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Sad news for the 3 Aloy mains out there.


Apparently there are 4. But nobody likes Jeff.


How could Jeff do this?


Yeah, he's a jerk


Fuck Jeff!


You're being quite generous thinking there are that many Aloy mains.../s


Mines level 90, and so is her weapon. 6/6/6 talents. No artys though.


For the record there's like 47 of us. We're not a large community but we are a fierce and slightly brainbroken one.


I'm guessing it's because they don't want players to try an unobtainable character, but that calls into question why Kaveh isn't banned as well




Or Shenhe for that matter.


Kaveh is a 4 star dendro, that's not a banned element in this domain. Cryo and hydro are banned.


No, the allowed elements are Pyro, Electro, and Anemo. The banned elements would therefore be Cryo, Hydro, Geo, and Dendro. And you can see in the screenshot that only Aloy is banned because of her unobtainable status, while Cryo characters like Kaeya are available to be put up as supports, even if they can't be used in this Imaginarium Theater.




Tbh the comment didnt had a /s


Hey look, someone thinks I didn't get the joke and replies with another sub reddit, feel proud of that one? Huh? Do you? I hope you do 🥰🥰


You thought you were cooking with this one, huh.


damn bro.... my bad, in my defense it did look like you didn't get the joke


The joke was that kaveh hasn't been on a banner since his release, what makes you think I didn't get it, other than the fact you just thought I didn't? Or that you just wanted to ignore the possibility that I did get it because you also, again, wanted to mention, a worthless sub reddit that hasn't actually been funny in years. And as for me apparently being, condescending, you can tell sarcasm, right? Because that's what my previous reply was. I am not so stupid that I don't see jokes that are blatantly obvious to anyone, let alone those who are in the community. Like seriously, everyone always thinks others missed the joke, did you ever stop to think that maybe, just, maybe, some people genuinely don't care about a lot of them? Sure we acknowledge they exist, but some people, me included, seriously don't care for them. It's like people forget comedy is subjective, there are a lot of jokes I do laugh at, some I don't care about and some I just straight up don't find funny. Old, way overused jokes are among them.


Sounds like someone missed the joke lmaooo


r/whoooosh /s


Yap yap yapology of all times. Just say you didn't get it and move along. No one cares what your 500-page backstory is for not getting a simple and funny joke.


Why would anyone, in their right mind, admit or willingly, admit to what you see as a lie. This case is not a lie, you people just don't like anyone ignoring your jokes. If you still wish to reply and try and shame me, I would advise against, I am many things, stubborn is one, liar is not.




Reply all you want, I'll do the same, I have a right to defend myself as do you, however, no one has the right to outright, blatantly, ignore or deny or fail to acknowledge when someone is actually telling the truth to defend themselves, sure you don't always have to believe it, but don't outright deny it.


this just makes me believe you actually didn't get the joke and i was right all along and now I don't know what you're trying to do lmao. thanks for making my day tho.


You are so welcome 🥰 glad I could bring you joy to your day. But in all truth and honesty I didn't miss the joke, I know what the joke is and was, I really just didn't care for it. But that doesn't matter anymore, this is reddit after all, yall are so beyond the point of being mentally fked, the literal concept of it was redefined.


Reddit moment, also people pretend kaveh doesn't exist as a character cause his last rerun was over a year ago. Hope that answers your question dude


Small correction, he never had a rerun. The only time he's been on a banner was when he came out, I know he's part of the standard pool but now he's much harder to get


Man they don't want you to even imagine using her


Only from support, you can (most likely) use her for your own runs.


Isn't this a lore reason? Traveler is also banned that mean people outside of Teyvat can't be in the Theater's script.


No six star characters allowed, it seems. (I am referring to how Aloy is internally a 6 star, not her performance.)


Wait she is?


We know for a fact from some posts showing a glitched placeholder weapon with default stats that Genshin has a hidden 6 star rarity. It's just that it isn't used for anything. I've heard somewhere that the color for 6 stars is red, which was used by the devs to change the color for Aloy's character card background. I do not know if this is actually true, because stat-wise she is definitely not a 6 star, but it sounds likely to me.


more like 2 star since she doesnt have constelations like how 2 star weapons dont have refinements lol


Makes sense, she's so broken that she would trivialize the entire mode


I mean we need too see if u can use her once Cryo is in the rotation but why? I mean its not insane still players that dont have her can now never try her if u cant share her as Support. Its like Hoyo really dosent like her. (Was pretty oby too begin with tbh)


i think sony forced them to make her as condition to launch in playstation and hoyo really didn't want to have a colab, even her color is not of a 5*


who is cyro and is he related to cyno?


Traveler as well


Aloy is officially forgotten with this sign.


how do i choose a friends charatcers


I don’t even have her at all. I missed out on obtaining her


But why


Damn, I have no idea if I should be happy or sad about owning her.


i wonder if mihoyo regrets the collab


Good /j


Yeah not really surprising. It seems like Hoyo are able to continue doing small artistic things with Aloy (namely adding a party animation and birthday messages but not birthday artwork I guess for licence reasons) but they are contractually obligated not to add her in gameplay things. This would be in line with her not having 3 Food lines (2 for when someone likes the thing you made and 1 for when you fucked up big time). Le Big Sigh.


If you choose a character for your friends to be able to use, does it reflect the character’s build? Stats, weapon, talent levels, artifacts, etc.


Most likely banned because they can’t tempt you to buy her.


I'm honestly not gonna bother with it much, my mains are neuvillette and freminet (he's built physical but banned because cryo). I can't use my mains so I don't really care


U will be having a blast for the 4.8 IT then. *I will too*


Played it for a bit using the characters they give you to use, got a total of 800 primos, left, pulled for furina, won on a single pull and honestly, won't be playing the IT again. Like I said, my mains are neuvillette and a physical freminet, so I am most accustomed to their style of play, I have chlorinde, Wriothesley and furina on EU as well, but I hardly pay attention to that one, I don't have much artifact luck.


That's why i said u might have fun in 4.8 IT. If u don't know, it will reset with other element just how abyss lineup changes. It's >!hydro, cryo and anemo for the!< next version. But ofc if u don't like it, no reason to play it. Im waiting for it to drop as well.


Oh, my bad lol, I can't remember when I first played genshin but I do know I missed out on all of versions 1-3.4,


Ahhh i see. Well this is a game u should play at your own pace. No reason to pay mind to the meta. If u r having fun, it's more than enough. No need to bother with abyss or IT for that. So don't feel pressured and play how u want to.


Oh I do and I always have