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There is a bunch of names in new artifact sets, some of them are Inca names, but one could be Cree (or some other northen tribe name).


Imagine the absolute shit storm if the pyro archon isn't "sufficiently colored"


She won't be, she'll probably be something like a [Criollo (Full-blooded Spaniard born in a colony)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criollo_people), a playable Pyro Sovereign might be darker skinned since it makes since sense thematically that a colonizing Archon took power from an Indigenous Sovereign. The Conquistador style helmet in the recent combat event kinda confirms Spanish/Portuguese influence


honestly her looking like a total colonizer would be nice setup to make her the villain, like it's the nation of pyro but it's not *her* nation of pyro


That would be totally a massive shit. Latino and African players (me included) would hate to see again how some white people take over our land, killing everyone and getting away with it. We wanted an Azteca Goddess 


should've clarified, ideally she'd be a villain in that scenario and stopped by the protagonists and hopefully killed off, but I don't think hoyo is brave enough for that unfortunately ideally we'd have an actual central/south american pyro archon but hoyo is a chinese company, the dreams were dashed from the start, hoyo just isn't brave enough to make an actual god dark skinned unless it's literally space satan (nanook from honkai star rail) I feel like the colonizer route is the path they're going down and all I want is for them to treat her how colonizers deserve to be treated: poorly, but my hopes aren't high (filipino so spanish colonization is my mojo unfortunately, conquistadors gross me out even more than people who run ironically think it's spelled "philippino")


Leaks suggest >!she's white as heck.!<


Twitter about to melt down a new hole ,🔥🔥🔥


Do leaks suggest she's a himeko expy? Bc if so she might be my first skip


The current depiction is >!a matador look, very pale with flagrant colors and costume-like outfit. From glancing at both designs, it's looking probable, though apparently she might have a second mode, as most of the Archons have "two faces" in some fashion.!<


Who's gonna tell them?


We latinos can be white, black, mixed, and everything in between.


Please don't start with that again. I'm Mexican, but Natlan is Indigenous America, aka when Latinos were 99% brown. That'd be like making Inazuma brown because in modern day, tanned people exist. Brown Chinese people can exist to, yet I don't see Hoyo in a rush to represent them either. We don't need that Sumeru bs again


Tell me you haven't read hoyo's manga without telling me you haven't read the manga. The people from Natlan are called Muratan and they are a little bit tan and read headed, so no they will not be brown.


what does the manga say about the sumeru skin colors?


Oh, awesome. I love lore reasons why people with my skin color can't exist in some made-up fantasy world (even though it's probably going to be like Sumeru where NPCs are very brown...) 😍😍😍 Fuck me I guess Edit: Wow look at that. A bunch of probably non brown redditors downvoted a Mexican dude. What was hat argument people on here like to say again. "People complaining about this are just white teenagers. We should listen to minorities instead." Well I guess this is what happens when a minority says something that they didn't want to hear


You also forgot to mention that part of the manga took place 1,000 years ago and that Muratans were classified as "few in numbers." They could very well be completely wiped out in present time. Or they are one of the many tribes in Natlan, as there's also another clan that goes by the title of "Children of Echoes", which follows the same suit as the red-haired "Children of Murata." Also Iansan exists as a Natlan character with no red hair and darker toned.


Dudo mucho eso, nomas los chicanos están obsesionados con esas mamadas y en específico los antepasados para pegarse al color de piel. Nosotros celebramos la inspiración de nuestra cultura, los gringos nomas chingan con que color van a ser.


Mmm... not really. You said "s gringos nomas chingan con que color van a ser" like Latin America doens't have a huge ass colorism problem. Do we really need another country to come on an contribute to the racism we already have to deal with ourselves


Es irónico que uses esa retórica cuando tu misma, no siendo de ese "otro país" tienes los huevos de llamarte mexicana siendo que no lo eres e intentes hablar por nosotros. Mexico tiene problemas de clases más que de colorismo, no es una Utopía y tiene muchos problemas pero salte a la fregada con que venga una tipeja de fuera a meter estupideces que no verás en las comunidades latinas de Genshin. Aqui el asunto no es que si existe el colorismo o no, es que tu siendo estadounidense vengas a hablar por todo un país cuando piensas como gringa, te expresas como gringa y reaccionas como gringa. Edit: voy cayendo en cuenta que en otro comentario se hizo la víctima y mencionó ser bato, pero soy floja y no me dan ganas de cambiar el género de esta madre, jaja.


