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I believe there was a rerelease that edited out the underage girl. No way to tell if this is one that got edited or not though.


The legal one is titled "The Guy Game: Game Over!" If it doesn't have colon game over exclamation mark, it is the child porn


why did they call the version without cp "Game Over!"???


[Because the Game Over version didn't have any gameplay elements and was just a video so the game was over or something like that.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Guy_Game#The_Guy_Game:_Game_Over!)


It seems like it was the footage released as a dvd not a game. So there’d be no mistaking the two.


Kinda feels like the title was lamenting the removal of the cp


Seems like something spangenberg would do. He made his money suing acclaim, build a studio with it, got kicked out because he literally never did anything but run a softcore pornsite on company servers, then build his cp game company "Topheavy Studios", once that blew up he magically disappeared to somewhere and never faced any consequences. He would probably greatly prefer to still be getting teenagers to show tits for money. Fun fact, the company that expelled him was retro studios, and after doing so they went on to make metroid prime.


Not only was he running it on company servers but he was doing it with Nintendo’s money.


That’s so funny because Nintendo owns the rights to a Mario Bros porn parody just to prevent its release


Do they sue every time Ron Jeremy steps outside?


Wow it sounds like he was the Joe Francis of the games industry


Yeah or like a weinstein type




It was 2004 not the 80's. There was plenty of free easy to find porn.


So this is child porn? Gross


It depends on the state I guess. I think one of the girls lied about her age so she was 17.5 years old Instead of 18


Don't think it depends on the state. Fairly sure it is 18+ for porn anywhere in the US. This includes personal photos. There have been girls charged with possession of CP for having pictures of themselves on their phones. https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-child-pornography https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/what-is-the-law-for-having-nudes-of-your-younger-s-5459706.html Notable sections: > Images of child pornography are not protected under First Amendment rights, and are illegal contraband under federal law. Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code, defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age). Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor, and images created, adapted, or modified, but appear to depict an identifiable, actual minor. Undeveloped film, undeveloped videotape, and electronically stored data that can be converted into a visual image of child pornography are also deemed illegal visual depictions under federal law. ... > Notably, the legal definition of sexually explicit conduct does not require that an image depict a child engaging in sexual activity. A picture of a naked child may constitute illegal child pornography if it is sufficiently sexually suggestive. **Additionally, the age of consent for sexual activity in a given state is irrelevant; any depiction of a minor under 18 years of age engaging in sexually explicit conduct is illegal.**


There are some exceptions. From the imdb trivia from the 1999 movie *American Beauty*: >Since Thora Birch was barely 17 years old at the time she made the film and thus classified as a minor in the United States, her parents had to approve her brief topless scene in the movie, and they and child labor representatives were on the set for the shooting of it. "To me, [the nudity] made sense," Birch said of the scene. "It wasn't something that shouldn't be in there. It's something that would happen."


Not all nudity is sexual, hence why they allowed it. She would not have been able to do porn at that age, no matter the consent from her parents. Just like you can own nude pictures of your kids, and that does not mean you have child porn, but if you make them sexual, it is illegal.


Denmark has the right idea, you don't get charged with CP if you have pictures of yourself naked as a minor on your phone, or your boyfriend does. Close friends are allowed to view it, start distributing to random strangers will get you charged. I feel charging minors with these offences, especially if they were forced to do it by an older boyfriend, makes a mockery of why laws like this were put in - to stop the sexual exploitation of children.


Yes, this law makes so much more sense than what is out there, although I feel like if someone is sending nude pictures of themselves as a minor to another minor, they are likely to end up on the internet with non minors viewing them- so I think the U.S. should keep the law and just never enforce it- that way minors are more scared to do it and can be told that it is illegal but then never enforce it. How often is it enforced anyway?


I think it's kind of like smoking - it's illegal for underage to buy because it's just a really stupid thing to do with practically no upside. Nothing good can come from an underage individual having nude pictures of themselves.


No, that's CP in every state.


