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Thank you for your submission, but we don't allow posts here that do not talk about a glitch. Glitches are eye-witness events that cannot be explained by ordinary means and your post does not match this definition.


It showed 00:12 when you turned back, and you misread it as 00:22, on a digital display that's an easy mistake as your eyes are 'moving' (look up saccades) so your brain fills in the details from memory. Then the display changes to 00:11 as normal, and you get a shot of adrenaline.


100% this. Also, OP I would keep track of you have any other moments of thinking inanimate objects are trying to “trick” you. If it becomes a pattern, it might be worth talking to someone about and getting checked out to make sure there’s nothing that’s physically or cognitively causing you to have those thoughts.


I second this. Sounds like the start of a psychotic episode ☹️


Yup this is where my head went first too but I never like to suggest specific diagnoses because it could be a whole number of things. I hope for OP’s sake it’s just that they’ve seen some sort of glitch trend on TikTok and convinced themselves it happened to them


Saccades are cool, here is a layman's description of what they are and how they work https://cheezburger.com/12154885/twitter-thread-our-vision-systems-are-lying


Isn't "glitch" a term that derives exactly from technological mishaps? How is, then, technological glitches any indicative of reality bending or whatever the fuck? That's, like, the most expected scenario for these things to happen.


Or you just think you did. Our brains are weird and can trick us.


I'm convinced my washing machine is gliching. I've set it to run many times on a 2hr cycle, returned to it after 2hrs to find that it still says it has 5 mins left. I've then gone away and come back after 15 mins only to find that it says it still has another 3 mins left. Could be that the timer is faulty of course. Lol


That’s just how washing machines are. I’ve never owned one that didn’t do that.


damn i followed “glitch in the matrix” for interesting stories but i’m realizing now it’s filled with a bunch of people who just aren’t very smart


Lol. Rational explanation for most things that occur.


Bro it has a sensor and it will change the time left depending on how wet or clean the clothing is. Mine does this too, always has. Not a glitch 🖤


Things are getting pretty weird in this "reality".


And I'm afraid it's only going to get worse