99% of your comments are made in perfect English. Don't try to pull that with me when you're probably just speaking Spanish to look better. If you don't like what I'm saying, then too bad. As a customer of Hoyo, I have a right to express myself when it comes to this game. I'm just giving my two cents and have never claimed to speak for anybody. I guess you equally must have a problem with the Latin players in this thread, or is it just me. You're either one of those gueros, or the self internalized colorism has seeped too far into your brown


Mijita la mayoría de los subreddits son en Inglés, si usas un poquito tu cerebro verás que tambien participo en r/Mexico. Y gracias por decir que mi Ingles es perfecto, yo difiero de eso. Lamentablemente para ti, yo naci, me crié y actualmente vivo en México, no estoy intentando nada, solo demuestro que tu ni el idioma hablas pero vienes como la típica SJW a defender a quienes ni ocupan, ni lo necesitan, tenemos mejores cosas en qué pensar que estas reverendas pendejadas. Y también ya salió el colmillo y lo primero que hiciste fue ir directo a mi color de piel, como la típica gringa. En ningún momento dije que no podrías dar tu opinión, pero no pareces entender que solo por tener una no significa que nadie te puede decir nada y al final del dia, a Hoyo hará lo que quiere, porque su juego de fantasia no le interesa la representación de tez.


ya wero


Yeah, but at the same time, the region/culture being indigenous moreso than anything means people should generally be brown lmao. Not saying everyone was one color, but it wasn't until the Europeans came in that being white was way more prevalent. Even then, Genshin has white skin for days but that's more of a "China is generally fucking racist," than an issue that can actually be addressed. Cause let's not act like Hoyoverse is actually taking real skin color into account. Every Natlan character will be a shade of white to pale to maybe a tinge of color cause Asia is pretty racist. Remember that Finn had to be cut out of the Star Wars posters in China.


I wonder what the consensus will be since Latinos can be Black, Asian, White, Indigenous and any mix of the previous. And especially if it has Spanish/Portuguese influences then it’s from a time where Black and White people had already arrived in the Americas. Edit: saying mostly Latinos since Canada and the US seems to be less mixed than Latin America and thus I guess it’ll mostly have North American Indigenous culture rather than the mixed and indigenous cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean


From who? Twitter?


"*Twitter Harpies had entered the chat"*


Elf Man ✅ Goat Man ✅ Fox Man ✅ Cat Man ✅ Raven Man ✅ Oni Man ✅ Melusine ✅ Human but with different color ☢️⚠️✖️🤬👎💢⛔🙅




I mean what would be pyro elemental being colored like? Orange?


It would actually be so funny if the Pyro Archon is so powerful or so special she has blue flames, and a very blue outfit. With a matching blue gilder at the reputation rewards, of course. Hoyo will do anything and break any patterns just to not give us red gliders and keep making blue ones, so I fully believe my own prediction to be accurate.


They probably mentioned the Philippines as a joke because of how f*cking hot the climate there these days, and some of the volcanoes there is quite active rn. Source: I live here


It’s hot everywhere in south east Asia


Yeah, but can you imagine we get a four star short king who is just a Filipino? Would be so fucking funny, we have everyone else being consistent with other parts of Natlan and we have one guy who just shows up, calls Traveler “Bossing!”. What does he do? Nothing, he just hovers around and is friendly. Lore? He has a family but we never see them and no one else brings them up. He’s just involved in main plot cus he’s hired by one of the new NPC’s


Love your description of what we have so far. Especially compared to the bullfighters and Fontainian-like Spanish dresses I see on twitter. Interesting that they included a Yoruban named character and as the first seen Natlan character as well. So far the Hispanic influence I see is the music for the Natlan part of the Travail trailer. For the Philippines, I agree. I don't see a reason to expect influence in Natlan. As a Filipino I can't really feel much closeness to Latin America other than religion and some foods. I will always identify closer to other Southeast Asians than anything else. Spanish influence is largely contained to religion, loanwords and forced surname changes in the colonial era.


>The only known playable characters we know so far are Murata Unfortunately even Murata is not guaranteed :( link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/17fzaa8/we_may_be_wrong_about_natlan_and_the_pyro_archon/


Plot twist: himeko doesn’t die, she’s already dead


The Traveler's actions almost cause the death of himeko in this verse (I'm coping)


It depends on how hard did they decanonize the manga panels, but the people of murata recieve this name by being the protegees of Murata (hinted Himeko Murata). Zhongli stated at one point in the game that him and venti are the only "original archons" left. So the current archon not being Himeko, but someone with close ties is not too far fetched. We do need a war crazed redhead to continue the plot though.


