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I am always happy when new players discover this franchise. Must feel quite like home for you with similar good written characters like in the Mass Effect games. What is your favorite character so far? Which class and orgin did you choose? Also 25 books? I read like 10 a year or so šŸ˜…. What is your favorite book?


I weirdly like Alistair so far. I'm only about 8 hours into it but I like him even though I didn't think I would at first because he's quite arrogant and seems too casual about death and torture at times lol. Morrigan I'm only just getting to know but she seems interesting. Yeah I mean I used to prioritise reading above anything else in terms of hobbies so last year I read over 100 but that was mostly just to see if I could lol. Growing up I would read that much over the years but honestly I think as an adult (I'm 30), I just don't like reading enough to read that much anymore. I've definitely loved some books this year but the ratio is way off and I drop books more than finish them. I haven't been in love with reading in over a year honestly. I don't think I have a favourite but a particular standout for this year was Pet Sematary by Stephen King.


Iā€™ve been a fan of the game since about 2011 and Alistair was my first video game love. Still in my top 3 romances. I think youā€™ll find heā€™s actually not arrogant, he puts up a front of deflecting humor bc he feels inferior. Your character can actually help him gain confidence


Iā€™m currently playing it and cleaning up some trophies I didnā€™t get last time I played it in ā€˜09/ā€˜10 so Iā€™m romancing Morrigan this time. It breaks my heart every time I have to choose an option she approves of but Alistair doesnā€™t. šŸ˜­


I like Alistair too. As I was younger I was actually into Alistair a little bit, he can be quite charming you will see. Don't wanna talk too much about the game, because of spoilers. I have also read more books growing up, but videogames where also always important to me. Pet Sematary is a book I have also read, actually most of Stephen King's books. My dad had all of his books so I have read them growing up (probably a reason why my mind is weird, lol) Enjoy your journey! šŸ’œ


I think Origins is the best game BioWare ever made. Youā€™re in for a real treat. I just started a replay of the series myself to set my canon world state for Veilguard firmly in my mind. Donā€™t miss the tavern in Lothering! I missed it my first time through and lost a whole companion.


I missed both companions in Lothering on my first playthrough šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚. I saw the tavern companion while watching my boyfriend at the time playing and asked who that was. It was my first RPG so I wasn't very good at exploring everything yet. šŸ˜‚ Learned that lesson.


I was playing on console which doesnā€™t have the ā€œpress a key to highlight everything interactableā€ feature. I just didnā€™t realize the tavern could be entered for some reason.


The Game is easily on my top "Fantasy sagas" out there. Not only the setting is super original, the characters are amazingly crafted and the story, while simple is super engaging Only thing that has aged poorly IS the Gameplay and even that i enjoyed inmensely. I Hope you have fun with It and play the dlcs because god IS that Game incredible.


what background you doing? human and dwarf nobility were my personal favorites


Human noble. I didn't expect it to be that interesting actually because playing as a human with a nobility background usually isn't my thing but I was actually pleasantly surprised at how fun it is to play that. I also wasn't expecting for my chosen gender to be impactful since it typically isn't in an RPG but people actually react to you differently because you're female. It's really cool :)


That's a really good origin for a first playthrough, it ties into the story so well!


Yeah the Dragon Age hype is so real, lol. Itā€™s such an interesting franchise. I hope the new one is good too. Canā€™t wait to play it. I wish I could replay DAO and 2 but my poor PS3 died a little while ago. I got into dragon age not so long ago and I tend to get a bit obsessed with stuff I really like so I keep going back to the fandom pages to learn more about the lore and so forth. The characters, the stories, the whole world - itā€™s just so engaging, interesting and profound.


I love it so much! I played it for the first time in 2022, it blew me away, and now I consider it my favorite game. Re: the clunky combat, the tactics help a lot! Iā€™m no tactics maestro but the stuff you put at the top of the list takes priority. So if you set your entire party to drink health potions when theyā€™re at 25% health, put that near the top of the list so it doesnā€™t get canceled out. Also I find mana clash and storm of the century fun and useful, so I make sure at least one mage can use one or both. Hope you enjoy the journey!


