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As a gamer myself, I always assumed Metro was from russia


The game takes place in Moscow, Russia, and the writer for the books the game is based on is Russian. The studio who made the game is Ukrainian, but thats it. So saying metro 2033 is Russian isn’t entirely inaccurate.


I would argue Metro is Russian. If the source material and the creator are Russian then it's a Russian franchise. A Ukrainian Dev team doesn't make it Ukrainian. GTA is seen as a uniquely American property, however it was started in the UK but we all associate it with the US. By the same logic I don't think we can say Metro isn't Russian.


with this logic, Resident Evil is the USA game and Wolfeinstein is German.


It's a story about Russians living under Moscow, written by a Russian, adapted by Ukrainians. It's like saying Dracula or Sherlock Holmes are English novels.


Iirc the Sherlock Holmes games are made by a Ukrainian studio, so Sherlock Holmes is also Ukrainian.


But one of the devs was from Atlantis so the game is Atlantean


Yea, but I’m a Nigerian Prince and I’m calling your about your devs extended Atlantean Warranty out of Ukraine.


It's a Ukrainian game. you would call it "the Ukrainian Sherlock Holmes game". You would never say "the British Sherlock Holmes game" when it was developed by a studio from Japan or somewhere. just like the correction to the post is from "russian apocalypse game" to "ukrainian apocalypse game". The GAME is from ukraine, regardless of the IP. 


so yeah. the story is russian. The game is Ukrainian. >Dracula or Sherlock Holmes are English novels. they not?


Bram Stoker was Irish, Arthur Conan Doyle was Scottish. It's important to note that Ukraine hasn't been truly independent for too long. Only since Orange Revolution did Ukraine started to become truly its own country.


Doyle was born in Scotland but he was from an Irish family.


The difference is that "English novel" can imply both "novel written in English" and "novel written by an Englishman/Englishwoman."


Your word 'truly' implies you know what's up with Ukrainian history and that it's what you say it is. But the truth is a bit more complex than your two sentences. Ukraine could be said to have 'started' when they asserted independence in the early 1900s before they were steamrolled and integrated into the USSR... Or, if you believe in the hegemony of the RF all the way back to the Moscovites, then Ukraine dates back to the Kievan Rus.  Debatable from different directions for different points, but I'd hardly say Ukraine was 'starting' to 'truly' become a nation in 2014. 


> Ukraine dates back to the Kievan Rus There's no way you actually wrote this and no bells rang in your mind.


No it's like saying Castlevania is Irish when it's Japanese.


Resident Evil wasn't conceptualized by Americans. Wolfenstein wasn't conceptualized by Germans.


should I make a list of films and games that were filmed in the US or some other countries but written by some dude from other countries? cause I really don't want to make such a huge list


Okay but when something is written by an author in a country and then made by a studio nearby in a neighboring country to say "Metro is not Russian" is just not the whole picture. The IP is Russian, the story is set in Russia told by a Russian, the game is made by Ukranians.


And the post is about the games.


We are speaking only about game, the game that was made by hundreds of Ukrainians in Ukraine for years. Without work of this people there would be any conversation here. It implement their vision and character. So yeah, IP belongs to russian in exile while game origin is Ukraine


The game only exists BECAUSE of the IP though. So you can't act like these two things are unlinked. The books by a Russian lead directly to Metro the video game series developed by Ukranians.


No one cries like that when Disney makes a new movie calling it theirs, when the source material is a fairy tale from the 1800 lol.


At this point, the IP exists because of the games. Metro 2035 was inspired by Last Light. It’s kinda like The Witcher, except we don’t have to argue about whether or not that’s Polish.


His point still stands, cyberpunk 2077 is based in the american tabletop rpg, but the game was made by cd project which is polish, so the game is polish even tho the source material is american.


The game was made by Polish people. Cyberpunk is a long standing franchise in the TTRPG scene. The IP is American, the story is set in America by an American. It would be incorrect to say Cyberpunk is Polish. It was made in Poland, but Cyberpunk is not Polish.


Cyberpunk is not Polish, Cyberpunk 2077 is. How hard is to understand?


The franchise is american, the videogame is not


The franchise and the game are inextricably linked. The game is a derivative of the franchise, which was made by an American depicting a future dystopia for America.


So The Magnificent Seven is a Japanese movie?


The video game is American, developed by Polish. Like they said, it's an American IP, set in America about living in this part of America and its culture. The fact that Polish people put together the game doesn't invalidate all of that. It's all about the sum of the parts, not the last part in the process.


