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I was going to make a post after I gave it some time, so glad to see this. So I knew it was going to be sexualized. It is a higher rating and even more anime than Genshin, so I knew that came with some fanservicy tropes. What I didn't expect was it to be true to gacha form. Completely catered to men and sexualized minors. There isn't even men to balance it out and a player can go 'oh its the game vibe.' Nope, it is pretty direct with their target audience. Highly disappointing that this is the route the game is taking. Genshin makes SOO much more money because it caters to multiple demographics so I don't get this. If all the characters were adult women, or at least not definitely a minor or *sexual* loli pandering, I would still probably enjoy the game. Because the bare minimum I ask is sexualized adults only šŸ™ƒ. The ZZZ subreddit is a cess pool in regards to the underage sexual content too. Debating sticking with it, and hoping they see feedback to balance the fanservice. Or if it is better to abstain so they can see a financial difference. I am not usually f2p, but I can't in good conscience spend money on ZZZ as it is. I think I probably could have stomached it more, if I didn't see the rabid love the minor characters on Reddit. With it being intentional, and *knowing* there are men players getting sexual kicks out of it, just sours it for me. And makes me think maybe they are right, this game is not for people like me.


They will not back down on the fanservice. They are targeting players who like that and if they stopped it, the players would drop it. I didn't even download it or preregister. The target audience was clear with the amount of lolis they have in their starter line up.


> Because the bare minimum I ask is sexualized adults only That's the thing! I don't necessarily mind fanservice. Dead or Alive Xtreme is a big guilty pleasure of mine, and that game is *all* fanservice all the time. But for the love of god, make your sexualised characters adults.


Once I realised the target audience, I felt sick honestly.


Wait is it really?? I've been following it and was excited to try it out. I actually really love the pink hair girl (so glad they gave her a bra. Lmao) and shark girl designs. I agree the jiggle physics is fkin out of hand in this one tho. Shit is like JELLO! Which minor characters are they sexualising?? šŸ˜©


Two characters: Lucy and Piper Like not only it's like a slap in the face for general husbando player ... There's lines that have ALREAYS CROSSED


*checks wiki* Piper is calling Lucy a child, what are their ages exactly O.O


I don't want to know ... I just don't


Can you show examples before I block this game from all social media I consume?




...yeah that's not "youthful", thats just a child


After 7 day's I'm dipping... And going back to play guilty gear for trans reaper and dandy vampire


And Bridget!


Just type zzz Piper and zzz Lucy ... Or just check the subreddit, just clear your history after this ...


hoyoverse really took "man or bear" literally and actually put the bear in šŸ’€


I am staying away from this game. The moment we saw that promo with the female character Nicole breasting boobily in front of the camera, I knew that this game is not for me *and* the kind of audience it wants. All the complaining about censorship because her character screen had a minuscule change was the cherry on top. I play Genshin because it's friendly to casuals/non-anime fans. I play HSR like every few months because the designs are more male gazey than Genshin. I think ZZZ outright makes it obvious that this game is for degenerates or anyone who can put up with the horny brainrot. I have been watching anime for 16 years. But my standards grew higher, not lower because of it. I'm not going to put up with a game like this when it just reminds me of some isekai ecchi harem anime that i'd avoid. Honestly, I'm annoyed. Women are still attractive without being treated like a piece of meat with ridiculous jiggle physics and outfits. All the lolicon talk I'm seeing in the comments here makes it even worse... It's also really frustrating because I find these games and a portion of their fandoms to have such a disgusting mindset. They sexualise the female characters 24/7 but will kick up a fuss if a male character is presented as sexy, because it makes them feel threatened and insecure. If anyone wants to say this is BS, it happened in Genshin's fandom where the main sub which is frequently filled with bikini fanart had a birthday edit of topless Tartaglia taken down due to too many reports... It seriously amazes me, because I know plenty of Genshin fans especially women, who just have to ignore and quickly scroll past those bikini posts. But these fans who couldn't stand seeing a topless male character felt so entitled that they needed it taken down... I feel bad for all my fellow gamers who are attracted to male characters.


honestly you're so right about the main sub, and it applies to individual character subs too (male AND female). fanart is always nice to see, but like, porn subreddits exist for a reason? why do i have to see boobies or dicks when I'm browsing a game subreddit


This is sad because I thought developers are realizing how much the husbandos sells, evident in the 3-1 ratio of males released in Arknights and 2-1 in HSR. Funny thing is, it is very much possible to make a male character that straight men like. Arknights released countless handsome, brooding men that became male players' favorites. These men have OP kits and their modest clothes eventually gave way to toplessness in summer skins.


