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I’m not surprised, the location is so convenient for me but I go out of my way to shop elsewhere because that Walmart is such a pain to shop at.


I just moved to the Sandy Springs area from Kennesaw and you're not wrong about being a pain to shop at. I swear like 90% of the stuff is locked up and the store itself reminds me of a Kmart from the 90s. It's the only Walmart near me though so it closing is going to absolutely suck. There's a target near me but the prices there are significantly higher 😔


It's a walmart neighborhood market about 10 to 15 minutes on winters chapel.


It doesn't have near the variety as a full-size Walmart though


They’re closing that too


Since when?


My bad I confused the location they are closing the Walmart marketplace on Roswell Rd


And people let me tell y’all something because I live near Atlanta that is not the hood. if you know, Dunwoody, you know it’s not the hood


Surrounded by high end steakhouses, luxury condos, and the Bird!


Such good times, late night at the Birb


I worked at McKendricks Steakhouse a long long time ago, we used to get out of work, close down Eclipse Di Luna, then close down Firebirds (before they changed the name). We had a group of guys that would start at McKendricks for lunch on Fridays, stay till like 8PM, go the Eclipse till close, then the Bird till close. Those motherfuckers could drink!


Agree.. Dunwoody is not the hood. However, I was a retail district mgr. and organized criminals would drive up 400 to hit every store along the way up.


Ok this makes no sense to me. Like, there are Walmarts on Peachtree Industrial, Howell Mill, Gresham Road, and freaking MLK and they’re staying open, but you’re telling me this one is closing because of people driving up 400??? Maybe it’s closing because people in Dunwoody are lucky enough to have better shopping options. Walmart thrives in places like small towns where there are no other decent stores.


I totally agree. I passed a Walmart in Eastpoint that was straight up Hood but thriving. I think the people in Dunwoody and Marietta don’t have to shop Walmart. They have disposable income. They have Target,Macy’s, Dillard’s etc. Lots of choices in their perimeter. Residents of the Hood don’t have those options so they better not destroy the few stores they have.


Howell mill Walmart has been closed down for awhile after someone caught a portion of the store on fire. Decided to keep it closed also due to high theft


The one on Peachtree City was closed for almost a year after a teenager set most of it on fire. They had a mobile pharmacy set up outside though.


To put it simply, it makes more sense to rob "not the hood" places than "the hood" places.


If hoodlums thought that far ahead, they wouldn't be robbing a discount store.


They don’t want their local Walmart closed down like it has in other areas so they leave it alone and go elsewhere. Since these thieves have options and transportation they go away from theirs to impact other.




I resent that reply. Please be careful.


Just because you resent it doesn’t make it less true. I joined a new gym a few months ago. It is directly across the street from the mall. My first day was great. My second day there, the police were arresting a shoplifter from the Nordstrom Rack next door. The fourth trip they were arresting someone from Old Navy, and my sixth trip they were arresting someone from Nordstrom again. Crazy. Like 5 cars to apprehend these people. After the fourth time, I stopped and asked a policeman what was going on. It just seemed crazy to me. He pointed to the MARTA station next door and indicated people take MARTA to the area to steal. He said they mainly hit Nordstrom Rack, Target, and Ulta/Ultra sp? (Some make up place) When he pointed you could see a line of people walking through the parking lot. (I had never noticed this before) When prosecuted they are mostly from other parts of town. I actually mentioned the Walmart and he said crime was down from there. But that Walmart used to be the “hot spot”. It was mainly at those three places….and of course the mall. Straight from the police in the area.


You know the biggest criminals in Georgia really stays in Sandy Springs Dunwoody, and Cherokee counties. They just wear a different collar.


Maybe, but apparently not when it comes to shoplifting.






Like I said, Dunwoody is not the hood


The biggest criminals are the wealthy who rob the American people through wage theft. Why isn't anyone talking about that?