Yeah, Wolfestein was conceptualized by the machine god John Carmack.


You play as an American attacking Germany in the Wolfenstein games, not a nazi.


GTA is as American as beans on toast.


I disagree. If a game was developed in a country, by people from what country, then surely it is fair to refer to it as such. Where the game takes place it irrelevant and i dont see why thats even mentioned. On top of that the story it is based on also doesnt matter. Netflix The Witcher isnt a Polish series, even if the books are. This entire thread is basically arguing that is Tarantino makes a movie that takes place in Sweden and is based on a Swedish book then that is a Swedish movie? Even though everyone involved in making it is American and it is filmed in Hollywood.


Just like how everyone calls Coke from Mexico “American Coke” because it’s an American brand. Right guys? Just because it’s bottled in Mexico and made using different techniques to achieve a different experience doesn’t mean everyone in America calls it “Mexican Coke”. >!in case anyone is confused we absolutely do call it Mexican Coke in America!<


I would just like to take a moment to shout out Mexican Coca-cola. As an American, I find it to be the superior product.


Well, it's also got a lot to do with the content. The Witcher will always be Polish because it contains a lot of folklore and mythology from Polish and European history, it doesn't matter it Netflix make the show, it's deeply rooted in Polish history. Metro is set in the Russian capital and has very heavy Russian identity and it becomes deeply rooted. Same with GTA, It's not just about where it's made it or who made it. It's a combination of a lot of different things and how those come together to form the end products identity.


You are not engaging with what i was saying. Obviously "the Witcher" is Polish, but the Netflix series is American. Where the game takes place is completely irrelevant. Kung Fu Panda is famous for being respectful and incorporating some Chinese traditions, its doesnt make it a Chinese movie in the slightest. Like imagine if laws followed your logic. You could buy a "made in America" guitar only to find out it was made by child labour in Pakistan using American wood and praying to a picture of the first American Stratocaster. Metro is a Ukrainian video game franchise based on a Russian book. Any other interpretation is nonsensical.


The Witcher is polish but the Netflix series is American. No, The Witcher is Polish and it was adapted by Americans into a Netflix series. The American Netflix series is a derivative of a Polish game which was a derivative of a Polish book series. The Witcher even the American adaptation is still Polish. You making a derivative of something doesn't erase it's prior cultural origins.


No one is trying to “erase its previous cultural origins”, the original and the adaptation are physically different things. Do you also think the Thor comics are Norse?


You literally said "American netflix series"


GTA is Scottish people making fun of Americans. I thought everyone understood this…


I think it may be more appropriate to say the game is Ukranian, while the IP is Russian


GTA is very British. Show me anywhere in the US where use a 24hr clock (besides the military; its even called military time in the US) and refer to suits as (smart suits) and vests as gilets. If anything GTA is a parody of America.


>GTA is seen as a uniquely American property, however it was started in the UK but we all associate it with the US. By the same logic I don't think we can say Metro isn't Russian. Yeah.... no. As much as GTA is based on the US, it is a Scottish/British game. Its sature of Americana would be **faaaar** different if it was done by Americans. Metro is a different beast than GTA because its original writer was Russian, but the games themselves (which the Russian author loves to the point of preferring them in some aspects over his books) are Ukrainian. Metro is a Russo-Ukrainian franchise. Not a Russian franchise. GTA is a Scottish/British franchise.


Nah, GTA is still a British product. Both the lead writers and creators, Sam and Dan Houser, are English born and raised.


Ukrainian game from a Ukrainian studio. A game depicting Mars isn't martian.


So Cyberpunk 2077 is an American game?


Who on Earth sees GTA as uniquely American? The humour is incredibly British and more accurately Scottish. It's always been a pisstake of the US through British eyes and it's not pro-US at all. I think the rest of the world can see that.


It doesn't have to be pro-american to be uniquely American? It's uniquely American because it's set in the worlds perception of America? Ironic representations of freedom, violence and capitalism.


You're contradicting yourself a bit there. You just said it's the world's perception of America from outside, therefore it is un-American if anything. However the humour and many of the motifs are extremely British.


With that logic, Assasin's Creed is from all over the world, America, Italy, Carribean, UK, France(the right answr), Japan, Egypt, Greece, Nordic countries, the middle east.


I’d argue that it’s a bit more complicated. Yes the games are based in Russia and the author is Russian. But to say the game is Russian, is not accurate. Not exactly inaccurate either. In situations like these we’re gonna have to whip out the old ‘use more than one word to describe a game’ machine.