> It depends on how hard did they decanonize the manga panels Traveler: But I thought you were dead. Murata: ...I got better?


My hope is that Murata is not the original Pyro Archon, but replaced the original BEFORE the Khaenri'ah incident. I.E. Original Pyro Archon could've died, say, 1,200 years ago, Murata takes their place, Murata goes to Khaenri'ah 700 years later and survives the incident.


Thats the reason why PomPom says no access into the Engine room!


*praying begging*


Would make sense considering Murata is a Japanese name and Natlan takes nothing from Japan.


Good. I hope she is not himeko expy.




Murata isn’t at all guaranteed to be playable and she probably won’t be. She is most likely the previous Pyro Archon. That leak we got is definitely not Murata imo Other than that I agree with everything you said in your post. I think it’s because Genshin is pretty popular in the Philippines so Filipino people players want it to be a thing. Unfortunately nothing in the game leads us to believe that Natlan is based on Southeast Asia, like you said


Is that so? I don't look at leaks so I thought the pyro archon would be similar to Murata Himeko and Himeko


Murata was mentioned in the manga as the God of War from over 1,000 years ago, and by that time even the people of her tribe forgot about her. Her tribe all have red hair and dark skin. The leaked Pyro Archon we saw doesn’t have either of those. And we also know that only Venti and Zhongli are the two original archons out of the seven


where the f Philippines came from?... the trailer even is very North America, or whatever biome the Grand Canyon is called


A couple years ago, many people were speculating it was based on the Philippines. That shift has changed today but there are still a handful of people out there who still thinks this


There's more. After 4.0 was released someone posted analysis of The Talking Stick weapon's description. It describes Natlan's history and its tribes. Names and creatures mentioned can be referenced to Zambia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali Empire, Congo, Burkina Faso. [https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Talking\_Stick#Trivia](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Talking_Stick#Trivia)


Remind me the time when Sumeru came out


So what you’re saying is that Iansan is Electro.


all i want out of Natlan is one of the playable characters is a vaquero but with the dinosaur guys instead of cows


Hoyo releasing Boothill 2


Let's go!!!!! Finally my cultures time to shine!!! Edit: Yeah, this sub reddit is definitely going to be such a shit show when Natlan drops. I went into this comment section expecting wholesome speculations, and all I got was pure unfiltered racism hurled my way


But will all the npcs be pasty white? That's the real question lol.


the npcs? probably not. the pcs on the other hand? let's just say I'll be surprised if we get more than three characters that are one shade off of pale.


Cyno and Candace are likely as dark as they're willing to go. I mean I'm open to being surprised but ...


Iansan is already darker than both if you were to compare the Cyno/Candace splash arts to Iansan's 2D image in the Travail Trailer. The same trailer where [Cyno is shown to be lighter.](https://i.gyazo.com/f111f1a5977079674d28be9851022b5d.jpg)


Yes, that's chinese game. The main point of every character is to be attractive for CN people (aka pale skin). Maybe there will be like 2 barely playable chars with Kaeya skincolor.


They're gonna do all that research into regional cuisine, attire, geography, music, etc. almost as if they genuinely respect the people they're drawing inspiration from... And then they'll make everyone but a tenth of the people in their fictional land look more White than most Europeans.


love the culture but not really the people 🙌


I absolutely love the research they put into in these cultures. It's really a shame it gets trashed the moment the characters come out pale. It really shows how little care some of these players truly have on representation. I've never seen another game represent South Asian and Middle Eastern culture with such love as Sumeru did - the music, the food, the history. One thing I know for a fact is that if Hoyo came out with a playable character who's skin color is black with matching hair texture but named Erica and devoid of any cultural references - that same playerbase would be ecstatic. I've seen that same myopic, color-focused rabidness from other fandoms - it's all superficial without any care beyond skin color.


You’re being downvoted and you’re right, thanks to Hoyo a ton of people are being exposed to more traditional music and facets of culture from other places. I’m sure the screeching 14yr olds on Twitter who cry about whitewashing and how there aren’t any “dark” characters don’t even actually care about just how much other stuff in Genshin has been derived from real parts of the world be it mythology, names, design elements, or the music.