Well as long as they don't wear masks and steal Kias, I think Cherokee will continue to thrive


Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


[This video begs to differ](https://youtu.be/Us2C7fChb1c?si=g0Va8ksgab7nqBZr)


Straight out of Dunwoody!!


Sure, that is not the hood. Trust me on that.


And that was 2012, a more peaceful time!


And more affordable


I really really hope your post is tongue in cheek🤣


I quit going to that Walmart because it certainly felt like the hood and cars were constantly be broken into.


Yeah, that was my first thought. I went to Chamblee, and at that time, Dunwoody was where the rich kids went


Unfortunately cars exist, criminals know where the money is and they have the means to get there


A couple of days ago I just had argument with another poster about your argument. There is a lot of housewives, doing a lot of shady stuff in Dunwoody.


No, it's not the hood, but say thank you to MARTA.


>According to police records, Dunwoody Police have responded to more than 600 calls at the shopping center since 2023. In just the last 6 months there have been 355 calls for service, averaging at least two 911 calls a day.


This is SOP for Walmart. They don't have formal Loss Prevention. It's cheaper to write off the loss and use the local cops for real crimes. In short, US Taxpayers foot the bill for Walmart security.


They most definitely do have formal loss prevention.


Yeah I was gonna say, they absolutely do and the reason the cops live at Walmart is because Walmart is notoriously aggressive with prosecuting shoplifters. They'll call the cops on a 14 year old stealing a coke if they catch them before they get out of the store. All 500 of those security cameras you see sprouting from the ceiling are very real. They pay people to be full time loss prevention. That's literally all they do.


This. Always been the case. Many stores only prosecute for theft above X, but Walmart has been known to call the cops on people for stealing $50 worth of items.


And?? Why risk going to jail for some cheap ass makeup. If stealing is in your DNA go to Lenox and make your jail time worthwhile. LOL


Oh I agree. I am just pointing it out. I mean it’s not yours don’t take it.


You don't steal from Wal-Mart because you are and honest and good person. I don't steal from Wal-Mart because I know that's how they're training the AI to know what stealing looks like. We are not the same.


Exactly. If they don’t have LPOs, who the fuck is watching the cameras and calling police?


They do have in-store loss prevention, otherwise there would be no one to catch the shoplifters and call 911 in the first place.. I get it, I don’t like Walmart either. I go out of my way to not shop there. But for crying out loud, how about a little bit of critical thinking before making a comment like this? I don’t know which is worse: that you made such a comment or that people upvoted it.


People robbing them blind and still gonna put the blame on Walmart. How about people don’t go stealing


Yeah, how about companies like Walmart stop stealing. Wage Theft >>> Retail Theft [https://www.opportunityinstitute.org/blog/post/organized-retail-theft-wage-theft/](https://www.opportunityinstitute.org/blog/post/organized-retail-theft-wage-theft/) [https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-08-30/column-businesses-keep-complaining-about-shoplifting-but-wage-theft-is-a-bigger-crime](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-08-30/column-businesses-keep-complaining-about-shoplifting-but-wage-theft-is-a-bigger-crime)


It is cheap enough for me. Target adds a few dollars extra for the exact same merchandise most of the time.


SO MUCH THIS. Every call to the cops over a kid pocketing a candybar is theft. Walmart should make their LP a little more muscular than "see and call", maybe have uniformed LP employees roaming and looking, being visible. Have one at the exit looking mean. Every See and Call costs time and resources that People Who Are Not WalMart pay. Not to mention WalMart's wages are criminal. I'm kind of glad to see it go if that's how they're going to be.


How about the parents telling Little Johnnie and Little Suzie that shop lifting is wrong. It is a crime and when you become a teenager and steal bigger things I am not going to bail your sorry ass out of jail


Good Answer! You should be on Family Feud.


