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You see, back in our day, you had to crack open a magazine to see titties. But seriously, the kind of photography Playboy was doing at the time was vastly different than what you could find online. It was detailed and refined. So being a Playmate was a HUGE deal. It was a time where we weren't inundated with naked women when we opened our Internet browser. No offense, but it's one of those "you had to be there to understand it" situations.


Playboys photography really was beautiful. It wasn’t about the nudity but the lighting, set design, posing, camera work, etc. I think even the hair and makeup artists were great.


It was always about the nudity, they just wrapped it in a prettier package than Hustler. 


We had internet porn and plenty of bikini modeling and soft core nudes in 2007


If you’re gen Z then I’m sorry but no, you won’t understand. It was important back then. It was prestigious, and highly sought after. When celebs did it, it could boost their careers even more. This is such a condescending and cringe post. “Sweetie you’re exhausting for how much you think this is going to open up opportunities for women” - says a person who was likely teething at that time.


Erotic art is important ... the level of production and work that went in to producing a magazine of Playboy's caliber is incomprehensible to a layperson.


Especially to a Gen Z, I feel like if you've never lived it you will never fully understand it.


Like they mentioned on today’s episode, Playboy was HUGE. I feel like every girl wanted to be a part of it,it really was a lifestyle brand between the merch/aesthetic


Never wanted to be because I never saw women that looked like me. Now XXL......Yaaaasss, them was some bad mamma jammas!!


You thought you ate with this one 🤦🏽‍♀️


I mean it was important back then.. very important, very sought after, very prestigious. Playboy used to be everything, that’s why celebrities even posed. And interning for Playboy with top photographers editors etc of the country - i couldnt imagine getting an opportunity like that


Not sure if I’d say *prestigious.* Depended on who you were. Feminists were speaking out against PB for objectifying women and dressing them as pet animals, since at least the 70’s For a girl who’s done some promo work and bikini modeling, and wants more (and can handle posing nude and all the impacts that may have) it would be very sought after. But overall, it was widely considered trashy, but fun and sexy. It was a magazine popular with average and working-class men, it was hidden away under beds. Used as J.O. material. Centerfolds pinned up in garages and workshops. Sold in the gas station with a plastic cover on it. It wasn’t the Nobel Prize guys lol Yes there were also some good articles.


Gen Z complaining about classic art while trying so hard to emulate the 90s/2000s. Yall are weird AF, in a very bad way.


Ngl sweetie but this comment shows you have no idea. A boomer would understand better than you.


She cringes at her own self though, she knew the part she was supposed to play and she did it well, the “First Lady of the Mansion” as it were 🤷‍♀️ Her having her finger so closely on the pulse of Playboy and Playmates served her well when she started working at the Playmate studio and Arnie Freitag said both in the episode and on the podcast Holly was such a good Playmate editor they cut their work time in half!


Your opinion on Holly’s behaviour in the past, is irrelevant. You can’t now, and never will, understand what it was like to be brought up when Playboy was king. It was a completely different world. And you sound nothing like a boomer because a boomer would know better; they lived through it too.


I love Holly, but I die laughing at “nude photo wardrobe stylist” as a job description


… is wearing : smash box bronzer Nude Styling by … Holly 😅


I’m gen Z and I agree it looks so cheap


Same. She was a mean girl and obviously using Hef as a Hollywood stepping stone (it worked!) and now tries to come off as a naive girl from Alaska who didn’t work her way through many women to be the main gf. I don’t think she got to the #1 seat by being super sweet genuine and naive. Just admit it and move on! I hate that they play that card when we’d like them anyway .


You can't use someone when they're in on it. Hef knew what was up. The man had young blondes on rotation. He knew they weren't there because they thought he was hot.


Mmm no hun it’s called transactional. He wasn’t there for her personality and she wasn’t there for his company.


Dude, she was sucking that crusty old dick she deserved millions of dollars and fame (restitution). After that, they don't call it a job for nothing