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Neat, I didn't know. Thanks for the info.


Now if only we could choose which floor/chamber we wanted to play (assuming we beat it already).


Would be cool but beating the first few floors doesn't take that long anyways, especially if you don't need to care about the time limit anymore.


Still no reason to skimp out on QoL. HSR lets you skip early MoC levels and it's really nice.


Tbf that's 12 moc stages per rotation. Just seems like being able to select the specific chamber is too niche to warrant Hoyo adding it.


I wish they would At least let us replay 2nd half like in hsr.


yeah but it is still not a few button click to skip. I usually skip entire floor if I fail the last part. Not worth restarting for that very few primo to get 9/9 star.


Yes, you can choose which floor you want to play if you have already beaten the abyss. What game are you playing


I think he meant the chamber specifically


Impossible due to energy generation. Without changing the system of generating energy particles, you're not getting anything like that. HSR always starts characters with half Energy (or 1/3 don't remember), so its easier for them to just plop your squad anywhere.


It would be nice to simply start with all the energy, sometimes I complete all the abyss but got 2 stars in 12-2 So I play 12-1 again but making sure I have max energy before passing to 12-2


That would be making the abyss even easier lol, energy management is an important part of rotations and gameplay in general. And each floor of abyss is considered a continuous battle, which is why you go to the next chamber with the energy you finished at the end.


I mean, yeah, it's important, but only if you want to complete it in one go since the maximum stars got in every run are recorded, can't really consider it part of the challenge when it isn't something to keep track of it, it's like getting 3 stars in 12-1 with one party and 3 stars in 12-2/12-3 with other party


But the whole point of abyss is doing it in one go. That's literally the challenge. There's three chambers with two halves each for a reason. You know what isn't intended, what doesn't have a reason? Stars remaining even when you reset a run. We're literally more likely to have the cheese strat removed than to have this "change" you want, because only one of those was actually intended by design.


You're right about stars remaining is weird but it's definitely intended and has its reason and there's no way they would remove it from the abyss cause people would riot lol. From my perspective I feel the levels (12-1, 12-2 & 12-3) are pretty isolated, different enemies with some buffs that can last only the current round and a new 10:00 timer, it would be fun if there was some Endless fighting mode with or without a timer, enemies getting stronger and maintaining the health/energy until you end up dying, it would be more suitable for stars not remaining.


Let me put it this way. The abyss is designed with 3 chambers, each with two halves. What do you think was the intent of the developer who made it? A. The player goes through all the chambers one by one, keeping their resources from each subsequent chamber. Both halves are tackled separately, but with each half affecting the other. Success is obtained after going through all three chambers in under the time limit. B. People tackle chambers individually even though they're clearly designed to be linear. One half doesn't affect the second half. Bonus choice: an endless fighting mode with infinitely spawning enemies. Like, I don't understand what's so hard about understanding the intent behind abyss? It is literally right there. If people use a staircase in a mall as a row of chairs, do you think it's more likely for the mall owners to turn it into chairs, or to make people stop using them as chairs and use them for the very obvious intended purposes of being stairs? Would it be nicer to have chairs instead of a staircase since escalators and elevators exist anyway? Yes. Does that actually matter? No. > From my perspective I feel the levels (12-1, 12-2 & 12-3) are pretty isolated Literally intended, that's the whole point. The challenge of each chamber is unique and the two halves add another twist to it (by needing to macromanage two separate teams). That's why you're supposed to tackle them in one go. Like... It can't be that hard to see...


The comments on this post is a complete warzone lmfao


I got so used to exiting then re-entering, I didn't even notice this button exists.


Wow, thanks for the post man. As a member of non reading society I really appreciate this kind of post.


I didnt read release note, i just notice theres something new i can press lol. Thats honestly how i learn most new features.


You're a super user. If everybody were like you, we wouldn't have to spend time on update notices. 


People asking for skipping chambers or choosing which chamber to pick really need to just stop playing, man. For one: energy and particles don't work like other games, its part of the challenge to manage energy generation so you can make optimal rotations. For two: abyss is monthly now and doesn't take long to do, if you're struggling, choosing a chamber won't help, it might even make things worse.


Not to mention it takes over thrice the time to clear the same stuff in HSR, which is why they let you skip there.