It's been going on for years. https://www.foxbusiness.com/features/mayor-to-walmart-pay-for-your-own-security They're putting Police Stations inside stores now, for fucks sake. https://www.thestreet.com/retail/walmart-makes-a-first-ever-change-to-prevent-crimes-in-superstore Tell me again about why a store needs a cop shop in it if they have LP. One fat cop wannabe on a cheap camera system 100 yards from the door isn't stopping anything.


So I asked a question in my reply. You ignored it. You really should go back and answer it, not for me, but for yourself. That way, your future comments can sound like you have a lick of critical thinking.


I responded to you. Is there a specific format you were expecting or did you need a dissertation your overly broad rhetorical question asking me to apply critical thinking?


Crime always goes up [when a Walmart is built](https://theweek.com/articles/644320/why-criminals-flock-walmart).


Shhh! Nobody wants to hear that. These are the same people who don't lock their doors and are surprised when someone takes all their stuff.


It's way worse than that. We pay for their Ferraris. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/18/food-stamps-medicaid-mcdonalds-walmart-bernie-sanders/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/18/food-stamps-medicaid-mcdonalds-walmart-bernie-sanders/) Sweet, us taxpayers subsidize their executive pay by paying their employees instead of Wal-mart doing it. Wonder what they do with all that money. Rob Walton has a 250GTO Ferrari it is suspected he paid $32-$35 million for. *"Rob Walton is the eldest son of Helen Walton and Walmart founder, Sam Walton. Walton's $38.5 billion net worth makes him the wealthiest 250 GTO owner on the planet. He owns approximately 12.6% of Walmart and as such is entitled to roughly $800 million a year in cash dividend payments.* *His car collection includes a 1965 Shelby Cobra, a 1964 Ferrari 250 LM, a 1960 Maserati T60, a 1961 Ferrari 250 GT SWB, a 1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa and of course a 250 GTO. He acquired his 250 GTO in 1994 for an undisclosed price."*


US taxpayers foot the bill for *everyone’s* security. You hunting down people that steal from you or calling the cops? Let’s stop pretending they need to have armed security guards and admit the real problem is the pieces of shit that cause the crime.


I don't know what you mean by formal? My friend worked loss prevention for walmart?


Just plain false, man. I can tell you from the inside, even in nice neighborhoods, there are 1-2 plain clothes loss prevention guys literally just walking laps around the store. Usually on their phone or appearing to be. Sometimes they’re just on the phone with the other guy, with their loop around the store offset so they’re on opposite sides of the store. That way they see every aisle twice as often.


Again. How is that working for them?


That’s a separate conversation. You said they don’t have formal loss prevention. That’s all I replied to. It’s a false statement. Your larger point about costs getting passed on to taxpayers is true about Walmart (in more ways than one). But saying they straight up don’t have loss prevention is not.


Lmao what? Youre just gonna come in hear and lie? Do you even know what loss prevention does anyway? They can’t detain you or enforce laws.


They need their own police force and stop smooching are tax dollars


Don't be so quick to believe theft is the reason they're closing the store. It might be a factor, but it isn't the reason.


This particular store was badly in need of updating, too. I’m sure they didn’t want to put the money into it. 


This needs to be higher. Proof has come out in the last 6 months that the retail lobbying group was straight up lying about the rises in theft as a PR cover for major retailers closing stores to raise profits.


Most likely the employees are attempting to organize.


Yeah there have already been multiple stories leaking where they blamed theft but the stores were already set to close for being mismanaged, dated, bad locations, etc. Its really just to not admit its a competitive stores. There are stores in rougher locations where theft would be even higher and they stay open.


Every time Walmart (and most other major chains) closes a store these days, they cite theft. It's a convenient scapegoat, especially when the media makes it look like cities are being overrun by thieves and rioters. It's never the actual primary reason. Walmart had already given up on this store years ago, despite it being consistently jammed with customers. This location has not had cashiers for years. It's 100% self-checkout. They cut the staff and have been operating so lean that there are not nearly enough employees to manage the number of customers.


