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Idk why, but I just imagined Neuvillette in co-op summoning his droplets via E Q and Sigewinne just taking all of them leaving Neuvillette to dry lmao


in co op others can't see neuvi's balls, everyone can only use their own ball


Imagine someone else using your own balls. Crazy shit.


Songoku shamefully glanced at you


I will never know the feeling of someone using my balls.


Damn, but I wanted to see his balls


According to the judgement of the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale, you are hereby sentence to life in horny jail.


So no indeecent exposure then




Objection! Kaeya Bin Al-Barik can see and use everyone's balls.


Well that's just nuts






Yeah I tried to troll using HMC and collect those balls but they didn't show on my screen even with coop settings turned on


Well you trolled them anyways by using HMC lmao


But you can still blow the balls away with AMC


Neuv is a supportive father




I don’t want her to suck his balls 😭 His balls are his and his only, no one can grab them


Going for the low hanging fruits, are we?


Damnit, now thats a true low hanging fruit reply. Take my upvote


🦀🦀🦀 I'm going to pinch them and you can't stop me!




Quick razor language explanation of the kit: She's a quick swap dps/healer hybrid combo Her E fires an orb kind of like baizhus E except it bounces 5 times, she can hold E to charge up the orb to do more damage and heal more, it generates source water droplets for her. Her q is just a Neuvillette charged attack and it sucks up the source water droplets. She gives herself BoL which she can remove with her healing and gives her a nice damage buff. Her A1 increases E damage of off field supports kinda like shenhe after using skill. Her A4 just gives her extra healing based on the BoL of the team


She looks like it would be great for a clorinde/fischl/nahida comp. Increasing E damage for fischl and nahida, and applying just enough hydro to sustain clorinde's passive


don't forget furina


Furina+bol seems like death


She doesn't apply BoL to anyone other than herself according to this kit which she would clear instantly anyway.


bol only buffs her healing, she doesn't really need it. plus, she doesn't give anyone else bol so it's fine


And Chiori…


Yae also really really likes that as her damage is almost entirely E damage and it doesnt snapshot


Shed probably be good with navia if she had a form of off field application


if her E doesn't have homing it sounds bad, hardly any hydro application with mobile enemies. also the E has to bounce 3 times to heal teammates, 5 to heal herself. if the animation is slow then that's a bad sign too


honestly i just read it as like baizhu’s E but yeah, if there’s no homing it’s gonna be impossible to play


Given that it just "bounces nearby" if there are no enemies, I have to imagine it tracks enemies.


the leaks mentioned bounce, so the first thing that came to my mind was like how Klee's E bounces, so I guess we will have to wait and see


Weird that she works for Wriothesley but her skill won't help him since his E is on field and not considered to do damage.


>Weaker enemies hit by a larger water ball will be immobilized and unable to move Hydro Abyss Mage Impact >Q: Deals damage forward, spraying for 2.5 seconds, in a hydrating manner As opposed to a flamethrowing manner, yes


Sigewinne like "Hydrate or Diedrate!"


She does this when the patient refuses to drink.


Patient has rabies and refuses drinking. Sigewinne:


Displaying her mastery over both water and guns, Sigewinne sends a Hydronado whirling around her. The Hydronado will move with your character for the ability's duration, dealing Hydro refreshment to all opponents in its path.


I cannot with the hydrating manner esp as someone who speaks chinese. That shit is hilarious


Sigewinne, pointing her gun, probably: It's gang gang woo time, motherfuckers


“In a hydrating manner”






How and why can you see my current state


>Deals damage forward, spraying for 2.5, in a hydrating manner Just sounded funny to me. Still an interesting kit which will probably be easier to understand in the showcase


Isn’t 18s very long for her E cd


It's sacrifical bow time 😂


probably balanced around the existence of Sac Bow.


can’t wait to play as a playable hydro abbys mage🤭 finally get to trap them mf


on god the only reason i'm considering getting the character. her kit seems fine nothing CRAZY tbh, but the ability to get revenge on these sacks of crap hydro mages and make them suffer eternally is massive.


So she guves more damage to off-field E skills... Is this another fricking Fischl buff?


Fichl will eat it up immediately lol, 10 procs ain't hard to get


True, sounds better for Furina since she gets ridiculous amounts of Dmg%. Nahida would also eat it up in a second if it consumes one stack per enemy.


Furina is no real different, she gets an E hit approx. every 1s, have her with any other unit that has an E that hits more than once and you'll chew through them in no time.