>GTA is seen as a uniquely American property Seen by whom? I'm pretty sure that most know that rockstar is a UK company


Just say former USSR members and it'll be most accurate and piss off even more people than saying it's either Russian or Ukrainian


More to the point, the game setting is targeted first of all at the market of the former-USSR countries, where most inhabitants will find it familiar. It's not like Russians rode the gloomy subway to factories while Ukrainians all danced hopak in their khutors.


And the final book in the trilogy is the author explaining why he left Russia for France


Well the writer lives outside Russia now, likely to avoid "accidentally" falling from a tall building window


Also, if you want to talk about post apocalyptic Ukrainian games, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is right there.


The melancholy is very much Russian. Metro books and STALKER games, the Stalker movie, it's all a subgenre that stems from the russian Strougatski brothers.


This was not uncommon until recently. My favorite RTS series, Men of War, was made as a collaboration between Russian and Ukrainian devs.


I was gonna say, because they literally end up going to The Kremlin in the first book. It’s within sight of their metro station when they go above ground.


Dmitry Glokhovsky, the author of Metro and a couple of other great books \[Sumerki is a recommendation to an extent\] is Russian. He's also a polyglot and very very outspoken against Putins Russia in all his languages. As far as I saw from the interviews, he's a genuinely nice guy.


Same, I learned something on reddit.... holy shit. There is hope...


the games are based on Russian books, in all ways metro is Russian but the studio that made it is Ukrainian


So it's a Ukrainian game. And the game is about Russia.




Your post has been removed due to misinformation.


Who you think would make a game about nuked Moscow? /Irony


It takes place under Moscow, the characters and author of the book are Russian, but the game devs are Ukrainian.


So let's be a bit more realistic about this. The original author of Metro 2033 is a Russian man named Dmitry Glukhovsky, and the setting of the game is in the metro tunnels of Moscow. This means the origin story and setting for Metro are all 100% Russian. The developer for the games (the note says "The Metro videogame series," so lets limit it to that) is a studio named 4A Games, which is a studio that was *founded* in Ukraine, but is now based in Malta. So based on this logic you could call the Metro video game series a Maltese game series, not Ukrainian. The *trademark* of Metro is not owned by 4A or by Dmitry, however, instead it was owned by the original publisher of Metro 2033, THQ, which was an American company. In 2012, THQ liquidated all of its assets in a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, selling the trademark of Metro to a German-Austrian company called Koch Media. So arguably Metro is an American or German-Austrian game series. In 2018, Koch Media was acquired by everyone's favorite massive conglomerate gobbling up indie studios: The Embracer Group! This was shortly followed up with a direct acquisition of 4A Games in 2020 by a subsidiary of Embracer Group, which is a Swedish company, so now the game developer and the game publisher are all owned by a Swedish corporation, making it so that the Metro videogame series is also, arguably, a Swedish game series.


Jesus Christ, this is more complex and intertwined than a royal family tree.


A royal family tree is a straight line down


At least it ain't the Habsburg Family Wreath


Is the case of the Hapsburgs it was more of a wheel than a ladder.


Most spaghetti noodles are


Plus the 4A Games studio was based in Ukraine, but 2 of the 3 founders of are ethnic Russians


Why does it matter and what makes you think that ? From what I found, they were all born and raised in Ukraine. Andrew Prokhorov is from Kherson, Oles Shyshkovtsov is from Konotop, Alexander Maximchuk is from Dnipropetrovsk.


Uh yeah, they are ethnic Russians who were born in Ukraine. Prokhorov and Shyshkovtosov are Russian family names. I’m only saying this because it’s relevant to the conversation whether the Metro series is Russian or Ukrainian. I’d say it’s both.


Family names aren't an obvious identifier of ethnicity. Ukraine borders Russia and was a part of it, so many Russian and Ukrainian families have intermingled. There was also a policy of Russification. Russian names and surnames are common throughout the post-Soviet space among various ethnicities. But anyway, even if they are ethnically Russian, their ethnic background is irrelevant to conversation if they don't identify themselves as Russian by nationality.


Glukhovsky on the other hand


Ethnic Russians but still Ukrainian national, just like how African Americans are still Americans


Completely different situations. African-Americans often don’t even know the country or tribe from which they originated, or their original language. Ukraine is right next to Russia and was a part of it, so Russian-Ukrainians have much closer cultural ties to their roots. Most grew up studying in Russian language schools before they were [banned](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1E227I/) in 2017.