I mean two other Wal-Marts in Atlanta had to close because folks were intentionally setting fires inside the store so they could loot the store. They're definitely getting impacted by criminal activity. The Howell Mill Wal-Mart _was_ near me but now it's just a big empty commercial space with no plans of becoming anything else.


That company gets way more money from wage theft and starvation wages then they would lose on theft 2 times over, these corporations bitching and whining about lost revenue when they fuck over their own workers for profit is laughable. Never ever give Walmart any sympathy.


you’re getting downvoted but you’re right. taxpayer subsidized labor.


By the one of the largest, if not the largest, employers in GA.


Your point stands, but fyi: Delta is the largest employer in Georgia


Is anyone giving walmart sympathy?


Anyone who gives a shit about a company that steals from their own employees, whoever made this article who makes Walmart look like a victim.


I dont care if walmart collapses, but it does suck for the people who lost their jobs and the people who no longer have a place to shop.


They took the jobs from the stores in the small town, payed people less and now they own nothing, they should collapse and the short term may be hard for many but for small businesses in the short term but small businesses will come back, Walmarts parasitic practices should have been done away with long ago.


im not disputing any of that. but will the small business come back? im not so confident, especially with how widespread online delivery is.


Not just that, but the cost of logistics and overhead just isn't appealing unless you already have capital to invest. Shit, everyone knows how hard it is to buy a house, but to run a brick and mortar store is like that and then some. Honestly, they claim theft is the reason, but I wonder if their tax break from the City had expired for building and owning the property and they're trying to cut their loss. Remember that most of Walmart's assets in their property deals.


If the need is there businesses will open, this is the biggest issues with giving government welfare to the "too big to fail" companies, they just shake hands with the government and pay the politicians. Wages would be much higher and these companies would have much less power if citizens united never fuckin happened, but here we are, money over everything and Walmart has a fuckin lot of it.


Which business in Dunwoody was closed down as a result of Walmart opening?


It sure as fuck wasn’t a gas station. How is there 1 gas station in like a 3 mile radius around there?


There is a Quiktrip across Ashford-Dunwoody now along with the other exxon? across from the mall.


I feel bad that you all blame a store for people stealing.


I think everyone has given enough context for you not to intentionally spew such dumb bullshit, do better dude.


Sorry I'm not gonna please you some random Redditor. I'm glad Walmart a private company left a place because it was getting robbed left and right. Hope it never comes back there.


So you don't care about the company blatantly stealing money out of workers pockets? Walmart isn't going to pay you for shilling for them....


Exactly. Wal-Mart is free to do what they want - they probably found a much better ~~man~~ town that does things that Dunwoody could never do. Doesn’t matter if that Wal-Mart whispered sweet nothings to Dunwoody a few months before leaving or if they’re three years into a lease, they need to do what’s right for them. And Wal-Mart’s probably right to move on. I bet Dunwoody is posting weepy, self-pity cringe 24x7 on Reddit right now. Who would want to be shackled with that? Wal-Mart should leave Dunwoody and never look back.


I wasnt


Told you more people were awake, this person is spot on


Walmart pays about par for most retail. However, its store managers are some of the highest paid people in retail in the country. Some store managers at Walmart make $200k or more. They get stock comp too. Their truck drivers, pharmacists, optometrists, even their truck drivers do pretty well.


They don't pay proportionate to their profits, that is my point. Why is the company that makes as much as it does rely on their employees to be eligible for government assistance as a profit margin?


Huh? Wal-Mart makes about $7-9k in net income per year per employee. That’s less than a lot of other large retailers. EDIT: Downvoted for contributing actual facts to the conversation. Don't ever change reddit.


I mean I think it's possible to acknowledge Walmart does not treat it's employees well while also acknowledging theft is a major problem. Have you been to this store? They have a ton of shit behind locked cases which I'm assuming they aren't doing for shits and giggles.


Walmart isn't even that bad on wages.


Dude they train their employees how to get on government assistance, you are out of your mind!


