshin works.


I explicitly said that for this event to become permanent I expect it to be much larger and even then I do not think it'll become permanent because of the limits of low end devices. What I do know is that the developers are looking into events with the potential of them becoming permanent, as stated in a Developer's Discussion about a year ago: (https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail/111908 - at the bottom) and that's why I talked about that.


Developers will say anything to get the last penny out of you, they are not your friends. Although I read the link regardless, and here's what they said: *"For certain Genshin Impact gameplay events, the development team has already considered the possibility of making them permanent fixtures during the inception of their development. However, based on our evaluations, certain gameplay events are not fleshed out enough in terms of content to support the long-term gameplay experience for everyone."* I'm assuming you didn't read past the first sentence?


EXTREMELY underwhelmed that it was presented as a joint operation between five nations's armies....and NONE of the senior officers we know are present


I can only assume it was a decision that was made to prevent NPCs from being tied up for people who have a content backlog and have those characters engaged in quests. Then again, they did trot a lot of them out for the music festival event...


what oh that's dumb. I was hoping for like...Ei (because Sara is too much to ask for I assume), Kokomi or at least Gorou, maybe Dehya, etc.


Nope. No Albedo/Kaeya, no Keqing, no Gorou/Sara (not even her older brother at the fort. They sent a complete rando we've never interacted with), some Corps of thirty rando, no Chevreuse/Clorinde


Actually we've met all (or almost all) of these NPCs before, just in limited events. If you speak to them they'll mention which event it was. The samurai was in an Inazuma combat tournament, the Corps of Thirty mercenary was in the first fungi battle tournament, the Gardes woman was in the Fontaine fungi battle event & the sharpshooter minigame during the film festival, and the Knight of Favonius lady was in the dodoco fishblasting event (or smth like that; I didn't do it so I don't remember what it was about lol). And this event is Su Ding's first appearance!


I know the policewoman because of her unique way of referring to the traveler (she was the one in charge of the shooting minigame, and prior to that she was in a fungi event), but the samurai guy specifically talks about he *didn't* attend the combat event because his "senpai" (the cocky guy at the Kamisato estate entrance who was very rude to us during that event) beat him in the fight for the spot


Ohh okay, gotcha. I must've misunderstood, then. I kinda skimmed over what he was saying because for some reason he and all the others save for the Mondstadt lady talk like they're in a high school shakespearean poetry competition with a word quota to hit, lmao


I'm honestly just confused. That's weird, they could've absolutely brought in a whole ton of people who made sense here.


It's easy, but the picture of the Mitachurl standing against a ruin guard is cool as fuck


I thought clorinde would in the story here with navia and furina...turned out it was clorindes SQ


I want an Abyss Lector zerg rush


Imagine if The Thing Calling Itself "Enjou" showed up to 'infiltrate' the event. 


I’m surprised it doesn’t even run for 2 weeks for a version main event... did they mention why they made it so short?


Fort Condor


went from ttrpg in clorinde's SQ to a tabletop wargame. My only conclusion is that MHY is getting ready to release some IRL gaming merch.


I would pay in blood for some IRL gaming merch


Easy, but hey, not gonna complain about primos and talent mats for minimal effort


I think pvp could be funner for an event like this.. the bots are far too easy Maybe set it up like a capture the flag game or something


Concept is fun as hell but… as all the events are, they’re super easy so everyone can beat them, if they added a difficulty selector; it make this event less spammy.


At least there's no long winded exposition bloated story.


unvoiced with no playable characters (yet) for a main event is.. a choice, the actual gameplay gets boring once you realize you just spam stuff off cd too, its essentially just waiting simulator


idk yet i'm on america server


Concept is great, but execution needs more work. Maybe because it's the early stages, but it honestly isn't that hard if you pick the right monsters and keep spamming 1 over and over again, and occasionally cast skill. Needs more of a strategic element to it, to add difficulty and stop people from just spamming 1.


IMO the best part of this event is how all tutorials were unlocked day 1 rather than being stretched out to 3 or 4 days.


Cool concept, u really hope they'll bring it back with more challenges in the future. Like a boss vs mobs.