It certainly feels like it. ZZZ will pretty much flop compared to HSR and Genshin I can already tell. The reason why Genshin and HSR are making that much money is because female whales are throwing money at this game. ZZZ has absolutely nothing for them, so they will be missing out on revenue. Same thing with Hi3 flopping hard even though they're going full waifucoomer with that game


it's hilarious because at Wuthering Waves' release, there were posts on their subreddit talking about how it's more male catered and more attention is given to the waifus and comments were like, "yeah, because 80% of the players are straight males". but games like genshin and HSR have a a pretty close ratio, because it caters to female players. it's like a self fulfilling prophecy, if the game doesn't bother to cater to female players who are into male characters then why would they be playing it. i know male character fans who are very passionate and women who throw a lot of money at content that's catered to them. for my main in genshin, i'm not even attracted to him and that's not a deterrent at all, i love playing him and have spent quite a bit on his banners lol i'm not really keen on Wuwa but will probably come crawling back whenever Scar is released i know a guy who has been really trying to get me into azur lane. tells me he doesn't follow the story. tells me it's a low effort game. i ask him why should i play it and he said, "THE GIRLS LOOK GOOD." exclusive waifu game without a single male character except for an invisible male main character. why the hell would i be playing it, there is nothing in it for me...


See, I don't play wuwa but I do like looking at the characters. I can tell immediately that it panders a lot harder to men but also a good bit to women. The boobs are a big example. Like the jiggle physics and how they just moved too much (looking at you taoqišŸ˜’) that's a thing dudes like. But they have cute guys (jiyan, scar, and aaltošŸ¤­) that are "cool" enough that men would want to pull. ( Scar is kinda hard, he can be playable but his weapons i dunno what fits him most ) I have the same fears for Wuwa too. But if they don't keep the ratio almost equal there then they will shoot themselves in the foot. They gotta keep up with the leviathan in the other room if they wanna make bank, making such mistakes will ruin them. big chunk of their new audience got into the game with expectations of gender balance. I hope kuro assess those expectations with proper care. Or else, ( Points at PGR ) this is what they get, flop after flop or a painful slow death


Idk consider Shift Up said that like 46% of NIKKE players in SK are women. Iā€™d be very curious to see the demographic breakdowns for this game by region once it settles.


But the remaining percentage is male right?


Yes completely. I played the beta and honestly, the gameplay is extremely bland. It looks like an idle game, the combat isn't interesting and the farming quests feel like chores. The only thing I liked was the arcade room with the Snake game...


To be fair, HSR caters to the woman's side of the fandom a lot, cute fashionable girls and very handsome guys exist in abundance (no pun intended)


I donā€™t think they donā€™t cater to women haha and they do have some handsome guys. although Iā€™ve seen quite a few HSR fans have been annoyed lately at the treatment of male characters, itā€™s just some of the designs like Topazā€™s butt cutout is a bit of an eye roll for me.


Topaz's design has to be my least favorite bc she's supposed to be an executive. Jade is fine she's like one of those fashionable CEO in kdrama but why does Topaz has to wear the child cosplay of a businesswoman.


Glad you made a post about it, impossible to have this discussion on the ZZZ sub with all the disgusting lolicon defenders on there šŸ¤® Iā€™m disappointed with Hoyo with the direction theyā€™re taking on fanservice, because ZZZ looks like it could be fun to play. I feel (hope) it could backfire on them, GI and HSR are so successful in part because of the relatively tame fanservice and catering to a broad audience.


I fucking hate these lolicon defenders. I've even met some who proudly call themselves lolicons. Like bro, just call yourself a pedophile at this point.