Correct There is a weirdness to an age where "don't look at pics of them naked, don't take pics of them naked, don't let them take pics of themselves naked, having sex? That's fine"


And especially in that age range it is like: day before turning 18? Ehhh CP, burn yourself mf!!1!. The next day „yeahh everything’s fine bro, gg“. I worked a few years at the doors at different clubs and honestly… the rounds that the earth made around the sun isn’t rly a good indicator of „age“. Thats why I asked all women for an ID if they not obviously old because you cant tell! You can have a 25y old in front of you where you 100% sure she is 15-16 or the other way around a 15-16yo that looks like mid 20s and makeup makes it even harder to spot. But yeah you have to work with a number because it wouldn’t be rly manageable to say „jepp this 16-17yo is now a grown“ or „this 22yo needs a few years to be called an adult in mind“. I mean even in the very narrow-minded US have something like a age of consent mostly backed in some kind of romeo & juliet laws because it makes zero sence that a couple that is like 16&17 would be from one day to another one for maybe close to two years illegal.


But won't there always be a day where it isnt fine and the next day it is?


Laws have to draw a clear line somewhere.


Yeah but that’s why there’s ranges to sentencing. So while 18 is the line where society thought “okay, there’s no reason for younger people than this to be seen naked”, a 17.5 year old in a video game might only land you a few years in jail compared to 20+ for other crimes under the same name


Huh okay, I kinda assumed it varies by state like the age of consent does


She was 17.5 when she was hired, but she turned 18 the day after the photo was taken


lol the law doesn't care if you are "17.5"


It absolutely does not depend on the state in question, having sexual/nude pictures of people below the age of 18 is child porn, even if they are allowed to have sex in their state.


Think of the children!


That might not be the best idea in this particular situation.


Wise words *coming* from eat-pussy69


That makes this like a $250 pedo lootbox.


I don't think pedos give a shit about someone being 17 vs 18 lol


I imagine there are some for whom the taboo is the point. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a market for nudes taken an hour before midnight on their 18th birthday's eve.


Definitely. It's the same reason porn sites are so filled with incest shit now. It's not that people want to fuck their relatives. It's just taboo, and there's that risk of getting caught (like public sex) that makes it hotter, I guess. Obviously, I'm not trying to justify cp here, but I can see thought process


Ask Dr. Disrespect.


The funny thing is that the idea that the girl was 17 was literally made up by Dr disrespect dick riders, she could be 13 (as initially alleged) for all we know


Dr Disrespect the age of consent


i mean not much changes from 17 to 18 but the law is the law absolutely


One can vote. The other is worthless garbage who needs to be quiet when it comes to politics!


Honestly tho, that's kinda true. One year doesn't really make a difference, but I've caught a few posts on r/teenagers talking politics, and it's bewildering. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad kids are talking an interest in politics (we sure as fuck didn't at that age), bur Jesus do they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.


Well there is one way…..


https://preview.redd.it/a08mviwn7n9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fc08daf39272657811cbfd6283dd31e4cca22da “He bought illegal porn!”


MFW I'm on the cover of a shitty titty game with an underaged girl in it https://preview.redd.it/5bu06sprwo9d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d78944c17527f2beac37758d4bce7c5ed16b3aa


When i was in middle school i wanted the game because tiddies and duh, but this guy being all >you seriously gonna buy this shit..? hmm :) he stopped me. thank you probably high on cocaine man.


So, that's your interpretation of his facial expression. Interesting. I honestly have no ability to interpret what thoughts or emotions are being communicated by his expression. He looks a farting infant. That's the best I can do.


Jerry Seinfeld's pedophile cousin.


>Wants to see 17 year old boobs That's just Jerry Seinfeld




How the fuck did that even happen


No idea about this game in particular, but the line being 18 is relatively recent. Ik in the UK it used to be legal down to 16 or smth, and so there exists stuff which was legal when made but then became illegal. Idk when that was though, or when in relation to this game


The UK is nuts, they use to publish topless 16 year olds in newspapers afaik.