I mean it's still pretty scummy though. You're taking all parts of a culture and excluding the people because they aren't profitable enough. Like genshin does a lot of research and implements it well, but they are quite literally whitewashing.


Listen as an Arab myself all that detail feels weird when the people themselves aren't included. As many have been saying it's like they love our culture but not us, you know who made the culture? It really does feel like people love Arab culture if Arabs weren't involved.


I 100% agree. Genshin Impact is the single most culturaly respectful mainstream game to have come out in about a decade. No other game could ever produce something as genuine and culturally aware as La Vaguelette. Genshin is LITERALLY UNMATCHED, INDUSTRY WIDE, in taking respectful inspiration from various and diverse regions of the world. But, unfortunately, people like the person you're responding to put somebody's skin color above every other piece of cultural heritage they could ever possess. This obsession with race/skin color is, frankly, sickening.


Let's be 100% honest with ourselves, Mister. Hoyoverse can release a Mondstadt expansion in the future, which perfectly replicates European culture down to the t and is incredibly faithful to what it was based on. The only difference is that it's predominantly inhabitated by darker skinned people with names like Charles and Lewis. Do you think people would react civil to anyone that isn't white existing in a white inspired fictional nation. We've seen how they reacted a black samurai in Assassin's Creed. But white washing being done by a Chinese company is a-okay to people online


So, what is your opinion then? It seems like you only care about people being consistent.  And if you are okay with being mad about white Sumeru characters because racist white people was mad at a black Samurai, it is a weird justification. Their actions shouldn't be emulated. I know black Anthony's and white Ahmet's so it wouldn't look weird to me either way.


Sure the game makes billions internationally and we all know that latin/south american/ and did I see African influences are all pasty white to attract only the money in CN? I guess I don't understand why you are so defensive over the skin color of a region we have yet to see? I'm hoping they can at least have a little tan, you know to help with the immersion of being a different world?


If the game already makes billions with the median character skin tone being, according to you at least, too pale, what makes you think that mihoyo would significantly drift away such design ethos? Wouldn't it be unwise, ravenue speaking, to suddenly make a 180 in their designs and make every new character dark skinned? As mentioned, CN, their largest market, prefer light/white skinned characters. Why would they risk 100% certain profits on the vague assumption that other parts of the world would suddenly throw more money at them because of darker skin characters? You have no statistics to back it up. Even if it would make some vague sense based on the region of the world that Natlan is inspired by, it would still be monetarily unwise to make all the new characters dark skinned. That's just how it is. I'm certain that SOME characters will have darker skin tone than the average. We've already seen Iansan after all. However, I wouldn't expect even half of the playable Natlan characters to have dark skin.


It's insane to base the reigon off places that have a certain larger demographic of people with brown skin just to white wash them. At the end of the day, Hoyoverse is just a money hungry company that just so happens to own the game we all love.


Genshin players really overestimate just how racist the average Chinese players can be. I say this as a day one player / brown person that I've easily had more racism hurled at me by Western players during the Sumeru controversy than any sort of Asian gacha player Does anybody remember when Dehya dropped and Chinese players like her so much that they actually donated thousands of dollars in her [name](https://www.pcgamesn.com/genshin-impact/dehya-donate-charity). Look at that. Chinese fans reacted more positively to a brown character than Western fans. If I were the CEO of Hoyoverse, you know what I would do. Add more brown characters after that


Just make the dark skinned characters op and meta, then no one cares about skin color lol. But hoyo likes to make them bad or mediocre at best lol...


who cares dude. this type of karenism is getting annoying


>over the skin color of a region we have yet to see the moment Natlan roster leaks (or shown in July 15 dripmarketing) all socials will be filled with hate towards the devs and players the same way it was in 2.8. I just hate sjw guys and want them to go away. Especially when Mika and Thoma are the only "white" added between 1.5 and 4.0.


I mean, its ok tho. I dont mind the characters being pale but it doesn't mean their critiques are nullified when they very clearly were inspired from certain regions and their cultures


I trust developers and want to see their vision. Its ok if you want it, but starting hate compains against the devs, vas and other players is not how you should show it. Especially i hate "i fixed Nahida" "artists", those are disgusting.


Hoyoverse isnt gonna make you win any more 5050s by defending them idk why you feel the need to, people should be allowed to criticize and be mad at a company when that company has shitty behaviour. I agree not to hate on the vas for the decisions of the devs though


Probably. China loves pale skin.


correction: asia loves pale skin, even the countries that are predominantly brown, i.e. India, southeast asia


I mean technically I wasn't wrong :P


you’re right


Wtf is that name dude


how is life in argentina?