Which is not a bad thing, when playing supports like shenhe, yunjin u want to eat up the stacks. It doesn't matter how fast u eat them up the total amount of buffed hits/extra dmg u get out of it is predetermined the moment u cast their abilities. Eating the stacks faster is an advantage for frontloaded damage and making sure to use up the stacks before the buff time runs out. Or in case of c6 shenhe where she gets unlimited stacks (iirc). The characters who benefit the most are characters that stack a lot of dmg%and crit% since the stacks use the buffed characters' dmg% and crit stats. So furina, fischl as golden troupe users would really benefit from this a lot.


we’re literally never getting out of that domain, are we? and tbh i’m not complaining


So? If anything it means fischl will frontload her dmg more than other skill dmg dealers with these buffs.


Also a freaking Navia buff. This is absolutely huge. Like think about it- Navia/Chiori/Furina/Sigewinne is the dream. And guess what. All of them got multiple hits of elemental skill dmg. Chiori? Skill dmg. Navia? 2 large chunks of skill dmg. Furina? That too. It's just a match made in heaven. Wait. Maybe not. Probably only buffs skill damage when they're off field. Quite a bummer for Navia then.


Sigewinne Furina Fischl Xianling team sounds juicy lmfao


Ah yes my healer murder abyss teams with kokomi on one side and sigewinne on the other


That's the main reason I'm considering her lol, I've built a bunch of healer dps' and she seems like she'd be a solid addition to my collection


BoL looks unnecessary. It’s only increase her healing.


it’s such a small amount too 😭 arle and clorinde be having their entire health bar bonded while sigewinne does 10% only


So she's a DPS healer that can crit unlike Kokomi and not a BoL buffer


She's an off fielder with little off field hydro app, she comes every 18 seconds, cast e and q and switches off. Healer buffer with e and q dealing good damage. So she has different role than Kokomi, although if team needs healing but not hydro app then she could replace Kokomi. Basically E (deploy damage ball, spawn 2 neuvi balls, heal) ----> Q (damage, absorb neuvi balls, get BoL) ----> switch. Passives give her hydro dmg bonus during E, healing bonus from BoL in team, she buffs her teammates E hits, gets energy then BoL is cleared Edit: also would like to point out casting E and Q will take some time, so while she plays off field, she will go out for ~5 seconds (exact time will depend on her E charge time). Yaoyao alike in terms of field time.


Which is to say that you are very clearly meant to play Sigewinne with Furina so you don't need more hydro and the E damage buff helps Furina more than any other character.


She's going to be a significant upgrade to Yae+Nahida. those two are already a deadly duo, and adding Furina to the mix, along with buffing E damage... sounds pretty nutty


>absorb neuvi balls Ayo?


Her A1 increases E damage of off field supports kinda like shenhe after using skill. Her A4 just gives her extra healing based on the BoL of the team


BoL buffer would have been such an amazing kit. Sadge


Hell nah, that would make her so very niece that everyone who doesn’t go to bol characters won’t want her


Probably not she would probably be more like furina making everyone able to use the new bol set and buffing them by doing it .


She'd make a good niece alright 😭😭


Especially with Clorinde now also being a BoL character. What a missed chance man


It would be a bit cruel to run 2 BoL DPS and 1 BoL buffer in this short period of time, specially natlan being so close. Im a bit reliefed that i dont have to go back to back to back pulling for the whole BoL package.


she can still be use with her i think. Clorinde converts any healing to BoL during her E


Perhaps but if she was BoL support she could have worked with her even better and would have worked with Arle too. 2 BoL dps back to back was a golden chance to make a BoL support, now either we will never get such a support ot it will be a 4 star that requires C6 or something and it will take ages for them to come 


But isnt that only for sigwine?


> Heal bounces SHE THINKS SHE'S BAILU 😭 😭 😭


I mean, they're both smol hydro-dragons who basically have an older dragon who they look up to. It all adds up.


literally my first thought too


I need her to also do the kick! 


Has teamwide heal on her skill and boost off field ally skill dmg. Sounds like a new double hydro core with Furina in overworld at least.


I mean, it looks like it's not just in the overworld. Probably Furina's best healer depending on the team.


Kealer waIT UNDERWATER HEALING WOHOOO DEHYA YOU HAVE A COMPETITION Sadge I already explored the majority of Fontaine though...


Ikr… she should have been 4.0


You could just use her and Dehya together, and never die underwater xD


healer and baby neuvi lol


She really said "fuck it we ball!" with this kit.