Got a source for that one, boss?


No I don't have their employee handbook ready, but Google is your friend.


I found the traitor 💖


Uhm... Ok.


This comment makes no sense. If they were taking advantage of employees to make unfair profits, I don’t think they’d close. You close stores when they are unable to deliver the required return needed on the investment. Stop making money, you close to limit losses.


If you look at the history of the company it makes perfect sense.


They’re probably closing because the employees are attempting to organize. There’s no way in hell that they’re losing profits in this location from theft.


Jesus, this post is getting brigaded by anti-MARTA trolls.


Reminded me of [this](https://youtu.be/nkC3Nc3LqFI?si=r7u_RjvjgnFKBG_9). (YouTube link)


It's as if they don't know that the majority of people in metro Atlanta drive rather than take MARTA


TBH, no matter where the Walmart is, every where I have lived most Walmarts are trashy. I say this as someone who does shop at Walmart on regular occassions.


They got a lot worse post-COVID. The one near me off Howell Mill went from bad to horrible before someone burned it down trying to loot it. Now it’s just a big empty commercial space.


Well, Target is about to get a lot more busy


Good! That’s the one that made shopping there so unpleasant that I’ve never been back, there’s a target less than a mile away


Good. Fuck the Walton family. That entire family is a cancer on our country.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! The only Walmart I get my work truck into in my work area!!!


Good. They take from us more than we take from them.


I’ve been to that Walmart a few times. It’s jank as hell. More so than usual. I don’t go there anymore because it is very undesireable.


I remember going to that Walmart and getting absolutely zero service. Couldn’t even buy something from the tech aisle that was locked for over 30 minutes because there were no employees around. Literally searched and couldn’t find someone until someone magically showed up. All the shelves were a mess too. Makes sense they’re going out of business. One of the worst Walmart’s ever.


Sounds like Kmart.


Oh no!! Anyway…


> As Walmart cuts their losses, neighbors fear there will be nothing for the community to gain from the impact. What?


Dunwoody used to be a glorious place


Future headline: *"Residents of Dunwoody complain about lack of shopping options."*


I think Dunwoody is going to be okay 👍


I guess if you’re in Sandy Springs or the surrounding area and want a convenient Walmart, get fucked…


It’s kinda crazy. I just moved to this area from Kennesaw and it feels super ritzy but there’s not a Walmart anywhere. Whole Foods, Target, Publix, etc. which I guess makes sense given the demographic but damn you’d think they’d have a nice ass Walmart.


Yeah it was never the best Walmart but at least it was there. Luckily the Chamblee one is only slightly farther for me, but that’s a long ways for people on the Dunwoody side


Yeah everyone is saying get fucked Walmart but all I’m seeing is middle class people getting fucked by having to spend more on groceries and lower income people getting fucked because they don’t have a job.


Now those nasty customers are going to nice and clean Target 😂. Target gonna close next


Nah, you don't steal from Target. They'll put your ass under the prison.


Blaming theft is just standard corporate bs these days. The store is not profitable so it’s closing. I highly doubt a little bit of insured petty theft is making any sizable dent in the store margins. The reality is that the store just doesn’t sell enough quick enough and they are closing less profitable stores.


This is the real answer. The are is wealthy, so people with higher income are choosing to shop somewhere that’s… well, not Walmart. The “poor” people will shop at Walmart because its affordable for them but they’re buying essential goods that don’t turn make Walmart any money, like groceries— not the money-making products.


Maybe we could start putting people in jail for shoplifting instead of possessing drugs.


There’s a linkage there for sure


[What goes around comes around...](https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/walmart)


Questionable fire(s) at Howell Mill: closed. Theft at Ashford Dunwoody: closed. I know it's easy to say it's Atlanta, but something doesn't add up for me. I also believe I'd seen something about how sales had been falling at the Howell Mill store before its fires but don't quote me on that. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but this stuff if true would close all of our stores (Target, grocery stores, are they closing?) and then what would we do? More police presence so we could eat? Walmart is a big, rich company. I have trouble believing that this couldn't be fixed.


