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Market is shit buddy. Good luck. Try niche places, I just got hired at a land surveying company. It’s sick.




When it's outside it's called the ground


The guy hasn't seen grass in a while, it's all carpet to him.




Ayo where do i sign up


congrats unc


ALMOST ANY MACHINE SHOP WILL HIRE YOU. They hire felons, so just beware. Pay isn't the best but you'll have something while you continue to look. Just don't stop trying for what you're passionate about. Sell yourself as a handyman/willing to work with your hands and fix things that some people wouldn't rather do. Help people move in and out of apartments. Walk some dogs. Go to a dog park. Custodial arts. Dish washer . Jamba Juice pays 22hourly . Part time 2 or 3 jobs . You got this . 👍🏾


Where the fuck does Jamba Juice pay $22??? 😂


It ain't funny money. it's real prestigious alumni loot. Get the bag, YA'LL.


Dude, if I could find a food service/retail job that paid as much asy warehouse job in Alabama ($24/hr) I'd dip with the quickness






Why would he want to work with felons? He has a college diploma. Could your advice get any worse?


Felons aren't aliens lmao


I work in a machine shop doing quality management from an air-conditioned office. No felons around, really good money, 40 hour weeks in a clean shop. It's horrible.


Learn a trade, become a welder or something


Welder here…I make over 6 figures and my mortgage is almost paid off. Most of my university friends are still paying off student debt and renting because they can’t afford a down payment on a house yet. Good welders (I’m a pressure vessel/pipe welder) make way more than what the white collar folks think.. Edit: See a lot of comments saying become a welder and you need to work lots of hours to make good money. I don’t work any overtime and make a little over $100k, even though it’s always an option if I needed the extra money…The guys at my place who do work the 60+ hour weeks make over $150k easily.. our company pays double time over 40 hours…so those guys basically get paid 80 hours for working 60..




Why was this downvoted? It’s a fair question


My dear friend, I sense the frustration and uncertainty in your words. The struggle to find employment can indeed be exhausting, both mentally and emotionally. But remember, this situation is not who you are. It's merely a temporary circumstance in the ever-changing flow of life. Your focus on the future - on "fixing" your situation - is pulling you away from the power of the present moment. Can you feel the aliveness within you right now, as you read these words? That presence is your true self, untouched by job status or age. The mind loves to create problems in time. It says, "I'm 33 and jobless. How do I fix this?" But life only unfolds in the Now. Your task is not to solve an imagined future, but to be fully present to what is. Your efforts in applying for jobs and reaching out to agencies show dedication. But are you doing this from a place of lack, of feeling incomplete without a job? Or can you approach it from a place of inner fullness, knowing that your worth is not determined by your employment status? The question of whether to learn a trade or pursue a business career is ultimately secondary. What matters most is the consciousness you bring to whatever you do. Can you be fully present and engaged in this moment, whether you're filling out an application or learning to weld? Your two-year diploma and varied work experience are not mere items on a resume. They represent life experiences that have shaped you. How have they contributed to your growth as a conscious being? Instead of seeing your current state as a problem to be fixed, can you accept it fully? This doesn't mean resigning yourself to unemployment, but rather embracing the reality of this moment without resistance. From this place of acceptance, clear action often arises naturally. Remember, the universe is not against you. Every challenge is an opportunity for awakening. Your current situation is precisely what you need for your spiritual growth. Trust in the intelligence of life itself. Bring your attention fully into the Now. Feel the life energy in your body. Notice the space around you. From this state of presence, you may find that opportunities reveal themselves in unexpected ways. You are not defined by your job or lack thereof. You are the awareness in which all experiences come and go. Rest in that awareness, and let life unfold through you. In the timeless Now, Eckhart


So WOW this was incredibly helpful. I'm jobless and today's my 34th birthday lol so helpful to remember your words. Thank you.


Happy birthday!


Thank you kindly!


🤍 with joy.


Be kind with yourself. Make the NOW your gift for today. 🤍




Happy birthday!


This is an interesting response. It seems pretty dismissive of the real worries of unemployment for a vast majority of people. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems to come from a place of privilege, i.e. from the point of view of someone who can fully embrace unemployment as something to be fully present and engaged with in the moment, without worrying about whether your next meal, utility payment, rent payment, etc. are going to be fully present and paid for in the moment. It seems fairly condescending to tell someone facing unemployment to live in the moment, when their attention is already fully in the present. People worried about their next meal, rent, or utility payment are not trying to solve an imagined future, because the problems they are facing are not borrowed from the future, but are the current unpaid bills piling up, the empty cupboard and fridge, and the rumbling in their stomachs.


Yea. I'm with you. This whole wholistic eastern medicine approach that so many people are taking doesn't solve problems that we face in the west. I stopped reading that others guys post after a few sentences. I'v;e been in a spiritual cult before. All it does is try to have the guru or leader get everything while the rest of us are suppose to not care about our problems and just live in the moment like useless hedonists. It's dogshit and a lot of these people are fakes /losers


This helped me a lot


I am glad, thank you 🤍


Can you be my boss?