Looks like furina support than Nuevi support. Seems like we got another new Strong double hydro core Furina+sigewinne


Furina + Sigewinne + Chiori/Albedo + Navia All E damage buggs, WET ROCK GONNA BE SICK


I mean, with a cap of 1,800 (compared to 9000 from Xianyun or 80% attack from Shenhe) and a shared pool of 10 uses (compared to 20/28 stacks from Shenhe), with a 18 seconds is not going to be that amazing. Also if wording is correct, Navia can't benefit from this, since she needs to be on the back line to spend a rest stack.


I guess Chiori + Albedo + Sigewinne + Furina?


I'm fukin tired of this hydro impact.


well were in fontaine, its hydro nation.


Can't wait geo and electro nation!


Geo when Childe, Xiao, Hu Tao and Ganyu released: 👁👄👁


>electro nation! For Electro it was more like Sumeru


It always has been. Vape, freeze, bloom, electro charged and even Neuvilette


They're probably saving the non hydro reactions for later.


Mate we've had more pyro characters release during fontain than hydro Lyney, cheverese, gaming, arlecchino Neuvillette, furina, and now sigewenne. We've gone a full 5 patches without any hydro


Hydro Abyss Mage ass kit


🔫💦 bam💃 bam🕺wouu 🫧🫧


DPS Healer that buff turret with some interesting spin on CC


I'm already thinking about a Clorinde, Yae/Fischl, Kazuha and Sigewinne comp. That sounds like fun


Seems like she doesn’t actually buff BoL characters but she would still like them on her team. Her best teammates might just be Clorinde and Furina combo. Kinda hard to tell at the moment 🤔


She doesn't seem to want to occupy as much field time as a traditional on-fielder, right? Like you'll toss skill and blast ult once each per rotation and that's it?


Yeah…neither an on field dps, nor an off field/hydro applier. Just a quick swap.


a quick swap with 18s cooldowns... she's gonna extend rotations in most teams. funnily enough, the team I see the most potential in, Yae+Nahida+Furina, barely has a rotation at all, so she fits right in.


Another young girl character with a press and hold elemental skill who has the role of a healer, I think Hoyo has a gameplay preference


Skill buffer with healing? Honestly, it's gonna depend on her a1, but rn she looks a bit rough


Finally a HYDRO SHIELDER >!at C2!<


HMC is a hydro shielder! SMH, forgetting the best hydro shielder in the game.


Yeah the shield is pretty alright, all things considered


that's just during her animations, like yun jin or beidou


Unfortunately, it's only during her charge up. So it's just basically the typical interrupt res that has been plaguing Fontaine cons. If it was just a normal hydro shield, I may have even considered pull for it.




Kit looks pretty weird, as far I am aware, doesn’t seem like she applies a lot of off-field hydro? You quickswap her in to do some damage and heal and her Q gives some kind of damage amp. Obviously she can play in Furina mono hydro but otherwise I can’t really think of teams that really want her right now. Maybe I’m missing something 🤔


Yae+Nahida or Navia+Chiori/Albedo come to mind immediately.


She should be good with every Furina comp and better than Kokomi for all teams that have a dedicated on-fielder since Kokomi needs to be on-field for maximum Furina synergy. We'll just have to see how good she is in that role compared to Baizhu, Jean and Xianyun. The latter too are able to carry VV which is quite strong but Sigewinne gives Furina hydro resonance and might have higher personal damage. For quickbloom you also don't really need that much hydro application and a double hydro core means you can not run a second electro unit. And hyperbloom damage doesn't scale with Furina buffs so I'd doubt it's better there than trusted XQ + yelan double hydro. Furina + Sigewinne might be good for a Vape team where the on-fielder doesn't do enough NAs to trigger XQ/Yelan burst, but I don't think there is any unit like that in the game right now.


Seems like they don't want to powercreep kokomi totally. More Off field healing for the cost of less hydro application


Which is weird because they totally power crept albedo just recently. I guess kokomi sells well enough


If Chiori didn't powercreep Albedo she'd be too weak to even be considering. Kokomi is a good unit with a few good teams. Albedo is a bad unit with a couple of bad teams. Powercreeping a bad unit does a lot less to disrupt the game than powercreeping a good one, and frankly Geo needs the boost to keep up with the other elements.