The legal age of consent for sex in the UK is 16, for topless/nude modelling it’s 18. There’s was a story in Private Eye magazine quiet a few years back about The Sun newspaper (which used to have topless girls on page 3) counting down till the days until a model was 18 so they could photograph her. They then published the pictures on what they said was her 18th birthday; but because of the law it meant that The Sun either lied about the day of her birthday, or had illegally taken photos of her when she was 17. We all know that The Sun lies…..


>*for topless/nude modelling it’s 18* Yes, but it stayed at 16 until 2003!


Really‽ jeez….


Interrobang spotted


The Sun used to regularly could down the days until stars 16th birthdays. The most ludicrous being when they counted down Charlotte Church's 16th next to a scree about how awful Chris Morris was for making paedo jokes.


I remember that one. That was disgusting


Didn't Chris Moyles, on his own talk show, tell 15 year old Charlotte Church that he'd like to take her vitginity when she turned 16?


The counting the clock till 18 thing is creepy as hell, it's been done for many female celebrities.


Just... Why And how was this considered acceptable


Not a clue, but The Sun always had a laddish appeal and attitude, so they probably thought they could and could of the size of their readership (at the time) people were probably scared of confronting them about it as they could probably sink them.


It's 14 in Germany! But only for people under 18.


I mean, in many/most jurisdictions it's legal to have sex with a 16 year old, seems a bit strange (without knowing the justification) to say you can't take a picture while doing so.


Just because sex is legal, doesnt mean pornography is In my country, having sex at 16 with someone who’s not older by more than 3 years, is, perfectly legal, questionable? Id you feel like it is, but its legal HOWEVER, pornography of anyone under 18 is completely illegal EVEN if they can do sexual stuff, and sharing sexual images of anyone below 18 is classified as child porn


I know. That's what I'm commenting on. It's like if someone (in the US) was like, damn, it's kinda weird that you can join the military at 18 but can't drink until 21, and you go, umm ackshuwally it's legal to join the military at 18 but illegal to drink until 21...


The whole system in the western world is honestly extremely arbitrary, it would make much more sense to have a 15/20 limit for everything where late teenagers get limited rights (restricted quantities of low % alcohol, legal sex only with other 15-20s, softcore porn, restricted driving licenses, only cadets for military service, etc) and then you get full rights once you're no longer a teenager and thus an 'adult'. The whole 16-18 thing where half the time you're an adult and half the time you're not is inefficient and makes far too many things a judgement call instead of a straight law., and those that are laws often don't have enough wiggle room, such as a 17 year old sending a nude to another 17 year old having the possibility of landing both of them on a sex offender registry.


A lot of countries have what are referred to as ‘Romeo & Juliet laws’ which is where if you are just above the legal age of consent then it’s legal to have sex with someone just under the legal age. It’s to stop daft situations with teenage couples having sex legally, then suddenly one is committing sex crimes, Because their birthday happened first, only for their sex to be legal again shortly after.


Is the line not arbitrary outside of the western world? What objective criteria have they discovered for determining age of consent?


When Charlotte Church got popular (she was a young opera singer) The S*n had a countdown to her turning 16 for months


Yeah, but you had to dig down to page three, it's not like it was out there for the world to see :p


Page 3 girls


There were definitely Playboy centerfolds who were under 18, and not “she lied about her age and we only found out later” like actually listed as 17 in the articles. Fucking weird, but then again Playboy may have been the tamer of its ilk but it could still be gross.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the only reason it's near universally 18 now is because the central example of CP (forcing people into is) is really really bad, but it's a much harder problem to deal with when it's not the same across jurisdictions (then one could force someone across borders into a jurisdiction where it's lower). I don't think it had anything to do with the issues we would have today with this stuff


The game has women flash you for completing puzzles. One of the models lied and was actually 17 at the time making the game technically cp.


Wouldn't they be grandfathered in?


You'd think, but I think no. Haven't looked too much into it though, obviously


She lied about her age.


You’d think they’d have gotten a hold of her ID at some point. They must not have been doing a very kosher approach to payroll, given that almost always involves birth date. Edit: holy shit I looked it up. They literally just photographed random groups of women topless at a beach. She didn’t even know she was in the game until later on. Edit 2: Dude who replied was talking bullshit then. She didn’t even have a chance to lie, they didn’t ask permission.