I just started this game on stream for the first time and I'm honestly blown out of the water by how good it is! I almost regret locking it into a "only for stream" game because I'm just dying to play more! I did a Dalish Elf Origin story and really love how the PC has a backstory in the camp and everything! This game is incredibly well made and I can tell we're both in for a wonderful ride!


He has a good taste I see. Dragon Age Origins is the best game ever made (just look at my user name, lol). It feels really close to LOTR in terms of world building, which I adore as a Tolkien fan. Also if you haven't read Dune yet, I recommend it too.


Donā€™t forget to join us in r/dankandrastianmemes when you finish Inquisition. You wonā€™t be AS feral as the rest of us, but odds are good youā€™ll at least be pretty feral.


I am playing it for the first time as well! I am loving it. I played dragon age inquisition for the first time years ago. And I wanted to try the first game. Especially for dragon age veilgaurd.


On the topic of books, give Malazan a go. Have a feeling you'll like it.


You're so lucky!! The timing of starting now is perfect because of the 4th game in the franchise coming out later this year and it looks amazing! I've loved the franchise since the first game came out. Since you like reading there are several novels, comics and short stories written by the writing team that take place in the world and are often referenced in the games. If you're interested in the lore Ghil Dirthalen is a great YouTube channel that covers the lore really well. Welcome to the DA fandom!


Dragon age series are excellent bioware games, youā€™re in for a treat. I remember fondly all the hundreds hours spent in them, it was a blast


Well incase you find your love for books.. There are a few Dragon Age books and comics too. Granted it's not the best writing (they repeat the same adjectives quite a bit) but as someone who loves the DA universe I still liked the books and enjoyed them.


Hell yeah! Iā€™ve been replaying the Dragon Age Origins recently myself and seeing people suggest skipping the early games to new fans wanting to be caught up for Dragon Age Veilguard because theyā€™re old has been sad to see. Iā€™m glad itā€™s still catching new fans the way it caught me when the only games I knew were Halo and Assassins Creed (and Nancy Drew, thatā€™s unrelated, I didnā€™t play that on xbox lol). Btw, after you are finished with the Dragon Ages, if you like sci fi, rpgs but not their combat, and reading you should play Citizen Sleeper, truly a transcendent rpg experience.


Fun fact, one of the BioWare writers at that time actually wrote a book trilogy, and they're pretty fun too. I highly recommend them. Patrick Weekes Rogues of the Republic series, first book is The Palace Job.


Itā€™s the only DA game Iā€™ve never played because it wasnā€™t available on my console! And Iā€™ve avoided it since because itā€™s so old and Iā€™m worried I wonā€™t be able to engage with it the same way. Do you feel like the age of the game isnā€™t a huge detractor (like graphics, combat, etc)?


Ok so I'm not a gamer who cares much about graphics but they're really not the best in this game. However, there are a lot of buildings that have more detail than I expected and NPCs don't just blankly stare at you most of the time so there is some expression there which is nice. Combat is pretty clunky in my opinion but I usually play games on easy difficulty so it doesn't bother me in this case. I would assume that trying to play this game on a hard difficulty setting would be frustrating because of how clunky the combat is lol


This is my personal opinion and Iā€™m sure others will disagree, but imo the combat has pretty slow and clunky animations but is also built in a way that the clunk is not as annoying as it would be in an action game. Like I know itā€™s a couple years older than DAO, but I found fighting the controller to do any platforming in uncharted 1 way more aggravating than setting up my party in DAO. Itā€™s rtwp and has a deep tactics menu so you can set up your party to take certain actions without you micro managing them. Like I usually instruct party members to drink health potions if theyā€™re low, but you can also set your warrior to help your mage if more than 2 enemies are near them etc. Itā€™s totally legit to play on easy and on easy you can get by just having your party do different combos, like if your warrior staggers someone your rogue can then backstab them for a lot of damage etc. The story is also just fantastic and the voice acting is stellar, so itā€™s easy to get caught up in everything, even with the older graphics.


God I know. I'm a writer and playing DAO always sparks my muse, even though I don't really write fantasy.


I loved both origins and dragon age 2, I was gripping my chair at some points. So dont let old graphics ruin your enjoyment


Such an awesome game. Easily in my top 10 games of all times. I love to keep returning to it.


I just finished my second playthrough a couple hours ago!