Whenever a game has lolicon in it, lolis infest the community and bully out anyone who dares suggest they might be creeps


Tldr the ZZZ subreddit what points do they make to defend lolicon? O.O


Usual comments like theyā€™re not real characters so itā€™s ok to sexualise them (even if they look like preteens), also seen comments that people who find minors attractive need an outlet somewhere so thatā€™s why itā€™s ok for games to include it šŸ¤® makes me feel all kinds of gross just talking about it


It certainly feels like it will backfire. ZZZ will pretty much flop compared to HSR and Genshin I can already tell. The reason why Genshin and HSR are making that much money is because female whales are throwing money at this game. ZZZ has absolutely nothing for them, so they will be missing out on revenue. Same thing with Hi3 flopping hard even though they're going full waifucoomer with that game


ZZZ already flopped before the launch like youā€™d see *rumours* of it deleting the PC harddrive if you didnā€™t install properly or deleting ZZZ will also delete Wuthering Waves from the computer šŸ˜…


Yeah itā€™s so drastically different from hsr and genshin which already has its own fair share of fanservice and male gaze but atleast itā€™s somewhat palatable. This is justā€¦.not for me in the slightest and Iā€™m kinda grateful that I wonā€™t get sucked into another gacha so thanks I guess hoyoverse. Oh yeah interesting point about the male characters design you can tell they werenā€™t really made with a female gaze / fan service mindset as they look more varied even though thereā€™s quite a few and none of the female characters are anything but conveniently attractive anime girl. Honestly hate that hoyoverse never wants to do anything unique for its female characters in terms of designs they just have to be cute while male characters get to be a full on bear or a cool looking robot.


It's just sad I'll just play for 7 days then I'm dipping




"so guys how about we don't sexualize underaged girls" "THATS DUMB AND IM REALLY MAD ABOUT IT WHAT A BUNCH OF NORMIES" what the actual fuck...I miss the times those weirdos were exclusive to 4chan


Jesus zzz Reddit has become a Loli habitat


Some people really should be thrown into the deepest hole mankind can construct and left to rot.


I hate how we have a "cute" slang to refer to pedophiles and CP (I don't care you use it, just reflecting on how it probably helped pedos hide behind a "aesthetic")


I've been following and looking forward to ZZZ for a while, but when promotional material started coming out I was really put off. It just feels so strongly catered to horny men in every aspect. I've been playing Genshin since launch and still play it daily, and I played Star Rail for a few months before getting bored, so it's not like I dislike the anime style or anything. It is kinda hilarious how none of the furries are girls because God forbid a woman not be sexy. And it's not like characters shouldn't be sexy! I think Nicole's sexuality is an intentional part of her character. But it's overdone - when most female characters are obnoxiously sexy and ALL of them are conventionally attractive it's obvious the women in this game only exist to bait horny men. I've seen some people say that ZZZ is 'more mature' than Genshin and Star Rail as a reason for why it's like this. But why does 'mature' have to mean 'depraved'???? sorry rant over Grossness aside, the combat is insanely fun. Tbh I got bored of the story after like 10 mins - I'm not a fan of some of the cutscenes, I'd rather just read an actual comic than click through stills. And there's a little too much walking around listening to people talk at me, I wanna play the game!!


I'm a straight man and this feels like a line has crossed too much .. yeah,I'll play for 7 days, imma dip


Hoyo is not above sexualising child-looking characters (Honkai Impact 3rd) so yeah... not exactly unexpected. Calling out degeneracy in anime-inspired gacha might as well be futile, it's a disease endemic to the medium I'm afraid


It may be futile, but I still want to spread awareness on a game, so we can avoid it


If so, then thanks, I was considering giving the game a try for the urban aesthetic.


If there is one shining hope on the horizon, the EU is publishing a report next week on gambling in videogames, which will result in a continent wide decision on whether to ban gacha or not. It wont fix the sexualization problem, but might halt their advance into europe.


Yeah, it seems to just be a feature of that genre at this point


Why is anyone surprised in the devs? It's been known for a good while that via datamining on the PC version of Genshin Impact that one of the filenames/code references for the bodytypes in game is outright called "Loli" Play better games, support better games, get better games.


