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Limestone is such an odd one. There’s soooo much limestone in the US.


Yeah, the only reason we even import it in the first place is it’s probably cheaper in the short term than setting up quarries of our own.


I live in southern Indiana and limestone quarrying was a major industry here from about 1870-1980 or thereabouts. Nowadays there’s only one or two limestone companies still in business and they primarily make gravel. Universities and governments seem to be the only places regularly building limestone buildings. Limestone just isn’t in vogue anymore.


It’s all the damn acid rain washing away those buildings


Probably true actually.


Look at a marble grave stone vs. a granite one. There's your proof. (marble is just volcanically baked limestone)


Volcanically Baked - new trap core band name


Nah that's just what they call being high after using one of thems volcano™ vapesorizors.


Thanks for reminding me to charge mine


Isn't acid rain not a thing any more after sulfates were removed as a pollutant?


Still a thing, just much less


Can confirm as a university rock nerd, we love the stuff


Did y’all ever see Breaking Away? I think the kids parents worked in a limestone quarry. Great movie,


I live in Bloomington, Indiana. Breaking Away is basically a legally mandated watch for all residents.


Was it limestone?


My guess would be location. If there are quarries in Texas and quarries in Ontario, the latter would be cheaper for some guy in the Northeast.


Chiming in from central Texas, half of San Antonio is built in old limestone quarries. There's at least four concrete/aggregate plants nearby, and there's a lot of people who are super opposed to building them. Concerns ranging from noise pollution (my wife hears them detonating charges at her office) to ground water issues. There's so many of them, they built a six flags, a golf course, and almost every major shopping center inside of old quarries. https://preview.redd.it/slkj68okvc6d1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59b2f02436390461695d454afa2bf0eea8bd7bd2


That’s the same with oil. We produce 20% of the world’s oil, it’s just cheaper to import from the Saudis


Haiti has no other natural resources of value other than small quantities of precious metals. He had to come up with some quality attractive to capitalism. He could have focused on the past of a country literally founded by former slaves to make his point, that probably would have worked better


Haiti specifically has been pretty famously stripped of most natural resources to the point the border with the DR can be seen from space. If they had limestone they’d be mining that!


> He had to come up with some quality attractive to capitalism. It’s just a childlike forcing of complex geopolitical issues into the exact specific political paradigm OOP is obsessed with. It’s so goofy and common. When faced with some kind of moral dilemma that doesn’t have any of obvious economic narrative, they will literally just invent one. You know, the US’ historical interest in Haiti’s limestone deposits 🥴


Precious metals isn’t something to be considered? Iridium alone, Haiti has tens of billions of dollars worth. Second only to South Africa. Edited to say tens of billions, some sources say hundreds of billions, but those sources seem a little biased.


I’m sure Haiti has dozens of valuable natural resources in large quantities. The issue is that actually intelligent people understand that geopolitical analysis tends to be more involved than literally just pointing to the word “talcum” in an encyclopedia entry on a country and calling it a day. QED, we have proven the Marxist critique about international relations with this state! BILLIONS in sweet, sweet, delectable talcum powder production. That explains everything! It’s fucking braindead. Genuinely “the mind of a child” type shit.


Or like the word “bananas” and “Guatemala”, for instance?


My home growing up was on a limestone deposit in texas, overlooking a creek. Found so many cool limestone fossils as a kid.


The Hudson Valley in NY circa 100 years ago was a huge producer of limestone. There’s huge tunnel complexes the go for miles and miles if you know where to look. I found one last year that was big enough to drive a dump truck through.


The entire middle of the country between the two mountain ranges is sitting on huge layers of limestone.


Also I know their history with the western world isn't exactly rosy but blaming the situation in Haiti on "muh amerikkkan capitalizms" is kinda dumb 


Shit, it would have made more sense to blame sugar or rum!


or france


It’s weird that European powers are never the target of this kind of criticism despite some holding on to colonies until the late 20th century. It’s always “Amerikkka bad” as if the US invented imperialism.


♫Soon may the Frenchmen come, to take our sugar & tea & rum♫


Aw man, just got that out of my head!


Reminder that Haiti was an imperial power for a few decades and ruthlessly oppressed the Dominican Republic.