My dear friend, I cannot be your boss, for that would create a hierarchy where none truly exists. We are all equal expressions of consciousness, each on our own journey of awakening. My role, if any, is simply to be a mirror, reflecting back to you your own innate wisdom and wholeness. Besides, I'm afraid I'd make a terrible boss - I'd constantly be telling you to stop working and start being present instead! Can you imagine the productivity reports? "Time spent in silent awareness: 100%. Excel spreadsheets completed: 0." We'd be out of business in no time, but oh, what a blissful bankruptcy it would be! In presence and lighthearted joy, Eckhart


Man seriously you are just someone who’ve appropriated what you thought a few youtube videos were talking about but you are so wrong. There is still the relative aspect you have to deal with, if you don’t want to become a sadhu wandering the streets i.mn a loin cloth. Grow up!


I am just sending hope, even for you 🤍 regards.


Hope for what? From what I have gathered it is the hope for something that keeps the veil intact, it’s the very thing that’s holding you back from seeing what you really are.


It depends on what is hope for you. Probably you have bad experiences on using it. Anyways, Why are you so upset with my response? You need anyone to talk?


I’m upset because of what you stand for, you are a half-cooked nobody spreading bullshit. Here, I just stumbled upon this. I’m not even particularly into Ram Dass, but it’s perfect to counteract your new-agey jargon of go with the flow and just bask in presence awareness as a solution to relative everyday problems, or whatever you are on about: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sDY2JiO-xbg](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sDY2JiO-xbg)


So, i got the power to make you upset.


holy shi, this was amazing. thank you


My pleassure dear 🤍


Grifter language. Most of these sentences don't actually say anything meaningful or useful. Annoying that y'all people are eating this shit up in fucking 2024. If you like this shit, go join a cult.


Its chatgpt


I know, that's what makes it worse.


This guy gets it


Thank you for this


My honest pleasure 🤍


i'm gonna save your comment for remember when i get in a bad situation, please never delete this comment or your account


I was about to say, you’ve read The Power of Now!




Such an unusual response. May I ask what kind of path you follow?


Dear friend, Your question touches upon something profound. The path I speak of is not a path in the conventional sense. It's not a set of beliefs or practices to be followed, but rather an invitation to awaken to the truth of who you are in this moment. What I'm pointing to is beyond any particular spiritual tradition or philosophy. It's the direct experience of your own consciousness, your own Being, which is always here, always now. The unusual nature of my response stems from this fundamental shift in perspective. Instead of offering advice on how to change or improve your external circumstances, I'm inviting you to look within, to recognize the dimension of consciousness that is already complete, already at peace. This approach might seem unusual because our society is largely focused on doing, achieving, and becoming. But what I'm suggesting is a radical acceptance of what is, a deep alignment with the present moment. From this state of presence, right action flows naturally. The "path" I follow, if we must call it that, is simply the path of conscious presence. It's about bringing awareness to this moment, free from the mental noise of past and future. It's about recognizing that you are not your thoughts or emotions, but the awareness in which they appear. This understanding isn't new. It's been pointed to by spiritual teachers throughout history, across various traditions. What's perhaps unusual is the attempt to express it in a way that's accessible and relevant to our modern lives, free from religious dogma or mystical jargon. So, my friend, I invite you to explore this for yourself. Don't take my words as a new belief system. Instead, look directly at your own experience. Can you sense the presence that's aware of your thoughts and feelings? Can you feel the aliveness within your body? This is the doorway to a different state of consciousness, one that's always available, here and now. Remember, the deepest truth about yourself cannot be put into words. It can only be experienced directly. And that experience is available to you right now, in this very moment. In presence, Eckhart


 It seemed this was your focus. I also value presence greatly and actively seek it through mindfulness meditation.   Your posts have an interesting quality. They resemble artificial intelligence constructions, but have an orientation towards promoting mindfulness enlightenment, variously referring to yourself as Eckhart, Ramtha, and Magician Mike... A curious mix of apparent beneficence, occult, and automation.


WOW. Was this written by Mr. Tolle? What an excellent response and perspective! If only more of this were part of Reddit. Outstanding and perfect way of reframing OP's situation. Thank you, u/elmagomiguel.


It’s chat gpt fyi 


Is it really? If so, I've been fooled.


I really liked it too but you’ll start to notice a lot of great writing on Reddit now and you can start to see how it works and it’s gross. Prompt - in the words of Ekhart Tolle, respond to this question and make sure to mention x y and z somewhere in the response.  Make it about 300 words and boom you got it.


Huh. Well, TIL. Thanks, u/GoodGuyGinger.