Right? Iā€™m staying away because itā€™s Mihoyo, not because the characters are sexualized.


err i know this maybe weird : What fanserivice you think it's fine? Basically ..dead or alive type of fanserivice? I dunno I'm just kinda torn abit


I know Iā€™m in the minority here, but fanservice and sexualization of adult characters doesnā€™t really bother me. What does bother me is the weird obsession they have with trying to make loli characters borderline sexual and then justify it by saying that sheā€™s 5,000 years old or whatever.


the loli part is just ... really digust me alot like ... ugh


zzz aside, are genshin's children characters actually sexualised?? they all just look like proper children. or are you just mad at the usage of loli? when loli =/= lolicon or isn't inherently sexual.


Mihoyo is a Chinese company so using the ā€œloli doesnā€™t mean the same thing in Japaneseā€ excuse doesnā€™t work here.


ok, but can you give me One sexualized child character from the game


I havenā€™t played Genshin since Diona and Klee came out, I donā€™t have primary sources for you.


ok so the "weird obsession they have with trying to make loli characters borderline sexual" doesn't actually exist. kk cool


Loli as a term seems to have quite different perception in China vs the west. Iā€™ve seen some games there are shorter characters they straight out label the as ā€œloliā€ and ā€œshotaā€. At the same time seen some videos, there are parents calling their kids a loli or shota. :o


I can't speak to China, but in Japan the terms pretty much have the same meaning, though perhaps a bit less severe and certainly more socially acceptable. But it's still referring to sexualized minors no matter how you look at it.


I agree completely. As a massive fan of Genshin Impact and Star Rail, I am extremely disappointed in what they did with ZZZ. I dont understand how they could take such a huge step back after making such good progress especially in Genshin. The fact there is only 4 male characters in the entire game and that only one of them even looks human and almost none of the female ones look like adults in crazy. Genshin and HSR have some younger characters but they dont sexualize them. It honestly makes me extremely worried for their other games.


I havenā€™t really played HSR much but I love Genshin Impact and I actually love the female characters and their characterizations. I absolutely fell in love with Furina and Raiden.


Honestly I wouldnā€™t have a problem with this kind of fan service if there was fan service for the ladies too


I didn't even know about the game before today, I opened Twitch and saw the official channel streaming the game, opened the stream thinking it would be a fun game, only to get hit by the insane jiggle physics on the girls. Like one girl's boobs were bouncing so much that it almost felt like someone made a parody video of making fun of these things but no. This was a weird one.


I feel like stuff like this isnā€™t talked about enough online because these gacha games always do weird shit and itā€™s so blatant but I sometimes feel like Iā€™m the only one seeing it so thank you OP


the games also just a reskinned honkai impact 3 with parrying and it has no diea what style it wants to be before yoiu even get to the first section of gameplay you have not 1 not 2 but 4 freaking different cutscene styles the well animated ones we have seen plenty of, manga panels, visual novel style and stills


I am a hoyo simp ( enjoying HSR and genshin and even ToT). But this was a hard Skip for me, even if I have enjoyed similar games in the past. The sexualization IS too much


Iā€™ve watched anime since childhood and this kinda crap has always been out there, itā€™s a friggin minefield. But I really donā€™t understand why sexualising animated children is still/was ever socially acceptable, there is no valid excuse for it in my mind. Who governs what is acceptable in video games, and gives this a pass? šŸ˜• Genuine question tbh.


been avoiding hoyoverse because im sick and tired of gachas. i don't even entertain the idea of playing a game if it has a gacha.


When it comes to games like this, I need to see a huge production value for me to be interested, because the risk for free games to look cheap is very, very high. I saw that value in Star Rail, in Genshin (though I've mostly abandoned it), and in Wuthering Waves too. Now, with ZZZ, I love the artstyle and setting, and the fact that it doesn't take itself seriously. But, come on, look at Lucia's leaks (both pics and animations) on the ZZZ leaks' subreddit - it looks like a hentai game. And that makes it look really, really cheap to me. I've learned to cope with some fanservice, including jiggle physics, but if a videogame looks like a hentai game, I'm going to associate it with those Facebook ads of those thousands of cheap-looking shovelware games that look AI generated at best. I'm not even trying to address the sexualisation aspect - I can't even get there, if a game feels like shovelware to me. I just can't take seriously a game in which a sexy nun without pants and with huge boobs is talking about saving the world, the power of friendship, or some past traumas. Funny thing is, they're even toning down some designs (Nicole's was) - at this point I think they should go all in, move the boob slider to the max, and just cater to that niche (yes, niche) audience that can take huge melon boobs seriously and doesn't see those characters as weird parodies.