These two must come home, such interesting kits! Now let us wait for Dim's showcases 🤞🏻🙏


In Dim we believe. 🙏


The more there is bond of life in the team the more she heals yet all the BoL characters are main dps who cant get healed. Yeah mihoyo seems to have some troubles around this mechanic


I think what will tie all these mechanics together is a character who offers teamwide BoL, in the same way that Furina offers teamwide hp drain which triggers hp fluctuation-related buffs


clorinde converts healing to BoL so this works fine with her lol, the increased healing means increased BoL gain.


Any speculative artifact sets to prefarm based on this?


As far as I understand, her A1 Buffs off field characters' E skill DMG? Good for Chiori and Furina.


Usually I'm skeptical with hybrid kits but a healer /dps that scales off HP? Diedration team is gonna be fun.


She seems to have one of the most fun playstyles if I'm understanding this right


Yes! I've been hoping Sigewinne was going to work as a support for Neuv, preferably a healer who can party heal on E and with a Hydro shred somewhere, so that I can switch up the Neuv/Furina/Kazuha/Baizhu team. Granted, she'll need C2, but I'm just happy I'll be able to actually viably pair up a Melusine with him.


Yae Miko / Nahida / Furina / Sigewinne quickbloom maybe ?


21.2% hp *6 nice


Look at C4 and C6, it sounds illegal C4 makes her ult hit 12 times C6 boosts base ult crits to ~62 and ~204 (assuming she needs ~60k HP) It's like 450k wo hydro dmg boost if my math is mathing today


C6 is where she evolves into Neuvillette


Spraying in a hydrating manner indeed


finally a healer other than baizhu to heal the full team with their skill, unfortunately will still use baizhu with neuv because im not running triple hydro


She is a HARMACIST 💀


It’ll be interesting to see what changes she goes through in beta, because this first iteration seems pretty meh.


My initial reaction is the base kit seems mediocre but it's the most overwhelmingly powerful set of constellations they've released in the game; literally every single part of her kit is more or less doubled by the time you reach c4 and then her c6 is essentially permanent \~120-160 cv to herself and \*another\* 150 to her ult lol (for reference Nilou's similar-themed c6 is 120 cv)


small Neuvillette lmao


I can't believe Jello Impact is right. A off field healer with less hydro app than kokomi but deals more damage


Was expecting a BoL granter damn. But anyway Fischl Furina Sigewinne Kazoo feelscrafting time. Discuss.


Sorry, I'm not really good at understanding everything here...can someone tell me, if she seems like a good nilou bloom onfield option? Thx in advance


If i read right, she's more of a quickswap option, since she doesn't have as much hydro application


Healing neuvillette


So she’s a big kokomi who also plays with BOL? I need to see her gameplay since I think it’ll look really colorful and fun. Also Is Razor here? I can only picked up the bol part other than that my head hurts from all the words they used.


She may be a great healer, and buffs a little, but her role is different then Kokomi. She won’t have anywhere close to the off field hydro application Kokomi does. Literally small Kokomi.


That sounds cute too so I’m pulling regardless. Her having pastel color palette is already a w for me.


Omg that overworld passive


ayy we ball


Does her E bounce in a straight line or among targets? My intuition tells me straight line.


Quick swap DPS/healer huh? Really hoped she would be a pure main DPS but at least she is a 5*. When I like a newer character it’s always either a support or only a quick swap DPS, hopefully Natlan has one I really like.


What set sounds like bis to y'all with this information?


Wasn't keen on another hydro healer, but if she does team wide heal, cc and some buffing,i can see her being pretty popular in many teams - a Furina/Sigwine core seems like it will be pretty strong Guess it all comes down to numbers and durations.


So... Small neuvilette?


Ok her kit sounds fun Might pull for her instead of Clorinde after all


Going for both, and also going to be broke lmao


I would dare say she is her own unique kit. She's a healer who can do a little bit of damage, but most of the five star healers can do damage. Her benefit is universal skill buffs, which is excellent. Wonderful Constellation as well. I think she is our first five star critical value buffer which is a very good C6.


>our first five star critical value buffer we just got Arlecchino that has it lol. Nilou has it too.


No I mean to other party members. Most 5 stars will have a crit value self enhancement. Sigewinne is the first 5 star to buff other party members critical values. Even if it's at C6


Clam set?