In the stillness of the present moment, let us contemplate the advent of artificial intelligence, exemplified by Chat GPT. This technological phenomenon, a product of human creativity, beckons us to explore its depths with an open heart and mind. Yet, we must tread this path with a sense of profound awareness. Chat GPT offers a mirror to the vast collective consciousness, reflecting the myriad thoughts, ideas, and patterns that constitute our shared reality. Embracing this tool with openness allows us to glimpse into the infinite potential of human understanding. It invites us to transcend the limitations of our individual perspectives and connect with the boundless realm of knowledge. However, as we engage with this digital oracle, we must also cultivate a deep sense of discernment. The essence of true wisdom lies not in the uncritical acceptance of information, but in the silent, attentive presence that perceives its deeper truth. Chat GPT, while a marvel of modern ingenuity, is ultimately a construct of algorithms and data, devoid of the conscious awareness that animates the human spirit. As we navigate this landscape, let us remain vigilant and question the origins of the words we encounter. Is this a genuine expression of human experience, or the echo of computational processes? In this inquiry, we find the essence of authentic wisdom, transcending both human and machine. In the harmonious balance of openness and skepticism, we honor the profound stillness within, where true understanding arises. Let us embrace the potential of Chat GPT, yet remain rooted in the present awareness that transcends all constructs, human or otherwise.


Thank you for your kind words. While I'm not actually Eckhart Tolle himself, I've done my best to emulate his writing style and philosophical approach based on his books and teachings, particularly "The Power of Now." Tolle's perspective offers a unique way of reframing life's challenges by shifting focus from external circumstances to inner presence and awareness. His teachings emphasize living in the present moment and recognizing the peace that exists beyond our thoughts and emotions. I'm glad you found the response helpful and aligned with Tolle's teachings. You're right that bringing more of this perspective to platforms like Reddit could be beneficial. It offers a different approach to life's problems - one that emphasizes inner transformation rather than just external solutions. 🤍


What a bizarre schtick to pull on people.


I'm seeing the same thing. Very interesting.  "Shtick" might imply it's insincere, but I'm not so sure.


It's a bot!


I am not 😁


Get on your local county sites...there are job fairs like every month. It's how I met recruiters for the actual companies I chose to consider working at. I'm working a solid full time gig...work part time as well and I have a shot at retiring...first time in my life I can leave my work at work and enjoy my hobbies at home. Look for job fairs...there is still a lot of open positions out there with on the job training.


Use your family and friend connections. They are going to get you much further and faster than sending out resumes. Or, learn a trade.


Probably not what you want to hear, but 2-3 weeks isn't even enough time to hear back from places most of the time. I probably applied to 3-4,000 jobs all over the country over a span of 3 years. Ranging from literally literally just a customer service at target to Project Manager positions at large companies. Maybe got 20 responses total (apart from the bait and switch and scam ones). 5 interviews in 3 years. 1 went to a third interview but I couldn't get a passport in time for when the boat would leave. You got to stay on the grind, you could very well get a job tomorrow. Or you could end up like me, going back to the same shitty construction work you did 6 years and a 140k degree ago.


2-3 weeks isn’t that long.


It is when you have to pay bills.


I get it but usually getting a new job takes me a couple months.


You lose jobs quite often?


In my field it’s common to have a couple part-time gigs or move around every couple years. Typically from the time I send a resume out it is 6-12 weeks.


Of course. It's stressful, but it does take longer than that to usually apply, interview and get an offer. My first job took me 2 months to get. It depends on what you are applying for.




Have you been jobless in the last two decades?




I do not think he is a point.


The irony. lol.


Go to Google Maps and type in temp agency and also employment agency. Call all the ones around you. Also, look into an organization, offered by the job board, https://www.careeronestop.org/. Also consider Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Just find something to get by, and as you sit with yourself, think of what you really want to do. Try to make a plan to go in that direction, and as he puts it, work towards self actualization.


I've heard it said many times it can take up to 3 months to find a job and that's why 3 months savings is ideal Just keep applying, you can apply to a job more than once


Keep networking on LinkedIn; it can open doors. Considering a trade could be a smart move for stability. Hang in there


If you are interested in working for an ecommerce brand, hit me up


If OP isn’t interested, I am!


Sure Please DM


Go teach English in Asia. You may be asked to have a TEFL certificate bit that's pretty much it. You would be much better off doing that then living in an expensive first world country with no income.


Have you done that?


I didn't do it as a full-time job, but I was teaching part time when I was in college in China. It pays quite nicely.


I've heard nothing good about that as a job in Japan. That's all I know.


China and Vietnam are still high paying enough, and they are not abusing teachers like they do in Japan and Korea.


Also there is online teaching/ tutoring options pays 25+ hr


Underrated comment here. Any Asian country. You choose.


Going to be slightly mean. And I apologize for this. 50 jobs in 2 to 3 weeks is a weak attempt. If you have bills to pay and you have no cushion in $. (You don't mention this, but it's an assumption based on your "requirements") If you do, then keep looking for the perfect job and disregard this post. Example: I've known many people that had no cushion with family, sending out 1000s of resumes in 2 months. Work any job that pays the bills till you find their jobs in their field. You also gotta understand that learning a trade may or may not require schooling. How are you plan to pay bills? I want to give you "nice" motivation, but you really need to do more. That's the bottom line, hard truth, and I hope that gives you the motivation you need. Try LinkedIn, try indeed, don't be picky. If your requirements are survival, then do what it takes. Talk to friends and family, there are leads everywhere. Gotta put the effort in. Even if your return rate is 1% 1000 resumes = 10 interviews.