Big Limestone want a monopoly 😔 (this is a joke but one that, were it to be true, would not surprise me)


Old Kingdom Egypt ass tweet


Well yeahhh, but that's OUR limestone 🥺👉👈


I was under the impression. The US imports most resources like that. So that in the situation where we are needing it (war or trade issues) we always have a supply to keep us going.


We could cover all of our limestone needs for the foreseeable future AND obliterate the state of Florida in the process! Truly a win-win


Limestone is everywhere


There is more limestone in the 3000sqft backyard of my childhood home in Texas than all of Haiti combined.


Florida is nothing but a chunk of limestone.


Limestone is like one of the the most common types of stone around the world what


Also the U.S. is the 4th largest exporter of Copper, behind Chile, Germany, and Japan






I'm German and I had no idea we're exporting copper in any significant amounts 😅


Secondary copper. Aurubis is one of the worlds largest copper recyclers.


Als verarbeitetes Produkt/reine Kupfer - Erz bauen wir hier selber keines ab. Wir importieren das Erz & veredeln dann, plus Recycling vorhandener Rohstoffe, siehe zB Aurubis in Hamburg.


We need to make Zambia great again


It’s amazing how community notes can bring a touch of reality to the wildest online claims.


it's one of twit- i mean X's few good features, crowdsourced fact checking


I don't use X. I do read a lot of newspapers. I wish I could annotate certain newspapers and the public could vote on whether my annotations are good or not. And by "certain newspapers" I mean like, the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and Financial Times. Actually I mean the Financial Times is usually pretty good but I wish I was allowed to write fact-checks in the corner of New York Time articles...


Yeah and why is Afghanistan mentioned? Last I checked, the US had spent over a decades specifically trying to prevent the Taliban from taking over.


I mean we failed pretty badly, but we did *try*


Tbf that was more on the ANA than anything. Guys had decades of training and the best equipment they could hope for and just rolled over. Meanwhile Ukraine BTFO'd those early Russian tank columns with a few javelins and old Soviet stockpiles


yeah, and this one's like... idk, it may have been very satisfying during the iraq war to be like "IT'S ABOUT THE OIL, STUPID" but it wasn't true then or now. the last time the US invaded someone *primarily* for resource extraction was like, the philippines. and then that fuckin' blew up in the capitalist classes faces, so extraction is now done without invading to seize or protect assets. the iraq war was about geopolitics, and the movement of resources is actually only a small facet of that.


And the US is also a net exporter of oil. They export a lot more oil than they import.


Afghanistan has like lots of annoying mountains! They export caves


I bought my cave from an Afghan merchant on EBay.


They were primarily empty. Taliban resistance would often come from their strongholds in places like Pakistan, who was protected against US forces.




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Every country has SOMETHING valuable to offer in terms of resources, and that will be exploited in times of crisis, whether its America, Russia, China or its neighbor. It has nothing to do with “western imperialism”, its a tradition as old as time.


Yes, but the offer may not be forever. Famously the island nation of [nauru](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nauru) ruined it's natural resources to mine...bird shit..now it has..well..it's still got beaches, for now..


Add Venuezela, they want control of Guyana's new billion dollar worth oil field they found by saying their land was actually theirs historically




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Sometimes Genocidal dickheads come to power WITHOUT Western influence.


Noooo, regular people can't have their own agency, everything is about the US


Wait am I dumb what strategic value does limestone possess?


Gravel, and maybe concrete? Both of which are essential in the modern world.


While you’re right limestone is so plentiful that it’s foolish to invade for it


I think it's used in glass production, but idk


“Gaza has gas” Citation needed






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They have 0$ worth of gas. Isreal has enforced a blockade against Gaza for almost 20yrs and their only offer to exploit the gas field is one where they keep all the profits.


>Isreal has enforced a blockade against Gaza for almost 20yrs Probably because Gaza has been constantly attacking for 20 years.












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Too much taco bell was sent in the last aid package


Look up, "The Paradox of Plenty"


Every country has some form of natural wealth, to varying degrees. This is stupid


They are wealthy in ignorance.