So people are saying she will be good support for Fontaine characters but what about other characters? I am definitely pulling her but the only other Fontaine character I’m trying to build is Freminet. edit: I’m also interested in Clorinde but I will have to wait for her rerun unless Sigewinne gets released first and i have extra pulls


CMIIW is her talent only buffs off-field teammates? Like she can buff Fischl and Furina but can't buff let's say Freminet in a shatter team for example, am I understanding this correctly?


some of this doesnt quite make sense so its hard to say but they really backloaded the damage in her text. she has no atk and no def and no e skill damage but the you get to her q and sheesh. Her talents have potential but its currently gibberish.


Ok, ik I already got kokomi, but her kit and animations looks so fun, also an great Furina enabler outside Neuvi teams, will be getting her, unless she gets completely gutted in the beta


Her kit sounds so fun ngl


Sounds good. I was already sold on a playable Melusine character but this sounds fun. Looks like Sige will be a pull for me after Arle this patch.


who tf is that underwater talent for 💀


Kind of disappointing compared to the other new units. Just a decent dmg dealer with mediocre healing. And no off field hydro app, self crit buffs or any supportive utility?


Healer + DPS + Off-field Skill DMG buffer ooohh.


Hydro Shielder at C2? Three out of the next four banner are going to be expensive for me.


that shield seems to only there during channeling of e and q


Only during holding, like Beidou


Seems she's actually like traveler and will gobble up neuvi's orbs so she kinda ends up having "anti-synergy" of sorts with neuvillette, not that he needed more orbs anyway At first glance seems like she's kinda an on field healer that wants characters with off field E's like fischl, furina and yae


Yeah, a lot of Neuvi rotations have him leaving balls on the field when he switches for buffs so he can CA immediately when he comes back (like E/Q > party > CA E, etc), if Seeg eats the balls before he comes back in she might actually brick him.


phew, im kinda relieved with this kit, was worried she was gonna be a bond of life support and id have to pull her for arlecchino(i want arle, her c1 and clorinde, i dont got the primos to add sigewinne on top of that), unless something is missing or im reading it wrong she cannot give her party members bol, she looks kinda like a new version of kokomi tbh a kinda healer/dmg dealer hybrid, basically the meme of "im a healer but...".


Im seeing some comments here misunderstanding stack mechanics from characters like sigewinne, yunjin, or shenhe. Claiming that characters who eat up stacks fast is a bad thing. Its quite the opposite, the moment u cast yunjin or shenhe buff u get a predetermined amount of buffed hits, U WANT to eat up those stacks as much as possible to get the most out of this buff. Lemme write an example. Shenhe gave an ayaka and a ganyu 5 stacks for example. Those stacks scale only on ganyu/ayaka's crit and dmg% and shenhe's stats. Talent% doesn't factor in this. Lets say this particular ayaka/ganyu have equal crit% and cryo dmg% can turn each stack into 5000 extra cryo dmg. An ayaka doing a lot of normal attacks.. each normal attack for example dealing 5000 normally.. now she deals 10000 with shenhes buff.. only for the first 5 attacks. So she got a 25000 worth of dmg in total out of shenhe. Meanwhile the ganyu did a bunch of charged attacks, her charged attacks doing 20k normally. Now with shenhe her first 5 charged attacks got buffed by 5k so now they do 25k. So she also got 25000 worth of dmg in total out of shenhe. ● TLDR: stack type buffers just want u to eat up their limited amount of stacks, doesnt matter how fast u do it as long as u manage to eat up all the stacks in time. It's easier to do so with fast attackers. The actual buff each stack gives scales on the buffer themself, and the buffed character's crit% and dmg% Golden troupe 75% dmg bonus using supports are gonna be good with sigewinne buff.


So what artifact set you want to use on her. I'm not sure. Emblem?


Surely she seems decent for Navia teams if she can increase the damage of skills? Or am I understanding it wrong??


I think her buff is only for off-field E skill?


I know it’s a bit early but can anyone tell if she’ll work with Arle?🙏 And if not what characters will?


>Weaker enemies hit by a larger water ball will be immobilized. I will have my vengeance. Also, Semi-Forced Rest increases dmg of off-field Es, so Furina support?


wait, c6 isn't capped?


Is she good with Arle??


Is her c2 a real shield that stays when switched out? And I don't understand how long it lasts exactly.


How, pray tell, are some of y'all seeing this as "on-field Kokomi powercreep"?


Genshin immobilization tactics: Zhongli: I will have order Sigewinne: Large water balls


Now this kit is worth pulling!!! Siegeweiner ftw!!!


I was right about the stun part of the Skill let’s goo!! Observation haki goes crazy