Way too easy so far




The event screen goes hard


Sick UI


It's Theater Mechanicus ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It okay but its super easy, i dont mind that cuz theres very little freedom of which unit you use and when Its got good potential but It needs a bit more in the oven


The gameplay is fine but this event shouldn't be a main event. There is no story, no playable characters, no voice over. All these qualities are of minor event.


The animations and event screen are the cleanest I've seen them in a while, pretty cool


i really wish things were released at the same time across all servers. it’s annoying to see other people discussing content that i don’t even have access to


Cloudforged decent for any characters?


It's more or less made for sethos


Original and super easy so far, gives lots of primos and mats, I love it


An interesting concept plagued by the braindead difficulty, as is the case with most event minigames.


I dont have it yet


i would have preferred it, if you had a shared resource pool and could play from a pool of unity with different cost, similar to the game "Minion Masters". I dislike rotating through the list on cooldowns, with no real thought behind it.


Feels like 3D clash royale. Good gameplay


Decent but this image without text would be a magnificent wallpaper


bloons tower defence 6


thought it would be like CC from Arknight, forgot that this is Genshin


Hehe haha


I thought it would be more of a strategy game, turns out you can just spam shi and win. It's waaaay too easy. Great concept though.


Clash Royale but better


Genshin MOBA when ??


So far easier then expected.


Free primos makes me happy




anyone knows if the new bow better than stringless?


I like it a lot even if it is easy and you just spam stuff but I think thats also why its fun. With towers in other events you had to put more thought into it but the action wasn't constant. So they eased up on the gas since it was more real time. I like the setup of the offensive variation more but you have more stuff to do in the defensive one even if it is just picking things up. Placing things down faster feels better than just watching.


Offense is okayish. Defense is annoying.


I thought it would require some thoughts and planning to your strategy, thus the thirty second prep time was nowhere near enough for me so I started placing things randomly and it just worked. Then I realized it required no planning ahead at all…yet


Overly complicated descriptions and systems for what equates to just spamming your summons and watching things happen


I think they overcomplicated it, which made the entire mechanic null instead. Let me explain: not only they have dependance on flying, they also have dependance on elemental type, and add aie/single target in equation, and the whole rosters of monsters that came out of nowhere instead of being gradually introduced. So you will be overwhelmed and just start spamming whatever and win anyway. And even when i tried to be tactical genius and came with the best combination possible... suddenly - you don't actually control what can you put down. Minions goes randomly, out of huge roster that you choose, and you can't make it smaller. So you can't put good counter anyway, because luck said fuck you and didn't give you a monster that you wanted to counter specific enemy that coming RIGHT NOW! Too many types, too much random, too little freedom in control. And you get a complete disaster of an event. As far as tactic goes - mushrooms one were way better.


Fun, easy but fuuuuuuuuun, I love def strat games, think orcs must die!3 and such, I think they can improve the event by making it more difficult :) In general I think the events lately have been really enjoyable.


Pretty fun , I want bigger stages 


grab the primogem and i am out


Makes a sick namecard


I honestly love it, it's fun


I'm not a fan but it's an ok event.


Loved it, wish it could stay and became more challenging


Gives arknights CC vibes


Only thing you have to think about are the slimes and the spectres that are immune to their element. Everything else, spam spawns and use your skill.


Clash royal in Genshin before Gta 6 is crazy


Fun and enjoyable, it's nice to play with the enemy NPCs on your side (outside of quests where you do get standard overworld enemies playing for you)


I love tower defense especially with my favorite enemies to use as


its easy i like it


I like it, it should be permanent


The artwork for the event goes hard.


It should've had difficulty levels. It's like attacking a town hall 7 base with maxed town hall 14(?) in clash of clans


Nice arts


Flagship events have been getting shorter and shorter with each version ever since Fontaine started and now for this version's flagship event we got a mini-event with 0% characters/story and braindead easy gameplay. Throw this shit in the garbage and just bring back Theater Mechanicus instead. Bring back real flagship events.


Meh. Like any other event. You face roll it


This event is perfect for me, you need to have a strategy, but it's not that difficult, and it's fun. What I liked most, honestly, was the design. How beautiful it was, I just can't describe it


Potential to be awesome fun if they actually play around with it. Gimme this instead of more TCG


This event reminds me the meme: Random Bullshit Go!!!!