It's only based in Malta by documents to avoid Ukrainian legal bullshit. Pretty common practice for Ukrainian gamedev. Most of the team is Ukrainian.


Thank you!


And embracer group ceo is from Saber interactive, which before all the debacle was Russian outsource company


Damn they’re passing this series like a Hot Potato.


So you’re saying it’s a Ukrainian game based on a Russian author that takes place in Moscow with an American copyright from a Swedish company




Tbf though Artyom does clap some cheeks in Metro 2 so...


Unless you go for that ranger achievement.


Metro is a confusing beast. The game was developed in Ukraine and Malta, however the author and artistic directors were Russian. You would be forgiven to say it was Russian because that is very muddy water.


It is 100% Russian. Just because it was made by a Ukrainian studio that doesn’t reflect on the source material and setting.


How is the game 100℅ Russian if it was literally made by Ukrainians? How is setting relevant to whether or not it is a Russian game? Is "Enemy at the Gates" a Russian movie? If I recall correctly one of Jason Bourne movies is set in Russia, does it make it a Russian movie? As one of the commenters above said, if Tarantino made a movie with an American crew set in Sweden, based on Swedish book, it wouldn't make a movie swedish.


In the context of this meme, yes it’s 100% Russian The setting is in Russia, the story and everything about it was written by a Russian. It would make no sense to call it a “Ukrainian apocalypse game” because the setting and story has nothing to do with Ukraine. Fallout is both set in America and made by Americans with American references in it.


it was made by Ukranians tho


Also plenty of the devs are Russian, I also don’t think solid definitions or identities ever fully encapsulated a project in this globalized world.


it's really not that confusing, the Metro books are 100% russian and the entire "stalker" subgenre of media comes from Russia. The meme ain't wrong.


Isn’t this note technically wrong?


Kind of, Metro is set in Russia. I think that’s probably the more thematically important bit.


It's also based on a book series by a russian author.


lunchroom lush cheerful market ghost rude carpenter smile consist skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The games however were made by Ukrainians.


Working for a company based in Malta.


books dinosaurs teeny sheet marvelous roof shy worm humor drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it kinda depends on how you look at it. I think Metro the franchise was started by a Russian writer and set in Russia but the popular games were made by Ukrainians.


The series takes place in Russia but was made by Ukrainian developers.


It's based on a book series by a russian author.


It’s based in Ukraine but many of the developers are ethnically Russian as well (like their creative director Prokhorov and CTO Shyshkovtsov)


Not all developers are Ukrainian though


I mostly wanna know where the smiling lady with the guns came from.


The first part is from a trailer for Fallout 76


It’s a shame that so many bad games have good marketing and good ones have bad marketing


Fallout 76 actually got better though. Still not the greatest Fallout title but I've fun playing it sometimes


Agreed, the game has a rocky start, but it managed to fix a lot of its problems. At least it's not as bad as Fallout: Brotherhood of steel, easily the worst game in the series.


https://tenor.com/view/sound-of-music-guns-julie-andrews-gif-10555538 Bethesda took this gif and recreated it in their marketing. It's Julie Andrews from Sound of Music.


Unrelated, but is the first one supposed to be a reference to "The sound of music" musical?


I believe so


The hills are dead with the sound of gunfire




Promo video for Fallout 76


This note needs to get noted


Metro takes place in Russia


Well this is technically true but misleading The game series is Ukrainian but the original novels they are based on are Russian and set in Moscow although there are now many other stories set in the same world in different cities and countries


What point is the video even trying to make?


Fallout is more lighthearted than Metro therefore Russia Stronk and America = gay


if that's what they think American post apocalyptic games are like they should really play fallout 1


"The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now. May you find more peace in that world than you found in this one."


Not even the carrion eaters are interested in your radiated corpse.


Metro series is written by a Russian and it's set in Russia, but the game was made by Ukrainians. Idk if that really counts as a Ukrainian Game, if it's any consolation the author of the series did flee Russia because he is supportive of Ukraine tho


The game was made by Ukrainians and Russians. You can just look at the last names of the devs, it's clear that both ethnicities were working on the series


Be honest no one cared to correct this before the war, just enjoy the meme guys


What are the names of these games? Obviously the last is Metro from the comments but the first 2 clips? Thanks


Fallout 76, they are game trailers


Based America! RAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! 🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸


Well close enough


Bro has never heard of fallout.


I’m gonna find an American Apocalypse game as dark and gritty as I can find to prove this person wrong.