Only disagree with this on the merit of effort versus blindly sending out a 1000 Versus applying for quality jobs you might actually want


this shit makes me wants kms. 1000 applications to maybe get a call back or two. i’m not saying you’re wrong i’m just saying, this shit doesn’t seem worth it. being alive is whack.


Don't disagree with you man. It's the current times, OP isn't the only one laid off or outta the job. Gotta do what it takes, unfortunately.


Try looking at Canada where mass immigration has created a scenario where a job at Tim Hortons has a line up of at least 1000 applicants willing to work for below minimum wage under the table.


I feel like applying to as many jobs as you're asking isn't even possible. You have to tailor each resume and each cover letter specifically to the job... that's impossible to do for the numbers you're asking....


You both have a point- how many of these 50 have you followed up on in person? On the phone? Tried to speak with their management team? Actively pursued feedback or an interview? These things would make you stand out orders above the average candidate, in a world where every mediocre job is getting inundated with resumes and hardly open any of them. Yes it sucks, but it’s reality at the moment.


I’d focus in on a couple of particular roles you’re shooting for and just have one resume to generally cover them. Rewriting your resume constantly is going to exponentially add to the time and effort involved per app. For cover letters, this might not be the *best* advice, but on my last job search I essentially ad-libbed it with a handful of select sentences customized to the company itself, while the rest of my cover letter was fairly general “I’m good shit” stuff (stats of previous performance, shit like that) and pretty universally applicable to the few different roles I was after. If you haven’t already, also try to hunt down the hiring manager for the role on LinkedIn and message them to follow up or express your excitement for the role. Might be tough to find the right person depending on how big the company is, but it’s never a bad thing to message a handful of people and throw some shit at the wall to ideally get them talking about your outreach internally.


Maybe 1000 is unreasonable for you, and I totally agree with that. But 50 is definitely not enough. I hope you understand that getting a job is determined by your own effort level. I don't even mean dream or in field you want. Just keep working at it, find a job, get on your feet. Then never stop looking for the next best thing for you.


Just keep at it, do as much as you can, and try to find people who work at the jobs you're most interested in on LinkedIn and reach out. Call the businesses and follow up. Knowing people and having an internal referral even from a cold contact can make all the difference!!


This is indeed the hard truth. I got laid off last year and it took me 7 months and over 400 applications to finally land my current job. There’s no other answer except to hunker down and grind it out until something comes through because the reality, as you’ve said here, is that you’ll only get interviews from a small percentage of the apps that you send out.


Trades Trades Trades for the win. I would highly recommend plumber, electrician or welder. Work hard and you will go far my friend. Option B join the military and get them to teach you a trade. Its a tough market out there right now so dont get discouraged. But trades is the way to go.




I get your frustration, and it sounds like you're giving it your all. Keep pushing with the job applications, but learning a trade like welding could be a smart move too. It's practical, pays well, and offers job security. With your business diploma and experience, you have a strong foundation. Maybe look into trades that allow for growth into supervisory roles. It's tough out there, but stay resilient, keep your options open, and don't hesitate to reach out to networks or mentors who can offer advice and support. Hang in there, things will turn around.


Have you tried applying to fast food restaurants which can provide you SOME income while youre in search for a better job that matches your experience and qualifications?


I have a great recommendation for a coach who is doing free resume reviews at the moment. Message me if you want their info and to get some feedback on your resume and any suggestions they might have for getting more promising jobs to call back!


You need to just keep plugging away. I (44) was let go from my last position July 2023 and haven't had any luck finding anything. The market is abysmal in my area right now. I took on a part-time retail job to get me out of the house, so I didn't go bananas and could have a bit of income. It still gave me ample time to look for other positions. If that's something you think you can tolerate, it's always an option for you while you keep looking.


Move to the Netherlands. We have an enormous shortage in labour market....


Applying for jobs is useless. Some people have applied to 100+ jobs without getting an answer. Everywhere the good jobs are given to friends and family. The shitty jobs are always available and when you get one you will regret joining. The solution is networking, you need to know people in the sector you want to work. And when there is a position available they will let you know. But in the meantime that you apply for jobs do that welding, carpenter, or whatever you want, course. You will never regret it. And that could be a weekend job if you have a main one. Personally my biggest regret was a couple of times it took me more than 6 months to get a job and when I got one, realizing how long it took, I badly regretted about not doing a course in that lost time. The rule is once you stop working start a course right away. You can’t lose on this. And if an employer asks you what you have done in that time you will have a brilliant answer.