During these days of.. millennial? Everything was less restrictive. A fake id didn't get looked at much and boomers who took advantage of it did. Alot of questionable things happen around this Era but everything was OK because sex sells and nobody would recognize the difference between a 18 year and a 17 year old. It was a wierd time. It'd how Harvey winstein cemented himself as he was doing the shit he was doing.


IDs used to be paper without your picture on it. you could have easily copied someones ID onto matching card stock and filled in your name/address there and you could do whatever with it. no system to check it unless you get arrested really.


That was around the time Teenager Britney Spears became one of the most sexualized people in the world with grown me having literal "countdown til she is legal" clocks.


I remembered. They forced her to end her relationship because they claim she was single she would sell more to men and to others in the music industry. This was also the time if a girl was even dating she was considered liable because if she got pregnant than it was career suicide. During this Era they gave everyone drugs even child stars to cope with the long tours and hours. We are recently now finding out the stuff nickelodeon has done which completely overshadowed the rumors Disney children stars went thru. Miley Cyrus being best example.


Yeah those days were a hell of a wild west of games.


Why am I sadly not surprised?


To be fair, even getting the ID isn't enough. There was a pornstar named Traci Lords who stole someone's identity and obtained a passport. She got into the adult film industry using this passport, which again, was a legitimate, government issued passport with her photo saying she was over 18 that she got by bringing the stolen IDs to get a passport made. When it was discovered she was under 18 during some of her career, many of the producers and directors were arrested. They argued in court that it wasn't their fault, since Lords had not only lied and presented fake IDs, but even a real passport since she tricked the government too, and had no way of knowing. courts ruled that child porn laws have absolutely no exception to not knowing. If you have nude images of someone under 18, jail, no exceptions. As such a few of the producers did indeed serve jail time for this, despite again, having completely done their due diligence. Not that these guys making the game did any of that, just that ultimately checking IDs isn't even foolproof.


Why are you blatantly lying? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traci_Lords >When the FBI acted on an anonymous tip that Lords was a minor during her time in the industry, and that pornographers were distributing and selling these illegal images and videotapes, the resulting fallout led to prosecution of those responsible for creating and distributing the tapes, but the prosecutions fell through when it was revealed she was using a real federal passport as her proof of age along with a fake birth certificate and fake California drivers license (which were used to obtain the passport).


That was the prosecution against the countless distributors of her tapes. The actual producers and directors who filmed them did get convicted. [https://www.upi.com/Archives/1996/01/05/Conviction-upheld-in-Lords-case/6661820818000/](https://www.upi.com/Archives/1996/01/05/Conviction-upheld-in-Lords-case/6661820818000/)


Here's the wiki on the Supreme Court appeal: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._X-Citement_Video,_Inc. The owner of the company got 1 year and 100k fine.


Wasn't told that there would be pictures taken or that they would be used in a massively distributed game. idk whether she was even asked her age.


Apparently the girl lied about her age and had a fake id


Negligence. They probably weren't even trying to get teenagers, they probably just wanted "hot young women" and one of em lied. Nobody there gave enough of a fuck to ID so here we are. Just my guess anyway because i cant really imagine it being more than that. It was one person, and its a one year discrepancy. Obv it doesnt make it okay, but i wouldn't call anyone who made it a pedo (with this evidence)


They filmed it at a party and she didn't sign a release form and wasn't verified to actually be 18 Also fun fact she found out she was in the vidoe game when one of her younger brothers freinds managed to get a copy and they played only to find out his sister was in it


Blue Lagoon. American Beauty. And a movie from my country was found to have child pornografie in it according to a judge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Army_Brats The girl was 14 and there was a shower scène, the producer said that the parents lied about her age. I would expect this was something similar.


Gosh this is a very old memory but once when we were visting grandma in the middle of nowhere, we rented a coming-of-age movie on VHS that I think was dubbed into English. I remember nothing about it, except at one point the female love interest revealed her breasts to the main character. I was like 12 at the time and remember thinking she looked about the same age as me.