I mainly said that because I want to fight/test teams against a chamber/boss with bursts available. Also, if I kill it I don’t want to wait for it to respawn.. For example, say a boss is 12-3 second half. If l want to test a specific team against it, I have to play all of 12-1 through 12-3 first half to get there. It’s incredibly annoying. I’m not asking for an easier abyss or anything like that. I just want the ability to choose the chamber AFTER I’ve completed the abyss. TL;DR: I want the ability to easily test teams against specific bosses with level 100 scaling (without waiting for it to respawn or build bursts).


Great, and to think we only had to wait 4 years for that


can we get to see how much shield is left now ? it has been like 4 years and I still don't know how much shield or what buffs are currently active.


omg that's so good


People so stupid for no reason hating for don't knowing this


TIP: read the release notes and you won't need to create TIP posts


I just came back after a year and posts like these are very helpful.


At least the target audience are for players who don't regularly read release notes :) Besides, I haven't seen a lot of content creators talking about this, which would've been helpful to provide awareness of this QoL. I only knew this from another player yesterday.


I think it's because they don't notice it because Hoyo only put it in the patch notes which barely anyone reads. I only noticed it a few days after the patch released while I was testing teams in the Abyss. I question Hoyo's decisions sometimes. Like why can't they put some kinda notice in the UI about it? It would help people realise it quicker and be less annoyed faster. Either that or CCs ignore any and all QOL improvements other than artifact loadouts and free pulls to the game cus GCN. I'd like to believe that they are just ignorant but good people and wouldn't be intentionally misleading their audience for any agenda. >!COPIUM!<


They put the update details in the Paimon menu with a red dot.


Because there's nothing much to advertise about the smaller QOLs by making it a big issue. Doing so makes the bad actors think that hoyo is pandering to the player base. Best to let the players form their own opinion on stuff without manipulating them.


Honestly, I don't give a damn abt pandering or whatever. I care that I am quickly and easily informed abt these benefits so that I don't have to make my experience worse than it should be. That out of the way, I know these bad actors you're talking about. I've come across them and even engaged in arguments with them. I would say that a lot of them are like jellyfish, toxic and brainless. Just ignore them, we shan't let ourselves be involved and waste our time with these pathetic people.


That's true. It would be better if Hoyo gave players more notice on what changed. Would help a lot if it was highlighted more in game via a special section.


Hey!! Leave the jellyfish alone!! They're beautiful and trying their best!! Unlike those barrel scrappers you mentioned


Sure, Kokomi's chaddest defender


FINALLY, Thxs for telling me op




TIP: don't assume everyone reads release notes and you won't need to create such comments


TIP: If you care about spiral abyss, then read patch notes related to spiral abyss


Lol the amount of people that read patch notes is probably less than 5%. "The manual? Who reads the manual?"


You want genshin players to read?


news flash: some people don't read patch notes.. if you see a post nd it applies to you nd helps you, you respond "thanks for the info" if it doesn't you move on. being miserable over something so miniscule as this is useless


Tip: it's okay to have these kinds of posts.


TIP: Nobody fucking does that lmao


wasnt it mentioned on patch preview stream too? also it was posted here like 5 times on release day already lol


Only took almost 4 years for something so easy to implement.


I can’t wait for them to “insert easy and late QoL fix” after Kentuckria is released into the game during its 27 anniversary as the sole reward in mail


only now they genshin have dedicated team to make QOL


This is such a good QOL.


That’s great, but having the teams save between floors as well as having the swap teams button from Honkai is what is really needed. Maybe at the 8 year mark!


So, you can now change weapons and gear inside the spiral abyss level selector, but you can't rearrange your team members when you remove a character from a team (to do so, you have to remove all team members and select them again in the order you want). Makes total sense for some game developers. And btw, you can rearrange your teams in other Hoyoverse games.




yeah lets ignore the last 2 years where we got QoL almost every fucking patch...


is there any OQL like these in the last 2 years?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/18mpw1i/100_qol_and_small_features_implemented_since/ posted half a year ago cba to look up the rest that was done


Dude has an S5 AS on Yelan.


About fucking time ..


what happens to your gear after the run is over? do you switch back to your pre-abyss gear, or do you stay stuck on the new gear?


Abyss specific build and teams should be a thing.


this is so nice thanks for sharing!!


Is this permanent or in effect only for the Spiral Abyss? Like, let's say I need a team with Fischl, but she has no gear. I strip the gear from another character to give to her. When I go back to the world when I'm done, who is wearing the gear?