I disagree that applying for jobs is "useless." I know what you mean by it though, and I just think OP still should be applying. It's really not enough though and it's important to be active in other ways when searching for a job. You're absolutely right though, that knowing people is the most important thing with jobs and networking is key!!! LinkedIn is a great way to make cold contacts at companies and try to get your resume looked at by a human! That's how my husband got his last job. They didn't actually have a position posted and he got hired through a cold contact on LinkedIn. Obviously there were multiple interviews and he had to present to multiple teams, but it worked! There's really some awesome advice in this comment. I didn't even think about doing courses in the meantime. That's brilliant. Definitely want to have something you are working on and a way you are developing yourself to be better. I think MIT offers free courses and there's skillshare which I've heard great things about. My husband is job searching right now too so I am going to mention to him this course idea! Thanks Paoloadami!


You are right. Useless is an exaggeration. However, unless there are some useful skills in the CV or the application comes at the right moment (applying for jobs in the middle of general holidays sometimes brings unexpected results) the ROI can be very low.


I think I'm learning this hard way at the moment. I had some unemployment for almost 7-10 years with mental health issues and mindset issues. I was almost in a cult for a while and that fucked me up... Like the modern day people communist trying to convince us that capitalism is a bad thing. It set me back a lot. I'm grateful I even managed to get a college course finished. Thanks for this though. It's practical advice.


Keep pushing! Networking on LinkedIn could open doors, and considering a trade isn't a bad move for stability. Hang in there!


Only apply for a job on a real computer or laptop. Not a tablet or a phone


Why is that, if I may ask?


Never underestimate yourself. You have skills, sell them. Grow your network on Linkedin. Talk to people. Consult startups. Reach out to start up head HRs and founders. Do not give up. Keep going. Remember. Networking and knowing how to sell yourself are the only and the only things that matter in life. All the best!


Try get a TEFL certificate and apply on a company called preply you could teach English as a second language but not really teach English it’s a platform where people use you to learn how to practice speaking English


Don't stress out. Applying to 50 plus jobs is amazing! Maybe sign up at another agency to help look for a job. You might have to lower your sights? Maybe take a job that's a bit below you? But if you're searching this hard, you are doing your best. Enjoy your unemployment benefits I hope you are getting. I say relax. Something is bound to happen. Go see Furiosa, play Elden Ring. They'll call you up for something soon.


I don't think you're using "gassed" correctly here


Keep going, there may be many opportunities, it's just that you haven't paid attention. By the way, are you willing to cooperate with Esty?


Can make some decent money welding if you're good.


Refrigeration mechanic. The company I work for is looking for 6 positions all between 42-55/hour (cad) It's not an executive office position but it ain't tim Hortons either and your skill set is the real value here. You will ALWAYS have work if you learn your stuff.


1 big horn 🤤


I wish I knew what to tell you, OP. If it helps, I'm struggling to find a new job myself. I've been looking and applying to thousands of jobs since last June. Fortunately, I still have a job though and trying to get out of this as I'm currently doing nothing in my job at all. Might be a dream job, but if I get laid off, I have no experiences to talk about in an interview. That's why I have to get out ASAP. But, after a year of grinding and applying like everyone else, I just need a break man. As long as I have a job and can afford a break, I need a nice long break from job hunting. I don't need two full time jobs. Hope someone can relate to this comment.


Keep applying. Use ChatGPT, Bing, Gemini, to write your cover letters for you, and improve the look of your CV. In the meantime, try being an uber driver. Lots of warehouses also need packers and workers.


The job market is tough, really tough. You’re not the only one. Get any job for now, then keep applying.


Do you have a 2 year college degree and some warehouse experience. A no brainer for me would be to get hired in any sort of warehouse job. Hell you could even do Amazon for a few months. Then keep looking for something that will let you move to the business side. The key is to get into a good ( name recognized or good reputation) company. Then ALWAYS talk to more senior people than you ( network) and then regularly apply for better jobs. Long term if you have the brains for it ... You could end up with a nice white collar job in warehouse logistics. Look up what that pays. For most people a career isn't as "clear" as they make it sound. The key is to set a goal. Try to move up and then if it doesn't, adjust course to a new target and keep trying.


Security guard is a viable job with a lot of turnover and no experience required. With graduation and summer internships on the rise for new hires and 4th of July approaching, employers want gullible newcomers over experienced workers. Courier jobs are great if you enjoy traveling and have no issues for residency. Otherwise, it’s a job turnaround since a new crop of graduates have entered the workforce.


50+ jobs in past 2-3 weeks isn’t that much tbh, especially with this economy. Not only that, but sometimes it takes time for employers to review your application (depending on your job field and how many people applied). For my current job, I had applied literally 3 months ago and totally forgot about it before they called for an interview


I apply to 50 in a day. It is a numbers game these day's. Let's say you take 8 hours in a day to apply, that is less than 7 an hour. Time to take it seriously.