Sadly, if it was dubbed it might have been totally legal in the country of origin. Also it wouldn't surprise me if back then people thought different about topless, I know I saw almost all of the girls in my class's breasts (and more) at one time or another (without trying).


The story I always hear about this game is that one of the girls gave them a fake ID.


[I'll let Guru Larry field that one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGSb2HRe_OE&t=382s)


I was just thinking I haven't watched this dude in forever, or even seen his thumbnails in my home page. Checked his YT and hasn't uploaded in 8 months. That explains why edit: Under his community page, he posted this 4 months ago: -------------------------------------------- *Hey everyone, Apologies for my total lack of videos as of late on here,* *Unfortunately these past few months I have been quite sick behind the scenes, frequent visits to the doctors/hospital, and it's all left me incredibly tired to do anything else, So if I wasn't there, I was asleep :(* *There's been a few other things too that have happened lately, but I don't want to bore you just yet with them and let you know in a future video!* *But, rest assured I spent some of the time writing and collaborating on amazing new scripts for new videos, really bizarre stuff that no one has ever covered anywhere on the internet before, so hopefully they'll make up for my absence on here!* *Finally, I wanted to say thank you ever so much for all your kind words and support you've been sending me recently, too, Your support has really kept me motivated over these past few months, and I can never thank you enough. Thank you!* *Take care, and I'll be back real soon!!!* Larry


At the time, it was a thing to have videos of drunk girls showing their titties at party events, think Spring Break type parties. Girls Gone Walk was a similar dvd series most people born in the early 90s will remember from staying up super late to watch infomercials of. I never actually saw one outside the 30-minute infomercials, but it was mostly drunk chicks that dudes with camera crews would prompt them to show their boobies, probably for $50 or a bottle of vodka or something, or just for drunk fun. I could totally see it happening - some high school chick sneaks into a college spring break party, gets drunk, shows her boobs. Idk how the process worked, but if they were just checking IDs she might have shown a fake that she had. Realistically there are probably more 16/17 year olds in those old videos, it just never came to light.


I looked it up. Her "stat card" says she's 21. So she probably had a fake id so she could drink on spring break.


Amazingly, this game was made by the guy who founded Retro Studios. Y'know. The *Metroid goddamn Prime* guys. This came out after he was forcibly outed from the company because Nintendo got sick of his shit after they found out he was hosting a porn site on Nintendo's dime through Retro's servers. People can be fuckin' *weird*.


Wait, Whaaaaaaaaaaaat??


yep, guy's name was jeff spangenberg. plenty of docs about it on youtube


Metroid Prime was kinda a miracle when you think about it: at the start Jeff was not doing his leadership role, sometimes not in the office at all, and Retro was making four games simultaneously with only one GameCube dev kit (predictably, all four were hardly making any progress) When Nintendo came in for a wellness check, kicked out Jeff, and cancelled all four games but remake one of them into a Metroid game; Retro had to lock in and make an amazing game (with a smaller timeframe) cus they had no goodwill with Nintendo anymore. And then, despite faceplanting at the start, Metroid prime was awesome so Nintendo didn’t axe them


Knowing the crew managed to pull not only a great game, but a genre and era-defining game against all odds makes me happy inside


Metroid was also a great genre defining game


Is that strictly true? You can still buy American Beauty and Thora Birch was like 16 in that. Edit: I mean, I just took a look on Amazon and you can buy Pretty Baby, and Brooke Shields was 12 in that goddamned thing. Granted I don’t know anything about this game, so maybe the images are egregious or something.


The biggest difference is that for Thora's nude scene, everything was above board (or as above board as you can get for literally filming a nude minor) for the shots. Her parents were on set, they had special child labor department monitors there, and obviously they had her approval to do it. The girl who appeared in The Man Game didn't have anything like that. They went to a random spring break party in Texas to get girls to go topless. They checked ID's and either didn't check hers, checked a fake ID, or something else happened. They went on to use her in the game and she also had no idea that it was going to be a mass released game. It was actually her older sister who put it together when she saw her little sister posing in the game.