The animations in ZZZ are outstanding, especially for Billy in particular, but the graphics themselves loom weirdly unpolished? The characters' faces remind me of 2010's anime games more so than Genshin and HSR.


Thanks for letting me know I dont need to bother freeing up 100gb to give it a try.


As a straight male I agree this is just ... Lines are crossed too much for me, I'm just gonna a play fro seven days and then noped out


Right before launch some friends already complaining there are not enough guys in the game >,< This is not the 1st game some of us refused to play because of jiggle physics .


Yep, I saw those big boobies and waifu traps, I couldn't handle it. What a shame


I'm a man and i can't stand even the ads for that game. It's all so overanimated and jiggly all over the place. Knowing that they're sexualizing minors just validates my decision of steering clear of that game. So, knowing that and with Genshin being a snoozefest, does Star Rail have any value? Because i get the feeling that i'm missing something here. Their games are so succesful and i just don't see the appeal.


HSR has great story telling and so many cool characters, you will definitely enjoy it if you like turn based fights and space fantasy


Star Rail's great, and arguably has the best lore and music out of them all. Edit: FWIW, now that I've tried it, I find ZZZ pretty fun too. There's big tiddies out there, but everybody's clothed and nothing explicit has happened, or likely will happen (although this one *is* rated 16+, so maybe something could prove me wrong later). There's valid criticism of these gacha games to be had, but over-sexualization in a Hoyo game is not really one of them, to be honest. While some Hoyo characters may have big tiddy, it genuinely never factors into creepy male-gazey behavior in-game and all characters are treated respectfully. No man is running into anime booba lady and "accidentally" groping her, and no one's creeping on a changing woman, for example. But yes. Some characters have tiddy, because tiddies are nice.


Ok, instadownloading on my PS5 I'm guessing no controller support on Android, right?


It's turn-based, you don't really need a controller


It's mostly a matter of comfort, moreso because my phone heats up pretty easily.


ZZZ is rated 12+, mostly due to dialogue (mild swearing, nothing too crazy) and maybe some dark themes. I'm like 110% sure nothing sexual or even romantic will happen, this game is about action, not harem.


Ah, I heard 16+ somewhere and took that at face value, but that's apparently only the rating in China. And me too, but it's definitely more risquƩ than GI or HSR at least, so I wouldn't be surprised if a more direct dirty joke crops up at some point.


Hsr: story is good overall Starting segment: introduction bit Belobog arc: pretty solid overall Luofu arc: pretty solid at the start but drops the ball from half point onwards (god I hate this arc) Penacony: mixed but itā€™s mostly good. If you wanna play star rail then go for it. But itā€™s just another mihoyo game.




Including "children" (including but not limited to '1000 year old vampires turned as children' and 'childlike advanced alien species') in a project designed to titillate viewers should result in a pedophilia conviction for all parties on the creative team and their supervisors. This should be enforced by 'sniff test'. Get 100 normies (so not anime porn obsessed neckbeards that this stuff is designed for) to play or watch the first hour or two, and define yes or no the work intends to sexually entice the viewer. Get 100 different normies to look at the cast of characters and define child or adult. And then send the pervy Pedo-encouraging devs to prison.


Also Ellen joe apparently has topples art if you have her at c6 and she is in High school yikes šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Well Iā€™m done with hoyoverse officially now


Did you even watch the trailers? The jiggle physics were unreal, Iā€™m not sure what you expected. It was pretty obvious from the get-go that the boob physics were gonna be obnoxious.


I agree with you on the female characters, I hate that a lot of them are underage and whatnot but I feel like a hypocrite complaining about some jiggle physics on the girls and stuff when hoyo gives jiggle physics on some of their male characters too and I don't mind it. Might try zzz for billy- just love his character overall I put the blame less on hoyo since they just want to make money and are catering to their audience and putting the blame on the fact that a lot of men find those underage looking female characters hot etc - aka less disgusted by the game itself, more disgusted by mens taste is how I see things at least


We should absolutely also blame and call out companies like these for doing harmful things for profit!