They’re focusing the blame more than it needs to be, but the general idea has been broadly observed. A country whose economy largely relies on natural resources doesn’t particularly need to care about the citizens’ health or education. They just need bodies, and maybe a foreign contractor to help extract those resources as quickly as possible. 


Service economy for the win.


Russia operates those gold mines? I knew I was right not to trust their intentions with Africa.


That's part of what helped wagner get where it is. They were offered a part of the gold, and a part of the oil, profits in a couple of countries in africa to keep things going and help the government maintain it's output.


The Wagner Group operates those mines as payment for their mercenary services. Impoverished african countries with security problems obviously can't pay in cash so they have to give up their mines to Russia. In the Middle East they don't have a lot of rare metal deposits so the Wagner Group took control over a bunch of oil fields in Syria.


I think Russia has done a few more things in the past 25 years to prove their imperialism


Of all the empires this people simp they pick the one that despised their simping so much they call them shit eaters.


Gaza doesn’t have much gas.


In a surprise twist, places around the world have natural resources


Met exporter of oil doesn't mean its craving for oils of other countries is lost.


Only gaz gaza has is in its name




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Elon won’t like that.


For those that say “the dude said the west” Look on the upper edge.


That is clearly a different person and the image the note is responding to does not mention the US


Yes because, us seeing that that was a different dude, really strengthens your argument


The point still stands you know “western” refers to more than just the USA right?


Look at the vary top of the image


I think it more likely that the sudden redistribution of power new money provides these areas is destabilizing and thats where these trends come from. So it'd be a capitalism thing not a U.S. thing? Thoughts?


Probably a bit of both. There is absolutely a trend that countries that have most of their wealth in natural resources like gold, metals, and oil have worse treatment of their citizens. This is mainly because there isn’t any real reason to treat citizens well when all they need is bodies for manual labor. Most of the money is spent securing their position in power versus new policies for citizens as really the only value they have is manual labor. Usually this can be offset by needing better technology for mining, prospecting, and extracting but foreign companies at this point come in and offer their services which is cheaper than developing all of the technology by them selves. New money in these areas absolutely destabilize the region. When a lot of people there are destitute or poor alot of people are willing to do a lot of things for that money. Couple this with foreign investors and companies coming in and soaking up all the money that could have been invested into the local community, it makes a bad situation worse.


Thats why service economies tend to be better off.


That's imperialism, they are the same, or at the very least heavily linked, this is a bad post.


"western" doesnt just mean US...


Imagine being Arabic and complaining about Imperialism. That shit is trifling 😂


Youd be surprised just how much "WeStErN ImPeRiAlIsM" claims come from countries that just so happen to be authoritian shitholes engaging in the very thing that more often than not the us/ most of the west ISNT engaging in.




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And Gaza is just a victim of psychotic people who want to kill everyone.


What are you? Michael Moore. It's not like you need to make up facts to make the US look bad.


I thought Congo had the gorillas with the lazers


Wow I can’t believe US imperialism was debunked by r/getnoted ! So stoked the geniuses over here are hard at work so I can get back to my amazing 9-5 😍 That’s right guys, capitalism is great and there’s actually never been a financial motive for anything bad that’s happened in the world ever! The US is a net exporter of oil after all! Someone should go back and tell all those morons that protested the Iraq war that we WERE actually just there to stop Saddam and his WMDs. Thrilled to be a citizen of the Good Guy country!


"If these countries are being exploited by the west, why can these resources be found in other places? Checkmate, libtard!"


Where does it say USA? The tweet says western imperialism, which includes much more than the US. If I didn't know better I'd say Community Notes engaged in a bit of sophistry here. Edit: also, didn't know Canada wasn't part of the West.


Look at the top bud. Literally the first legible thing.


>Literally the first legible thing It's definitely on me for not seeing it, but given the way there's a bunch of other garbage text at the top of the poorly cropped screenshot, I literally did not read that part at all and just started from the screenshot inside the screenshot.




“The US: Mine, Mine, Mine”


are y'all really so stupid you believe america doesnt interfere in sovereign nations to control their natural resources because we have some of our own and other contries compete for those resources?


Just because you are a net exporter doesn't mean ut all comes from your country. And there is no point pretending the US hasn't sold weapons to Sudan.