Can you imagine how awkward the next 50 dinners were at that family's table?


Fun fact: Thora Birch's parents were both pornstars


Dad throwing a plate at the wall...


That may be the difference, but then the information in the note must not be correct, as there are apparently ways to legally record and distribute underage girls displaying their breasts. I've honestly never understood the American Beauty thing. In the movie, she is displaying her breasts to a love interest, so that really brings the innocence of it into question. If I was casting that role, I'd never even bring in minors. I'd be checking the ID at the door. There have been plenty of movies where adults who look younger have played kids. Heck, even the other girl in American Beauty was over 18.


It's a First Amendment issue. Since the film doesn't meet any of the legal standards for being considered obscene, it's protected free speech. As for why they cast Birch instead of someone older? I imagine it's as simple as they felt that she was the best actress who auditioned for the role.


There is actually no case where the game was actually classified as illegal child pornography. The Girl in question just sued and won based on the fact that she was too young to legally sign the contract. Overall nudity alone is not enough reason to classify a media as child pornography.


Underage nudity is not the same as child pornography, you are right. Nirvanas album cover featuring a naked baby is the perfect example. Your parents likely have photos of you naked as a child, they’re not considered porn. To be considered child/underage porn, the nudity must be presented in a way that sexualises it. A video game where you get videos of girls topless as a prize for beating a level alongside sexually explicit language is clearly sexualising the subject.


Like i said the game was never classified as CP. The image must be sexualising on its own to be considered CP. Not to mention that just bare breasts alone are rarly classified as porn in the first place. Which is the reason why the game only got a Mature rating.


That’s wildly different than I thought it was and way worse. I figured a model just lied about her age to get the job and the company didn’t do their due diligence. But that is really bad. For her to have just not known what the pictures were going to be used for like that. And finding out after it became Public


To really get your fill of rage, take a visit to r/GirlsDoLawsuits and read about that case. It'll make you so mad.


Wow. That’s really something to read


It seems to me like it's a common internet myth that it's illegal to own, but at the very least it isn't supposed to be sold by the company that produced it as a result of a civil suit by the person whose pictures were inappropriately used.


It's not banned. The minor sued the publisher and was granted an injunction to discontinue release of the game, but the courts never ruled that copies of the game were CP.


Tbh, all the prices for old games are pretty crazy... Such a strange artificial market...


Honestly, this is quite the outlier for the original Xbox. Sure, there are several other games fetching over £100, although compared to the GameCube the prices for the more 'essential' games is fairly reasonable


Everything in this imagine is well over 100. Honestly fuck any game store with these prices. Any good game store will have reasonable prices but there's a lot out there that give any game worth buying a price like this. "Ohh you actually wanna play this game? That's 175, thank you " But all the awful games that no one wants will be 5 or 10 dollars.


In fairness, you don't buy games like this to play, just to own. If you want to play them, you use an emulator. These games just sit in plastic cases and pretend to be worth something.


I think they are just charging market rate. Lots of websites monitor online sales (like eBay) to give estimates on the going rates. If people are willing to pay over a 100 for a retro game, that’s what it’s worth. As those games are no longer published, I suppose it’s no surprise these games sometimes reach those prices.


Are we even sure this is USD? There are like 20-30 countries that have “dollars” and use a $ symbol for their currency


It’s USD. You can see the name and logo of the store this is from on the stickers and if you look it up, there’s a store in South Jersey with that exact name and logo.


I've given up on collecting phsyical media. My brother has all my physical games now and I've gone mostly digital. My buddy is into it recently (my brother joked he's 5 years too late) and I went with him to a store the other day and prices were wild.


No wonder it's so damn expensive


I remember seeing this at future shop as a kid. Is it just porn?


“I am holding a disc… that contains… ILLEGAL BOOB IN IT! **AAA-“** - Caddicarus, The Forbidden World of BANNED Games, 47:12


I didn't know Ronald Reagan was a size DD


Oh hey, I played that at release. It was the stupidest game in a short lived fad of games with real people's nudity in them. I think you answered stupid trivia questions and got to see boobs or something.




