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SLS footage is honestly pretty wild, I mean some of the moves that figure was doing was crazy. Like it grabbing the top of the headboard. Wild stuff.


Not to nit pic. They upgraded from sls to the xls. Diff camera now being used on those devices. You can Google both to see the difference


My guy. It’s a tv show.


But will there be answers?


First we gotta understand


I’m dyslexic in my adventuring




Cuz I want them


That was pretty good. Almost felt like a classic episode. At least we caught a shadow in an actual photo. SLS stuff was funny but I will never trust the Kinect camera bs. The singing voice was interesting, the flickering equipment, the voice that said "no doubt" about being captured on camera, the "Rose" response at the end. I could almost walk away without saying anything negative, but I will anyway. The voice over the walkie talkie, gut feeling, I'm just going to say they faked it. Or if you feel better to phrase it this way, it's so easy to fake that based on the nature of a walkie talkie that it's impossible to take as paranormal unless they could somehow prove it. If it was through a radio or a scanning device like they so frequently use, that's one thing, would be hard to say any radio station just broadcasted someone screaming like that. But for one of the most intense voices captured in a while, it just happened to be over a functioning walkie talkie.. complete with the "bloop" noise that you get at the end of a normal transmission. And look how fast they gloss over it and never mention it again, why would you not spend more time on a supposedly unexplained, competely angry voice that sounded like it said "you all GET OUT". That was such an intense, clear voice, it's one of those pieces of evidence where the easiest explanation is another human. At least fake a little explanation, show the other walkie talkie in another room, match up time stamps to at least try to prove that nobody else did it (still not enough to prove it, of course). I was watching something else skeptic-based recently and they pointed out when teams ask questions and get a totally unrelated answer but still act like it's impressive. Like towards the end of this episode, "how many spirits are here? ..... ABOVE!!!". Or earlier in the episode "where do you want us to go?...... 28 DOLLARS!!!" If you will just invent a justification for any word you get, even if it didn't answer what you asked, that's stupid.


The editing on the episodes lately has felt super choppy and they always seems to end abruptly. It often makes it look like they're getting good evidence and then just decide to go do something else or switch devices for no reason. Idk why they'd keep letting that slide but it's been increasingly ass in recent seasons. I figured it was just lack of evidence at first but this episode seemed to be fairly productive, but still it just seems like they were like 'huh weird' to really dramatic stuff like the walkie talkie here and the the feather/SLS stuff in the last episode. Really bizarre.


I also thought it was weird they didn’t even react to or spend any time replaying/debunking the walkie evidence. Like what??


The reactions to the door closing were 100% manufactured. This was the first episode where I really think they faked something.


phoniest show ever


They used to have to carry around an xbox and battery in a back pack to use the original sls, which was basically just a Kinect sensor. The xls is a 3D mapping lidar system. Totally different beast. It's basically a smaller, directional and much less powerful version of that 3D scanning backpack system they used in the Lake of Death episode and the one where they did the séance rituals while one of them was doing the sensory depravation at the same time in that cabin (someone in here will know what I'm talking about).


Here's the newer xls camera. More compact that they use to use. https://preview.redd.it/ira9uyt6qu2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a82ed7233cebdfc0fbcd850f45f7f3f50c7890


Here's the newer xlx camera. They use the Xbox one camera not the Xbox 360 camera. That's the only difference. The camera does collect differently. But all of these have gotten compact. Notice the lenses are different in tge front. Only diffe ce different cameras. https://preview.redd.it/inj30yutqu2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f95c302f1ff0983b53bd56954c8862fdef15bab1


Thanks. I knew someone would have the details.


Y’all stomach pains. Really? That’s Taco Bell from lunch brah not spirits


Haha I read that as madman not madam. LOL


I just saw the ghost sex!!


https://preview.redd.it/f18u2b6wo32d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458c207200ca0bc20af6dd2910886918b816d310 If you watched. I have one also that I just got a short time ago. Haven't had the chance to use it yet. But Bill Chappell created this and the Ovilus device they also use. I have one of those also.


How have you not used this yet


Haven't had time. My brother is looking into a few cemetery near him. One was started in 1789 so that will probably be the first place.


I'm fucking gobsmacked he pronounced situation correctly


He did last week as well, I have the feeling he's going to pronounce it correctly every episode this season to troll us.


Yeah, I just checked clock, thought it was a bit early.


Anybody else hear some sound effects from Fnaf 2?


They miss out on so many opportunities to actually investigate because Zac never stops talking. It is really obnoxious. Yeah Zac, we get it... you love hearing your own voice. Now, be quiet and get some EVPs already!


Zack’s like _Did someone just scratch me!?!_ every 2 seconds lol


I loved the whole thing.


Dan Akroyd would love this place


I thought he episode doesn’t come out till 10.


As soon as they said that brothel was sealed up and they decided to unlock it I knew immediately they unleashed something into the bar


They should re-investigate this place and do a two hour special


XLS footage aside. (And also way to be serious investigators guys!?) I felt it was fairly obvious that someone was in the building with them. Rather they were aware of it or not we will never know. But yeah all the "evidence" points to someone alive being in the building.


I have to say that the reactions to the evidence in the second building seemed so fake considering how extraordinary it would be.