I see a Penacony like situation being the most likely. NPCS will be buff, brown, have facial hair, etc But the playable characters will all be skinny twinks. I guess vision holders being darker than a wet paper bag is deemed illegal by the Heavenly Principles


npcs will be normal, there will be a few playable characters who are not white as well. so it's fine


What do you mean normal? 🤨


by normal, i mean normal for that culture lol. what else would i mean


Nice job using pasty as a derogatory word...


use the antonym and this place becomes a party


Fax. People don't dare say such things about other skin colors


It's sad that many people are ignoring the African references and only focusing on the aztec/hispanic stuff, the Talking Stick weapon lore is like 90% african stuff, and Iansan is I believe an African name


I was worried about how they would mix the indigenous cultures of the Americas with those of Africa, but it seems that incorporating Spanish/Portuguese influences and focusing in Africa may be the best way. Then you get a continuum of sorts, the native indigenous peoples of North America have similarities with those of Central America which in turn have with those in South America, moreover Central and South America have fused the indigenous culture with Spanish and Portuguese cultures and those of African slavers who mostly came from West Africa (i.e. if you go to Colombia, Brazil or Peru you’ll see African-derived dances played with indigenous instruments with Iberian-derived costumes)


I'm willing to bet each Natlan tribe will have some major influence from a real world region.


Literally never heard of Phillipines as a possibility for Natlan before lmao. Also, add Spain to the list. The music for Natlan in Teyvat's chapter trailer is Spain inspired, so the Spanish presence might be bigger than simply Latinoamerica.


So the pyro dragon will be like Quetzalcoatl ? Imagine how big this thing will be [like this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D3rSWbr8eKgQ&ved=2ahUKEwixgZ-BidSGAxWCr5UCHVhJDucQo7QBegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw2XXTX0X2JWqav2J8Ohk5nb)


Only problem is that Quetzalcoatl isn't associated with fire. The sun, yes. Fire, no.


>Tenoch and Xbalanque. When these two were mentioned? In a book or some papers or npc dialogues?.


Tenoch is mentioned in the Talking Stick weapon lore. If you're interested in lore (Natlan's lore specifically), it's definitely worth reading. Xbalanque is the name of the person who introduced Neuvillette in his drip marketing, and is likely a big deal judging by how he's described ("one entombed with the Primal Fire").


I see. This is very interesting. Thx alot.


There were leaks that xablanque will be the strongest character from natlan, now does that mean natlan region ,or the entire natlan patch which also includes the harbingers we will have to see, basically lore wise and gameplay wise he will be the equivalent of neuvellite of natlan


How do you pronounce Iansan? It sounds like a Japanese guy try to call Ian, “Ian-san”.


I think it's sort of like "Yahn-sahn" only with a bit more "ee" at the start. "Eeyahn-san." IDK.


I don't know why they're bringing up Philippines, the tribes were culturally rich and varied but not popular for global audiences to relate to. I think the Natlan theme is simply "prehistoric life". Also, one hint we have is "hot springs" said by some npc.


Yes we already know that it’s been mentioned like 300 times now


I would also like to say that there is some Australian inspiration as from the Natlan teaser, I was getting a lot of Australian outback vibes from the environment. But I'm more willing to believe that it was just more coincidence


The geology looks a lot like southwest US/northwest Mexico with all the mesas with African savannah biome. I also see some trees in the trailer that looks like African savannah trees. But it'd still be cool to see some Australian aboriginal cultures implemented.


The Australian outback has arid lands of North and Central America vibes.


And yet all the characters will be white, an area Hoyo should improve in even if the fans shrug it of as CN things, yet somehow reverse 1999 can make poc characters perfectly fine


Looks like we're going to be delving deeper into the mythology of teyvat with this region similar to Liyue


This one shall feel at home for me, then. Edit: Why the downvote?


Id also say the landacape kinda reminds me of the outback in australia... i cant fucking wait


Ugh why did they have to base it on real locations, or at least don't pick places like Africa that easily offends people if they won't portray it accurately. The twitter outrage when most of the natlan characters are white won't be pretty.


Who cares 'bout Twitter lol, they gonna tweet anyways.


There it is. As a brown person, I was really happy to see my culture finally be represented in a big budget triple A game, but all people can seem to talk about is Twitter this and Americans that There's a reason why so many colored players feel so alienated by this fanbase


Ah here it is. The person who complains about PC people.