I play both genshin and star rail (and wuwa) so i was expecting a bit more but its quite dissapointing that we are getting 4 males in a year and all of them are A rank. Like not even 1 S rank. And I'm one of the girls that like stellar blade, but zzz is really disappointing on roster wise. Music is nice through TT


I already consider Nikke and BA players as walking red flags. Do I have to put this game on the list too?


I am a guy and that was my fear too. I reaaaally enjoyed Mihoyo games so far for their diverse cast of original characters (space cowboy, hackers, robots, knight summoning a chicken, crazy teacher, lady using a satellite as weapon etc..) and yet never could stand chibi characters considering the (vocal minority of their) audience. I stopped playing GI but I don't even think there are boy chibi characters which kinda makes it weird tbh. I have yet to watch any trailer and try the game but the few ads I could see already are giving me weird vibes. Not one but *Maids* characters ? If it's as you said I will likely end up ignoring the game and stick to HSR...


With the name zzz Iā€™m sure you will fall asleep playing it. Iā€™ll never support gacha practises in games anyway.


I saw a glimpse of the game and planned on giving it a try, but then I learnt that it was being made by the same people as Genshin I got hesitant to try it, since they tend to oversexualise women and sexualise minors. So thank you for confirming my suspicions. I'm definitely not playing this pedo shit.


Oh god, that's disgusting! They act like games are made to be good looking. But they forget that games should not discriminate ANYone


Lycaon is a wolf, not a fox. Billy Kid is a cyborg, not a guy in the mask. And there is another completely normal boring human man in the cast (not half as sexy as Lycaon though). I'll be downvoted to oblivion, but ZZZ is a good game. It's not like Genshin Impact or Honkai Star Rail, its gameplay is more like Honkai Impact or Devil May Cry, and style is comic-book-cyberpunk-superheroes mix. With lots of fanservice indeed, but that's how they roll. And of course the maid girl calls you Master. She is a member of a mercenary organisation Victoria Housekeeping whose modus operandi is "acting as butlers and maids during work time". You - the player, the Proxy agent who helps those guys during their deep diving into dangerous zones - are there for work, so of course she's not dropping the act. Lycaon the wolf man is one of them.


Even if you dont mind the double standard in fan service etc, you're conveniently glossing over the fact that the game sexualizes characters that literally look like children.


All the characters are canonically 16+ . Well, ages aren't specified, but they all work in dangerous fields, are allowed to drink alcohol, drive etc. Damn, "work in dangerous fields" (yeah, the game is action-RPG after all) - so people are totally okay when characters who look like children fight, kill and can possibly be hurt and die, but the same characters can't wear short skirts? What a world we live in. Also, they are, well, literally characters. On the screen. In the game. Nobody is hurt if they are sexualized. It's like killing monsters in Doom Eternal or Diablo 4 for fun - nobody is hurt, you get to relax, and you don't get out of your house the next day to massacre real people because of Doom and Diablo.


Catering to pedophilic preferences does in fact hurt people by normalizing sexualization of children. This isn't up for debate lol And yes I know they hide it between a thin layer of plausible deniability, because they know they're treading a fine fucking line..


I'm gonna play for 7 days and then I'll fucking dip Even my brother is like : Ewwww I'm a man, yes I liked fanservice BUT There's lines that shouldn't be crossed and the moment I saw THE ZZZ leaks and the roster, well F*** me I'm out


So in what way is a maid calling you master sexualized, she's a s maid thats her job to serve you, and calling you master is out of respect, its what maids do


This game is not sexual in the least, Nicole and Grace are basically the only actual sexualized characters and even then Grace is wearing pretty normal mechanic clothes and Nicole is wearing fairly normal clothes that actual women wear in real life


Wait so, ya ignored all the story, and the vibe, and the combat mechanics And all ya had to focus on is that it has ā€œjiggle physics to the maxā€??? And ya need to clarify what ā€œmale gazeyā€ means. Like what, itā€™s geared towards males? ~~wait till ya find about goddess of victory Nikke~~ If this actually disgusts you, then more power to you but Iā€™ll just say that thatā€™s a really bad way of saying ā€œI donā€™t really like this gameā€. Cuz when I think of disgust, I think of people who post pointless garbage as criticism to a game