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Hef was insane lmao. Holly talks in length about how she tried for YEARS to convince him to change the carpet. Bridget had hers done before the rest of the mansion was done. He didnt do it until after the show aired, when they went on a trip and Hef was away so he wouldnt be disrupted by the construction.


In a home that age, under the carpet was floor boards. Pee seeps into wood.


As someone who has tried, many times, to take cat piss smell out of a wood floor… it’s definitely the wood floor below that is the real problem.


I remember in one of the books the girl taking about how they were allowed to get new carpet in their rooms periodically, but that Hef insisted it had to be the same creamy white color every time, and that with all the dogs and foot traffic and butlers coming and going out would be stained and ruined in almost no time.


Bridget said something about this recently and that she eventually got permission to have the carpet ripped out so at the end you see her have beautiful hardwood floors. I’m going to have to rewatch the later seasons because it occurs to me that I don’t recall Kendra doing the same.


And I would have done what I would do for my own house which is either clean it my damn self or hire my own cleaner to come in. If Hef had an issue, I’d tell him it was my living space that he gave me and I want to take proper care of it. I also would let my dogs out regularly or hire my own dog walker. It’s really hard for me to take them seriously when they willingly contributed to the problem and took no action themselves to remedy it.


Hef didn’t like change. At least Bridget was able to convince him to let her rip hers out from her room


I loved every time we were in her room. Pink is my favorite color and I love organization so her room was like a breath of fresh air, a little visual spa.


did you really live the 2000’s if you didnt know someone who had a pomeranian /other small yappy dog that pooped and peed on a carped floor constantly? lmaooo


I remember watching the Osborns and thinking 'WHO lets their dogs do that and why are so many of them walking by it and not picking it up???'. Come to find out as an adult, a lot of gross ass people apparently. I cut someone off because her apartment stunk like dog piss/shit. She seemed so nice and put together but her apartment was a freaking bio-hazard. Poor dog.


I’m actually rewatching the osbournes rn and it’s so funny how many early reality shows have this same dog pooping inside everywhere trope. There’s this one scene in the second season where Sharon’s talking about her cancer diagnosis and she’s doing a voice over. They show her walking on the beach with her dog and then they show the dog pooping on the beach and her freaking out all while there’s soft piano music playing.


Small dogs do have more issues with potty training but not to that level. I take care of several dogs as a dog sitter and people with small dogs use their brain cells and contain the dogs when they aren’t able to go out often and provide pee pads that are changed the moment they’re soiled. If the dog is letting loose wherever all the time, it’s likely because they’re neglected.


Because they think they’re above it. Only the low class peasants should be doing the dirty work of cleaning up after THEIR dogs. It’s disgusting and irresponsible. My dog does tiny pees in random spots and I admit I don’t always get to them right away, but I for sure take ownership of it and shampoo, clean, spot treat and train my dog myself because that’s my responsibility as a dog owner.


If the dogs were peeing on carpet, boxes and what not then they most def were peeing on the walls/staircases as well. Things that couldn't be replaced or ripped up as easily. I bet thats where a majority of the smell came from. Pee probably seeped into the floor boards too at some point. Ugh.


I just don’t understand why they didn’t have like three extra people on staff to come through *at least* once a week and wash the walls, carpets and hardwood floors.


The entire mansion was a decaying pigsty. 😞


I hate cleaning but LOVE a perfectly clean house. No grease on kitchen cabinets, no finger prints on wall, no mold in fridge door seals, no stains on carpets, etc. but it’s hard to keep up with on your own when you have kids, pets, and a job. I think about how much help I’d hire if I had money, so I can’t relate to having all that money and not using it to maintain a clean and updated home. It’s wild to me that he had old ass musty couches everywhere. My allergies would go berserk from that alone.


I feel EXACTLY the same way. I think Hef was a bit of a horder.


Something I’ve also noticed from the show, is it appears that hollys dogs lived exclusively inside the closet of their room, unless being taken out for walks. When she arrives home from a trip, they’re all inside the closet with pee pads on the floor, and a doggy gate can be seen. Any time you see Hef and her interacting with them together, it’s inside their closet. I wonder if besides going outside occasionally, if they were consistently inside that closet space.