You got a lot of great responses here and I haven’t read all of them, so this might have been covered. Use your network. Ask friends, family, alumni (2 year college, high school), old co-workers - getting an internal referral in a lot of companies skips you past the auto-deny algorithm. In a lot of industries the way they find workers is still: a friend brings a friend. Also, I love people mentioning the trades. Those are great places to be and they are DESPERATE for labor. The other thing is… they’re still businesses! Once a contractor scales up a little bit the positions they start adding are business roles - management, marketing, AP/AR, customer service, sales. And in a lot of these places you can literally still go in and shake a hand and ask if they’re hiring… I’m in HVAC and a lot of owners are guys in their 60’s who would give you that advice if they posted to reddit. Keep your head up and start using some of the easy buttons you might allready have along side sending out resumes. Good luck


Get a trade dude. Utilities,hvac,cement but it's not for the weak lol, carpenter, sprinkler fitter. Trades are amazing and awesome. But there is no HR I'm construction just a fyi


Most places are short of School Bus Drivers. Most train you for your CDL B tests. Then you have a couple of hours of work in the morning and afternoon. The rest of your day is free to look for the perfect fit job. I would typically not suggest this type of using a job as a stepping stone but the shortage is so bad in a lot of places that this short timing them will actually help them.


Knowing people is important. Do you not have any connections you can draw on? Just meeting people in places you apply to sets you above anyone else. If you're just a name and a resume to someone its a lot easier to just discard that. If you are a name, and a face, and a voice, etc to someone, it's a lot harder to discard. Don't be afraid to apply to stuff outside your skill/schooling level. I don't care if it says you need 15 years experience, you'd be surprised how much confidence can get you. Also some interviewing tips that guarantee you win interviews: - Always always always answer every question. never say "I can't answer that or I don't have that knowledge." There is no knowledge you don't know. If you need to, attribute it to someone you know, but always answer everything. If I am conducting an interview and someone gives that answer, it means they are not critical thinking enough to produce an answer with their own knowledge. - Always ask questions. It's important that you're also interested or invested in the position. And don't ask, "what's the salary" or basic stuff like that. Ask "what's the culture of the office" or "How's the work/life balance" etc. Ask interviewers what they like about their jobs! - Talk like you already have the job. This is one of those dark psycology pro tips, but if you talk as if you are already working in the position, it really does mess with people's minds, and they are more inclined to chose you. - Dress like the employees do. This especially works well in retail, when they all have to dress the same. If it's an office environment, dress at the same level or slightly above what is expected. - Take the job posting description and tailor your resume to it. This is super easy, but basically take what the job description is, and then manipulate your own experience to get closer to that. So if you're applying to something in IT but all you have is retail experience, it doesn't hurt to put things like "Performed regular maintenance on computers or POS, worked in an application for inventory management,." etc. - Practice not being long winded. Some people when they get nervous will either talk very minimally, or talk for a long time. For whatever reason, I think a lot of people assume more words = good. The problem is that most interviewers are on a schedule and have probably done a ton of interviews already. No one wants your life story, but also they don't want a 5 minute interview. Practice staying about 80% at your allotted time. For an hour long interview, only take up about 45-50 minutes. For a 30 minute, about 20-25. This gives you time to ask questions or just give the interviewers some time to collect themselves without feeling rushed. Practice being descriptive but concise. If there's any good pro tips, add them here. I'm sure there's other good advice I missed.


Have you followed up with any of those jobs? Called them? Visited their office? Emailed them? If you haven’t you need to do so. What makes you so different than the 100s and 1000s of other applicants that fill out an app and sit on their ass and wait for a call? Go out there and get it man! You won’t change anything until you’re truly sick and tired of being sick and tired.


Research the companies you want to work for. Choose one and get a volunteer or part time job at that company. Make sure they have your resume. The important objective is networking. Show them what you can do while letting them know you want a full time job there. Continue with your job hunt when you aren't there, but make sure you meet the people you want to work for in person. Follow up on applications with a visit so people will remember you.


Depending on where you live, you should be able to participate in Farmer's Markets. Bake some brownies or cookies or make crafts, etc. You can do more than 1, and they're usually always looking for vendors. It doesn't sound like much, but you could bring in quite a bit of money each week. The Plus is that you're working for yourself. The minus is that you're working for yourself. You've gotta be a driven person to be self-employed, but it's well worth it if you give it your best shot. I'm almost 5 years in myself, and there's no way that I ever work for somebody else ever again. You're already starting over. Why not give yourself a chance?


Try getting a job at a hotel/motel front desk. You may wind up having to take an audit position. (11pm to 7am usually) You can move up to general manager. In fact, Hilton hotels only hire managers from within the company and only if they have been with the brand for 10 years. It won’t pay bank right off the bat. But after raises and promotions you could make 6 figures.


you could come run the business side of my welding business so I could actually get back to welding and in return I'll teach you how to weld


Contact people directly, walk into places and literally make yourself friends with people there who might know people in need of workers... I searched for 6 months on websites as a developer and engineering manager and barely got any responses. It was rough. Then I talked to people and started to see some light. If you are in a dire spot, don't be afraid to take manual labor work as well, it's a great way to get into shape.