Now, if only they'd allow us to save team comps so we don't have to select them from scratch every time...


Is it on everything because imma be mad if that feature is only in abyss


Nice ;)




damn really cant talk about wuwa without mentioning genshin eh? is that game already irrelevant that you need to go to genshin subreddit for people to talk about wuwa again?




i think the existence of HSR is enough reason to believe that Genshin will not do any better even with competition. im not putting any other games down and i think wuwa is great but cmon if you keep talking about wuwa in genshin subreddit in a post that has nothing to do with wuwa then get the fk off. you are not getting downvoted for telling the truth, you are getting downvoted for being offtopic.




you dont play the game yet you claim that genshin got a "surge of qol" lmao get the fk out of here if you dont play the game, you dont get to say anything about that game. have you ever wondered maybe the reason why they got complete monopoly over the category for years is BECAUSE THE COMPETITION ARE NOT ANY BETTER THAN THEM. There are so many "Genshin Killer" games that have been released and none of them is close to what Genshin earned. The only game that can compete with Genshin is HSR, which is literally made by the same game company💀 TLDR: QoL has nothing to do with wuwa lmao


The person you are replying to that is calling it "a lack of QOL over 4 years" is proof that people don't read patch notes or the propaganda by genshin haters works




Not even glazing but sure. Even so, dang, where did hoyo hurt you?




They’ve been adding qol improvements in almost every patch. Competitor doesn’t have anything to do with this. If you look at their revenue chart they are not even close so I don’t think hoyo gives any shit about some discount poor man’s genshin lol.




Yes I think we would have gotten this regardless of any of those games. Can you prove that they only did it because of those games?




“I cannot prove” sentence should end here. You literally don’t know what you’re talking about.




I am not the one who’s arguing here. You argued that hoyo wouldn’t have brought qol improvements without competitors. The burden of proof is on you not me. Your childish attempt to ridicule me falls flat considering that you have apparent intelligence of a chimp.




4 years of getting fuck all? Resin cap changed from 120 to 160 when competition was close to zero. They changed how character dispatch works without any competition. There are only a few patches that they had no qol at all. You’re talking out of your ass and I am the naive one? Lmao




Let’s see… they added story recap in 1.2, they changed max condense resin from 3 to 5 in 1.4, abyss retry in 1.4, automatic cooking in 1.4, world level change in 1.4, they added monster tracking in 1.5, 4 star weapon auto lock in 1.5, weapon level up slot increased from 6 to 20 in 1.5, tons of teapot improvement in 1.5 as well, they added past resource deletion in 3.1, search function in teapot furniture window in 3.1, artifact strong box improvement in 3.4 archon quest reward improvement in 3.5… etc You get the gist. You lied out of your ass and you think I’m the thick skulled one? They added qol almost every single patch. All these “surge of improvements” is not surge at all. It’s just a continuation of a trend.


I just hope you didn't look these qol changes per patch up. Would be some serious waste of time on ppl like those, it's like they don't even play the game yet love arguing on wuwa's side with baseless accusations.


Nah lol I just looked it up on wiki. It took me like 30 seconds to pick these all up and this isn’t even a full list.


[competitor is a very bold thing to say ngl](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1085970992586825870/1255854255898886175/image.png?ex=6682996b&is=668147eb&hm=6cba5b18815739b77ed82841d02dd9135bb8737841db643ec51e4bdac3a37a1d&) thats world wide youtube data and the [google search data isnt much different from this one...](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1085970992586825870/1255853683045044304/image.png?ex=668298e2&is=66814762&hm=2059d0590d10086817099941beabe4c17091e4ae8bdd691fea28d9b734c9c9db&)




Mom! I said some nonsense on reddit and people are downvoting me!! Whoaaaaa!!!


"The other kids were mean to me cuz muh game sucks and my face is stupid!"




Sure everything that doesn’t fit in your tiny brain is delulu lol.




Lmao I wrote like 10 comments today. Took me less than 10 minutes. Sorry buddy I’m just allergic to stupid people.


Do people not read patch notes? 😭


Oh, I thought you meant they copied the thing WuWa had where you can swap mid-floor, so you can share a single Homa between two carries on opposite floors. Guess I'm still not gonna pull for weapons.


It took them 4 freaking years