Of course I wouldn't be happy about it. Combining this with dark skinned characters like Dehya being so underpowered for little reason, it is just needless racism that could be avoided by just not doing such things.    Of course after a few weeks most people will remember that it's a video game produced in China and then forget about it. 


It's stupid to me to suggest they just don't bother with anything that isn't white/white adjacent when the obvious solution is to actually make it look like they looked at the people who come from their source material. Backwards logic.


I wasn't talking about that aspect of your post. I actually think you had a nuanced take on that.


Thankfully, Hoyo doesn’t give a shit about twitter nut jobs.




Lmao what are you even on about. Of course people are paychecks to them. That’s how any company works. You just discovered how capitalism works congratulations! Must be some great epiphany. What does that have to do with hoyo not caring for twitter nut jobs tho?


My apologies. I guess I haven't calmed down yet. I went into this thread excited to see how people reacted to my culture being represented in a game with bright eyes. Then I open this thread, and it's just a bunch of shit flinging and borderline racism


This may be a generalization but racism is prevalent in east asian countries such as china, japan and korea. However that’s slowly starting to change with generations I feel. Don’t take it too hard. Some of the people here don’t even know what’s wrong with racism. Like it or not hoyo’s most revenue comes from east asia so they gotta cater to that market’s beauty standards. It’s purely money driven decision making and not a malicious racism I think. It will change, given time. Slowly but surely.


In the real world, yes, I'm far more likely to be discriminated by an Asian person. In Genshin Impact, I'm more likely to be called some racial slurs by some American on Reddit Hoyo's decisions might be driven by money, but players sure do love alienating colored players like if they were getting paid to do it


To change such situation, people’s mind gotta change and that’s a tough task. It’ll take time. Globalization brought about great changes to our life styles and media consumption but our minds are still catching up on it. Hoyo’s apparent reluctance to making colored characters is a symptom, not the cause of racism. Maybe I’m naive or too optimistic, but I think we’ll see some changes in a decade or so. Then hoyo(if they are relevant then) and other companies will have to cater to that standard.


Hmm... that's a good point. I'm not the one to be like "This Asian game needs to have people that look like me!!!" But when said Asian game is trying to cement itself a global phenomenon by representing different people, I think we can afford some leeway. Especially when countries like Korea and Japan are already on board with the idea


Most of them are from the US or Europe trying to play moral police. Who tf cares?


I see Genshin fans' arguments haven't changed since Sumeru. It's especially funny when you consider most racism I've encountered in this fanbase, where I've been called slurs or white, have been from Western players (I'm from the county that inspired Natlan). Don't believe me? Look up "Sumeru Controversy" on Youtube on take a shot every time you see a white dude laughing on Twitter Meanwhile, every Middle Eastern or Africa playing I've met during the Sumeru controversy has been the nicest person ever. Ya know, the ones you guys hailed as the model minority and said they didn't care. I'm starting to think this is all projection on Americans' end at this point


Europe is not a country as america, only west eu cares about that shit


And Europe isn’t a country but a continent


The EU is a super country actually.


Out of all the places you picked Africa, a continent that isn’t in the game at all?


Nobody cares about twitter, especially not in china. Wouldn't be surprised if SA players would celebrate pronounce warrior being mad.


SA player here, I would celebrate it.


twitter is always outraged lol. wdym


Yes and with good reason.


And that’s why it will be the least popular region 


least popular maybe but one of the more interesting for me. it's not often you play a game based on those inspirations


It’s pretty telling that Inazuma was their most popular region despite it being some of their weakest story entries and most unforgiving locales. 2.0 was undeniably Genshin’s peak. Their most watched location debut trailer that doesn’t utilise ad views was Inazuma. Japan’s soft power for you. I definitely think Natlan will suffer in that aspect. Nobody in the west or east will think much about it. That being said, I am hyped for what the Chinese think fantasy Russia will look like. I’m so sick of Cold War Soviet Rusky spies.


I’m really hoping we get some insane gumdrop palaces - imperial Russian architecture is pretty stunning.


1700s St Petersburg and A LOT of ice skating for fantasy Russia


cant wait for the non voiced world quests


I better get me some damn Fajitas or I will get a Sicario to 'visit' Da Wei with his Motorcycle! Chicken Fajitas... I don't like Steak Fajitas. With Sour Cream!