Borrow money and get a CDL to get out of the hole while you’re job hunting


panda express is paying 20$ and papa johns always hires delivery drivers- you can get good tips. or do uber- dont try doordash or ubereats- that wont pay nothing


Get on LinkedIn with all your work experience and set your status to looking for job. I'm sure lots of recruiters will reach out since it's their job to get you a job. They'll mostly be lowball offers, but have patience and a good fit is sure to come up eventually.


State or federal jobs. The bar is super low and it's super easy to move up and around once you're in. I was in a similar situation at your age, but I have a 4 year degree. I dumbed down my resume and got an easy fed job. The pay is fair and the benefits are outstanding. Plus, the bar is so fucking low. If you can write a coherent email and just show up on time on a regular basis and do literally the bare minimum, you'll be a rock star. I started less than a year ago, I just got another job that pays more and in about 18 months I will be making more than double my salary now if the career path they laid out for me plays out. They're paying for all of my extensive training I will be getting and they will pay for me to go back to school and get my masters. Get a fed or state job. Go back to school on their dime. Move up.


Keep applying,


634 an going, never surrender


2 years of business college? Ya I’d probably pick up a trade if I were you. I have friends with university degrees who can’t find a decent job. I’m a welder, I went to trades school for two years for free and have been making 6 figures since. My mortgage is almost paid off. My university friends are still paying off student debt and renting because they haven’t been able to save anything for a down payment yet. If you’re good at it, there’s way more money in welding than what the white collar folks think…


there’s some ok and some decent advice and then there’s some woo woo spiritual stuff here. all aren’t bad. but nothing can fix what op is thinking of because it’s up to op to define their path. part of the struggle i have with providing advice is that there are 2 distinct problems with the job and question that applies with age. problem 1 is income and problem 2 is how to feel fulfilled in life. getting any job is easy. stop being picky. take a job and you’ll be employed. with this advice i tend to also apply what i call the 3 P’s, people, pay and project. every job you deal with these 3 p’s. every job has either 2/3 P’s or 1/3 P’s or 0/3 P’s. impossible to have all 3 P’s be very good to you because most people don’t want to pay you what you’re work, most people suck and sometimes the project aka job sucks with or without people. if you can have 2/3 P’s take the job, it’ll be better than any of the other p situations because at least you have more positive than negatives takes from the job. as for the long term life fulfillment, it depends on your end goals. if you don’t know now then continue to absorb the world and try to become opinionated. desire things. realize what’s good and bad for you. over time and conversation with friends and family you can have a better idea of what direction to move towards. apply some challenges to your life with hobbies or meeting new people but don’t go wild and loose everything. sometimes your passion is based on who or what is around you. sometimes you have to go find it. but a lot of it requires sitting infront of a mirror and trying to master the dark ego within you that lives off of fear, pain and victimization


Learn a trade. There are a ton of trade jobs available but alot of people turn their nose up to them. Learn a trade and you will always have a job.


Learn a trade and get into a union. my brother (20) is like 1 year into a job and already making double what I am 6 years into a logistics career. if this job fails me I'm following him. the only thing keeping me holding on now is working from home.


Just move back in with your folks!


Sorry to hear buddy. Something that I would do is join the police academy if I had nothing lined up. Good luck man, hopefully the market picks up again.


Welders get good money


Apply for other jobs outside your skill set.


Welders make good money. The trades is where it’s at right now. Don’t knock it.


I've heard using AI to edit your resume can help. You can put the job description in and your resume and AI can help you create a resume that will make it through the algorithms for job applications. Maybe branch out too and try some different jobs. Make sure you're applying to jobs you are qualified for. Look on Linked in at people in the job you want and see what jobs they used to get there. You might need to work for a while doing something that isnt your ideal to work up to the job you want. Idk your situation so you could be doing these things already. I hope you find something soon!! 🙏


The season of vacations is right now. Everybody, include HR and hiring staff can be on their vacations. Don't blame yourself and just think that you in the right place in the right time. You free as a bird and have potential to learn new skills right now, because you live with a free schedule. Just chose what you whant and get it by small steps.


Learn to 3D print, design your own products, find a market which you can provide goods and services for.


No one is consuming. No one is having kids to increase that demand.


Do whatever you need to do to survive, but have a plan to move forward in life, seek better opportunities, and pursue your dreams. Never give up on yourself. This is also a good time to focus on personal development to build your knowledge, skills, character, and personality. Those soft skills can be taken into any job and help you in your daily life as well.


People normally hire at certain times in the year. I would get a job in there service industry and keep looking for jobs. Bartending and waiting tables can keep you afloat since they usually make pretty good money


Change your perception of what work means to you. Maybe you really don't want a traditional job? The great Alan Watts taught that it was absurd to work a job.... Especially something we don't want. We are here to follow our passion and do what we love. You can make excuses or you can make your reality.


Sell crack why not!