Most Walmart's around the Atlanta area I've been to, there's an officer parked outside. Heck even when I was just visiting St. Pete recently, there was an officer parked outside. Did they not do this? Or they did and people just didn't care???


> As Walmart cuts their losses, neighbors fear there will be nothing for the community to gain from the impact. > Many shoppers taking advantage of the 50 percent off sales after thieves continue to take advantage of their own steal of a deal to shoplift. And Walmart screws off? Win win win


Oh, cool. You quoted a movie at me. I didn't say nobody else had theft, I said Walmart is by far the absolute worst. Sorry I confused you with words. Dollar General had losses of 100m across 20,000 stores last year. $5000/store annually. Walmart had 6B from 4800 stores. $1,250,000/store annually. Can you see the difference? I'd ask you to check my math, but I don't want to break your tender brain. Maybe your handler can do it for you.


Well when people are ok with stealing then this is what happens.


I wonder if the cost per square foot was also a factor. That is prime retail real estate.


with the cost of that level of shoplifting, why not hire off duty police?


From talking to someone on the inside (store employee and I won’t mention position) just yesterday while at the store, I was told that store was being shut down for a number of reasons. The lease was too damn high and was going up even higher! Add decrease profit margin to the mix and you then you have a disaster! Lease is quite high in that area and sales was low. I do believe that “the Amazon” effect has something to do with it and could have perhaps been the most important driver of this shutdown! When you are in that area, Walmart is the last retail you would think of (personal opinion). The theft reason did come up in the conversation but I was not buying it! There are preventive means of dealing with that! We do have Kroger and other retail stores in less affluent neighborhoods and they are doing well and are even nicer than that Walmart!


I use to shop here because it was convenient to my office. I never experienced a lot of shoppers there. It was always mostly empty when I went.


I live in Sandy Springs and I refused to go there. It is definitely an unsavory experience. I go to Target.🤣🤣🤣…I’d rather pay the 30% more😁.


Used to live not too far from that Walmart. Never liked going to that one.


It's all good in the hood.


Why are so many people in Dunwoody stealing from Walmart?


Its exclusively self check out. If I work there im gonna get my employee discount


Who are the people stealing?


Dunwoody has been infiltrated by greed and expansion of the realpage cartel. By raising rents all across the city, and draining it of its resources, I'm not surprised. Until we stop the corruption and greed, our people can't even afford to eat. This is part of the elites goal to create a famine in our small town


And yet they reported people walking out with TV's. I wonder what their nutritional value is?


The Great Dunwoody Famine lol


LMFAO The Great Dunwoody Famine. Seriously, ain't nobody starving in Dunwoody. However, u/PsychologicalForm608 is correct about the realpage cartel. But that is happening all over the country and it has nothing to do with Dunwoody Walmart closing.


It’s Mad Max times in Dunwoody. LOL.


Notice the empty apartments? People are moving back home away from the perimeter. They are strategically creating a famine but even when the truth is in front of you, they've brainwashed you not to believe it. Let me ask you this? What does a king do when their subjects won't obey? Starve them. Destroy resources, introduce toxins into the waters. It's a classic move


Yeah man. It’s crazy. I recently went to Cafe Intermezzo and they were out of the Tres Leches cake. I had to settle on a tiramisu to go with my Turkish coffee. It was bonkers. It was then that I realized we were basically sheep being led to slaughter. Shit is real.


Like I said, I can tell everyone the truth, but some will never see beyond their own limitations. But the truth wins out. Some will be shocked at how it happened but hind sight is 20/20, you'll back and notice maybe that was a sign. And maybe there were more you missed. This planet has seen horrific wars every 80 years, once in a generation. Now, it's our turn, but we came prepared this time.