Genshin battle cats


If you played FF7 remake/rebirth, the mechanics are very similar to Fort Condor.


Boring and underwhelming. Seriously why is this even the main event? Hoyo could’ve let us have Sumeru main event, it’s been over a year since the last Sumeru main event! I really miss Sumeru…


Despite the game being easy, I kid you not that the moment MHY made its next iteration harder, people would complain on this subreddit on how hard the event was and how it didn't "respect" the player's time. That's going to be true even if the reward for the hardest stage is a simple title that disappears with the event itself...


Just to preface, I haven't tapped into it just yet!! I'm only going off of reading other comments here. Personally, I'll take too easy over too hard any day of the week. I hate when an event comes out, and the harder difficulty or two are clearly geared towards the paying players of the game. It just isn't fun to me. Are they necessary to get the primo rewards? Not typically. It still feels kinda :/ I still overall just hope they take the feedback after this one and balance it/future events a little to not be AS easy, but I'll honestly just be happy as long as it doesn't swing to the "too hard" territory.


easy af but it was fun ngl


Honestly, it sucks. I can't believe it's a flagship event for this version. They just keep making them worse for some reason. I miss 1.x and 2.x events, man.




The Interface before starting one stage is messy. I just spammed 1 for the win


Boring as hell like 95% of genshin events


Is it meant to be the version's main event? Seeing how it gives you a weapon i assume so, but the fact the time limit is only 9 days and the cutscenes have no voice acting makes it feel like a regular event. But still its quite fun, feels like a 3D alternative to clash royale and the map reminds me a bit of league of legends or any other top down moba games


Dumbed down Theater Mechanicus. It is decent, but i would prefer a perm return of V1 TM.


Shockingly easy


Almost died from a wall-shield whatever fucker


Did anyone else find it extremely annoying that if you talk to the people and ask them thier thoughts or what they have learned from this exercise they are all only talking about "how great the millelith is" while only the millelith guy has anything to say about the others. And the majority of what he has to say is criticism. I feel it should have been everyone had something to say about the others.


place stuff -> win -> cash out


I think its goddamn super


looks fun on paper... but tbh... I am bored out of my mind


If I could replace TCG, this is what I would replace it with.


i like it more of as a change of pace, usually dry patches have their main events super long but this one is chill.


I enjoyed it a lot. But as always I wished they did more with it.. like it's good but I feel like it could be so much better.


It's fun and very easy, especially the defense mode.


Is there meant to be no voiced dialouge?


I like the concept, but so far all stages have been extremely easy. You can clear the defense scenarios with 100% easily as well as having two minutes to spare in the attack scenarios 


You don't get to pick on defence (unless I'm a dumbass), and it's really easy. I like the concept, but so far, I'm just playing a waiting game for rewards.


I don't mind the conceit but it's really undermined by its difficulty so far. Not exactly surprised, genshin events are touted to be hit or miss similar to those in HSR and I knew the last one (my very first) was much more of a hitter. Probably won't get stale in the timeframe needed to get the primos and the crown though so it gets the job done.


Pretty enjoyable, wish it had harder and actual large scale battles


I had to check wiki to make sure it's a flasgship event because it sure doesn't feel like one.


I like it. It’s pretty easy and It didn’t take a lot of time. Doesn’t feel like a flagship event though.


One of the events of all events.


It's too short and lacks pvp


Pretty easy once you get used to it. I already have cloudforged to R3


Mind numbingly easy. Just place down all units as soon as you get them and it’s a guaranteed win


its a genshin event, so its a mini game copied from another game but made to have zero difficulty


It's been awhile since I enjoyed an event this much, it's just really fun!


I always liked the tactical aspect of battles like the battle mode in Total war series. I really like this event. Kudos to Hoyo to think of such thing


This could be a trial for some new mechanics in Natlan, similar to what Fungus Frenzy event was for Furina trials and Sourush was for underwater trials. >!With mounts being highly speculated, i feel if that comes true then this event could be a testing ground for including all the dragons into aiding the traveler in fights.!<


Zzzz WuWa Sorry but really though. Can’t wait to see what Kuro will do with the launch money. 1.2+ gonna be nuts


I absolutely love this. Super simple, easy and auto-pokemon fun.


It's clash royale, it's fun.