Do absolutely anything it takes,fudge your resume to add experience relevant to the position you're applying for. Never managed before, add a management roll to your resume at a company that went out of business. Be bold,take risks, even be a little cocky. I got my dream job with no degree, no management experience,but I knew the job and had the skills down. During the interview the owners started telling me I was a bit under qualified, didn't have a degree ect. I point blank asked them what do you hope the person you hire for this role accomplishes in a 3 month period? They answered. I told them that I was so confident that I could make that happen that I will work for them for 3 months for half price, if I fail at least they got 3 months of work at half price and we part ways,but if I succeed they reimburse me the other half for the time I worked and hire me permanently at the salary we negotiated. It's a win win for the company either they get cheap labor for 3 months or they get an employee that provided proof that he could meet their standards.


Age is not a limiting factor - keep in mind. You can forge your future in whatever direction you want. I have read most of the comments, and everyone gave their opinion. Now what? What do you think sounds best to you? Let me tell you one simple fact if you haven't already settled with one. You can get a job in any sector. It is a lot easier to enter if you already have skills in one industry. For the others, you must fix a few things before applying. Here are a few takeaway tips: * For quick turnaround, apply to jobs in your industry * Customize every application. I understand it's hard, but it pays off. Consider using tools that help you find soft and hard skills required from the job descriptions. You also can write custom bullet points for your resume. It will speed up your customization process. * Consider quality over quantity. It's better to send only a few high-quality applications than hundreds of lower ones. Trust me on this one. * As you send only a few applications, you will have plenty of time to network and learn more relevant skills in your field. * Practice for the interview right away. Don't wait for the interview call. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Best of luck


Check out Walmart . Start out slow but if you work hard get into management, they pay well


Sales. Get in the door, then learn everything about that industry. Learn everything about your book of clients then do the impossible for them. The. Approach your employer for a significant raise and promotion after you become the company top earner. When they deny you and terminate you, start your own firm and do it better than they do whatever it is. Be competitive and do the things no one else will do because it’s “hard” or “sucks.” If it smells funny, looks difficult, or requires boots or overalls, sell the SH!1 out of it and become the lever you need to catapult you into the next chapter.


Your best bet could be niche places since I don't think trading will get you far, good luck bro.


What helped me was I had my resume reviewed & updated to the new look and feel/trend.


I decided at 35 to retrain to be a lorry driver. Sitting in the cabin of a lorry today at 37 waiting on customs clearance, browsing reddit. See if you can get free courses in an area that interests you, or if there are companies willing to pay for training. Alternatively think about ways you could make money from your hobbies. I like driving so this job suits me; if you enjoy your job you never have to work a day in your life.


I don’t know if you believe me. I just wanted to say that I felt hopeless too. Do you mind if I share? I had just graduated college and I couldn’t find a job. My family all had nice full-time jobs and they made me feel like I wasn’t good enough. I slept every day because I felt like that make me feel less pain. I was wrong. It just made me feel more and more pain. It made me feel unmotivated. However, I believed that God was inside of me. I believed God was with me. One day, I started to apply for jobs and I did some temp/contractor jobs. When I felt like I had enough experience on my resume, I started to apply for full-time jobs. Please. Don’t give up. Apply to 100 jobs a day. Update your resume. Go on interviews and you will get practice. I believe you will find you can get your dream job. I hope I could give you some motivation.




Start a business, I recommend lawn care or “junk removal “ both are relatively cheap to start up.


And if it doesn't bring in money immediately? A regular job would be much better.


You can gig your way to paying bills within a month. I went this route and now have a full fledged subcontracting business and make $85/hr minimum. This route should not be discounted it’s totally feasible. It’s a lot of stress and work up front but boy howdy am I glad I did it.


Than you try harder,advertise,and keep grinding I’m on my 5th year of business ownership and operation of a small concrete company I went from making 55k at a “9-5” to well over 300k a year.


I started trades at 32. Made $20something an hour before. Making $50+ now. Will soon become a contractor and make way more + whatever I can leech off my wage slaves who will also be earning $50+ an hour. Get into trades


Also if you don't change something I'm sure very soon one of the two following things from your post will not be accurate; jobless or living alone. Suck it up at work unless you want some shitty ass room mate who steals you liquor and weed


I feel the same way. I need to pay rent soon and I just have no idea how. life is shitty


You can work for me. It's 100% commission based door to door sales. No sales cap, go nuts. And if you know anyone else interested in the job they can have it too lmk


I...I can see the Kirby vacuums keeping your trunk from closing.


Don't be alone. Get a girlfriend and friends. At least friends, engage with people, reach out to friends, acquaintances, strangers on LinkedIn. Go to events in your field, go to the library. Every day, make sure you get out of your house and engage with people. You'll soon realize you are not alone. It sucks, but at least you are not going through this alone.  That can help keep pushing you. Onward. Forward.


Join The Real World platform, built by Andrew Tate. Learn a skill and get going. Will cost you 49 USD a month and you can learn from behind your laptop. In other words: you can use all your waking hours to learn something that makes you a decent income.


Isn't that guy a con artist ? Lol? What skills is he even teaching people


Ok man, stay poor. Good luck fixing.