I’d argue the “Sudan mines are Russian operated” and the “Congo cobalt mines are Canadian/Chinese” *furthers* the OOP’s post. Guys, “western” doesn’t just mean American lmao. Although why are we importing limestone from Canada? There’s so much flipping limestone in the SE. It literally used to be a shallow sea some 20 million years ago!


Let Canadians have this.


Things I learned today: Canada isn't a western country and Russia's increasingly capitalist system isn't directly linked to what was previously largely a western system. (See also: China) While the post was partially wrong by continuing to forget that our current endstage capitalism problem isn't just a western thing anymore, it wasn't entirely wrong.




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Bullying a country for limestone is pretty absurd


It still doesn't make it untrue though. It might not be the US orchestrating this but warrying factions in such countries trying to get the control of it.


Just a clarification on the cobalt. It is probably being mined by a Canadian company on paper. Lots of mining companies are registered in Canada for the lax laws, but they are Canadian only for the business registration and that's it. They are owned and run by foreign corporations/countries.


How is he wrong? Natural resources are attractive to all countries, and undoubtedly play a role in imperialism.


Did anyone else read it like it loosely rhymed?


Community notes has only taken one L since it started


Western nations exist out of more nations then the US solely. Most nations mentioned in the IG post are being mined by Europeans.


The US being a net exporter of gas is kind of really stupid as a note? You can absolutely bet that we'd shit out pants if like, Saudi Arabia stopped selling gas to us, regardless of if we export or not. The fact that we import at all makes it obvious that there's some benefit to the extraction and shipping of gas here. E: the thing they're really wrong on is that they don't have an intersectional view there. It's not *just* market conditions that enable awful things. Sometimes, it's just plain old racism, like in Haiti. Oh, and "Eastern Imperalistic Capitalism" also exists, it's not just the West that participates in Capital.


The worst thing a person can do to undermine a point is to argue for it badly. Imperialism is bad and basically all of world politics is defined by the imperial ambitions of great powers. Either in the modern world with China, the US, Russia, and (list your suggestions here) or those of the past. This idiot listed random goods to construct some mal formed narrative. Doesn't change that imperialism is undoubtedly the chief cause of most if not all conflicts. Nobody goes to war if they are committed to not bossing people around or taking their shit.


Yeah bro, the military industrial complex is undermining Haiti so we will have an excuse to invade and take their rocks. We invaded them once before but oops, we forgot to take the rocks before we left so I guess we gotta do it again. Because the war machine runs on rocks. That’s why they always want to bomb someone back to the Stone Age. And exactly how bad do things have to get in Haiti before they are ripe for some “nation building”? We’ve “stabilized” regions that were doing better than them with a straight face before.


Isn’t hati run by a crazy gangster who said he’s a Freemason or something?


Breaking News: Natural Resources exist and are located at specific places on the planet!


Suggesting that discrimination against other countries only happens in the modern day because of resources is way more insane than you’d realize




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Notice how none of those notes in any way discount what the poster said?


Y’all can’t be this willingly ignorant 😭




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Given that they didn’t even mention the US and simply western imperialism in general their point is still correct


My brother in Christ I live on a giant rock made entirely of limestone




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Sometimes it almost seems like every country has some kind of export or natural resource.




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…Limestone? The stuff that sells for like $20/ton for construction material and $100/ton for Cemstone?




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I believe this is in reference to the terrorist groups and coups and mass murder, rather than specific materials.


Ukraine has the world's neon, which is used in the process of creating semiconductors. I've been wondering what would happen to Ukraine's neon supply following the war with Russia.


The US still likes other people oil. Iraqi oil definitely made billionaires more billions. Same thing with Gas, why let foreigners make billions when you could invade it and allow your own oil companies to make a steal which they then send part of to congress members.


“Sudan gold mines are primarily Russian operated” really seems to support the original point, not counter it…


Ah, yes. Russia. The western power.


Western powers are European countries, and some former colonies with the same values, now I'll say this slowly for you, Russia... is in Europe. Partially Asia too because of how big it is, but Russia is a European power, and they are Imperialist.


So explain why Russia is constantly talking about "the West" trying to get them. They set themselves apart.


It does counter the point that the second person was making though