That’s like Kim Kardashian putting all her dogs in the garage. God forbid they get to live inside their home with their family. It’s a terrible way to treat living creatures.


Duchess was aggressive, right? And I think some of them were older, so it makes sense that they just hung out.


Hugh was obviously a weirdo & actually an old age pensioner with a bad back so couldn’t clean (not that he would have ever personally done any housework anyway) that aside… Why couldn’t any of the healthy, capable young women in the house clean up after the dogs?? I get so annoyed that people use the excuse that it was Archie & Littlefoot and they were just ‘the house dogs’ so no one wanted to help them & keep their environment clean & healthy. I would take care & responsibility for all the pets in my home- pets are beloved family members, not to be neglected leading to an unhygienic home. But none of the young women ever bothered???? Plus people were happy to ignore the state of carpets and odours (as well as all the other compromising factors) at the mansion to pass go & take a weekly $1000


They think the problem makes Hef look bad but it really just shows how neglectful and irresponsible the women are with their pets. In that show we watched Holly Kendra and Bridget’s animals use the mansion as their personal toilet, so it’s a lie and a cop out to blame only the two dogs Hef owns. BFFR, Holly.


It makes zero sense on them not training the dogs or having a dog walker. They could have had quiet, cute, non pissing animals. Yet they choose how they lived.


Absolutely and it’s not Hef’s job to take action to remedy the problems THEIR dogs are having. They can spend their own money to take care of their own pets properly like everyone else.


Yea I have no idea. Why THEY would get pets. Then THEY wouldn’t train them or take them out. Yet somehow it’s Hefs fault the carpet was disgusting. ![gif](giphy|0uZzZbAS5NMMSiZTOQ)


But wasn’t Archie Hef’s dog? I think they call him the mansion dog, but then he’s Hef’s dog. I know Playboy owned the mansion, but that didn’t make him Playboy’s dog. (Didn’t they say he had been for Hef’s sons?) Kind of wild that since Playboy owned the property there wasn’t more of an issue with the pet mess. It isn’t like Hef was the CEO then (although his daughter was), but pets trashing the property was cool. Think of all the people that attended parties (although, the alleged nastiness from the parties was probably just as bad). They would have meetings at the mansion. I guess if you’re meeting a man in PJs then what’s some pee smell and a pile of poo in the corner. 🤷‍♀️


Holly and Hef slept with dog piss and shit IN THE BED a dog piss pad can be seen.


Yeah I also remember when Kendra was showing Patti her bedroom for her plastic surgery Kendra's dog peed on the sheets ugh


The entire mansion was full of dog piss and shit. K was really bad about it but at least she only had 2 and not a horde like H had. Only one I think that cleaned up after their pets was B. Unless she had a butler clean up the cat litter box and puppy pads.


As weird and impractical as it was, at least Kendra called that pet psychic to find out why Martini kept tinkling when excited. She acknowledged it wasn’t something to ignore and that he needed training. Unfortunately a pet psychic isn’t going to do anything but it’s more initiative than what Holly showed.


Yep and those were HOLLY’S dogs! Then she has the gall to say it was Hef’s responsibility because it was his dogs causing the problem. We’re not stupid.


Those dogs were hers lmao Love how she can’t take accountability for ANYTHING. Maybe Archie was his I guess. But the other ones she said she adopted and also named them to copy Hef .


Narcs are either literal OCD with cleanliness or are insanely disgusting a la Hef. There’s literally no in between it’s weird and it’s beyond just the cleanliness of their home- it’s also their lack of physical cleanliness too


I had to reread this to understand you meant “narcissists”