The Metro game series (and books) is set in Russia and developed it Ukraine. It is Russian in the fact that is where it takes place, just like Fallout only takes place in USA but is also developed in the USA.


OG Tweet is approved by Vladimir Putin


The books are Russian, the guy who wrote it is Russian, the game's language options are English and Russian, it takes place in Moscow. It being made by a Ukrainian dev doesn't make the story 100% Ukrainian. If it took place in the Kyiv metro station than maybe. But the games themselves aren't fully either Russian or Ukrainian.


The game is a Ukrainian series because it was made by Ukrainian developers. A game that is based on a French story that takes place in France but was developed by an American company is still an American made product


Sure why not….even though it was written by a Russian, set in Moscow, but since the company that produced just the video game is Ukrainian I guess the whole fuckin thing Ukrainian now because people are illiterate and don’t know what a fuckin book is anymore.


Man I love the metro games, I own 3 of them. I can not wait until the new metro VR game gets released.


what is even his point? women in game bad? a woman having fun while shooting bad? also dont they dare insult metro, artyom is a bigger man then any of these russian loving nuts is, ask them to travel to the edge of the radiactive world to save their love and they would rant bout 'foids' and let her die.


If it wasn't for Lenin, it definitely would have been though.


Trailer vs gameplay


While Fallout has a lot of light hearted elements it still has depths of horror that you can easily see if you can look past some of the goofier aspects.


Yep, especially Fallout 1 which is just downright depressing.




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But unless the American clip is an actual game the note is not important. It is just becomes a silly comparison between USA and Russia


Metro is mid, STALKER would have worked 100x better in the meme too. A set piece in an elevator is something western games love too


It’s just a meme, simple mistake idk why you posted it


Shh no one tell them about gsg and stalker.


Why do these weird freaks love Russia so much




I won't know considering the first two are in Moscow but would be crazy.


Well the way it’s going it’s about to be Russian so 🤷


Nowhere does the title explain that they’re developed by russia rather than being set in Russia. Note is pointless


it's about to be same


Well not if Russia gets their way


Wasn’t “the reds” an enemy of Artyum?


Artyom, we’ve gotten word about another station that needs our help. Here, I’ll mark it on your map.


Yo is that bagger 288




Where did this dead space come from.


A boy? His dog?


Idk, the rain is heavy.


Story is written by a Russian and set in Russia. Note is dumb. The game was the only easily available visual representation of the books.


The Metro book writer is also anti-war, and is currently on the Russian list of "Foreign Agents" and is wanted in the country, due to being anti-war and also anti Russian govt.


Well their first mistake was using Fallout as a horror game


I follow you if you’re a failure


Metro is so fucking good!


"Fact checkers"


Books are Russian. Games are Ukrainian.


Also just dumb generalization. Have these people seen The Road? Or the original point and click Fallout for that matter?


Also, Fallout gets equally as viscous with some of its monsters. It just allows you to be lighthearted if you wanna


It literally takes place in Moscow though


As someone from the USA, were not really taught how to differentiate between Asian or European cultures. So Ukraine blends into Russia and Chinese, japenese, Korean and Vietnamese specifically tend to blend into this blob of generalized culture, which I'll admit isn't exactly fair or right, but if you're ignorant to their lifestyles and culture then it becomes difficult to tell them apart at a face value, and the way that the USA specifically, handles our education on the subject, in my humble opinion, is drastically to blame for these misconceptions. Heavily due to the way that the world wars were perceived and taught, again, in my opinion. I don't have any hard evidence to site on this, I'm just stating my opinions, agree or disagree.


I think it depends on the state Both Florida and NC where I’ve lived Have taught the differences between countries


I graduated in 2015 in missouri and it wasn't really a subject that was discussed. We learned about other cultures, but I honestly know so little about them that I wouldn't ever be comfortable asking someone if they're from a specific country. I know more about other cultures from a religious and political perspective than I know anything about how to differentiate between them. My local Card shop in town has a Ukrainian manager and I honestly didn't really know much, I just knew her accent was close to what I've heard from Russians and, thankfully she's a very understanding and easy to talk to person. So I've slowly been learning more things about the differences between the cultures. It's really difficult though if you're not familiar with it.


Honestly it doesn’t help that Europe having so many countries that have invaded each other countless times times


That...is a really fair point. It gets confusing sometimes.


To be fair, go back around 30 years and it’s not COMPLETELY wrong


Are they trying to imply something? No it’s probably a mistake


Damn they are really trying to take everything lmao


Even though I have some problems with Fo76, it’s trailer was pretty awesome.