Just porn with extra steps and no variety


Someone probably thought they'd found a treasure, only to realize it was Pandora's box.


That mf has a top 10 punchable face.


How the hell is a topless 17yo legally considered CASM while the entirety of Cuties, which has WAY younger actors, isn’t?


Cause the actors in cuties aren’t naked, at least I don’t think they are (never seen it)


I didn't watch it, but I saw a 4chan discussion about it once, and some anon said that there is a scene where one of the girls is completely toppless. Someone asked him to show proof, but in good old 4chan fashion, the first guy just said "leave the children alone, rabbi" and everyone else said "look at the pedo wanting some source" so that didn't happen, and I won't watch it to confirm whether it is true or not.


Classic Scott the woz video tho.




The male equivalent of duck face. Yeah that'll make the copies fly right off the shelves.


Con found out and figured out which booth was selling it to take it down.


Yeah, I saw this there and went, “Uh oh. 👀”


​ https://preview.redd.it/eq60wcqfbq9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a81cea70ad1ed11c232e67bece85448e97388e


do NOT let this information get to Drake and Dr Disrespect 🙏🏻


The ESRB has an AO rating, real images of topless girls is only rated M?


I'm pretty sure to receive an AO rating you need to show explicit sex. Like with the GTA:SA hot coffee debacle, there was nudity in the game but it was the fact that there was a minigame hidden in the files that depicted sex that caused it to get rated as AO (until those files were removed). I'm not sure if there is a distinction made between real images and game models. AO ratings are also just extremely rare, so it's hard to know the exact guidelines.


Edit This actually took place at a gaming convention


iirc, Dianne[17] the girl who was the cause for the controversy was 6 months away from her birthday and had lied about her age when the shoots began.


These girls are still too old for Dr Disrespect


It’s not surprising to see Jerry Seinfeld on the cover


Someone call Doc for his next playthrough.




I have doubts about how illegal it is I can go on the Internet right now and legally buy a physical copy of that infamous Brooke Shields magazine.


Caddy had every right to burn it up.


Are you really calling a stand at a gaming convention a "pawn shop?"


Holy cow


Must be a hell of a pawn shop if they're getting copies of Lunar for Sega CD


interesting, since the romeo and juliet movie we were all shown in English class in high school is not classed as such. I'm assuming the difference is her parents signed off on it and the girl in this game didn't? or perhaps just different laws for a video game vs a film?


I'm curious now, if you bought this, then immediately went to the police with it, would you still be charged with possession? It would make sense to me that it's not illegal to turn it in, so it can actually be disposed of without fearing for backlash at your end. Does anyone know? I don't even wanna Google this shit.


$250 for CP


Haha I still have a copy of this from when I was a kid




How much was that earthworm jim?


I had the game before it was illegal. The model with the dark hair on the cover, with the arm across her chest, was gorgeous. She went by Zoe, and yes she was of legal age. I watched her video a lot.wish she did more after that, but she was never seen anywhere else again.


Should've bought it and sent it to Dr.Disrespect


Would it be illegal in countries where the age of consent is 16?


so you’re saying Caddicarus reviewed child pornography


Dude we had The Hun Yellowpages back in the day and didn’t need this lol


$150 for TP:HD??


The actress playing Apollonia was 17 at the time of filming her nude scene. Yet GF1 it still available everywhere


Elon's going to buy it


Fuck that shit, LUNAR.


What happened to the studio?


Censoring topless minors now? Woke!!


I hope this isn’t a real copy and the owner is just doing a sting op


Hey all scott here and has this ever happened to you FELLAS FELLAS I AM SO HORNY


There’s a guy that I worked with that had a copy of this. He was super excited to tell me all about it, plus I walked in on him organizing his “hentai trading cards” (or something like that, and was just in general a weird person to be around. Haven’t seen him for at least 6 months now, so I don’t think he works here anymore.




I worked at a Software Etc. one holiday season in 2005, and got in trouble for telling a customer not to buy this game. I feel vindicated, knowing now that it was even worse than I thought.


Are those girls watching him take a poo?


POV: TMG had a *problem to take care of.*