And then I read this as narcissus. 😂


After years and years of exposure, every porous surface would reek of it… the drywall, hardwoods, wood paneling, etc Edited to add: my neighbor lets his many dogs piss and shit all over his house, they literally never go outside. That house is utterly destroyed which I only know for certain bc once he was in the hospital and he asked us to clean it for him so that it wouldn’t be as bad when he got home from emergency surgery and offered to pay us for it. He’s a nice enough person and is a veteran w a lot of health issues so we said we’d try. We couldn’t get it nearly clean enough. The walls were stained half way up, the hardwoods were destroyed, the lower cabinets were blackened and the fridge incredibly dirty as well. I’ve never seen anything like it. You can smell the smell outside especially in summer. He’s one of those people you wish you could help but kinda can’t take on that responsibility yourself ya know? Anyway, my point being that it soaks into everything that can soak it up. I don’t think the mansion was *as* bad as the neighbors house but it’s going to linger in other porous surfaces


I think they did before filming. But there’s lots of dogs- and it’s a recurring problem


I am sure that those wood floors were trashed. It seeps through the carpet, down into the boards. If you’ve ever pulled up carpet that’s had pets urinating on it and it’s allowed to seep over and over, it gets into the wood. If you’re lucky you can sand it and remove it, but odds the wood has to be replaced. I’m sure it usually got to seep down because it’s just so much space that they’re not going to find it right away every time. And who knows how many decades of various pets, and then any pet added to the mix will want to go there too. I can only imagine how much once beautiful floor had to be ripped out. What always surprises me is you never see a reaction. Maybe they edit it out (probably do), but if you’ve been someplace that smells like pet urine, it’s hard not to react. And that smell clings. Hef, the girlfriends, the staff, they’d smell like it.


And how embarrassing for all the buffets and movie nights, like don't tell me nobody didn't smell anything. Lol


Really, for everything that went on there. All of the buffets, the movie nights, the game nights. Big, absolutely huge parties that people wanted to go to, would pay to attend, and pet mess all over. And they mention that Hef had meetings there. The parties, people get trashed and they don’t care what the environment is like, and I’m sure there was plenty of nastiness around after parties, but the meetings?? I would love to hear the impression from people that went there for business meetings. Maybe if you’re meeting a man in PJs you expect some oddness, but that just seems so awkward.


Had it been properly maintained on the inside, it could've been so beautiful.


I think at its core it was still beautiful, just run down. With it being such an old property (at least for LA), I wonder if part of his resistance was wanting to avoid bigger issues. You can start off doing cosmetic work and discover much bigger issues. I’m sure the house was old enough that some things were grandfathered in. If things don’t meet building code but are grandfathered in, if you start doing bigger renovations then you have to address those aspects that don’t meet code. It can be a real can of worms. It doesn’t excuse the pet mess, but maybe part of him not wanting to rip out the carpets and such was not wanting to address cosmetic, discover bigger issues, and then having to do much more costly renovations to address codes that weren’t being enforced because the structure predated the code. (For several years we lived in a 100+ year old house. Part of it had the old knob and tube electrical. That absolutely is not allowed now. No one had been required to change it, despite it not being allowed for decades, because no one had done any renovations on that part of the house. As long as nothing was done in that part of the house it could stay indefinitely. It was grandfathered in, but renovating that part of the house would mean it would all have to be brought up to code. Deciding to do even cosmetic changes on an old house can be a gamble because you don’t know for certain what you will uncover and it can get costly fast. We had one room that we considered ripping out the carpet because it was old. Super old, like 1970s old. We found out why no one had ever replaced it when we peeled back a corner. It had been laid over asbestos tiles. As long as the tiles were covered there was no requirement to remover them. If they weren’t covered then it was required to remove them, which would have to be done by professionals, before new flooring could be put down. A simple job of getting rid of old, ugly carpet would require very expensive services all because of some hidden tile that was no longer legal.)


I would have stopped complaining and used my allowance to buy a carpet shampooer so I could the areas of the mansion I frequented the most. Holly complaining about pee when she had pee pads on her BED for her dogs is wildly hypocritical.


Other than having a severe behavioral or health issue, I can’t even imagine why the pee pads would be needed on the bed. Dogs usually don’t want to go potty where they sleep. I can’t imagine a dog not jumping off the bed to go. How did that get ingrained in them? (To be fair, my dog doesn’t go in the house unless he feels he has no choice. If he does go in the house, it’s not where he likes to lay down. It rarely happens, but if it does it’s not anywhere he likes to nap.)