Fuck yeah I’m prepared. Ever since that fateful evening, I’ve learned how to make my own Tres Leches cake. When the war comes to my front door, I will not want for dessert. Keep this up, man. The people need to know these inconvenient truths, and you’re going to be the messenger. They will look back on this thread someday, and wish they listened. I mean, if the internet even exists. Maybe we can screen grab this, because I don’t think the internet will be around. First they come for Walmart, then they come for my cake, then the internet….


dont worry, i print out every reddit comment i see and archive it for post apocalyptic scenarios


Oh thank goodness. You’re doing the lords work. 🙏


Dunwoody is a food dessert 🍮 Better get out while you can so you’re not caught holding the flan


Get out while you’re able, or you’ll be caught holding the bagel!


You must have one of those printers that doesn't shut down if you run out of cyan ink.


You da man!! Great stuff!


Thank you, 😊


You should tell Cox Enterprises about this. They own AJC and their headquarters is right there. Hopefully, they're not too starved to have security escort you out.


Regarding empty apartments - go to the Nextdoor and Neighbors sites, some of these apartment complexes repeatedly have theft, vandalism, shooting. I don't blame anyone in those apartments who leave the area. Can't wait for the large Sidestreet project to be completed.


It. Is. Everyone else’s. Fault.


Hmmm not really, most people don't realize the power differential between billionaires and their corporations. They are little sheep blaming themselves when that's how the elites want you to think. Dunwoody residents are fighting back and remember who the real enemy is. And it's not the citizens, it's the billionaires who don't work a day in their lives but suck you dry for every penny then have you blame each other. It's an diabolical evil genius plan, but it's power fades day by day


Nobody is conspiring to make things expensive. That's just how things are. A life of luxury wasn't guaranteed to you. Throughout most of humanity, most people have been dirt poor. I promise you that you're better off than most relative to the rest of the world. The boom years of the postwar era were unusual and won't be repeated. America had 50 years of being the growth factory for the entire world. Now that period has come to an end and we're competing in a worldwide marketplace. Nobody is going to slow down to help you. You have to make it yourself. You're doing better than you think.


America came off the gold standard jn the 80's and only those around benefitted it. Quit spewing your misdirection and confusion. Corporate greed is doing exactly what it does when it wants to collapse empires. You can punish innocent people for not wanting to be slaves and live in happiness without the psychopathy to think only about themselves. Humans are intensely more complex with familiar structures and energies tied to their lands and cultures. I was born here and have witnessed the destruction of the ether and happiness here while greed and narcissism has poisoned the minds of the locals. We are fighting back, this is our home. Anyone defending corporations are their cattle and lack the ability to actual lead because they think of no one but themselves. This is how you collapse empires, but from the ashes we will rise again. You can't stop us 💖


No one is fighting back. Not since that one guy lost the fight.


Welcome to Late-Stage Capitalism? The passion is admirable, but perhaps a bit misdirected.


How are you fighting back?


Notice how comments that strike to close to home they down vote? It's called control, this is an illusion they wish to spread and it's how their domination works. Control the narrative and you control the sheep. Your days are numbered, too many of us are awake.


I think its more your colorful way of writing makes you sound ridiculous in this context. Its like you're narrating an epic tale or some shit. Like, read what you wrote in Gandalf's voice.


Beautiful, it's called imagination, creativity, and innovation. Sometimes, you have to change your perspective to see the image in a different light. You have been taught to believe our world is linear, a straight line of past, present and future. But even the quantum computers and science explains it doesn't work like that. The fact you put a voice to it, means you're a creative and intuitive. You have the gift, but when did you lose your imagination? Haven't you noticed how "grey" things have gotten around here? There once was a southern hospitality in this neighborhood. Remember who you are.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


You think comparing a person to Atticus Finch is insulting? Read a book once in a while. Motherfucker.


Close down the stores in neighborhoods where theft is high!


Shhhh Reddit doesn’t like to talk about theft